Robert Johnson's Posts

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 53:46:13
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Robert Johnson's recent posts to


  • Strange sounds aboard a late night train in 2015

    22/12/2015 Duration: 02min

    Singing communication corridors and slamming toilet seats.

  • Early evening at Waterloo

    21/12/2015 Duration: 09min

    #railway #station #waterloo #GuideDog #vance

  • Last days with Vance: Last trip to the office?

    17/12/2015 Duration: 05min

    Guide dog Vance retires at the end of the year after giving me over six years of sterling service. Vance has become familiar to many at work and today may be his last in the office. #GuideDog #vance #retire #work

  • Calling @DialACarol for a bit of Christmas cheer

    12/12/2015 Duration: 05min

    I read about them earlier today in the Independent, a group of Illinois students spreading Christmas cheer by singing Christmas carols and other festive tunes down the phone to people throughout the world - and I had to give it a go! To have a song sung for you call them on +1 217 332 1882. What a lovely initiative it is! #DialACarol #christmas #2015 #WeThreeKings #fb

  • Bruges trip: Long way home

    29/11/2015 Duration: 05min

    It was just what I needed after travelling all the way from Bruges to London, a diversion via Ealing South on account of tube engineering works. Somehow it always seems to be the way though, speeding through Europe only to take two hours to complete the final 10 miles. #BrugesTrip #Bruges #brugge #belgium #weekend #CityBreak #christmas #november #2015 #GuideDog #Vance #shepherd #VI #trip #tube #EalingSouth #assistance #bus

  • Bruges trip: Tri-lingual announcements at Ashford International

    29/11/2015 Duration: 01min

    The train stopped briefly at Ashford International on the return leg to London, where my parents alighted. Having said how fast the journey from the tunnel to Ashford is the train then proceeded to sit there for over five minutes waiting for a platform. I thought I would spare you that bit. #BrugesTrip #Bruges #brugge #belgium #weekend #CityBreak #christmas #november #2015 #GuideDog #Vance #shepherd #VI #trip #ashford #eurostar #announcement

  • Bruges trip: Reflections under the sea

    29/11/2015 Duration: 05min

    We reflect on a successful trip to Bruges and talk about the wonders of the Cyhannel Tunnel. #BrugesTrip #Bruges #brugge #belgium #weekend #CityBreak #christmas #november #2015 #GuideDog #Vance #shepherd #VI #trip #eurostar #tunnel #channel #chunnel #reflect

  • Bruges trip: Eurostar in Brussels

    29/11/2015 Duration: 06min

    We board Eurostar at Brussels for the return leg to the UK. #BrugesTrip #Bruges #brugge #belgium #weekend #CityBreak #christmas #november #2015 #GuideDog #Vance #shepherd #VI #trip #eurostar #service #assistance #brussels #board

  • Bruges trip: More beer ... in the Brewery

    29/11/2015 Duration: 04min

    With all of these recordings featuring beer you'd be forgiven for thinking that there was a theme to this trip. We had however walked for an hour and a half before this lunchtime pint so I think we deserved it! #BrugesTrip #Bruges #brugge #belgium #weekend #CityBreak #christmas #november #2015 #GuideDog #Vance #shepherd #VI #trip #beer #brewery #lunchtime

  • Bruges trip: Sunday morning bells in the centre of Bruges

    29/11/2015 Duration: 03min

    The musical bells in Bruges ring out once more as we set out on a Sunday morning walk. #BrugesTrip #Bruges #brugge #belgium #weekend #CityBreak #christmas #november #2015 #GuideDog #Vance #shepherd #VI #trip #bells #sunday #horses #square #walk

  • Bruges trip: Morning atmosphere

    29/11/2015 Duration: 01min

    This recording is rather hindered by the wind blowing the window shut and the sound of me completing my morning ablutions in the background. Nevertheless, it gives a small taste of the morning atmosphere in Bruges. You may need to turn the volume up a bit! #BrugesTrip #Bruges #brugge #belgium #weekend #CityBreak #christmas #november #2015 #GuideDog #Vance #shepherd #VI #trip #morning #atmosphere

  • Bruges trip: In t'Brugs Bertje

    28/11/2015 Duration: 03min

    T'Brugs Bertje (or Bertie) is wonderful and I would happily stay there all day were it not for the strength of the beer! There is not much more I can say. #BrugesTrip #Bruges #brugge #belgium #weekend #CityBreak #christmas #november #2015 #GuideDog #Vance #shepherd #VI #trip #BrugsBertje #bertie #bertje #beer #pub #atmosphere

  • Bruges trip: in pole position for the pub

    28/11/2015 Duration: 01min

    T'Brugs Bertie was about the closest thing to a typical English pub in Bruges, and we knew that in order to get in we had to be there early. We weren't the only ones! #BrugesTrip #Bruges #brugge #belgium #weekend #CityBreak #christmas #november #2015 #GuideDog #Vance #shepherd #VI #trip #beer #pub #Bertie #BrugsBertie

  • Bruges trip: Wandering in Bruges with bells in the background

    28/11/2015 Duration: 13min

    We take to the streets to explore Bruges, with the constant sound of church bells ringing across the rooftops. #BrugesTrip #Bruges #brugge #belgium #weekend #CityBreak #christmas #november #2015 #GuideDog #Vance #shepherd #VI #trip #walk #wander #canal #bells

  • Bruges trip: The shoe shiner

    27/11/2015 Duration: 01min

    My dad takes a shine to my shoes, literally. #BrugesTrip #Bruges #brugge #belgium #weekend #CityBreak #christmas #november #2015 #GuideDog #Vance #shepherd #VI #trip #shoe #shine #dad

  • Bruges trip: In Bierbrasserie Cambrinus in Bruges with Mum and Dad

    27/11/2015 Duration: 02min

    Our first proper meal of the trip, in a brasserie with a particular focus on beer. It could have been made for dad and I! #BrugesTrip #Bruges #brugge #belgium #weekend #CityBreak #christmas #november #2015 #GuideDog #Vance #shepherd #VI #trip #brasserie #beer #lunch #cambrinus

  • Bruges trip: Vance gets a surprise

    27/11/2015 Duration: 02min

    Having settled into the journey I don't suppose vance was really expecting anything to happen, until at Ashford my parents appeared. #BrugesTrip #Bruges #brugge #belgium #weekend #CityBreak #christmas #november #2015 #GuideDog #Vance #shepherd #VI #trip #eurostar #ashford #mum #dad #parents #surprise

  • Bruges trip: Excellent assistance on Eurostar

    27/11/2015 Duration: 02min

    The journey begins properly as I reflect on some excellent service received from Eurostar. #BrugesTrip #Bruges #brugge #belgium #weekend #CityBreak #christmas #november #2015 #GuideDog #Vance #shepherd #VI #trip #eurostar #assistance #SinBin

  • Bruges trip: In the Sin Bin

    27/11/2015 Duration: 04min

    Hitherto unknown to me each of the original Eurostar trains contains a couple of carriages with what appears to be a small meeting room but which I discovered later to have been designed as a mobile prison cell. They do at least provide a little extra space for enormous guide dogs and so the train manager sent us that way upon reaching the platforms at London St Pancras station. #BrugesTrip #Bruges #brugge #belgium #weekend #CityBreak #christmas #november #2015 #GuideDog #Vance #shepherd #VI #trip #eurostar #SinBin #MeetingRoom #Coach10

  • Bruges trip: St Pancras and Eurostar check-in

    27/11/2015 Duration: 12min

    It's finally time for "the off" and Vance and I head to St Pancras for the early morning Eurostar departure to Brussels. #BrugesTrip #Bruges #brugge #belgium #weekend #CityBreak #christmas #november #2015 #GuideDog #Vance #shepherd #VI #trip #StPancras #eurostar #assistance #checkin

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