The Diesel Performance Podcast is a conversation, debate, and everything else about the three main domestic diesel engines: Duramax, Powerstroke, and Cummins. Hosts Paul Wilson and Chris Ehmke cover topics every diesel owner needs to know - from engine maintenance and engine performance to modifications that enhance performance. If you love diesel engines and light duty pickup trucks - you've found the perfect podcast.
Fuel Additives: Snake Oil Or Science? With Randy From Exergy Performance
22/04/2022 Duration: 45minWith the boys covering all things fuel, we figured now would be a great time for an older episode with Randy from Exergy Performance. Fuel additives: snake oil, or science?
2020 EcoBoost Versus 2014 Ford 5 Liter
15/04/2022 Duration: 41minYou love trucks, we love trucks. With that being said, Paul and Chris are taking a break from our everything fuel episodes to give you a look into a new project over at Duramaxtuner. Ecoboost Vs! Take a peek at the first episode of Ecoboost Versus here. Be on the lookout for new episodes monthly involving comparisons, fuel, towing, etc.
Running Your Truck With Waste Veg Oil - Brandon Lawson
08/04/2022 Duration: 30minThe boys are joined by Brandon Lawson! Brandon is an expert with running waste veg oil in his 7.3 Powerstroke. For over 16 years he's been doing it and he tells you how he got there, what it takes, and some fun stories along the way. Thanks again Brandon for sharing your story!
You Want To Switch To Biodiesel? With Graydon Blair
01/04/2022 Duration: 32minPaul and Chris are joined by Graydon Blair of Utah Biodiesel Supply! Graydon gives you an in-depth dive into the life of someone that runs their truck on biodiesel. He lets you know what it takes to get into it, what to expect, and serious questions to ask yourself before making the switch.
Biodiesel?! All Your Questions Answered With Matt Roberts Of Springboard Biodiesel
25/03/2022 Duration: 35minWe have a unique guest this week, Matt Roberts of Springboard Biodiesel joins us on this weeks episode. With the rising prices of fuel, people are looking for alternatives, Matt talks about how this can be beneficial and how it's process works if you do think this may be right for you. He touches on a lot of questions people ask when it comes to using biodiesel in their vehicle. Thanks to Matt for dishing out his wealth of knowledge to us this week!
Aftermarket Fuel Tanks With Ryan McClanahan Of S&B Tanks
18/03/2022 Duration: 26minWe kick off our everything fuel month with Ryan McClanahan of S&B Tanks! He discusses the most asked questions when it comes to aftermarket fuel tanks. Why do you need one? How beneficial are they? What's the purpose? He answers it all on this week's Diesel Performance Podcast!
Get Ready For Everything Fuel
11/03/2022 Duration: 18minPaul and Chris are going to be taking the next few weeks to discuss everything fuel! Additives, common rail, lift pumps, and blends. Get ready for a ton of knowledge in the realm of fuel.
What is HP Tuners?
04/03/2022 Duration: 27minChris is joined by Andrew from HP Tuners! They discuss what the future holds for HP Tuners, every single thing their tuning platform supports (it's vast), and so much more.
Two Upgrades Needed For Your 2020-2021 Diesel Truck
25/02/2022 Duration: 38minPaul and Chris discuss the two most needed upgrades on your 2020-2021 Duramax, Cummins, and Powerstroke! They give an in-depth view on why these upgrades will benefit your newer diesel truck.
L5P 10 Speed Shift Kit Upgrade Ride Along
18/02/2022 Duration: 25minPaul and Chris take an L5P brought in for the new Stealth 64 and upgraded 10 Speed Shift Kit from Ratio Tek. The boys were not disappointed with either! They break down what they love about the shift kit in this video!
Talking Powerstrokes With Arod And Cody
11/02/2022 Duration: 51minThe boys are joined by Arod and Cody from Powerstroke Tech Talk! They give their knowledge and insight about the Powerstroke platform, specifically the 6.7. They touch on topics such as the 10 speed transmissions and much more! Check out the show over on YouTube at Powerstrok Tech Talk With Arod, check it out!
How To Build A Turbo
04/02/2022 Duration: 35minWe got a unique one this week. Paul is joined by Tommy, resident Stealth Turbo builder at Calibrated Power, and they show you how to build a 351cw Stealth 64. If you are listening and not viewing, head over to our YouTube page for this one, it's interesting!
Lazy Tuners Make Smokey Diesels
28/01/2022 Duration: 26minPaul and Chris discuss how much smoke is the enemy when it comes to tuning. A smokey diesel is an unhappy diesel. Tuning is a science and if done improperly, it can make for a truck that has issues.
DPF On Sled Pulls?!
21/01/2022 Duration: 29minThat's right. We are putting out a DPF on sled pull challenge. Paul and Chris break it down right here!
What It Will Take To Repeat At UCC 2022 With Justin Zeigler
14/01/2022 Duration: 30minChris Ehmke chats with Justin Zeigler to discuss what he plans to do to retain his title of UCC champion! Justin talks about changes to his diesel this year, how he plans to win again, and much more.
*Rebroadcast* Tuning L5Ps, Fixing 6 0's, and Keeping Builds Realistic - David Shepard
07/01/2022 Duration: 01h07minThe title says it all! David Shepard from Hoosier Diesel talking about L5Ps, fixing 6.0s, and how to keep builds realistic. We are rebroadcasting one of our most downloaded episodes of 2021. We look forward to bringing your the best diesel content this upcoming year.
CP3 Failures, Gauges, And Looking Ahead To 2022
31/12/2021 Duration: 32minPaul brings you two Diesel Insights videos, one is pids and gauges that you SHOULD be using. The other is how CP3s work and why they fail. He also sits down with Anthony, Jeremy, and Sean to discuss what they plan to bring to the show in 2022! Thank you listeners and viewers for a great 2021. LFG!
DuraHummer Ride Along
24/12/2021 Duration: 30minDuramaxtuner + Hummer = one bad ass ride! Jeremy and Nick take the DuraHummer out for a ride to discuss all that has been done to it, what it rides like, and why this is one bad vehicle. Anyone that's been in one of these know how loud they are in-cab, add massive tires and well, we apologize for the sound quality. Enjoy and have a Merry Christmas!
RPM Act: Everything You Need To Know
17/12/2021 Duration: 55minPaul and Chris are joined by Tim Mahoney, (R&D/Tuning at Duramaxtuner) to discuss what the RPM Act is, how it will have affect on the diesel industry, and what the future of diesel now will be. Jeremy talks about a Hummer swap in his Super Tech segment. Sean walks you through switch diagnosis. Lastly, Anthony chimes in with what he witnessed at PRI the past week in the Industry News segment.
The Perfect Injectors For Your Build
10/12/2021 Duration: 27minPaul and Chris discuss which type of injectors suit the type of build you are going for in your diesel! Super Tech Jeremy runs down some great diagnosis tips and Sean helps get your DSP5 switch operating correctly again.