Ally Loprete

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 235:34:43
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Career Strategist for Parents, Ally Loprete is on a mission to bring 1 million parents home. CALL IN LIVE with your challenging questions! Tuesdays at noon PST 800-449-8686


  • Coming Out Into Your Truth

    26/03/2014 Duration: 57min

    It's my birthday, and I am coming out. Nope, I am not gay. But like those who are, the best way to embrace your unique value with dignity and self love is to make the most important purchase of your life and own the rights to your personal truth. My friend, Rick Clemons, known as "The Coming Out Coach" taught me that, and he joins us on this special show. As you know, I am on a mission to bring home 1 million parents. I have been incredibly focused on this bold endeavor which has delightfully led me to connecting with compassionate and purposeful parents like you across the world. I have been hell-bent on helping you to claim your freedom so that you are able to adequately parent, provide and nurture your families, as well as yourselves, on your own terms. While deep in our determination to achieve what we have set out to accomplish, it is easy to lose track of our core intuitions... and I am no exception. This very often happens to the best of us when we become fearful of taking risks or, as in my case, taki

  • Get ur Kids 2 Listen w/o Nagging!

    26/03/2014 Duration: 57min

    How different would your day-to-day be if you never had to nag your kids again? What a happy 2012 it would be! I hope that you had a wonderful holiday celebration with your families! My greatest wish is that you gifted yourself with some much needed YOU time before the year ended. There is nothing better than to hit the ground running with intense enthusiasm for a bright new year after being completely refreshed from a relaxing holiday. Are you laughing yet? The reality is that the holidays can be pretty stressful for everyone - especially for parents, and even more so for those who have chosen to stay at home. Somehow we manage to become more run down from our vacations than from our double careers. You wouldn't be alone if you found yourself secretly counting the seconds before the kids return to their school schedules. Does this sound a bit more familiar? What if I told you that I had a gift for you that would make your job as a parent a whole lot easier? Imagine being rid of daily annoyances like toddler

  • Winter is over...

    25/03/2014 Duration: 59min

    Winter is over... but our hearts remain Frozen. The message behind this chillingly powerful Disney animated film is resonating with children of all ages (and their parents...) so WHY ALL THE HYPE? It seems like everyone has "Frozen Fever" these days and if your house is anything like mine, Idina Menzel's gorgeous trills have been replayed constantly to mollify the demands of our little ones. We may complain that we can't escape the over sung song from our every day lives...but the truth is... we can't seem to stop SINGING the darn thing ourselves. So... let's just admit it. WE FEEL FREE when we allow ourselves to sing LET IT GO full out in our very best soprano belts! The song is liberating, thrilling and downright BEAUTIFUL...just like the message itself. Apparently, a severe climate change was needed. Contrary to wacky theories about the "controversial hidden meanings" in the film, I don't believe that this is propaganda for any ONE GROUP, but instead, a story of hope ... for MANY. The snow and ice a

  • Soulful Sales (4 those who hate selling)

    18/03/2014 Duration: 59min

    Do you CHOKE when it comes to SALES? Everybody obsesses to some extent or another about sales and having sales conversations, but I have seen far too many entrepreneurs with big visions BLOW IT with the wrong kind of selling tactic. Aggressiveness is NOT always ideal. However, apprehension can be the reason you are not seeing the cash-flow that you and your business are worth. "I FREEZE UP." "I HATE SALES." No matter what you do, or how good you are at it, asking for the sale is a challenge for most people. You are a passionate entrepreneur who's been working hard non-stop, maybe for a year or two...maybe far longer. You want to make GOOD money doing what you love - you CRAVE to make a living using your natural gifts and talents. Or, perhaps you are hesitating on your new "at home" career because you simply can't get passed the "selling" aspect. YIKES! DON'T GIVE UP! The world NEEDS what you have to offer! Imagine closing more deals, making more money, and actually enjoying the sales process because yo

  • Sane Spaces, Happy Faces, Safe Places

    11/03/2014 Duration: 59min

    Preserve Your Sanity. As parents, you don't get to have an OFF day. You don't get to be sick, or sad, or lazy or confused. You don't get to make mistakes. Or have blinding migraine headaches. You had plenty of time to have untimely medical conditions, fainting spells, or emotional freak outs BEFORE you CHOSE to bring a child into this world. You probably shouldn't have any mood altering medications, mid-day cocktails or "medicinal" escapes as you need to be 100% responsible for little people who are now depending on you FOR EVERYTHING. Godforbid you screw up because the world will be watching, iPhone recording, judging you VIRALLY and branding you as an UN-FIT parent. Ridiculous? Or ...Reality? You've probably seen the videos. A pregnant mother with 4 kids drives her family into an ocean. A young mother on a bus can't focus her eyes or keep from falling over without the help of her young daughter...probably a good-for-nothing-junkie comments say. Someone should take her child away from her, but first, let's

  • Entitlement vs Endowment

    05/03/2014 Duration: 57min

    What should a busy overworked mom do when she is most overwhelmed? Blow everything off and go to Disneyland.   And that is exactly what I will be doing tomorrow. Why? BECAUSE I CAN.   I admit it. That overworked and overloaded mom lately is me. Ever since my rocket touched the 2012 atmosphere, my business and my family life has hit warp speed. My schedule is booked with private coaching until March, the kids are operating with a new level of nutty energy (as they are most likely ready to get back to school), and since we are busting out of the teeny little condo that my husband and I bought when we were first married,  we have decided to sell it and look for a bigger place.   There is nothing drastic, dire or tragic here.  In fact, everything that is occurring is due to growth, expansion, and prosperity - all things to be grateful for. this fortunate and privileged mom really... complaining? The truth is when we are knee deep in the chaos, and we haven't left room to reflect each day, we get easily

  • Strategize. Succeed. SPARKLE

    05/03/2014 Duration: 57min

    What is the SPARKLE EFFECT? Much like the butterfly that has the ability to alter the weather with a simple flap of its wings, we have the power to create change...within ourselves, in the children we raise, in the businesses we build, and in the world we live in. It all starts with a simple mind-shift. The Sparkle Effect is a lot like the Butterfly Effect... only fancier. Last week I talked about a profound experience I'd gotten fully engrossed in, and how amidst a busy schedule I'd found myself reaching out to a complete stranger who was in the process of breaking out of a violent and abusive marriage and rebuilding a new life for herself and her 3 children. Learning about Chrissy Harmon's brush with death after being beaten by her husband rocked my core, had me up until 3am desperately trying to track her down, and ultimately landed her a possible opportunity to get massive support through a reality series on OWN TV. Listen to last week's show now--->. There is no better way for us to break out of our enti

  • Weather the Storm to Reach that Rainbow

    05/03/2014 Duration: 57min

    Greetings from my new home! I am a bit late in getting this message out to you because I have been busy moving my family into my dream house. For years we have been busting at the seams of the little condo that my husband and I bought when we were first married. Since becoming a growing family of four we have been striving to afford a bigger place. Job losses for both of us as well as the declining real estate market meant that we were destined to stay trapped for years in that tiny condo box for years. At times it felt hopeless, but we didn't give up. We have finally arrived. As laborious and demanding as the journey was, I now feel as if I am standing on the top of Mt. Everest. I barely remember the turmoil and tears that got us here. All I can feel right now is pure gratification...and a little bit of shock that I actually made it. I can't wait to talk more about my journey with you on Friday! Will you celebrate with me? There is more to celebrate... Several of my friends this year have been nominated for

  • See the Solutions in front of You

    05/03/2014 Duration: 57min

    What are you willing to give up? If you are still daydreaming about leaving your corporate day job to: a) stay home with your kids b) be your own boss c) have more freedom or d) all of the above Why haven't you made that leap? Are you... ... scared that you will not find a comparable income to the one that you are currently making? ... scared of losing your current lifestyle? ... scared that you won't be able to pay the bills? ... scared that you are not capable of being your own boss? ... just plain scared? Doers are daring. As scary as it may be, there comes a point where you must ask yourself what sacrifices you are willing to make in order to inspire change. Last week I did a live broadcast from my dream home for the first time. If you listened in, you know how happy I have been. I feel proud because I know how hard my husband and I have worked to earn this. However this house didn't just fall into our laps as a result of our hard work. We still had to take action to obtain our dream home. Although that m

  • Master Etiquette and Self-Confidence

    05/03/2014 Duration: 57min

    You want to be your own boss, but do you see yourself as an expert? Packaging your expertise won't be easy if you don't have a clear perspective of the package you are already in. How you share your message with the world will determine how you are able to truly monetize your work/life experiences and it starts with what you are already projecting. If u hav tIpos n missppellins in ur soshal medea n email corresspondance, you might be conveying a misperception about your capabilities and who you really are. Build your Expert Empire. Are you discounting your knowledge and your expertise? If you don't believe it, you can't expect others to believe it either. Unfortunately we can't just snap our fingers and magically acheive the ideal confidence level that we need to run our business with ease and impact... or can we? Fake it until you make it. Feel like a fraud? It's what the top leaders in your industry have been doing for years. Start by dressing the part, portraying the professional you aim to be and embodyin

  • Breakthru 2 Raise Happy Healthy Kids

    05/03/2014 Duration: 58min

    New Trends for a New Generation of Kids What was important to our parents when we were growing up isn't necessarily a priority for our children. For example, learning and retaining information has become less important as a life skill because information is instantly and freely available via the web. IT skills are less valued as devices become so much more intuitive to use. The newer skills which we need to teach now are more self-developmental. Children should understand the power of teamwork, the real value of sharing and the deep fulfillment that comes from making a contribution to the world. These same skills that are taught to us as adults to help us improve our home lives and create success at work can be applied when raising our children. As entrepreneurs in business we already know the importance of acting on our ideas, creating our own opportunities and taking balanced risks. These are the exact same qualities our children need to be successful 'entrepreneurs of life'. Why wait until we reach adultho

  • Open Coaching Day for MomPreneurs

    05/03/2014 Duration: 58min

    Choose to Live in a World of Progress and Forward Motion Want the life you are in. Easier said than done... or is it? Some people make it look so effortless. The truth is that it can become effortless once you have made a habit out of it. Ahhhh, yes. Creating a new habit is where you might be getting hung up. If getting a new perspective is all you need, that means its time to declutter your current perception of things. You must train yourself. Letting go of limited beliefs simply requires re-training and refining. All too often we become trapped by misconceptions that our destiny is determined by some acutely miserable incidents that life throws our way. ...unless you choose to believe that these "incidents" are disguised as something else. Blessings? Opportunities? Lessons? Use your creative force to thrive on these endeavors. We can't be afraid to trust that we possess a powerful spirit - the same spirit that helped us to create and nurture our children. We can use this empowered spirit to help us apply f

  • Create Profitability from Unemployment

    05/03/2014 Duration: 57min

    Unemployment might be the best thing that ever happened to you. We have all heard these stories from some of the most successful people in the world. Their journey almost always starts off with unexpected loss, sickness or misfortune. I lost my job.... My house was foreclosed... I was diagnosed with a life altering illness.... I went through a horrible divorce... Dare I say it? Is it possible that hardships and losses have something to do with success and properity? Yes it does....that is, if you have the perspective to make your stumbling blocks into building blocks. Listen for the Cha-Ching in your Challenges This week I will be bringing on a good friend and terrific public speaker, Alan Sherwood, a fellow host of the increasingly popular weekly show, Successfully Unemployed. Alan will be joining me on the show this week to help answer some of the most critical questions about how to find stable and fulfilling employment. Together we will be talking about his valuable threefold perspective that can provide

  • Spark and Hustle with me and Tory !

    05/03/2014 Duration: 57min

    I am hosting the GREATEST Event of the year and YOU are invited to be my guest! You've heard me talk about how Spark & Hustle transformed me last year. You may have even watched as I've grown my own business and brand into something extraordinary. It all started when I attended Spark & Hustle. It is almost disturbing to think that there was actually a time when I had considered NOT ATTENDING. I had a million excuses... It's too expensive.... I am too busy with the kids... There will be too much work waiting for me when I get back... It's too hard to find a sitter I trust... I might not like my roommate... I won't learn anything I don't already know... I don't have anything to wear... I need to stay focused on the new diet I just started... REALLY??? Seriously. I was looking for any excuse not to attend. The truth? I was afraid. Ever feel like this? I had been working my tush off for 4 years without any significant results. I was tired, I was spread thin, I was sick of my hard work not paying off. I di

  • The 100th Show Reunion Episode

    05/03/2014 Duration: 57min

    I love a good celebration. A pat on the back for a job well done is all I need to keep going on most days. Even through the most challenging times, I always know that my week shows will lift my spirits and bring me the clarity that I need to do my job to the best of my ability. Broadcasting to you is always the highlight of my week. Together we have set up a space filled with strength, compassion and unlimited possibilities. You are my rock. This episode we will celebrate 100 episodes of This Little Parent Stayed Home together. We've come a long way baby! The best way to celebrate it is to look back, reflect on our journey and get ready for 100 more. Want to know what I have planned for this week? Not a darn thing. I've been told by my darling producer, Kelly St. Clair, that I need to sit back, relax, and trust that the show will just "be there" for me as I have for everyone else. What fun! I am looking forward to being pleasantly surprised! It's going to be an EXCELLENT week!

  • Home is Where The Heart Is

    05/03/2014 Duration: 57min

    It takes hands to build a house, but only hearts can build a home. What does real estate have to do with building a career from home? Well since you asked... When you become a work-at-home parent, your home becomes more than just a place to raise your family. It becomes your office, your sanctuary and in some cases, a potential for earning investment income that could help to fund your business. Your home ownership situation could be an imposition or an advantage depending on the amount of knowledge that you have. More than half of the country’s population owns a home, so understanding the current housing market could be critical to your game. The amount of foreclosures and short sales are at an all time high. If you have been forced into one of these situations, you will be looking to get back into the housing market at the most appropriate time. How do you know when the time is right? Having the right information about the housing trends will guide you to when you can buy again as well as help you see the b

  • Hire Yourself For Your Dream Job

    05/03/2014 Duration: 57min

    Make the world a better place and get paid to do so. If there is one thing that inspires me, it is seeing a mom who had an idea that would make the world just a little brighter, a little more colorful, and a little more cheerful. Pair that with a mom who needs to create a source of revenue that allows her the option of making her family her number one priority and she's got herself a DREAM JOB. Wouldn't you love to find out how she did it? Say Please was started by life-long friends and fellow moms Judi Willard and Mary Fuller, because they were tired of seeing products being peddled for kids and adults with messages like: "My favorite accessory is my dad’s credit card", ‘‘Boys are stupid", or “I’m a Biotch.” They decided to create a company that produced greeting cards, clothing and other accessories that featured positive messages, but in a hip and humorous way. Any time you venture into a brand-new-never-done-before-creative business idea, it takes intense vision, blind risk ...and a whole lot of drive - t

  • How 2 b a Profitable Stay-At-Home Parent

    04/03/2014 Duration: 01h01min

    Tighten the belt? Ugh. A job is ONE WAY to create income...but it isn't the only way. On This Little Parent Stayed Home Radio, we teach you how to prioritize kids and home...without losing that second income. Investments? If you are over 30, time becomes an issue. A business of your own? Yes! Your own business could make the difference between sinking or swimming in today's economy. It could be a part-time, home-based venture. And more money means more options, more freedom, and more FUN! Case studies of other mom business leaders who solved problems capitalizing on their interests: Going Big! Sarah Blakey of Spanx, Debbie Fields of Mrs. Fields, Anita Roddick of the Body Shop Staying Small! Kris Whitenberg of, Dawn Gluskin of SolTec Electronics. And, the classics…day care, baked items, jewelry, etc. Think it, ink it, test it, and change it! One of my favorite Mom Business experts, Ellen Rohr, will be returning to the show to share a few fast-to-cash business ideas that you can start qu

  • Fitness for the Busy Career Mom!

    02/03/2014 Duration: 57min

    Me? Work out? You must be joking. Do I look like someone who likes to sweat? It was as though I had an allergic reaction to fitness- for most of my life. Joining a gym seemed like the dumbest idea and the biggest waste of money. EVER. Unless there were Broadway show tunes playing and I had my tap shoes on, I didn't like being active. AT ALL. Running or even walking on a treadmill was pure torture for me. I'd heard people talk about the endorphin rush they got when working out, but I was sure it was a myth. Then one day I became one of them... a fitness junkie. It started with the desire to have an uninterrupted shower - ("you mean, I can put the kids in the gym daycare and just...shower?") and then I made a deal with myself that I could only shower if I had walked for 10 minutes on the treadmill. It wasn't long before I was enjoying my 1 hour workout SO MUCH, that I was actually sad to have to end my time at the gym. Yep. All true. Not a myth. I drank the Kool Aide. This week. I am going to share with you my

  • Watch Your Garden Grow

    02/03/2014 Duration: 57min

    Back from the Blast! Last week's show was a hoot, wasn't it? It was exactly what I needed to let loose and feel more connected to my inner geek. Sometimes its neccessary to deviate from course a bit and shake things up. Thank you so much for your wonderful letters and participation! Melissa M. writes: "I needed this! It not only gave me reason to get out there and hit the gym, it gave me permission to enjoy listening to music that is mine." Amanda P. says: "That was truly hilarious! Ally, I have been waiting for you to break out that singing voice of yours. That was the most fun I've ever had listening to your show." Mendy G. says: "I was listening to your podcast and DYING! I ALSO have Rent on my music playlist I'm a huge Broadway playlist nerd..." Miss the Live show? Listen to the replay here---> This week our beloved Kelly will not be able to join us, but in her place I am thrilled to introduce you to another one of my fabulous staff members: Roz Walker. You may not realize it, but Roz is behind the scenes

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