Conversations With John & Lisa Bevere

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 91:53:45
  • More information



Through this podcast, John and Lisa Bevere hope to challenge and position you for a successful life in Christ. For more information, or to contact us, visit


  • The Spiritual Significance of Delays in Life

    10/09/2024 Duration: 24min

    To help you navigate the delays by design, check out this resource: The Awe of God: Order Lisa's NEW Book, The Fight for Female, here → What if God is using the delays in your life for a greater purpose? Like the trials faced by Joseph, David, and Daniel, delays will refine the purity of your desires, and help you to lean into God's promises as the source of your hope.These delays, as challenging as they may seem, play a crucial role in building the character necessary to fulfill God's promises. In this episode of the Conversations podcast, join John and guest Arden Bevere as they discuss practical insights on navigating the waiting season, guarding your heart against discouragement and despair, and anchoring yourself in the promises of God. Tune in to be equipped to lean into God's unwavering promises and to learn how to embrace God's work in your life as you wait for them to come to pass! 

  • Christians Can't Stay Silent About This

    27/08/2024 Duration: 27min

    Christians can’t stay silent anymore—it’s time to speak up and take a stand.In a world full of confusion about what it means to be male and female, how do we reclaim our divine identity? This episode dives deep into the heart of this crucial conversation. We're exploring the urgent need for Christians to rise up, speak truth with love, and take a stand for God’s design.Discover how we can bring hope and truth to a culture that desperately needs clarity!

  • Winning the War in Your Mind

    13/08/2024 Duration: 18min

    Want to grow in your walk with God? → The Awe of God: Lisa's NEW Book here → a world vying for our allegiance, the challenge to fix our eyes on Jesus becomes paramount to our discipleship journey. Where your eyes go, you will soon follow.Join us on this episode of Conversations with John and Lisa Bevere as we address those pesky distractions, renew our minds through scripture, and learn how to stand firm against external pressures!Gain practical insights on countering fear's lies and staying anchored in truth. Prepare to confidently answer for your faith at any moment. Tune in to fortify your focus!Download our free app, “MessengerX”:

  • Is the Bible RELEVANT in Modern Times???

    30/07/2024 Duration: 20min

    Did you know that a staggering 83% of those in our culture believe that truth is relative? On top of that, 70% consider church irrelevant, and a whopping 46% live in anxiety. Could it be that these realities are somehow connected?In this episode of Conversations, John & Lisa do a deep dive into the cost of believing that you know better than God does when it comes to determining what is best for your life. They speak to how we as followers of Christ are called to resist the current of our culture, providing practical strategies for doing that effectively.If you want to build a faith that endures to the end and find true peace in this chaotic world, you won’t want to miss this episode! 

  • Why Isn't God Answering My Prayers?

    16/07/2024 Duration: 39min

    Ever feel like God isn't listening to your prayers? You're not alone.When we look to Scripture, we see that God moves in response to His people's prayers. But if that is true, it can feel confusing when we don't see Him moving in response to ours.So, it begs the question: Is there a specific way to approach prayer that compels God to answer?Join us this week on Conversations with John and Lisa Bevere to explore the power in prayers of petition and intercession.

  • Are You Praying the Right Way?

    02/07/2024 Duration: 36min

    Are you praying the right way? Have you stopped praying altogether?Many of us know the pain of unanswered prayer. We cried out for something, and it didn't happen the way we hoped. As a result, we gave up praying and believed the lie that God isn't listening.But what if all that was needed was changing our approach to prayer? Just like there are different approaches needed for different types of sports, there are different approaches for different types of prayers.In this episode of Conversations with John and Lisa Bevere, we explore the various types of prayer and how the right approach can lead to powerful results.Tune in to discover how to uncover the secret to effective prayer.

  • Most Christians Fall into This Deadly Trap

    18/06/2024 Duration: 38min

    Are you constantly rehearsing past hurts? Have you lost hope because of what someone did to you?Offense is one of the most deceptive snares Satan uses to get believers out of the will of God. And the scary thing about offense is this: it often flies under the radar. Most Christians don't even know they are offended, and thus, are completely unaware of the havoc it's wreaking in their lives.So how do you know if you are offended—and more importantly, what does the path to freedom look like? How do you go from being constantly weighed down by offense to traveling light?Tune in to this week's episode of Conversations with John and Lisa Bevere to discover how you can overcome the deadly trap of offense!

  • How to Fight Negative Thoughts in Marriage

    04/06/2024 Duration: 27min

    Are you giving the enemy a foothold in your marriage?A healthy marriage often begins with a healthy mindset. How do you break free from the trap of comparison and master the power of your thought life? In this episode of Conversations, we’re sharing biblical wisdom to help you think differently about marriage, your friendships, and beyond.Tune in for practical tools that can transform the way you approach relationships.

  • This Brought Us Out of a Rough Patch in Marriage

    21/05/2024 Duration: 31min

    Struggling in your marriage? You're not alone.In this week's episode of Conversations with John and Lisa Bevere, we dive into the topic of marriage. Let's face it: marriage can be difficult. Learn how to overcome tough times and transform your struggle into strength!Whether you're married, or want to be married one day, this conversation is one that you won't want to miss!

  • The Most Controversial Spiritual Gifts

    07/05/2024 Duration: 30min

    Curious about spiritual gifts?In this week’s episode of Conversations with John and Lisa Bevere, we delve into the gifts of speaking in tongues and prophecy. We'll explore what the Bible says about these divisive topics, which are often misunderstood.If you’ve had questions about these gifts of the Spirit, you won’t want to miss this one!

  • Is God Still Performing Miracles?

    23/04/2024 Duration: 28min

    Is God still performing miracles today? The early church walked in profound demonstrations of God’s power—but is this something available to us in our modern world? If so, why isn’t it more commonplace to see these signs and wonders?On this week's episode of Conversations with John and Lisa Bevere we're diving back into the gifts of the Holy Spirit for part 2 of this series. We're discussing the gifts of faith, healing, and the working of miracles.If you've had questions about what the Bible says about these often misunderstood topics, you don't want to miss this one!P.S. Check out John's book, "The Holy Spirit: An Introduction" on MessengerX here:"The Holy Spirit: An Introduction" is also available as an audiobook on MessengerX, just click here: 

  • Do the Gifts of the Spirit Still Exist?

    09/04/2024 Duration: 30min

    When it comes to the gifts of the Holy Spirit, there are no shortage of questions. Few subjects generate so much confusion and divisiveness as this one!If you've ever had curiosity about what the Bible says about speaking in tongues, prophetic words, and more, we’re diving in head first in this episode. You don't want to miss this one!Tune in to this week's episode of Conversations with John and Lisa Bevere as they discuss the gifts of the Holy Spirit.

  • Winning the Battle against Discouragement

    26/03/2024 Duration: 24min

    The greatest battle we face is for our belief. When trials come, it can be easy to fall into discouragement, defeat, or even hopelessness. But with God's help, we have the ability to overcome and walk in courage.The enemy of your soul has real strategies to try and take you out, but you have weapons too! As you come to understand these, you’ll learn how to overcome the unseen battles in your mind and arm yourself with faith and hope.Tune in to this episode of Conversations with John and Lisa Bevere for strategies to win your spiritual battles!P.S. Grab a copy of John's new devotional, "Everyday Courage: 50 Devotions to Build a Bold Faith," here, or consider gifting it to a loved one:

  • Bold Faith in Times of Adversity

    12/03/2024 Duration: 21min

    Ever wondered how the great heroes of faith lived with such uncommon courage?Were they afraid? Probably. But they let the fear of the Lord swallow up all their lesser fears to empower them with brave and bold faith.You too can have bold courage in the face of adversity! Tune in this week for encouragement to fuel your faith.P.S. Grab a copy of John's new devotional, "Everyday Courage: 50 Devotions to Build a Bold Faith," here, or consider gifting it to a loved one:

  • Relationship Q&A: Dating, Marriage, Divorce, & More (Part 2 of 2)

    27/02/2024 Duration: 35min

    This week, join us for part 2 of the Relationships Q & A as John and Lisa answer questions submitted by you, our listeners!They tackle tough questions like: Why is Christian dating so weird?! What does it look like to submit to one another in marriage? What if I never get married? Whatever season you find yourself in, this conversation is sure to provide you with tools to make the most of it.

  • Relationship Q&A: Dating, Marriage, Divorce, & More (Part 1 of 2)

    13/02/2024 Duration: 30min

    On this week's episode, John and Lisa answer questions submitted by you, our listeners!Covering the big questions like: Is there such a thing as "the one"? If so, how do you know if you've found them? How do you handle marital issues like being out of sync spiritually, boundaries, and other stuff that comes up? If you have questions on relationships, tune in for practical wisdom on dating, marriage, divorce, and more.Join us for part 1 of 2 of this conversation around all things relationships. P.S. Check out our courses on relationships on MessengerX!Healthy You with Chip Judd: Relationships with Chip Judd: Story of Marriage with John and Lisa Bevere:

  • How to Protect Your Spiritual Health

    23/01/2024 Duration: 31min

    How healthy is your private life as you charge ahead into the new year?As we build momentum in 2024, we want to invite all of you to slow down and make sure your heart is in the right place. We all want to have a fruitful year, but how healthy are your roots? If your unseen life is a mess, it will almost certainly cause things to unravel over time. To build our lives on a firm foundation, it’s critical we examine ourselves and pay careful attention to the things God brings up in our lives.On this week's episode of Conversations, John and Lisa provide some helpful questions you can ask yourself to assess the current health of your faith. Offering personal insights and practical steps you can take today, this episode will help you make sure you are building your life on an unshakable foundation.

  • Level Up with Chris Pace

    09/01/2024 Duration: 38min

    Does it feel like your life is in a holding pattern while others all around you seem to be moving forward with purpose? Do you feel disappointed because you’re not where you thought you'd be at this point in your life? Do you feel frustrated, sensing you were made for more, but don't know how to attain it? Do you struggle with fear and depression, desperate to find fulfillment and meaning for your life?If this is you, you're not alone. Join us on this episode of the Conversations podcast as John is joined by Chris Pace, author of “Level Up: How to Advance in Your Calling and Never Get Stuck.”Don't miss this powerful conversation, which will equip you with a plan to face your fears, get moving, and start building momentum!Chris' book, “Level Up: How to Advance in Your Calling and Never Get Stuck,” will be available on January 16th, 2024! P.S. For more from Chris Pace check out his website, here: Or follow him on YouTube and Instagram @ChrisPaceOfficial 

  • Navigating Exits and Entrances Well

    26/12/2023 Duration: 23min

    Today, we're diving into a topic that's perfect for anyone looking to start the new year on the right foot: learning how to master our exits and entrances. As we transition to 2024, we have an invitation to let go of the old and embrace the new.Exits and entrances are an integral part of the story God wants to tell through our lives. It can be easy to miss what God is doing in the present if we are still looking to the past. Learning how to recognize and respond to God's leadership in times of transition will help us take hold of His plans for us!In this episode of Conversations, John and Lisa share powerful insights on how to end one season well so we can enter the next with expectancy! Join us for practical strategies to start the new year with momentum!

  • Overcoming the Pain of Rejection (Part 2)

    12/12/2023 Duration: 23min

    There is no denying the sting of rejection. These painful moments can bring up questions about ourselves, others, and maybe even God.How can we begin to move forward into a place of healing and strength?We don’t have to ignore the pain, but we do get a chance to defy it. Instead of carrying that rejection with us, Jesus invites us to shake it off (see Matthew 10:14 NIV). We can be honest about the pain you have experienced, and, at the same time, learn to let it go, lift our heads, and keep moving.Tune in to this week’s episode of the Conversations podcast (a follow up to the last episode—so make sure to listen to that first if you missed it) as John and Lisa wrap up this important discussion and share practical, actionable takeaways.

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