Career Strategist for Parents, Ally Loprete is on a mission to bring 1 million parents home. CALL IN LIVE with your challenging questions! Tuesdays at noon PST 800-449-8686
Congruency is Crucial
02/09/2014 Duration: 01h29sI believe in fakin' it 'til you make it, but the truth is, you have to be able to convince YOURSELF of where you are headed or you won't go anywhere. Check your Body Language You could have an uber powerful message, but if the delivery of your message is weak and tentative, this contradiction of yourself is sending mixed messages out into the universe. (no wonder your results are askew!) The way that you present your brand, your business, and yourself has everything to do with genuine QUALITY of your movement. In other words, your gestures, voice tonality, stance, and composure MUST vibrate authentically with WHAT YOU SHARE OF YOURSELF or you will not be effective. Reclaim your Power with Consistency Take a look at the most powerful leaders in your industry. What qualities do they have that you most resonate with? Make a mental note to emanate them... (and tune into the show today for a more in depth explanation about WHY these leadership qualities most speak to you...) The one thing our super star icons h
Building Your Brand with Podcasting
26/08/2014 Duration: 01h03sIt’s time to jump on the podcasting bandwagon, people. Or is it? There are more than 200,000 English speaking podcasts today and over a billion subscriptions to podcasting on iTunes alone. Add to the hundreds of millions of people walking around with smartphones -all podcast-enabled- and you have yourself a pretty big reason to join the podcasting trend. As a business owner, you'd be a fool NOT TO. The evolution of small business marketing and the onslaught of podcasting as a medium allows you to reach a far larger audience, but with so many podcasts popping up these days --- let's face it--- the competition has gotten steep. Instead of creating your own podcast, consider being a valued guest for others. Why not? They need guests and you need exposure. Being a podcasting guest can potentially generate more subscribers and sales leads, as well as improve upon your own message and brand. While this is a terrific way to take advantage of someone else's dime and platform, you must be sure that you are bringing
Sometimes Mommy just needs... Daddy.
19/08/2014 Duration: 01h03sLike today. The first day of Kindergarten for my youngest baby. It's not as if I didn't prepare. I've been ready for eight years...or so I thought. This was SUPPOSED TO BE the day that I would be able to get back to myself, my sense of peace, and the voices in my head. A chance to revisit the woman I was BEFORE I became a parent... Ironically, I have never felt MORE like a parent than I do right now. I have become outlandishly aware of the dubiousness that surrounds me as a mother who just graduated her baby to big boy. Did I pack him enough to eat? Should I have looked for a school with a half day kinder program? Are his new shoes going to be comfortable for him? Will he be HATING me when he comes home? Do I really have to go through all of this AGAIN tomorrow? Even more ironically, I don't remember having much of a purpose or even a clear vision of WHO I was UNTIL I became a mother. So, remembering a more independent me is a little more complicated than I expected. Thank Goodness for Daddy. The experts
What Robin Williams Meant to Us
12/08/2014 Duration: 01h02sOn Today's show... I am thrilled to welcome back my good friend, Master Life Coach and Relationship Expert, David Essel who has helped thousands of people from around the world achieve their greatest goals in every area of life. From radically increasing income, to freedom from addictions, David helps people dramatically by teaching how to have a deep personal connection with themselves. In light of Robin William's deeply tragic passing, we will be opening up the phone lines to share tribute to our talented hero. He was a beloved actor, making us laugh and making us cry-- and giving so much of himself so generously. We never really know the pain that someone may wear behind the mask, do we? "No matter what people tell you, words and ideas can change the world." - Robin Williams, Dead Poet's Society
Word of Mouth
05/08/2014 Duration: 01h01sWord of Mouth Cost Effective Marketing with BETTER Results Who says you can't compete with the advertising budgets of bigger businesses? Research shows that small businesses are BOOMING due to better customer service, more personal engagement, and strong word of mouth. Corporate entities simply can't compete with that kind of intimacy and direct connection. There is No Better Form of Advertising While there’s no single formula for word-of-mouth success, no one can deny the power of trusted referrals. An estimated 80% of small business customers are facilitated through trusted networks and personal recommendations. Research shows that word-of-mouth marketing is by far the most effective (and economical!) form of advertising there is. Even with the explosion of review applications (such as Yelp) research clearly demonstrates that word-of-mouth—product or service recommendations- made by people that you know and trust—is still the most effective way to win new customers. I’ve experienced the power of word-of
Executing Your Million Dollar Idea
15/07/2014 Duration: 58minSometimes the most practical concepts are the most prolific. You don't have to be a Rhodes Scholar to come up with an innovative new concept. If you are like most people, you have an infinite sea of fresh and ingenious ideas swimming around your head. In fact, you just might be sitting on top of a gold mine--- if only --- you had the confidence (or the wherewithal!!) to dig into the cold hard surface and reveal it's value. What do they got that you ain't got? Nothing. That's what. Ideas are a dime a dozen, but the truest innovators are the ones who step up to the plate and give it their best shot. YOUR ideas could be worth a fortune if executed properly, but are worth NOTHING locked away in a vault. If you can conceive it, you can convey it. The way that you perceive your most asymmetrical experiences can be the guiding factor in your very own "brainchild". Yet you must believe that no one else can fill your shoes in bringing the concept to life. If you choose to let a brilliant idea die on the vine, then
The "no-time" and "no-money" opportunist
08/07/2014 Duration: 01h02sAs a talk radio host who interviews expert guests, I am usually the one asking the questions.... but...on several recent occasions the roles have been reversed and I am the one in the hot seat. (I admit, I love being asked to tell my story). Last week one of the interviewers gave me the above nickname, and ---I have to say--- I was flattered. It didn't matter that I had little cash to invest in my business or a mere six hours a week --kid-free-- to get work done. I was still hell-bent on making hay while the sun was shining. No super powers here. Let go of the assumption that successful people have been given some kind of super human quality to reach their accomplishments. By believing that--- you are basically giving yourself an excuse to COP OUT. There is no secret ingredient, no magic pill, or ---at least in my case---no big reveal of a "trust fund". I used the same tools that are available to YOU. I kept myself in check. This moves into a realm way beyond personal accountability. With only six hours to
Happiness... it's pretty serious stuff.
24/06/2014 Duration: 59minLet's get HAPPY! If you REALLY want to accomplish great things in your business, your family and your personal life... then you NEED to make happiness your #1 Goal. Scientific proof that HAPPINESS makes a difference Pursuing happiness leads not only to happiness itself, but also to SUCCESS, according to Shawn Achor, author of The Happiness Advantage. "People who cultivate a positive mind-set perform better in the face of challenge," said Achor. "I call this the 'happiness advantage' -- every business outcome shows improvement when the brain is positive." Use Positive Thinking to get BETTER results... in every area of YOUR life. A happy face alone does not cause change, but implementing "happiness habits" will cultivate more positive outcomes in business, ease stress, improve physical health, and more. 5 Ways to move more positively through life: 1. Be more MINDFUL. Stay mentally aware of the negative conversations that you are having with yourself... not just about you, but about others. This positive shi
Time Management & Marketing- The Musical
17/06/2014 Duration: 01h06sHow to Defy Gravity... and TIME Of all the ridiculous promises that business gurus make... (Make loads of money DOING NOTHING! Make money while you SLEEP! Become a 6 figure income earner in 5 days...) MY GUARANTEE might sound the MOST absurd of all. You too can run a successful home business... in ONLY 6 hours a week! Tune in this week to find out HOW I am able to make such an ABSURD guarantee. After 8 long-- amazing-- tear-my-hair-out --STRESSFUL (but wonderful!) years, I've reached quite a milestone. In the Fall, my youngest will be entering kindergarten and leaving me with an empty nest. I am happy to report... WE SURVIVED. In between the tastes of bittersweet tears (and the secret high fives I've been exchanging with my husband)... I admit... I am BEYOND EXCITED to see what can be accomplished with an EXTRA 34 hours A WEEK!! In retrospect.... I believe more than ever before that if ANYONE can defy the laws of the universe... (including making time stand still)'s the "mom leaders" of the world.
Master your "Mommy Brain"
10/06/2014 Duration: 59minOur minds don't work the same way as others. Nope. You are not crazy. The term "mommy brain" is not just an abstract notion that comes from lack of sleep, scatterbrain, and forgetfulness. Studies have shown that women's brains actually GROW during the early years of motherhood. Take THAT, indignity! Before you check yourself into an institution for LOSING IT ...completely, the loss of memories for names, trivia and other ordinary things that come from giving birth... IT MAY JUST be that the brains of new moms simply have new priorities. It's true. Your "Mommy Brain" has made you WISER. In fact, according to new research, there is a significant amount of growth in a number of brain regions that motivate a mother to take care of her baby, feel rewarded when the baby smiles at her, and fill her with positive emotions from simple interactions with her children. It's not a coincidence that these are the very same brain areas that are also involved in planning and foresight, creativity, resourcefulness, inventiv
Are your kids business savvy?
03/06/2014 Duration: 59minAre your kids business savvy? Not every adult is business savvy... and neither is every kid. But that doesn't negate our NEED to earn money. There is just no way around it. Once we become adults, working and earning is a REQUIREMENT for survival. Fortunately, there are countless ways to earn an income --and-- the number of ways we can now earn from HOME is still increasing. Whether you are innately a LEADER or a TEAM PLAYER-- there is an important place for you in this world. It's never too early to help your children find their place in the real world as well. It's the Summer of Young Money! We've covered many aspects of this topic before, so if you find yourself with some extra time this week, listen back to past shows Kid Entrepreneurs and Family Hustle with special guest expert Sarah Cook of Raising CEO Kids. Also, it's a GREAT time to revisit the episode where favorite business expert Ellen Rohr revealed how to keep your kids busy this summer... AND EARNING EXTRA CASH in the process!! Listen to Summer Ac
Family Hustle
31/05/2014 Duration: 58minWe've talked about everything else. Time to make some money. There is just no other way around it. You need to start bringing in an income. But not just any income-- one that matches your hard work and value. You have the idea, but now you need to turn it into cash. You've bartered, you've sacrificed, you've made that leap into self-employment, but you need to see green, and you need to see it N.O.W. I just returned from Tory Johnson's Spark and Hustle Conference, and I am fired up! Forget the small talk, and lets get serious. What matters now is the TENACITY, the HUSTLE, and the MOOLAH. Its time for you to obtain the missing knowledge that is necessary to cut through the crap and conquer any road blocks you may have in your way. Money may not buy happiness, but it will buy you the freedom to make your own decisions and never have to report to another boss, other than yourself, again. Join me this week when I share with you what I learned about how to hustle and how to bring your strength of purpose directly
Raising Entrepreneurial Kids
31/05/2014 Duration: 58minThese kids went from a-b-c to C-E-O. Have we been so consumed with our own home-based businesses that will allow us to take care of our kids, that we might have overlooked the notion of raising them to take care of themselves? We can play a large role in the kind of future our children have by exposing them to our own careers and engaging them in the freedoms that comes along with being financially independent. As an added bonus, if you are in need of some help funding your family's active lifestyle, perhaps you don't need to look past the little tenants residing in your home. Putting your tween on your payroll will not only provide you with outstanding tax benefits, it will also encourage their entrepreneurial spirit and teach them valuable financial lessons along the way. I've invited back my good friend, Sarah L. Cook - owner of Raising CEO Kids to Co-Host with me this week.Together we will be interviewing some of the most inspirational kiddos this generations has ever known. I am so excited to introduce y
Sibling Rivalry
27/05/2014 Duration: 59minParents, Don't Fuel it. Defuse it. Let’s face it – sibling spats are a part of life. In fact, sibling rivalry is not only inevitable, it’s a healthy way for kids to learn how to compromise and navigate relationships. But on the downside, the constant bickering can also wreak havoc on Mom’s nerves. While even the occasional disagreement is normal, and even healthy, true sibling fighting is a highly emotional issue that can negatively impact family relationships, even into the adult years. So, why can’t our children just get along? “Moooommmmm, he hit me!” This may not be music to your ears, but the fact is that WE AS PARENTS are often to blame in unknowingly encouraging sibling fighting. Sibling Harmony is Attainable All is not lost. With a few tweaks to your parenting style, you can make a big difference in how your children get a long with one another. On Today's show... A favorite guest on the past, Amy McCready, of Positive Parenting Solutions, will share solutions that will help strengthen family bo
When Life Throws a Curveball
27/05/2014 Duration: 58minTime. Remember when it was expendable? If there is one challenge that we all share as parents and entrepreneurs its in managing our schedules: Daily tasks, keeping our children alive and well, parenting to our best ability, attending to our home, our small business, our own do others cope? One thing is certain, you don't need me to tell you that you need to have more control of the chaos... you already crave it with every fiber of your being. What you need is a solution. A step by step strategy that will allow you to stay present in your time with your children, keep confident and attentive when working with clients, retain confidence and conviction while growing your business, and earn the right to sleep peacefully at night. I come across this challenge so often with my personal coaching clients that I thought it was time to address it on the show. There is good news here. First, you are not the only one who struggles to keep it all together- that should give you the plausibility to breath
Goodbye Competition Hello Collaboration
27/05/2014 Duration: 59minThere is power in numbers. When I first created, it was because I had a dream to be able to stay home and take care of my family. I knew that I couldn't do it alone, and that there had to be others who had the same dream. My vision for was that it would be a collaborative organization - one that would serve a purpose for many others like me. The more parents I could get involved- the more we would accomplish for ourselves and our children. I had dreams of validation, purpose and impact. Nearly 4 years later, I still feel the energy from all of you. It’s feeding itself. We can see very clearly what we have already accomplished and how much more we will grow and succeed as a team. Parents are a force to be reckoned with. We share the same philosophy. In this virtual world of intra-personal communication, you must believe that there is a force that binds us all together. It's the love we have for our children. Because, let’s face it, none of us knew this kind of love until we be
Meet Film & TV Celeb Mom, Kaitlin Olson
21/05/2014 Duration: 57minA Mom is a Mom is a Mom... But my favorite kind of mom is one with a sense of humor. Which is why I am over the moon about having a good laugh with my dear friend, Kaitlin Olson on Friday's show. You know her from her hit television comedy series, It's Always Sunny in Phillidelphia on FX, or from her recurring roles on Curb Your Enthusiasm, Meet the Marks, The Drew Carey Show, Miss Match and countless others. Yep, she's a celebrity, and I'd be lying if I said I wasn't proud to know her although not for the reason you might think. If there is one person who has stayed completely grounded despite her fame in Hollywoodland, Kaitlin is the girl. Its not often you meet someone who has it all- beauty, brains, talent, and love. She's the full package... and she's not all that different from me and you. We are in for a real treat!
Back to School
21/05/2014 Duration: 58minWe are Moms. It's our job to be emotional. Let's take off our business hats and focus on the kids this week. Since we are our own bosses, we can absolutely make that decision if we want to ...and commit to it....guilt free! (Its one of the many perks to being self-employed). Now that we've established that, lets get back to the kids. For many, its back to school week! Whether you send your kids to public school, private school, or home school- we have each chosen what we believe is the best method for educating our children and helping them to find their place in this world. As their caretakers we have made ourselves responsible in virtually everything: Language, manners, safety, resourcefulness, discipline, curiousity, creativity. Empathy. EVERYTHING. (I am exhausted just thinking about it!) No matter what education system you have chosen for your child, it is important that we include the importance of taking risks. In each stage of life, infant to adult, its been proven time and time again that INTELLIGENC
Parents in the Arts
21/05/2014 Duration: 58minThey say art is a way of life...but can you live it? There are people who have spent their lifetime making sacrifices for their art. Why not do the same for our children, our businesses and our ideal way of life? The "struggling artist" very often gets a bad reputation for being poor, irresponsible, or unclear about what their priorities should be. But consider for a moment what we can learn from this generation's artist. Take away the desire to "make money" and replace it with the desire to "make art" and you'll see exactly how its possible to live beneath your means in a way that makes you happy and filled with joy on a daily basis. Struggling to survive in a bad economy? Ask a stage actress who has been living in her own personal recession for her entire career. In massive business debt? Ask a theater company how they've managed to survive performing to only half-filled houses. Feeling empty or undernourished from being forced to live a more frugal lifestyle? Ask the poet how going for a walk in the
Tough Love
20/05/2014 Duration: 01h00sDon't Kid Yourself. If you feel like you are always working...but never really accomplishing anything... it may be because you are PROCRASTINATING... which is usually masqueraded by something that SEEMS like work, but is really just a facade for self-sabotage. Don't Freak Out, Just Fix it. Whether in a corporate office, or a home office, there is always a mess to clean up --something unexpected that might temporarily throw you off of your perfectly planned schedule. This is inevitable... this is life. Take a good look at HOW YOU handle these detours. Spilled milk can take 15 seconds to clean up --or-- it could lead to a complete mopping of the downstairs, a reorganization of your junk drawers ...and a yard sale. If you find yourself derailing from your intentions on a daily basis, it could be that you are avoiding something imperative about your business, or what the SUCCESS of it might represent for you. Are you a perfectionist or a procrastinist? If you are still waiting for those perfect conditions to