Single To Soulmate Podcast With Johnny And Lara Fernandez

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 152:07:43
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[For Women Only] The World's Thought Leaders on Soulmate Love Attraction invite you to the Single To Soulmate podcast where you, the conscious single woman, will learn to attract soulmate love, own your power, and begin to step into the next great chapter of your life. If you're a single woman and wondering why you still haven't found your Mr. Right, this podcast is for you. If you're looking to learn how to attract the love of your life - the man of your dreams, and in the meantime love yourself more, and love & enjoy your life more then this podcast is for you. Tune in every Tuesday through Saturday to learn from Johnny and Dr. Lara Fernandez, a happily married soulmate couple who - for over a decade - have personally worked with thousands of women through their deeply transformational and life-changing courses and programs. Single To Soulmate is where you'll find the resources to live the life of your dreams with your soulmate by your side.


  • Can Your Love Life Become a Burden?

    17/11/2023 Duration: 06min

    Love can be tough, there’s no denying that.  Even when you find your soulmate, it won’t be all smiles 100% of the time. That’s just reality.  But can it get to the point where your long awaited relationship with your soulmate becomes a burden?!  Maybe it can, if you’re not careful. Let’s talk about how this happens and how to avoid it.   WHAT YOU WILL LEARN: - How your relationship can become a burden - What to do in order to avoid that - What a healthy relationship looks like   READY TO CHANGE YOUR LOVE LIFE FOR THE BETTER, FOREVER? If you’re a single, professional woman who is exhausted from the games and toxicity of today’s dating world and are ready to find your soulmate, but don’t know where to start… Come join us on our brand new LIVE online workshop! You’ll start to heal from your past, navigate modern dating with ease, and learn an empowering, proven approach to attract true love that LASTS. Seats are limited, so click below to grab your spot now if you’re interested!

  • What’s Stopping You From Finding Love?

    15/11/2023 Duration: 14min

    Have you been trying to find your soulmate without any success for a LONG time?  Are you tired of feeling held back by a mysterious cause?  Listen to this episode to help you get to the bottom of what’s been holding you back from love for YEARS- and what you can do to change that starting today.   WHAT YOU WILL LEARN: - What’s REALLY been holding you back from love all these years - What you need to do NOW to start seeing changes - How making the correct shifts will get you what you want   READY TO CHANGE YOUR LOVE LIFE FOR THE BETTER, FOREVER? If you’re a single, professional woman who is exhausted from the games and toxicity of today’s dating world and are ready to find your soulmate, but don’t know where to start… Come join us on our brand new LIVE online workshop! You’ll start to heal from your past, navigate modern dating with ease, and learn an empowering, proven approach to attract true love that LASTS. Seats are limited, so click below to grab your spot now if you’re interested! http://singletosoulmat

  • The Type of Love Life Needed to Find Love

    13/11/2023 Duration: 13min

    If you want to attract your soulmate you have to be the perfect woman… Right?  You might think so, but how true is it really?  Do you REALLY need everything in your life in order before you start looking for love? And how much do quality men care about that? Learn all that in this episode   WHAT YOU WILL LEARN: - Can you find love if your life is a mess? - How your other areas in life affect your love life - How to be prepared to attract your soulmate   READY TO CHANGE YOUR LOVE LIFE FOR THE BETTER, FOREVER? If you’re a single, professional woman who is exhausted from the games and toxicity of today’s dating world and are ready to find your soulmate, but don’t know where to start… Come join us on our brand new LIVE online workshop! You’ll start to heal from your past, navigate modern dating with ease, and learn an empowering, proven approach to attract true love that LASTS. Seats are limited, so click below to grab your spot now if you’re interested!  ---- DID YOU ENJOY TH

  • Good Men No Longer Exist!

    12/11/2023 Duration: 06min

    Have you ever felt like no matter where you look, there’s just no more good men?  That your married friends took the last of them and you just can’t seem to find them anywhere? Here’s the thing: they still exist, and they’re all around you.  Here’s how to fix those blind spots so you can see and attract them.   WHAT YOU WILL LEARN: - Where all the good men REALLY are - The problem with a scarcity mindset - Reframing to change the way you look at men and the world     READY TO CHANGE YOUR LOVE LIFE FOR THE BETTER, FOREVER? IIf you’re a single, professional woman who is exhausted from the games and toxicity of today’s dating world and are ready to find your soulmate, but don’t know where to start… Come join us on our brand new LIVE online workshop! You’ll start to heal from your past, navigate modern dating with ease, and learn an empowering, proven approach to attract true love that LASTS. Seats are limited, so click below to grab your spot now if you’re interested!  ---- D

  • Seeing Yourself as a Role Model

    12/11/2023 Duration: 12min

    Are you aware that you’re a role model?  This has nothing to do with whether you have kids or not, but about the people that are close to you. You might not realize it- but your life impacts ALL those around you.  Listen to this episode to find out how and why you NEED to know how to use that power wisely.   WHAT YOU WILL LEARN: - WHY and HOW you are a role model - How you can inspire other people - Why finding your soulmate will have a positive impact on people close to you   READY TO CHANGE YOUR LOVE LIFE FOR THE BETTER, FOREVER? If you’re a single, professional woman who is exhausted from the games and toxicity of today’s dating world and are ready to find your soulmate, but don’t know where to start… Come join us on our brand new LIVE online workshop! You’ll start to heal from your past, navigate modern dating with ease, and learn an empowering, proven approach to attract true love that LASTS. Seats are limited, so click below to grab your spot now if you’re interested!

  • Can You See Your Own Beauty?

    10/11/2023 Duration: 06min

    Do you ever have doubts about your looks? Ever felt like maybe you aren’t beautiful?  I understand you might feel this at times.  So here’s a message for you regarding your looks…   WHAT YOU WILL LEARN: - What beauty really means - The role of your looks in love - Not being too hard on yourself   READY TO CHANGE YOUR LOVE LIFE FOR THE BETTER, FOREVER? IIf you’re a single, professional woman who is exhausted from the games and toxicity of today’s dating world and are ready to find your soulmate, but don’t know where to start… Come join us on our brand new LIVE online workshop! You’ll start to heal from your past, navigate modern dating with ease, and learn an empowering, proven approach to attract true love that LASTS. Seats are limited, so click below to grab your spot now if you’re interested!  ---- DID YOU ENJOY THIS EPISODE? If so, please let us know by leaving a review and sharing it with a friend that might get something out of it. To be notified when a new episode co

  • What High Quality Men Look For

    08/11/2023 Duration: 15min

    What do quality men want from women?  What do you need to do to attract one? This can be so confusing and frustrating!  You want to attract a quality man but are unsure what will attract him. So today we are talking about that   WHAT YOU WILL LEARN: - What quality men look for - What you can do to attract a quality man - The things that truly matter to quality men   READY TO CHANGE YOUR LOVE LIFE FOR THE BETTER, FOREVER? IIf you’re a single, professional woman who is exhausted from the games and toxicity of today’s dating world and are ready to find your soulmate, but don’t know where to start… Come join us on our brand new LIVE online workshop! You’ll start to heal from your past, navigate modern dating with ease, and learn an empowering, proven approach to attract true love that LASTS. Seats are limited, so click below to grab your spot now if you’re interested!  ---- DID YOU ENJOY THIS EPISODE? If so, please let us know by leaving a review and sharing it with a friend t

  • Stop Lying to Yourself!

    06/11/2023 Duration: 13min

    Everyone knows that lying is bad, but what is even worse is lying to yourself. You might not even notice it but you could be lying to yourself about one key thing that is hurting your love life. Today you’ll find out what that is and how it hurts you.   WHAT YOU WILL LEARN: - Getting real with yourself - How you may be lying to yourself - What to do to fix that   READY TO CHANGE YOUR LOVE LIFE FOR THE BETTER, FOREVER? IIf you’re a single, professional woman who is exhausted from the games and toxicity of today’s dating world and are ready to find your soulmate, but don’t know where to start… Come join us on our brand new LIVE online workshop! You’ll start to heal from your past, navigate modern dating with ease, and learn an empowering, proven approach to attract true love that LASTS. Seats are limited, so click below to grab your spot now if you’re interested!  ---- DID YOU ENJOY THIS EPISODE? If so, please let us know by leaving a review and sharing it with a friend that

  • 4 Things In Your Control to Attract Love

    05/11/2023 Duration: 06min

    Look you can’t control everything in the world, you know that already. But! That doesn’t mean you have NO CONTROL! You absolutely are in control of your life. So today we will cover 4 key things you can do to attract love and take the power of your love life back.   WHAT YOU WILL LEARN: - Why you can control your love life - 4 things you can control - How they will help you attract love   READY TO CHANGE YOUR LOVE LIFE FOR THE BETTER, FOREVER? If you’re a single, professional woman who is exhausted from the games and toxicity of today’s dating world and are ready to find your soulmate, but don’t know where to start… Come join us on our brand new LIVE online workshop! You’ll start to heal from your past, navigate modern dating with ease, move forward to a new chapter in your life, and learn to attract true love that LASTS. Seats are limited, so click below to grab your spot now if you’re interested!  ---- DID YOU ENJOY THIS EPISODE? If so, please let us know by leaving a re

  • Why Confidence Matters in Your Love Life

    03/11/2023 Duration: 17min

    Confidence is HUGE in your love life. It’s important you have the right type of confidence, being very self aware and truly understanding your love life. But why does it matter so much? Listen to this episode to find out.   WHAT YOU WILL LEARN: - The real reasons confidence matters - How to grow your confidence in your love life   READY TO CHANGE YOUR LOVE LIFE FOR THE BETTER, FOREVER? If you’re a single, professional woman who is exhausted from the games and toxicity of today’s dating world and are ready to find your soulmate, but don’t know where to start… Come join us on our brand new LIVE online workshop! You’ll start to heal from your past, navigate modern dating with ease, move forward to a new chapter in your life, and learn to attract true love that LASTS. Seats are limited, so click below to grab your spot now if you’re interested!  ---- DID YOU ENJOY THIS EPISODE? If so, please let us know by leaving a review and sharing it with a friend that might get something

  • How Important Should Your Love Life Be?

    01/11/2023 Duration: 02min

    If you are reading this love is obviously a BIG priority of yours. You are serious about it, you want to finally attract your soulmate. But how important should it really be? Is there such a thing as caring too much? Today you will learn how to properly prioritize your love life.   WHAT YOU WILL LEARN: - How to prioritize your love life - How to juggle your love life and other areas   READY TO CHANGE YOUR LOVE LIFE FOR THE BETTER, FOREVER? If you’re a single, professional woman who is exhausted from the games and toxicity of today’s dating world and are ready to find your soulmate, but don’t know where to start… Come join us on our brand new LIVE online workshop! You’ll start to heal from your past, navigate modern dating with ease, move forward to a new chapter in your life, and learn to attract true love that LASTS. Seats are limited, so click below to grab your spot now if you’re interested!  ---- DID YOU ENJOY THIS EPISODE? If so, please let us know by leaving a review

  • The 7 Reasons Dating Is Harder Now

    30/10/2023 Duration: 10min

    Dating has never been more complicated than it is in this day and age. To an extent, it’s no surprise. Times change, people change, culture changes. But at the same time, why has it changed SOO dramatically?? And how do those changes make it so hard? Today you’ll find out.   WHAT YOU WILL LEARN: - How dating has changed - Why it’s so hard to date these days - How to navigate this dating climate   READY TO CHANGE YOUR LOVE LIFE FOR THE BETTER, FOREVER? If you’re a single, professional woman who is exhausted from the games and toxicity of today’s dating world and are ready to find your soulmate, but don’t know where to start… Come join us on our brand new LIVE online workshop! You’ll start to heal from your past, navigate modern dating with ease, move forward to a new chapter in your life, and learn to attract true love that LASTS. Seats are limited, so click below to grab your spot now if you’re interested!  ---- DID YOU ENJOY THIS EPISODE? If so, please let us know by leav

  • Is Being Alone Becoming a Habit?

    29/10/2023 Duration: 10min

    All this time not finding your soulmate after so much desire might be hurting you. We are not saying it’s your fault that you haven’t found love yet, but could you be getting used to being alone? Could this possibly be true? And if it is, then how can it hurt you? Let’s dive into that   WHAT YOU WILL LEARN: - Why being alone might become a habit - How this can affect you - What to do about it   READY TO CHANGE YOUR LOVE LIFE FOR THE BETTER, FOREVER? If you’re a single, professional woman who is exhausted from the games and toxicity of today’s dating world and are ready to find your soulmate, but don’t know where to start… Come join us on our brand new LIVE online workshop! You’ll start to heal from your past, navigate modern dating with ease, move forward to a new chapter in your life, and learn to attract true love that LASTS. Seats are limited, so click below to grab your spot now if you’re interested!  ---- DID YOU ENJOY THIS EPISODE? If so, please let us know by leavin

  • Good Men Are NON EXISTENT!

    28/10/2023 Duration: 06min

    In today’s dating culture, it is CLEAR that good men are GONE! No more gentlemen out there!  Is this true? How have men changed and why is so hard to find good men out there? Well, it’s not as simple as you might think.   WHAT YOU WILL LEARN: - Are there really no good men left? - Can you still find your soulmate? - Should you settle for less?   READY TO CHANGE YOUR LOVE LIFE FOR THE BETTER, FOREVER? If you’re a single, professional woman who is exhausted from the games and toxicity of today’s dating world and are ready to find your soulmate, but don’t know where to start… Come join us on our brand new LIVE online workshop! You’ll start to heal from your past, navigate modern dating with ease, move forward to a new chapter in your life, and learn to attract true love that LASTS. Seats are limited, so click below to grab your spot now if you’re interested!  ---- DID YOU ENJOY THIS EPISODE? If so, please let us know by leaving a review and sharing it with a friend that might

  • Finding Love Is EXTREMELY Hard!

    25/10/2023 Duration: 14min

    Finding true lasting love is no easy task! You might know this already if you’ve been seriously trying to find a high quality man with no success. However, there is a question you should be asking yourself. Ask yourself “Why is it so hard?” Only by understanding this will you know what to do about it if you are truly committed to finding your soulmate. Today we will explore that and help you understand where to even start.   WHAT YOU WILL LEARN: - Why finding love is so hard - How to navigate the difficulties of finding love - What you can start doing about it ASAP   READY TO CHANGE YOUR LOVE LIFE FOR THE BETTER, FOREVER? If you’re a single, professional woman who is exhausted from the games and toxicity of today’s dating world and are ready to find your soulmate, but don’t know where to start… Come join us on our brand new LIVE online workshop! You’ll start to heal from your past, navigate modern dating with ease, move forward to a new chapter in your life, and learn to attract true love that LASTS. Seats ar

  • Are You Ready for Marriage?

    23/10/2023 Duration: 32min

    So you want to have it all with your soulmate. You are ready to find him and live happily ever after. But are you TRULY ready for marriage? Marriage is obviously the goal when finding love, but like everything that is worth it, it’s not a piece of cake. So are you ready to not just commit to finding love, but to commit to a true loving marriage?   WHAT YOU WILL LEARN: - How to know if you are ready for marriage - Why you need to prepare yourself for marriage - How to be ready for it   READY TO CHANGE YOUR LOVE LIFE FOR THE BETTER, FOREVER? If you’re a single, professional woman who is exhausted from the games and toxicity of today’s dating world and are ready to find your soulmate, but don’t know where to start… Come join us on our brand new LIVE online workshop! You’ll start to heal from your past, navigate modern dating with ease, move forward to a new chapter in your life, and learn to attract true love that LASTS. Seats are limited, so click below to grab your spot now if you’re interested! http://singlet

  • The Fear of Not Finding Love

    22/10/2023 Duration: 04min

    You’ve wanted true love for so long but just haven’t found it yet.  You’re getting exhausted, and maybe even AFRAID of never finding love.  The good news is, there IS a way to get out of this rut and find your Mr. Right. So if you’re afraid of staying single, this is for you.   WHAT YOU WILL LEARN: - Where the fear of staying single comes from - How to start working in your love life - Why you CAN find true love   READY TO CHANGE YOUR LOVE LIFE FOR THE BETTER, FOREVER? If you’re a single, professional woman who is exhausted from the games and toxicity of today’s dating world and are ready to find your soulmate, but don’t know where to start… Come join us on our brand new LIVE online workshop! You’ll start to heal from your past, navigate modern dating with ease, move forward to a new chapter in your life, and learn to attract true love that LASTS. Seats are limited, so click below to grab your spot now if you’re interested!  ----  DID YOU ENJOY THIS EPISODE? If so, please

  • How to Be More Confident In Your Love Life

    21/10/2023 Duration: 17min

    If your confidence in your love life has been damaged by heartbreak, overwhelm, or even trauma, this episode is for you. You’ll never find Mr. Right if you don’t get that confidence back.  We’re here to help you start growing that confidence again so your love life can get back on track towards attracting the man of your dreams!    WHAT YOU WILL LEARN: - Why confidence in everyday life is different than confidence in your love life - What you’ll achieve by being more confident in your love life - How you can boost your confidence with men   READY TO CHANGE YOUR LOVE LIFE FOR THE BETTER, FOREVER? If you’re a single, professional woman who is exhausted from the games and toxicity of today’s dating world and are ready to find your soulmate, but don’t know where to start… Come join us on our brand new LIVE online workshop! You’ll start to heal from your past, navigate modern dating with ease, move forward to a new chapter in your life, and learn to attract true love that LASTS. Seats are limited, so click below t

  • Why Your Relationships Always Fail

    18/10/2023 Duration: 03min

    So you’ve dating again and again and again with no success. It seems like no matter what you try you just can’t seem to find soulmate love. What is it that you are doing wrong and how can you fix it? Today we’ll cover why most of our clients have done incorrectly in their past relationships and the shift you need to make to find love like they did.   WHAT YOU WILL LEARN: - The real reason you haven’t found love - How you can still change this - Why there is hope for you in love   READY TO CHANGE YOUR LOVE LIFE FOR THE BETTER, FOREVER? If you’re a single, professional woman who is exhausted from the games and toxicity of today’s dating world and are ready to find your soulmate, but don’t know where to start… Come join us on our brand new LIVE online workshop! You’ll start to heal from your past, navigate modern dating with ease, move forward to a new chapter in your life, and learn to attract true love that LASTS. Seats are limited, so click below to grab your spot now if you’re interested! http://singletosoul

  • Intention MATTERS When Dating

    16/10/2023 Duration: 15min

    Dating is hard for almost everyone regardless of who they are. It can be one of the must frustrating things to try to find love. What makes it harder is NOT dating with intention. What does that even mean though? Isn’t dating just probing potential matches? This can be a game changer in your approach to love so listen closely.   WHAT YOU WILL LEARN: - Why dating with intention matters - How it can change your love life - How to start doing it   READY TO CHANGE YOUR LOVE LIFE FOR THE BETTER, FOREVER? If you’re a single, professional woman who is exhausted from the games and toxicity of today’s dating world and are ready to find your soulmate, but don’t know where to start… Come join us on our brand new LIVE online workshop! You’ll start to heal from your past, navigate modern dating with ease, move forward to a new chapter in your life, and learn to attract true love that LASTS. Seats are limited, so click below to grab your spot now if you’re interested!  ----  DID YOU ENJ

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