Collaborative Leadership in Education with Oakland University School of Education and Human Services' Dr. Robert Maxfield, Dr. Suzanne Klein, and Dr. Linda Tyson discussing current topics in education leadership and teacher leadership.
Volume 4 Episode21: Dr. Lance McCready
16/03/2011Bob and Linda talk with Dr. Lance McCready of Toronto. Lance T. McCready, Ph. D. is Assistant Professor of Urban Education at the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education at the University of Toronto. He received his doctorate in Social and Cultural Studies with a Designated Emphasis in Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies from the University of California, Berkeley. Dr. McCready teaches School & Society in the inner city-focused cohort of the Secondary Initial Teacher Education program and teaches graduate course on urban education and gender issues in urban schools. His research and writing focuses on curricular and pedagogical issues in urban education, specifically the "troubles" facing Black male students in urban schools and the experiences of queer youth of color.
Volume 4 Episode18: Dr. Kevin Kumashiro
08/03/2011Bob and Linda talked with Dr. Kevin Kumashiro, Ph.D., who is the founding director of CAOE. He is currently professor of Asian American Studies and Education at the University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC), where he was formerly Chair of Educational Policy Studies, Interim Co-Director of the Institute for Research on Race and Public Policy, and Coordinator of Asian American Studies. At UIC, he is the primary investigator of a $1.9 million U.S. Department of Education grant to support Asian American and Pacific Islander students in higher education. He is also president-elect (2010-2012) of the National Association for Multicultural Education, and chair of its 21st annual international conference, scheduled for November 2011 in Chicago. His research, teaching, and activism are redefining the field of "anti-oppressive education" as he develops new approaches to addressing issues of social justice in schools.
Volume 4 Episode19: Robert Neu of Federal Way Schools
08/03/2011Bob and Linda talk to Rob Neu of Federal Way Schools in the state of Washington.
Volume 4 Episode20: We celebrate our 100th episode
08/03/2011Bob and Linda take a trip down memory lane. They look at the many podcasts including our series in memory of Dr. Pam Morehead, our podcasts of the Legends, like Parker Palmer, the Chicago Crowd including Bill Ayres, Kevin Kumashiro, Pauline Lipman, the OU guests which includes Julie Doneen Ricks, Shannon Flummerfelt, Caryn Wells, Dawn Pickard. We also have interviewed all three of deans of SEHS: Mary Otto, Bill Keane, and Louis Gallien. The list goes on... and so do we.
Volume 4 Episode15: Dr. Jana Nidiffer
14/02/2011Bob and Linda spend time with Dr. Jana Nidiffer for OU's school of Educational Leadership.
Volume 4 Episode16: Dr. Dawn Pickard - Global Initiatives
14/02/2011Bob and Linda talk with Dr. Dawn Pickard of OU's Office of Global Initiatives and International Studies. Our producer, Mary Belz also weighed in on this interview.
Volume 4 Episode17: Gary Doyle
14/02/2011Linda & Bob talk about the future of education with Gary Doyle.
Volume 4 Episode14: Rick Hess & Doing things over and over
01/02/2011Linda and Bob talk to Dr. Rick Hess about his view on public education.
Volume 4 Episode13: Bill Hamilton - What Walled Lake does right...
31/01/2011Bob and Dr. Bill Hamilton (recently retired Superintendent of Walled Lake Schools) talk about PLCs and what Walled Lake Schools does so well.
Volume 4 Episode12:Rick Jones of North Farmington High School
26/01/2011Bob and Linda take a field trip to North Farmington High School to chat with principal, Rick Jones.
Volume 4 Episode11:Bob & Linda celebrate 2011
20/01/2011Bob and Linda reflect on the interviews from fall and talk about upcoming interviews.
Volume 4 Episode10: Bill Bigelow - Rethinking Schools
01/12/2010Bob and Linda talk with Bill Bigelow.
Volume 4 Episode 9: Dr. Shannon Flummerfelt
21/11/2010Bob and Linda talk with OU's Dr. Shannon Flummerfelt.
Volume 4 Episode 8: Dr. Adam Urbanski
04/11/2010Podcasts for Leaderful Schools welcomes Dr. Adam Urbanski for a second interview.
Volume 4 Episode 7: Dr. Pauline Lipman
03/11/2010Linda & Bob talk with Dr. Lipman about social justice issues including the Whittier incident of this past week in Chicago.
Volume 4 Episode 6: Below C Level & Dr. John Merrow
02/11/2010Bob talks to Dr. John Merrow of NPR about his philosophy, how he got there, and his new book, Below C Level.
Volume 4 Episode 5: A Visit with Dr. Lorraine Monroe
27/10/2010Dr. Lorraine Monroe shares with Bob and Linda the story of her success as a leader in New York.
Volume 4 Episode 4: Field Trip to Bloomfield Hills Model School
26/10/2010Bob and Linda take a trip to Bloomfield Hills to visit Bill Boyle, Principal of Model High School and Bowers Academy.
Volume 4 Episode 2: Introducing - Dr. Louis Gallien, Dean
28/09/2010Linda and Bob take time to get to know the new Dean of Education at Oakland University - Dr. Louis B. Gallien, Jr.
Volume 4 Episode 3: Dr. Tim Larrabee
28/09/2010Bob and Linda talk with Dr. Tim Larrabee on teacher education in sexual orientation.