MBA Podcaster delivers relevant information and advice through biweekly audio segments for those planning to apply for a Masters in Business Administration. Topics include everything from a behind-the-scenes view of the admission's process to post-MBA job opportunities and current market trends. Guests include Deans of various business schools, alumni, corporate recruiters, MBA consultants and more. On each segment we go in-depth on a particular topic of interest to an MBA applicant and interview relevant experts to help make your application process more efficient and successful.
Women & Minorities in B. School
29/10/2006 Duration: 16minThe number of underrepresented minorities and women in business school is significantly low compared to other professional degree programs such as medical and law schools. Join us as we learn what schools are doing to attract more minority students, why more aren't pursuing MBAs, why recruiters are looking to hire minority MBAs, and hear about the various scholarships available.
Going Global For Your MBA
15/10/2006 Duration: 22minEach year the world becomes a smaller place as multinational organizations expand into new territories and link together people from all over the world. Learn how you can capitalize on this evolution in the business world by going overseas for your MBA. Whether you're thinking of going abroad for one semester or for your entire MBA program we'll show you how to make it work. We'll show you how to understand if this option makes sense for you, what to look for in an international school and how to prepare yourself for both the MBA program and your career beyond.
Business School & Ethics
30/09/2006 Duration: 24minIn this day and age of reoccurring corporate scandals and government-mandated reporting procedures we're exploring what business schools are doing to educate their students on the ethical responsibility of corporate leadership. We'll learn why ethically-led businesses make economic sense and how business schools are getting the message across to the next generation of leaders.
Calculating the MBA ROI
16/09/2006 Duration: 20minGetting your MBA costs time and money. You want to make sure that the return on your investment makes sense and that you will recoup your investment in a reasonable time period. Join us as we show you how to calculate your "return on investment" (ROI), why it's an important figure by which to compare schools and whether "average" schools are worth the investment.
Choosing the Right Business School
04/09/2006 Duration: 19minWith so many business schools and specialty programs, how do you decide which school is right for you? Part of your decision will be based on where you think you'll get accepted but there is more to consider than just average test scores and undergraduate GPAs. In this episode we'll explore the various aspects you should consider when deciding on where to apply including the schools' recruiter relationships, teaching styles and educational philosophies as well as accreditation and location. Our guests will give you specific recommendations on what you should look for in a business school as you compile your list of potential MBA programs.
Your Application Essays
28/08/2006 Duration: 17minHot off the press: this year's business school application essay questions have recently been released for all applicants to pursue. All over the world prospective MBA applicants begin tapping at the keyboard and searching for the right words that will get them into school and farther down their career path. This week's show looks at how to make your application essay sing. Learn how to approach the school's applications, dissect the essay questions and build a strategy to perfect your response. We talk to application consultants and admissions directors to get the inside scoop on what makes for a good essay and what to generally avoid while crafting your essay.
MBA Ratings and Rankings
06/08/2006 Duration: 28minEverywhere you look you can find a new set of MBA rankings. Some offer ratings of full-time, part-time and executive programs, others rank schools based on their ROI and average salaries while others focus on specialties such as finance, marketing and entrepreneurship. We'll dig into the ratings and find out which ratings list is most appropriate for each set of criteria and which schools top the different lists.
MBAs In The Technology Industry
30/07/2006 Duration: 19minMBA Podcaster has teamed up with the Graduate Management Admission Council to bring you an extensive series of MBAs in the working world. Just a few weeks ago in San Francisco GMAC brought together recruiters from the top high tech companies around the world to get the perspective on opportunities in the field for MBA graduates. This week we bring you Part Three: Job Opportunities in High Tech. You'll learn from leading tech company recruiters how to position yourself to get an interview, ace your interview and make a place for yourself in high tech.
Is an MBA Necessary?
23/07/2006 Duration: 15minYou've been working hard, moving up the ranks and you're making a good salary. At this point do you need take time out of your career and spend a significant amount of money to get your MBA? Or maybe you are being recruited for positions that are typically held by MBA's and the job offer is lucrative. Are you hurting your long-term career objectives by taking the job before you have your master's degree? We'll pose these questions and more to recruiters, experts and others.
How to Win an Offer In High Tech
16/07/2006 Duration: 19minMBA Podcaster has teamed up with the Graduate Management Admission Council to bring you an extensive series of MBAs in the working world. Just a few weeks ago in San Francisco GMAC brought together recruiters from the top high tech companies around the world to get the perspective on opportunities in the field for MBA graduates. This week we bring you Part Two: How to Win an Offer in the High Tech Industry and What to Expect When You Get There. You'll learn from leading tech company recruiters how to position yourself to get an interview, ace your interview and make a place for yourself in high tech.
International Candidates Applying to U.S. Business Schools
09/07/2006 Duration: 42minThinking about heading to the U.S. for your Master's in Business Administration? With hundreds of competitive schools to choose from, and a robust hiring economy, many international students have directed their school-searching efforts to the U.S. In addition, many U.S. schools actively recruit international students in an attempt to round out their classes and offer a global perspective to the MBA education. Pursuing an MBA in the U.S. as an international student has its own set of considerations to take into account. Listen in as we discuss the topic with experts in the field.
MBAs In The Technology Industry
02/07/2006 Duration: 17minMBA Podcaster has teamed up with the Graduate Management Admission Council to bring you an extensive series of MBAs in the working world. Just a few weeks ago in San Francisco GMAC brought together recruiters from the top high tech companies around the world to get the perspective on opportunities in the field for MBA graduates. This week, we bring you Part One: Positioning Yourself for a Career in High Tech. You'll learn about opportunities that exist for MBAs in this field and how to position yourself to take advantage of the rapidly growing high tech industry.
The Executive MBA (EMBA)
24/06/2006 Duration: 26minYou know you need to get a MBA in order to advance your career but you're not sure what program fits your experience. Do you have enough experience to qualify for an Executive MBA? What's the difference between the Executive MBA and a regular Part-Time MBA? What's the long-term career impact of choosing one program over the other? We'll ask all these questions and more from directors of top EMBA programs across the country.
Career Change
11/06/2006 Duration: 22minThe old adage says that if you're looking to change your career you need to go back full-time while pursuing your MBA. We challenge the notion and explore the opportunities available for part-time MBA students to change career tracks in the middle of, or after, their MBA studies. We hear from a corporate recruiter, a part-time alumnus who successfully changed careers and MBA career placement departments. Hear what our experts recommend if you are planning on getting an MBA part-time but may be interested in pursuing a new career down the road.
Getting an MBA vs. a Masters in Finance or Economics
14/05/2006 Duration: 17minHas the MBA become pass? Once viewed as an elite degree for the future leaders of successful organizations, MBA programs and graduates are now popping up everywhere. With the multitude of degree options available to graduate students how does one decide which program best suites their needs and growth plans? Well discuss the topic with the deans at the top business schools as well as deans from masters programs in finance and economics.
Acing the MBA Interview
16/04/2006 Duration: 17minFor most MBA programs, being granted an interview is your first step toward acceptance into business school. Its the opportunity for you to make yourself come alive to the admissions committee and show them why you should be included in their upcoming class. Its also a time that many candidates have a hard time setting themselves apart from all the other candidates and verbalizing their individual value proposition. Listen in as we discuss the business school interviews with the admissions directors of various MBA programs and see what they recommend in order to ace your interview.
Online MBA Programs
19/03/2006 Duration: 17minOnline MBA programs are popping up from coast to coast, catering to professionals who want to get an MBA degree on their own time. These online MBAs have sparked a significant amount of discussion and dialogue about the quality of the online education and the acceptance of such degrees among businesses today. Join us as we talk with the experts to explore the educational value of an online MBA, the criteria by which to judge online MBA programs and the reception among recruiters.
Financing Your MBA
05/03/2006 Duration: 18minYou know you need an MBA to progress in your career and earn a higher salary. But how will you finance the $40,000+/year in MBA expenses? Our guests explain the options available to students, how best to prepare financially to be a student again and help you determine which financing strategy will work for you. In some cases, your MBA educational expenses can be tax deductible, learn if this option works for you.
MBA Admission Consultants
08/01/2006 Duration: 10minMany have relied upon the services of an admission's "coach" or consultant to get them into their top choice school, yet few have admitted to it. We explore the benefits and risks of using such services and find out what type of candidate is best suited for the advice of a professional. Hear what schools think about the use of a consultant and what they consider the tell-tale signs of relying too heavily on a 3rd party on your application.
The Wine MBA
25/12/2005 Duration: 14minJoin us as we explore the opportunities in pursuing a Wine MBA. Wine producing facilities throughout the world constitute dynamic and ever-changing fields that need to be managed in comprehensive and visionary ways. The goal of the Wine MBA is to help current and future wine managers in the world to successfully anticipate such changes. The curriculum begins at Bordeaux Business School and participants travel successively to 4 major wine producing regions, University of South Australia, Adelaide Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile, Santiago, University of California, Davis. Our guests explain the program and curriculum, post-graduation job opportunities and the life-long benefits of pursuing a Wine MBA. .