Podcasts For Leaderful Schools

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
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Collaborative Leadership in Education with Oakland University School of Education and Human Services' Dr. Robert Maxfield, Dr. Suzanne Klein, and Dr. Linda Tyson discussing current topics in education leadership and teacher leadership.


  • Volume 9, Episode 5 - Rick Joseph


    Rick Joseph takes time out of his role as the 2016 State Teacher of the Year and teaching duties with Birmingham Public Schools to discuss his observations of the education field and what educators can do to advocate on behalf of the profession. Rick also shares his insights of his time working with Chicago Public Schools, his recent time with Detroit Public Schools staff, and the work he is doing on behalf of students and teachers across Michigan.

  • Volume 9, Episode 4 - Bryan Goodwin


    McREL International's President and CEO, Bryan Goodwin, ignites a conversation on the most effective way to change schools is from the inside out as opposed to the bureaucratic method of top-down changes. Stemming from Bryan's observations from an Australian school district and by drawing off of current educational and teacher leadership literature, Bryan's insights validate the need to change how leaders approach evolving our building-level leadership.

  • Volume 9, Episode 3 - Dr. Barnett Berry


    Barnett Berry returns for his third conversation on Podcasts for Leaderful Schools. Speaking from the Center for Teacher Quality, Dr. Berry joins the PFLS team on the eve of launching a new research study on "Three Shifts to Drive Deeper Learning" and the leadership necessitated to implement such shifts.

  • Volume 9, Episode 1 - Season 9 Introduction and Dr. Maxfield Galileo 3.0 Address


    Welcome to Season Nine of Podcasts for Leaderful Schools and with it, an introduction of Galileo 3.0. This episode features a recording of Dr. Robert Maxfield's address to attendees of Return to Yarrow, a summer workshop for graduates of the Galileo Institute and Academy, on August 5, 2015. In his call to action, Dr. Maxfield outlines the history of teacher leadership through Galileo and what is next for teacher leaders. Dr. Maxfield's address is anchored by a conversation with co-host, Dr. Suzanne Klein, on a preview of the 2015-2016 recording season.

  • Volume 9, Episode 2 - Dr. Jon Margerum-Leys


    New Oakland University School of Education and Human Services dean, Dr. Jon Margerum-Leys joins the Podcasts for Leaderful Schools team to introduce himself to our listeners. In the interview, Dr. Margerum-Leys addresses his background as a high school band director, his work as an educational leader in the university system, and his insights into effective leadership philosophies.

  • Volume 8, Episode 13 - The Why Teach Campaign


    The Podcast for Leaderful Schools' interview team sits down with Oakland University's Teacher Development and Educational Studies Assistant Professor Dr. Tuf Francis and Director of Academic Advising, Robert Rae to discuss why, amidst the teaching profession taking a public battering, undergrads should consider entering the teaching profession.

  • Volume 8, Episode 12 - Brian Whiston


    In-coming State Superintendent of Schools, Brian Whiston, joins the Podcast for Leaderful Schools team to introduce himself to our listening audience as he makes the transition as the superintendent of Dearborn Public Schools to his new position in Lansing. Mr. Whiston discusses how his background in educational leadership will manifest in Lansing and provides his insight into how he will approach his job as the new chief of public instruction for the State of Michigan.

  • Volume 8, Episode 11 - Mike Flanagan


    Dr. Maxfield and Dr. Klein are joined by State Superintendent of Schools, Mike Flanagan as he reflects on his career as an educational leader, his work as the head of public instruction for the State of Michigan, and offers his insight on the challenges and opportunities ahead for his successor.

  • Volume 8, Episode 10 - Dr. Cyndie Schmeiser


    The SAT's Chief of Assessment, Dr. Cyndie Schmeiser, talks with Dr. Robert Maxfield and Ms. Linda Tyson regarding Michigan's transition for all high school juniors to the SAT in the spring of 2016. Dr. Schmeiser delves into the components of the redesigned SAT, the test's goal of measuring college and career readiness, and what free resources students can access in preparing for the assessment.

  • Volume 8, Episode 9 - Gary Abud


    Gary Abud, 2014 State Teacher of the Year, talks about his current role as an instructional coach for the Grosse Pointe Public Schools and reflects on his work as a teacher leader while Michigan educators during his year of sabbatical.

  • Volume 8, Episode 8 - Dennis Inhulsen


    Patterson Elementary Principal in Holly, Michigan and current president of the Art Education Association, Dennis Inhulsen discusses his role in the development of the new National Common Core Art Standards and what this means for arts education across the country.

  • Volume 8, Episode 7 - Dr. Elizabeth Hebert


    Former principal of Crow Island Elementary in Winnetka, Illinois and author of "The Boss of the Whole School:" Effective Leadership in Action, Beth Hebert reflects on a meaningful 21-year career in the principalship and offers insights into her new role as a mentor to first year principals.

  • Volume 8, Episode 6 - Dr. Gary VanStaveren


    Hamlin Elementary Principal, Dr. Gary VanStaveren discusses his recently defended dissertation, "An Investigation into Teacher Motivation and the Role of Merit Pay." Dr. VanStaveren unpacks his research findings and shares his insights on if a merit wage system will affect a teacher's approach to the profession.

  • Volume 8, Episode 5 - Ron French


    Ron French, senior writer for Bridge and the Center for Michigan, discusses his investigation into his findings from the "Smartest Kids in the Nation" series. Dr. Bob Maxfield and Dr. Suzanne Klein delve into French's research on how Michigan's students' academic achievement compare to students across the country.

  • Volume 8, Episode 4 - Dr. David Richards


    Fraser Public Schools Superintendent Dr. David Richards discuses his district's renaissance with a technology-driven approach to differentiated instruction and learning.

  • Melody Arabo - State Teacher of the Year (2015)


    Dr. Bob Maxfield, Dr. Suzanne Klein, and Matt Dailey talk with Keith Elementary teacher and 2015 State Teacher of the Year, Melody Arabo. Melody discusses her role as a teacher leader and reveals the major talking points she will emphasize to local, state, and national leaders during her year of representing Michigan educators.

  • Dr. Cynthia Carver Discusses Teacher Leadership


    Dr. Bob Maxfield and Dr. Suzanne Klein speak with Oakland University professor Dr. Cynthia Carver on teacher leadership and what schools can do to promote, foster, and develop teachers as leaders within school systems.

  • Season 8 Introduction


    Dr. Bob Maxfield and Linda Tyson introduce podcast contributors Dr. Susan Kein, Galileo Institute Director, and Special contributor Matt Dailey to discuss the exciting upcoming season of Podcast for Leaderful Schools.

  • Volume 7 Episode 6-Kathleen Cushman


    During our second interview with Kathleen Cushman, renowned author, Bob and Linda discuss important lessons learned about student motivation and Kathleen's work with What Kids Can Do and The Motivation Equation.

  • Volume 7 Episode 7-Wendy Zdeb-Roper


    Wendy Zdeb-Roper, Executive Director of Michigan Association of Secondary School Principals (MASSP), discusses the challenges facing high school principals; as well as, MASSP's focus and how it has changed over the years.

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