Conversations With John & Lisa Bevere



Through this podcast, John and Lisa Bevere hope to challenge and position you for a successful life in Christ. For more information, or to contact us, visit


  • Cultivating a Passion for the Lost

    09/11/2021 Duration: 23min

    So many of us have prayed this prayer:“God, break my heart for what breaks yours.”As children of God, we want His heart. We want to be passionate about the things God is passionate about. But here’s a question — are we truly consumed with a passion for reaching the lost?Time and time again throughout Scripture, we see that God makes the lost His number one priority. If the lost are God’s priority, it’s crucial that they are our priority.So how does one cultivate a passion for the lost? That’s what we’re unpacking on this week’s episode of Conversations. Tune in and learn how to cultivate a passion for the lost people in your life.If we are going to be people after God’s heart, we must be passionate about seeing the lost come back to God.We hope this episode helps cultivate a passion in your heart for the people God is passionate about and equips you to reach the lost people in your life!Want to learn more about how to cultivate a passion for the lost? Tune in to the podcast today!Also, you can find more free

  • How God Develops Your Character

    26/10/2021 Duration: 20min

    All of us want to do amazing things for God, but many people want the promotion before they’ve gone through the preparation process. Without making it through this process successfully, it is impossible to have character strong enough to sustain your calling.So how does God actually develop character within you? We’re unpacking this question on this week’s episode of the Conversations podcast.While seasons of character development aren’t always fun, they are directly connected to your future. How you allow God to refine you determines how successfully you walk into seasons of promise in your life.We hope this episode encourages you as you go through your own refinement process so that God can work in you character that can sustain your calling!Also, you can find more teaching on how God develops your character in The Wilderness Course in the MessengerX app — go through the course (here: at no cost to you!

  • 5 Lessons from 39 Years of Marriage

    12/10/2021 Duration: 23min

    Nearly everywhere we go, people ask us how we have managed to make our marriage work through four decades, raising children, the stress of ministry and travel, and the inevitable obstacles that have come our way. While the going hasn’t always been easy, it’s been so worth it as we’ve learned to love each other in each season.In honor of celebrating our 39th wedding anniversary last week, we sat down to share five lessons from our 39 years of marriage on the podcast.Some of these lessons we learned the easy way, and some we learned the hard way, but we hope each of these helps you build a marriage that will stand the test of time.We hope this episode equips you to build a healthy, fun, and thriving marriage!Also, you can find more of our marriage content in the Story of Marriage course in the MessengerX app — go through the course (here: at no cost to you!

  • Imparting Faith & Identity from One Generation to the Next

    28/09/2021 Duration: 51min

    As parents, we all want our kids to grow up with a solid grasp on faith and an understanding of who they are created to be in Christ. But how do we truly impart this revelation from one generation to the next?Today on the Conversations podcast, we’re unpacking this question with our oldest and youngest sons, Addison and Arden.In this episode, we’re sitting down to discuss how one generation can truly instill faith and identity into the next. We’re sharing stories from our own experiences, and while we haven’t done this whole thing perfectly, we hope you’re able to take some lessons from the things we’ve done well (and not so well!), and build a legacy of faith for your family!We hope this episode equips you to embrace the adventure of life with God as you discover who He created you to be!Also, you can dive deeper into the I AM message today — get the book in the Messenger Store or anywhere books are sold!

  • Are You Truly a Servant?

    14/09/2021 Duration: 19min

    As Christians, we are called to live counter to the culture of our day. In our speech, in our homes, in our leadership, in any room we walk into, we are called to live against the grain. But how?Servanthood.Yes, you read that right.If Jesus walked this earth knowing He was God’s Son and the Savior of the world, and still chose to serve others, we can be assured that this principle should apply to our lives today, as well.Today on the podcast, we’re breaking down what it really looks like to live a life of true servanthood.Join us as we unpack this timeless, biblical principle, and watch as it begins to change the realities of your everyday life when you truly embrace it.Want to dive deeper into even more foundational principles of our faith? Start a group and go through the Foundations Course at NO COST to you in the MessengerX app!

  • How to be Unoffendable

    31/08/2021 Duration: 21min

    In a culture that thrives on contention and conflict, is it truly possible to be unoffendable?YES!In Luke 17:1, Jesus tells us, “It’s impossible that no offenses should come.” We see clearly in Scripture that throughout our lives, we will have ample opportunity to take the enemy’s bait and become offended.But there is another option — we can prepare our hearts and exercise forgiveness so that when an opportunity for offense comes our way, we are prepared to respond in a way that honors God.But HOW?This is what we’re unpacking on this week’s podcast! Listen in and find out how to truly become unoffendable!Want to learn more about how to rightly respond to offenses? Dive into the Bait of Satan course in the MessengerX app today at NO COST to you!

  • Read Your Bible (part 2)

    16/08/2021 Duration: 22min

    Now more than ever, it’s imperative that we, as believers, are reading, meditating on, and living the Word of God — but what we’re seeing more often than not is that Christians are reading their Bibles less and less. Why is that?Today on the podcast, we are continuing our conversation on the importance of reading Scripture and the practicals of what this looks like on a daily basis. We’re also answering listener questions like...—Should couples be studying God’s Word together or separately?—What are the best tools to use when studying the Bible?—How important is Scripture memorization in our walk with God?—What does it look like to practically live a life that is truly grounded in God’s Word & truth?—Do you have a life verse?We hope this conversation equips you to live a life steeped in the Word of God!Want to learn more about how and why to read the Bible? Dive into our Bible Matters Course in the MessengerX app today at NO COST to you!Want to bring someone else along with you on your Bible reading journ

  • Read Your Bible (part 1)

    03/08/2021 Duration: 22min

    As believers, we know that one of the key disciplines in our faith and difference-makers in our lives is reading the Bible…so why are so many Bibles sitting unopened on our shelves?Today on the podcast, we are answering all of your questions on how and why to read the Bible. We’re answering questions like…—What does our own daily practice of getting in God’s Word look like?—What does it mean to meditate on God’s Word?—How do you make space for time with God on busy days?—How do you instill a love of God’s Word in your kids?—How do you make reading the Bible fun?We hope this conversation equips you to live a life steeped in the Word of God!Want to learn more about how and why to read the Bible? Dive into our Bible Matters Course in the MessengerX app today at NO COST to you!Want to bring someone else along with you on your Bible reading journey? Share the Bible Matters Course from the MessengerX app today with two friends and start growing together!

  • Modern-Day Discipleship (part 2)

    20/07/2021 Duration: 22min

    So many believers want to be discipled and disciple others, but have no clue where to start. They feel like discipleship seemed so straightforward in Jesus’s time, but feels overwhelming and confusing today.Today on the podcast, we want to demystify discipleship and answer your questions about how to practically live out this spiritual principle. We’re answering questions like…—What role does the local church play in discipleship?—Is discipleship supposed to be one-on-one or community-based?—Do you ever mature out of being a disciple?—How do you know when you’re ready to be a leader and disciple someone else?—Are you required to obey someone who is discipling you?We hope this conversation equips you live out discipleship in your day-to-day life!Want to embark on a discipleship journey of your own? Tune in today to our Foundations, Hearing God, or Faith Course in the MessengerX app today at NO COST to you!Feeling challenged to begin discipling the people in your world but unsure where to start? Share a course

  • Modern-Day Discipleship (part 1)

    06/07/2021 Duration: 22min

    In Matthew 28, Jesus speaks his famous last words, commissioning those with him to go into all the world and make disciples of every nation.As believers today, we know how important this commission is, but so many people feel stuck when it comes to discipleship in their everyday lives. They want to obey God, but wonder what discipleship actually looks like in the context of today’s culture.Today on the podcast, we’re unpacking the practicalities on all things discipleship. We’re answering questions like…—Is discipleship supposed to look the same today as it did in the Bible?—Can someone who is unmarried disciple someone who is married?—What are the most effective methods of discipleship?We hope this conversation equips you to embrace God’s heart for discipleship and walk forward into everything He has for you!Want to embark on a discipleship journey of your own? Tune in today to our Foundations, Hearing God, or Faith Course in the MessengerX app today at NO COST to you!Feeling challenged to begin discipling t

  • Breaking Down the Barriers to Strength

    22/06/2021 Duration: 17min

    Have you ever tried to build spiritual strength but certain obstacles in your life kept real strength just out of reach? If you’re not careful, distractions, discouragement, and insecurities will compromise your life and become major roadblocks to living the life God has called you to live.Today on the podcast, we’re breaking down the barriers that keep you from building real, lasting strength. We’re unpacking things like…—How to set aside distractions and overcome busyness—Dealing with discouragement—How to rule your soul rather than let your soul rule you—Why to stop measuring yourself by what you do rather than who you are—How to grow secure in God’s love for you and step into your true identityGod doesn’t want anything standing in the way of you becoming strong in Him! It’s time to lean into Jesus and let Him break down every barrier to strength in your life!Want to learn how to lead a spiritually and relationally STRONG life? Grab a copy of Lisa’s 90-Day STRONG devotional here: t

  • Summer of STRONG 2021

    08/06/2021 Duration: 20min

    Building spiritual strength is imperative in this season, but where do we start?We’re answering this question on today’s podcast as we unpack things like…—How strength is displayed through authenticity—The difference between meekness and weakness—The role of consistency in building strength—How to say “no” to your flesh—How true strength is sourced by GodGod is strong and He wants us — His kids — strong, too. Now is the time to start building strength together!Want to learn how to lead a spiritually and relationally STRONG life? Grab a copy of Lisa’s 90-Day STRONG devotional here —!Is there someone in your life you want to build strength alongside? Dive into the STRONG course today on the MessengerX app, share it with two friends, and starting growing strong together!

  • The Fruit of Obedience (part 2)

    25/05/2021 Duration: 23min

    Obeying God can be so difficult—especially when that obedience involves sacrifice. We want to do what God has called us to, but how do we start, and not only start but follow through?Today on the podcast we’re continuing this conversation on obedience and answering questions like:—What is the price of disobedience?—How do you keep a good attitude when obeying God?—Why is willingness important in obedience?—How does being a friend of God change your perspective on obedience?—How do worship and obedience work together?Obedience is foundational to our day-to-day walk with God and keeps us grounded exactly where we should be even in the hardest moments of our lives—in Him.We hope this conversation empowers you to walk in obedience and experience a new intimacy in your relationship with God!Want to dive even deeper into resources that will build your faith and empower you to obey God in every sphere of your life? Download the MessengerX app today at NO COST TO YOU in the App Store!

  • The Fruit of Obedience (part 1)

    11/05/2021 Duration: 21min

    We all want to obey God, but sometimes obedience turns out to be more difficult than we could have ever imagined. And yet, we know obeying God is foundational to our walk with Him.Today on the podcast we’re tackling this topic head-on, answering questions like:—How does God’s grace empower us to obey him?—What role does love play in obedience?—What is the difference between obedience and sacrifice?—Why does God expose disobedience in our lives?Obedience guards our intimacy with God and keeps our focus exactly where it should be even in the hardest moments of our lives—on Him.We hope you walk away from this conversation with a new revelation of what it looks like to obey God in your day-to-day life and walk in His will for you!Want to dive even deeper into resources that will build your faith and empower you to obey God in every sphere of your life? Download the MessengerX app today at NO COST TO YOU in the App Store!

  • How To Hear God’s Voice (part 2)

    27/04/2021 Duration: 24min

    So many people want to hear God’s voice, but have no clue there are actually things that can block His voice in their lives. Today we’re unpacking this on the podcast as we continue our conversation on how to hear the voice of God.In this conversation, we answer questions like:—What are the different ways God speaks?—What blocks God’s voice in our lives?—How does idolatry affect the way we hear God?More than anything, we want to encourage you: don’t stop speaking to God because you don’t feel like He’s talking to you. God actually wants to speak to you even more than you want to hear from Him!Want to dive deeper and learn more about how God speaks and how to tune your ear to His voice? Start the Hearing God course today at NO COST TO YOU on the MessengerX app!Have a friend who has been struggling to hear God’s voice? Feel free to share this episode with them!

  • How To Hear God’s Voice (part 1)

    13/04/2021 Duration: 20min

    Hearing God’s voice is vital to sustaining a life-giving relationship with Him, but so many Christians have trouble knowing how and what God is speaking.Today on the podcast we’re tackling this topic head-on, answering questions like:—Does God speak to everyone?—What does His voice sound like?—What does it mean to live in the peace of God?If you have been trying to follow God without regularly hearing His voice, you’re missing out on a profound aspect of knowing Him. God is a communicator and loves to commune with His children.We hope you walk away from this conversation knowing that not only does God speak, but He wants to speak to you!Want to dive deeper and learn more about how God speaks and how to tune your ear to His voice? Start the Hearing God course today at NO COST TO YOU on the MessengerX app!Have a friend who has been struggling to hear God’s voice? Feel free to share this episode with them!

  • A Special Conversation on Receiving God’s Love with Pastor Maria Durso

    30/03/2021 Duration: 01h01min

    Have you ever struggled to receive God’s love? We’re unpacking this today in this special guest edition of Conversations with Pastor Maria Durso.Recently, Lisa hosted a conversation with Pastor Maria Durso on her podcast The Godmother with Lisa Bevere. The conversation was powerful, redemptive, such an incredible testimony of God’s love… and when it was all said and done, it ended up being one of our all-time favorite interviews here at the Messenger Podcast Network… so for that reason, we want you—our friends over here in the Conversations with John and Lisa crew, to have a chance to hear that conversation.Pastor Maria is a powerhouse mother, wife, grandmother, pastor, and minister. Her story is one of incredible redemption and triumph, a true testimony to the power of God’s love.In this episode, Pastor Maria shares:—her story of motherlessness, trauma, abuse, and how God intervened in the midst of her pain—how she learned to receive God’s love—how to pray powerful prayers over your kids—the roles of younger

  • What is the Role of the Prophetic in Today’s Culture?

    16/03/2021 Duration: 23min

    There has never been more confusion surrounding the role of prophecy in our culture today. The last year has left so many people in our world wondering, “Does the prophetic even have a place in today’s culture?” and “How do I know what voices to listen to or trust?”Today we’re diving into this topic on the podcast. We talk about the role of the prophetic in the Old Testament vs. how it operates in our culture today, how to know which voices to trust, and how to move forward in strength, able to navigate the prophetic pollution in our culture today.Listen now and learn how to walk confidently in the prophetic in the way God intended for you. If you have friends who have wondered about the role of the prophetic in today’s culture, feel free to share this episode with them!-John & LisaP.S. Haven’t downloaded the MessengerX app yet? Get the app today at NO COST to you and start growing in your faith more than ever before—!

  • Building a Marriage that Lasts (part 2)

    02/03/2021 Duration: 23min

    “What do I do when my spouse just feels like a roommate?”We’re tackling this question and more on the podcast today! Today’s episode of Conversations with John and Lisa is part two of our “Building a Marriage that Lasts” conversation in which we’re answering questions sent in from the audience.Some of the topics we’re tackling are:-How to co-lead (a business or a ministry) with your spouse-How to avoid competition and comparison in your marriage-How to make your marriage a priority in midst of life’s busyness-How to keep the romance alive-How to set a vision for your marriageOur passion is to see marriages whole and thriving as husbands and wives learn how to better love and communicate with each other! We hope this conversation equips you to do just that!Want to dive deeper and learn more about building a marriage that lasts? Start the Story of Marriage course today at NO COST TO YOU in the MessengerX app. Find the app here:

  • Building a Marriage that Lasts (part 1)

    16/02/2021 Duration: 21min

    “How do you build a marriage that lasts?”As we travel, meet people, and interact with so many of you on social media, we get a variation of this question constantly. Well today on Conversations with John and Lisa, we’re diving into this!We recently asked our listeners what questions they have about marriage. Today is part 1 of a conversation in which we answer your questions!Some of the questions we’re answering today are:—Who is supposed to lead in a marriage?—How do you work through differences you can’t seem to align on easily?—How do you learn to communicate well when there are major differences in personality styles?—Prenups… good idea or bad idea?Our passion is to see marriages whole and thriving as husbands and wives learn how to better love and communicate with each other! We hope this conversation equips you to do just that!Want to dive deeper and learn more about building a marriage that lasts? Start the Story of Marriage course today at NO COST TO YOU in the MessengerX app. Find the app here: http:

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