Collaborative Leadership in Education with Oakland University School of Education and Human Services' Dr. Robert Maxfield, Dr. Suzanne Klein, and Dr. Linda Tyson discussing current topics in education leadership and teacher leadership.
Volume 1 Episode21: Professionalizing the Profession
04/04/2008Pam and Bob talk about the perceptions of professionalism in education in general and in relationship to teacher leaders in specific.
Volume 1 Episode18: Delivering Empty Boxes
26/03/2008Pam and Bob follow up on the Galileo Institute's 3rd installment in the series Clearing the Way for Teacher Leaders with Dr. Joe Murphy.
Volume 1 Episode19: Conversations with Robert Martin
26/03/2008Pam and Bob talk to Robert Martin, Consultant, Oakland Intermediate School District.
Volume 1 Episode20: Nancy Flanagan, Teacher of the Year
26/03/2008Today Bob and Pam have a chance to talk to Nancy Flanagan, an educator with many distinctions during her 30 years of teaching, including Teacher of the Year.
Volume 1 Episode17: Promoting Teacher Leadership with Dr. Joe Murphy
10/03/2008Pam and Bob interview Dr. Joe Murphy as their third installment in their series "Clearing the Way for Teacher Leadership."
Volume 1 Episode16: Pam & Bob are joined by Dr. Bill Keane
25/02/2008Pam & Bob talk to Dr. Bill Keane of Oakland University's Department of Educational Leadership.
Volume 1 Episode14: New Year's Resolutions
06/02/2008Pam and Bob share their professional and personal resolutions for 2008.
Volume 1 Episode15: Conversations with Chriss Golden and Kathy Perini
06/02/2008Pam and Bob talk with Chriss Golden, President, Walled Lake Education Association and Kathy Perini, President, Rochester Education Association. They are both members of the Michigan Education Association Board of Directors.
Volume 1 Episode12: Interview with Dr. Shannon Flumerfelt
12/12/2007Pam and Bob talk with Dr. Shannon Flumerfelt of Oakland University's Pawley Learning Institute. They discuss the Institute's Leading Schools in a New Way program and the role that L.E.A.N. can play.
Volume 1 Episode13: Talking with Adam Urbanski
12/12/2007In this episode, Bob and Pam talk with Adam Urbanski, President of the American Federation of Teachers in Rochester, New York. Although we experienced some technical difficulties, Mr. Urbanski's comments stand on their own. Please enjoy them with our apologies.
Volume 1 Episode11: Good Reads
20/11/2007Pam and Bob share their current favorite books and authors.
Volume 1 Episode 8: Social Justice
09/11/2007Dr. Gloria Ladson-Billings, renown for her work in the areas of social justice and culturally responsive teaching practices, shares with Bob and Pam the importance of teacher leadership, promoting leadership, and why schools must consider the potential of teacher leaders.
Volume 1 Episode 9: Team work in teacher evaluation
09/11/2007In this episode, Pam and Bob talk with Dr. Dianne Pellerin, Superintendent of L'Anse Creuse Public Schools, about how her district, has designed a teacher evaluation based on team work with a focus on common goals.
Volume 1 Episode10: Teacher Evaluation
09/11/2007Pam and Bob talk with Charlotte Danielson, author of "A Framework for Teaching."
Volume 1 Episode 6: Interview With Roland Barth
31/10/2007Pam and Bob have the good fortune to interview Roland Barth whose book, "Improving Schools From Within" changed the way we look at leadership years ago. Roland has since published other books on leadership and is very well known for his work with the Harvard Principals' Center. His views regarding teacher leadership should not be missed!
Volume 1 Episode 7: Building Leadership Capacity in Schools
31/10/2007Jenifer Michos, principal of Parkview Elementary in Novi, Michigan and Mark Morawski, principal of Gill Elementary in Farmington, Michigan talk to the listeners about their experiences as former Galileo Academy members. They also share the importance of empowering teachers as leaders in schools. Jenifer and Mark provide insight regarding the inhibitors as well as the enablers that deal with creating leadership opportunities.
Volume 1 Episode 5: Creating a Community of Learners
01/10/2007Pam and Bob discuss the importance of starting the school year on a positive note. "Failure is Not An Option" is the theme of this podcast. Professional learning communities, creating a community of learners and emphasizing student needs are their key topics. Bob will delight the audience with his reading of children's literature - which has an important message.
Volume 1 Episode 4: Clearing the Way for Teacher Leadership
27/09/2007Pam and Bob interview Stephanie Hirsh, Executive Director of the National Staff Development Council. They also discuss the important role of teacher leaders and introduce the first in a conference series titled "Clearing the Way for Teacher Leadership."
Volume 1 Episode 3: Kicking the Sacred Cows
21/08/2007Pam and Bob provide a ‘book talk' with reviews and recommendations. They also share a few of their favorite websites about teacher leadership. Bob starts an exciting discussion about it being time to ‘kick some sacred cows' in education. Pam and Bob provide a lively conversation about merit pay, class size, achievement gap, teacher evaluation and more!
Volume 1 Episode 2: The Galileo Experience
14/08/2007Bob and Pam discuss recent educational hot topics! The conversation about teacher leadership continues with an interview with Joyce Fouts. Twelve years ago, a consortium of local public school leaders developed the Galileo Leadership Academy to help prepare teachers to be leaders. Pam and Bob interview Dr. Joyce Fouts about the history of Galileo and future directions.