Norris Ferry Community Church Sermons

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 20:49:28
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Norris Ferry Community Church sermons


  • Joshua Introduction (Audio)


    The story of the Bible is the story of God faithfully delivering on His promise to redeem His people and restore them to the place of glorious rest in His presence - heaven. As Christians we look forward to spending eternity in heaven as God has...

  • Christmas with the Kid's (Audio)


    Christmas morning with the kids of Norris Ferry.

  • 1 John 5:13-21 Have You Passed the Test (Audio)


    We come to our final passage in 1 John 5:13-21. In these verses John gives us three assurances we have as believer in Christ. John wants authentic believers to have strong assurance about Jesus - today we will look at three assurances we have in Christ.

  • 1 John 5:6-12 Testimony Concerning the Son of God (Audio)


    What does John mean when he says authentic believers have faith. That is what we will look at today and in this passage we are going to see that the authentic faith is all about having faith in the testimony of God concerning Jesus Christ.

  • 1 John 5:1-5 The Burden of Love (Audio)


    In our passage today, 1 John 5:1-5, John again tells us that we, as born again believers, are both obligated to love and forgive like this and we are able to love and forgive like this.

  • 1 John 4:7-21 (Audio)


    In our passage John begins and ends with an exhortation for believers to love one another. In 4:7, Beloved, let us love one another. Again in v21, 21 And this commandment we have from Him, that the one who loves God should love his brother also...

  • Orphan Sunday 2016 (Audio)


    After an orphan becomes a member of your family, legally, he still must come to the point where he feels like a member of the family. God causes this to happen to us in his family by the presence of the Holy Spirit in our hearts..

  • 1 John 4:1-6 Discerning the Truth from Error (Audio)


    Deut. 13: 1-5, Moses warns, “If a prophet or someone who has dreams arises among you and proclaims a sign or wonder to you, and that sign or wonder he has promised you comes about, but he says, “Let us follow other gods,” which you have not known...

  • 1 John 3:19-24 When the Heart Condemns (Audio)


    Is your heart condemning you? Maybe it is because you’ve heard the signs of authentic salvation and it has caused you to doubt. Maybe it is because you are participating in secret sin and your heart is condemning you. Maybe it is because your...

  • 1 John 3:11-18 Authentic Christians Love in Deed and Truth (Audio)


    Today John does something similar on the subject of love as he contrasts Cain with Christ. So in this passage we will see the hatred of Cain is evidence of spiritual death and love of Christ is evidence of spiritual life. In particular view here is...

  • 1 John 3:4-10 The Nature of Sin (Audio)


    Today, John wants to make it perfectly clear that the authentic Christian practices righteousness and no authentic Christian will practice sin. If you want to know which team you are on - Jesus’ or the Devil’s - look at your practice. You’ve heard...

  • 1 John 2:28-3:3 Living in Light of Christ's Return (Audio)


    Do you live in expectation of the return of Christ? So let me ask you this - do you really believe that Jesus Christ is coming back to this earth and that it could happen at any moment? The Bible is very clear that Jesus is coming again.

  • 1 John 2:18-27 Abide in Christ (Audio)


    John has been explaining what authentic faith is by providing the Church (children) with contrasts. John has used the contrast of light and dark as a clear picture of God’s perfect righteousness and sin’s complete sinfulness. Next he made clear the...

  • 1 John 2:12-17 Do Not Love the World (Audio)


    I want to ask you a series of questions about your life this last week. Don’t answer me aloud but really try to honestly answer these questions about yourself as you look back on last week. What motivated you to get out of bed or why did you find it...

  • 1 John 2:3-11 Knowing that You Know (Audio)


    God is invisible and almost everyone claims to believe in God. How do you know if you really know God? Have you ever had someone describe their spiritual experience and when you heard it you began to question your own?

  • 1 John 2:1-2 Sin Less not Sinless (Audio)


    With all this talk about grace covering our sin, one might be afraid that John’s teaching would lead to more sin. I mean as soon as a person hears that God’s grace in Jesus covers all their sin won’t they sin all the more. Answer: No, in fact in 2:1...

  • 1 John 1:5-10 Walking in the Light (Audio)


    This week, in verses 5-10, we are told that truly knowing that Christ has been manifested in flesh is accompanied by a life of devotion and obedience. It is a fact that He has come, that He is the Son of God, that He is the savior, the light of the...

  • 1 John 1:1-4 The Word of Life (Audio)


    On a scale of 1-10, ten being the highest, how confident are you in the gospel message concerning Jesus? Do you know what the gospel is? Do you know how we got the gospel? Do you why we proclaim the gospel? On a scale of 1-10, where are you? The...

  • 1 John Introduction (Audio)


    To gain confidence that your salvation is authentic you must know what to look for. It is not as simple as knowing the date you prayed a prayer, or having a baptism certificate, or a church membership covenant or certificate on file. To have...

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