Lighten Up With Bonnie Wirth On Empower Radio



The beautiful spiritual experience of being human! During this inspirational hour of conversation and interviews "Lighten Up" with Bonnie Wirth is sure to enhance and empower you to celebrate life. It's a weekly pick me up to shift perspective and create balance between being spiritual and human.Through her "it's all good" philosophy, Bonnie shares her expertise supported by her special brand of coaching. Bringing her unique consciousness toolkit, compassion for the human condition and intuitive gifts to her weekly show, you can gather insight into creating your inspired life!Tune in to develop a healthy relationship with yourself and embrace the gift of freedom to shine bright, beautifully, and authentically you! Totally #WIRTHit


  • Twisted Faith


    Life with all its ups and downs, unexpected twists and turns and moments when nothing seems to be going as planned -especially when it disappoints us, is molding us for the greater good. Learn how to navigate through challenges and change with ease; doubt your doubts before you doubt faith in yourself, guidance from Spirit and the Universe.

  • Before Noon


    Today's show "Before Noon" A good morning, and thus a good day, aren’t just experiences that magically happen—they are created consciously. And when we bring a more relaxed presence into our morning hours—into the foundation of our day—it makes everything that happens from there much easier to deal with. Uncover powerful ways to take cooperative action with the Universe for your day and your life every morning.

  • Gifted One


    Some people have gifts, other people don't have gifts, it actually is not that cut and dry. Mediums are born at any age and the time when only the blessed few have mediumistic gifts and abilities is slowly becoming no more. Realizing that you are one is the biggest gift of all. Sharing why and how Spirit is waking us up to purposeful communication with the other side now more than ever.

  • Spirited Anxiety


    The greatest truth about anxiety is that it is a message. Anxiety itself is not the real issue. It’s the voice of something else lying beneath which is calling out to us and it could be quite possible that we are picking up on the errant signals from the Spirit world too. Discover its important role in our life as well as how you can ease anxiety and utilize it as a gift in Spirit communication.

  • Flow Forward


    No matter how much structure we create in our lives, no matter how many good habits we build, there will always be things that we cannot control — and if we allow them, these things can be a huge source of anger, frustration and stress. Sharing practical steps to support you to flow forward in life with a greater sense of acceptance and faith.

  • Foundations of Heart


    We are moving out of fear-based paradigms and moving into love-based paradigms. How this plays out in everyday life on a practical level is huge, and has massive implications for all life. Learn how your smallest heart-centered intentions can and do make the biggest contributions to the lives of others.

  • Truth in Action


    It is impossible to change history but we can rediscover ourselves. We can reclaim our seemingly lost qualities and talents; and even our very essence, our soul. It is never too late. Reclaim all the lost joy, exuberance, confidence and power to become a living expression of Truth in action.

  • Life On Purpose


    The difference between a life of fulfillment and one of discontentment ultimately comes down to one's choices and intention in every moment of every day. Discover how to transform life through the power of choice in the most heart-centered and expansive way.

  • Heaven Sent


    Many people presume that contacting and working with spirit guides, angels and loved ones on the other-side requires an extra special talent. It truly does not. shares tips to more fully cultivate an intimate, invaluable friendship with the Divine; one that helps to you sustain, strengthen, uplift, and support you in every aspect of your life.

  • Less Ego, More Everything


    Resentments are one of the biggest ‘energy killers’ in our lives. It is an emotion that is often less visible and it can keep us wrapped up in lower ego for a long time. Learn how to untie yourself from the past and limiting patterns of resentments and grudges in order to take another step forward to freedom and inner peace.

  • Taking Up Space


    Living in a world which seems to value extroverts more than introverts, many introverts struggle with confidence, can lack self-esteem and often feel like there is something wrong with them. uncover the true spiritual gift of being introverted. It all starts with self-love, living your own set of truths and creating more space for freedom to be who you are in the world.

  • In It Together


    Oneness is a word that summarizes all the spiritual principles shared throughout time. It is our natural state of being and points us to the universal truth that we are all one with the same source. A discussion on how life reveals the potential to expand the limits and increasingly touch oneness of being in the most ordinary activities of life.

  • Clearly Chakra


    Chakras offer a powerful connection between your body, your etheric body and Spirit. A healthy balanced chakra system not only brings emotional balance and good health, it also ensures stronger, clearer connections with loved ones on the other side, angels and guides. Learn how to navigate our internal energetic system to better take care of "human you" so you can be of even greater service to others.

  • Co-Create It


    What if creating our reality is less about making ourselves feel safe, protected and in control and more about trusting that we can be happy and at peace with the uncertainty of life no matter what occurs? A new twist on the Law of Attraction and its deeper meaning that will generate excitement and positive feelings to support you to take inspired action in your life!

  • Light the Dark


    We believe that light is good and darkness is evil because that is the perception we’ve always had and there has never seemed to be a need to challenge it. uncover the myth of the dark and the Divine source of light it provides in supporting us to come more fully into our selves and to cultivate more balance and love in our lives.

  • Connections in Love


    Our loved ones in heaven want us to know that they are happy, healthy, and reunited with their dearest family and friends. They want to help us alleviate our suffering and experience our lives to the fullest. - a recap of the resounding messages that were shared from the other side during her Connections events over the past several weeks.

  • Soul Pace with Bonnie Wirth


    It's amazing how easily we can get lost in our lives in the midst of learning, exploring, fumbling, feeling, and finding our way. When life gets particularly rough or challenging at times, things can feel heavy and confusing, as if it is too much. discover the real magic of cultivating more ease, acceptance and a greater sense of love by finding pace with your Soul.

  • A State of Nothing with Bonnie Wirth


    Our society values work, productivity and “doing”. Some people believe that they must be engaged in some type of activity or they are unproductive and lazy. Discover the value of doing nothing as an honoured spiritual practice. Welcome to a state of nothing without guilt and the blessedness of a rejuvenating experience.

  • Shape-Shift Body with Bonnie Wirth


    With every change, more and more Light becomes available to us and as a result our physical body goes through a transformation all of it's own. Discover how to take the journey from the old energy into the new and align your body with these divine monumental shifts for greater over-all health and well being.

  • Heavenly Destination with Bonnie Wirth


    There are many ideas about Heaven but really, what is Heaven? Learn a few unknown truths about this place we call Heaven.

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