Partakers Christian Podcasts

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 113:24:27
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Podcasts to enable and encourage you - for God's sake.


  • Church Moves Ahead Part 2 - Foxe's Book of Martyrs

    06/07/2024 Duration: 03min

    G’day and welcome to Partakers and our series Church Moves Ahead, where we look together at the history of the early church, and in particular its persecution. We are taking brief excerpts from an ancient book, Foxes Book of Martyrs. This excerpt is from Chapter 2 - The Ten Primitive Persecutions - The First Persecution, Under Nero (AD 67)   The first persecution of the Church took place in the year 67, under Nero, the sixth emperor of Rome. This monarch reigned for the space of five years, with tolerable credit to himself, but then gave way to the greatest extravagancy of temper, and to the most atrocious barbarities. Among other diabolical whims, he ordered that the city of Rome should be set on fire, which order was executed by his officers, guards, and servants. While the imperial city was in flames, he went up to the tower of Macaenas, played upon his harp, sung the song of the burning of Troy, and openly declared that 'he wished the ruin of all things before his death.' Besides the noble

  • Church Moves Ahead Part 1 - Foxe's Book of Martyrs

    05/07/2024 Duration: 03min

      G’day and welcome to Partakers and our series Church Moves Ahead, where we look together at the history of the early church, and in particular its persecution. We are taking brief excerpts from an ancient book, Foxes Book of Martyrs. This excerpt is from Chapter 1 - History of Christian Martyrs to the First General Persecutions Under Nero Christ our Savior, in the Gospel of St. Matthew, hearing the confession of Simon Peter, who, first of all other, openly acknowledged Him to be the Son of God, and perceiving the secret hand of His Father therein, called him (alluding to his name) a rock, upon which rock He would build His Church so strong that the gates of hell should not prevail against it. In which words three things are to be noted: First, that Christ will have a Church in this world. Secondly, that the same Church should mightily be impugned, not only by the world, but also by the uttermost strength and powers of all hell. And, thirdly, that the same Church, notwithstanding the uttermo

  • Government - Bible Thought For Today

    04/07/2024 Duration: 10min

    WOW Word - Government   Download the audio and discover more about todays WOW Word Government Today, 4th July in the UK, we have a General Election! This is is where people vote for their political representatives. After all the votes are counted there will be a government elected! This of course, is not unique to the UK! All people all over the world live under some from of leadership or government.  That government may be democratically elected, a monarchy or even an oppressive dictatorship.  Whatever kind of government we find ourselves with, we have one!  If there was not a government in place, as hard as it is to imagine, total chaos would reign and people would just do whatever pleases them, regardless of consequences and regardless of other people.  Therefore, regardless of whatever government we live under, what does the Bible say should be our reaction and attitude to the government.  By government, I mean all levels of government and authority - from local authority to federal government. 

  • POD - Psalm 6 to Psalm 10

    03/07/2024 Duration: 10min

    Psalm 6 to Psalm 10 Often we hear the Psalms one by one, but today we offer you the chance to hear a group of Psalms read as a collection! Psalm 6 For the director of music. With stringed instruments. According to sheminith. A psalm of David. 1 Lord, do not rebuke me in your anger or discipline me in your wrath. 2 Have mercy on me, Lord, for I am faint; heal me, Lord, for my bones are in agony. 3 My soul is in deep anguish. How long, Lord, how long? 4 Turn, Lord, and deliver me; save me because of your unfailing love. 5 Among the dead no one proclaims your name. Who praises you from his grave? 6 I am worn out from my groaning. All night long I flood my bed with weeping and drench my couch with tears. 7 My eyes grow weak with sorrow; they fail because of all my foes. 8 Away from me, all you who do evil, for the Lord has heard my weeping. 9 The Lord has heard my cry for mercy; the Lord accepts my prayer. 10 All my enemies will be overwhelmed with shame and anguish; they will turn back and suddenly be put to

  • Fellowship - Bible Thought For Today

    03/07/2024 Duration: 03min

    Fellowship   I meet people who tell me they are Christians, but don’t want to go to a church anymore.  But by not doing so, they are missing out on perhaps one of the greatest blessings of being a Christian: fellowship.  One of the great things about belonging to a church is the act of fellowship, which results from walking with one another (1 John 17).  God has created us for fellowship and Jesus Christ has redeemed us so that we can have this fellowship together (Colossians 1:3-5).  Inside this episode we look at: What is fellowship? Why fellowship? How do we fellowship?   How have you enjoyed fellowship this week and how will you enjoy it in the week to come? Click or tap here to download as a mp3 file

  • The Practice Of The Presence Of God - Brother Lawrence Part 19

    02/07/2024 Duration: 03min

    The Practice Of The Presence Of God: The Best Rule Of A Holy Life (being Conversations and Letters of Brother Lawrence) Letters - Letter 15 From his death-bed. Repeats the same exhortation to knowledge that we may love. GOD knows best what is needful for us, and all that He does is for our good. If we knew how much He loves us, we should be always ready to receive equally and with indifference from His hand the sweet and the bitter; all would please that came from Him. The sorest afflictions never appear intolerable, but when we see them in the wrong light. When we see them in the hand of GOD, who dispenses them: when we know that it is our loving FATHER, who abases and distresses us: our sufferings will lose their bitterness, and become even matter of consolation. Let all our employment be to know GOD: the more one knows Him, the more one desires to know Him. And as knowledge is commonly the measure of love, the deeper and more extensive our knowledge shall be, the greater will be our love: and i

  • The Practice Of The Presence Of God - Brother Lawrence Part 18

    01/07/2024 Duration: 02min

    The Practice Of The Presence Of God: The Best Rule Of A Holy Life (being Conversations and Letters of Brother Lawrence) Letters - Letter 14 Gratitude, for mercies to his correspondent, and measure of relief while he has himself been near death, but with consolation in his suffering. I render thanks to our LORD, for having relieved you a little, according to your desire. I have been often near expiring, though I was never so much satisfied as then. Accordingly I did not pray for any relief, but I prayed for strength to suffer with courage, humility, and love. Ah, how sweet is it to suffer with GOD! However great the sufferings may be, receive them with love. 'Tis paradise to suffer and be with Him; so that if in this life we would enjoy the peace of paradise, we must accustom ourselves to a familiar, humble, affectionate conversation with Him: we must hinder our spirits wandering from Him upon any occasion: we must make our heart a spiritual temple, wherein to adore Him incessantly: we must watch cont

  • The Practice Of The Presence Of God - Brother Lawrence Part 17

    30/06/2024 Duration: 03min

    The Practice Of The Presence Of God: The Best Rule Of A Holy Life (being Conversations and Letters of Brother Lawrence) Letters - Letter 13 To the same he exhorts for fuller and entire confidence in God, for body and soul. I am in pain to see you suffer so long; what gives me some ease, and sweetens the feeling I have of your griefs, is that they are proofs of God's love towards you: see them in that view, and you will bear them more easily. As your case is, 'tis my opinion that you should leave off human remedies, and resign yourself entirely to the providence of God; perhaps He stays only for that resignation and a perfect trust in Him to cure you. Since notwithstanding all your cares, physic has hitherto proved unsuccessful, and your malady still increases, it will not be tempting God to abandon yourself in His hands, and expect all from Him. I told you, in my last, that He sometimes permits bodily diseases to cure the distempers of the soul. Have courage then: make a virtue of necessity: ask o

  • The Practice Of The Presence Of God - Brother Lawrence Part 16

    29/06/2024 Duration: 03min

    The Practice Of The Presence Of God: The Best Rule Of A Holy Life (being Conversations and Letters of Brother Lawrence) Letters - Letter 12 To the same correspondent probably, and expresses his own abiding comfort through faith. IF we were well accustomed to the exercise of the presence of GOD, all bodily diseases would be much alleviated thereby. GOD often permits that we should suffer a little, to purify our souls, and oblige us to continue with Him. Take courage, offer Him your pains incessantly, pray to Him for strength to endure them. Above all, get a habit of entertaining yourself often with GOD, and forget Him the least you can. Adore Him in your infirmities, offer yourself to Him from time to time; and, in the height of your sufferings, beseech Him humbly and affectionately (as a child his father) to make you conformable to His holy will. I shall endeavour to assist you with my poor prayers. GOD has many ways of drawing us to Himself. He sometimes hides Himself from us: but faith a

  • The Practice Of The Presence Of God - Brother Lawrence Part 15

    28/06/2024 Duration: 05min

    The Practice Of The Presence Of God: The Best Rule Of A Holy Life (being Conversations and Letters of Brother Lawrence) Letters - Letter 11 To one who is in great pain. God is the Physician of body and of soul. Feels that he would gladly suffer at His wish. I do not pray that you may be delivered from your pains; but I pray GOD earnestly that He would give you strength and patience to bear them as long as He pleases. Comfort yourself with Him who holds you fastened to the cross: He will loose you when He thinks fit. Happy those who suffer with Him: accustom yourself to suffer in that manner, and seek from Him the strength to endure as much, and as long, as He shall judge to be necessary for you. The men of the world do not comprehend these truths, nor is it to be wondered at, since they suffer like what they are, and not like Christians: they consider sickness as a pain to nature, and not as a favor from GOD; and seeing it only in that light, they find nothing in it but grief and distress. But th

  • The Practice Of The Presence Of God - Brother Lawrence Part 14

    27/06/2024 Duration: 02min

    The Practice Of The Presence Of God: The Best Rule Of A Holy Life (being Conversations and Letters of Brother Lawrence) G’day! Welcome to Partakers! Today we continue our Sunday series, where we are reading from a book by Brother Lawrence “The Practice of the Presence of God”… This book is available for you to freely download at various websites! Letters - Letter 10 Has difficulty, but sacrifices his will, to write as requested. The loss of a friend may lead to acquaintance with the Friend. I have had a good deal of difficulty to bring myself to write to M. --, and I do it now purely because you and Madam desire me. Pray write the directions and send it to him. I am very well pleased with the trust which you have in GOD: I wish that He may increase it in you more and more: we cannot have too much in so good and faithful a Friend, who will never fail us in this world nor in the next. If M. -- makes his advantage of the loss he has had, and puts all his confidence in GOD

  • The Practice Of The Presence Of God - Brother Lawrence Part 13

    26/06/2024 Duration: 04min

    The Practice Of The Presence Of God: The Best Rule Of A Holy Life (being Conversations and Letters of Brother Lawrence) G’day! Welcome to Partakers! Today we continue our Sunday series, where we are reading from a book by Brother Lawrence “The Practice of the Presence of God”… This book is available for you to freely download at various websites! Letters - Letter 9 Enclosing a letter to a corresponding sister, whom he regards with respect tinged with fear. His old theme concisely put. THE enclosed is an answer to that which I received from --; pray deliver it to her. She seems to me full of good will, but she would go faster than grace. One does not become holy all at once. I recommend her to you: we ought to help one another by our advice, and yet more by our good examples. You will oblige me to let me hear of her from time to time, and whether she be very fervent and very obedient. Let us thus think often that our only business in this life is to please GOD, that per

  • The Practice Of The Presence Of God - Brother Lawrence Part 12

    25/06/2024 Duration: 03min

    The Practice Of The Presence Of God: The Best Rule Of A Holy Life (being Conversations and Letters of Brother Lawrence) G’day! Welcome to Partakers! Today we continue our Sunday series, where we are reading from a book by Brother Lawrence “The Practice of the Presence of God”… This book is available for you to freely download at various websites! Letters - Letter 8 Concerning wandering thoughts in prayer. You tell me nothing new: you are not the only one that is troubled with wandering thoughts. Our mind is extremely roving; but as the will is mistress of all our faculties, she must recall them, and carry them to GOD, as their last end. When the mind, for want of being sufficiently reduced by recollection, at our first engaging in devotion, has contracted certain bad habits of wandering and dissipation, they are difficult to overcome, and commonly draw us, even against our wills, to the things of the earth. I believe one remedy for this is, to confess our faults, and to h

  • The Practice Of The Presence Of God - Brother Lawrence Part 11

    24/06/2024 Duration: 03min

    The Practice Of The Presence Of God: The Best Rule Of A Holy Life (being Conversations and Letters of Brother Lawrence) G’day! Welcome to Partakers! Today we continue our Sunday series, where we are reading from a book by Brother Lawrence “The Practice of the Presence of God”… This book is available for you to freely download at various websites! Letters - Letter 7 At the age of nearly fourscore exhorts his correspondent, who is sixty-four, to live and die with God and promises and asks for prayer. I pity you much. It will be of great importance if you can leave the care of your affairs to, and spend the remainder of your life only in worshipping GOD. He requires no great matters of us; a little remembrance of Him from time to time, a little adoration: sometimes to pray for His grace, sometimes to offer Him your sufferings, and sometimes to return Him thanks for the favors He has given you, and still gives you, in the midst of your troubles, and to console yourself with Hi

  • The Practice Of The Presence Of God - Brother Lawrence Part 10

    23/06/2024 Duration: 03min

    The Practice Of The Presence Of God: The Best Rule Of A Holy Life (being Conversations and Letters of Brother Lawrence) G’day! Welcome to Partakers! Today we continue our Sunday series, where we are reading from a book by Brother Lawrence “The Practice of the Presence of God”… This book is available for you to freely download at various websites! Letters - Letter 6 To a member of the order who had received from him a book, and to whom he again enlarges on his favourite topic. Encouragement to persevere. I have received from Mrs. -- the things which you gave her for me. I wonder that you have not given me your thoughts of the little book I sent to you, and which you must have received. Pray set heartily about the practice of it in your old age; it is better late than never. I cannot imagine how religious persons can live satisfied without the practice of the presence of GOD. For my part I keep myself retired with Him in the depth of center of my soul as much as I can; and while I am so with Him

  • The Practice Of The Presence Of God - Brother Lawrence Part 9

    22/06/2024 Duration: 03min

    The Practice Of The Presence Of God: The Best Rule Of A Holy Life (being Conversations and Letters of Brother Lawrence) G’day! Welcome to Partakers! Today we continue our Sunday series, where we are reading from a book by Brother Lawrence “The Practice of the Presence of God”… This book is available for you to freely download at various websites! Letters - Letter 5 Prayer for a sister who is about to make a vow and profession. A fresh insisting upon the necessity and virtue of practicing the Presence of God. I received this day two books and a letter from Sister, who is preparing to make her profession, and upon that account desires the prayers of your holy society, and yours in particular. I perceive that she reckons much upon them; pray do not disappoint her. Beg of GOD that she may make her sacrifice in the view of His love alone, and with a firm resolution to be wholly devoted to Him. I will send you one of those books which treat of the presence of GOD; a subject which, in my opinion, cont

  • The Practice Of The Presence Of God - Brother Lawrence Part 8

    21/06/2024 Duration: 06min

    The Practice Of The Presence Of God: The Best Rule Of A Holy Life (being Conversations and Letters of Brother Lawrence) G’day! Welcome to Partakers! Today we continue our Sunday series, where we are reading from a book by Brother Lawrence “The Practice of the Presence of God”… This book is available for you to freely download at various websites! Letters - Letter 4 Writes of himself as of a third person, and encourages his correspondent to press on to fuller practising of the Presence of God. I have taken this opportunity to communicate to you the sentiments of one of our society concerning the admirable effects and continual assistances which he receives from the presence of GOD. Let you and me both profit by them. You must know, his continual care has been, for above forty years past that he has spent in religion, to be always with GOD; and to do nothing, say nothing, and think nothing which may displease Him; and this without any other view than purely for the love of H

  • The Practice Of The Presence Of God - Brother Lawrence Part 7

    20/06/2024 Duration: 03min

    The Practice Of The Presence Of God: The Best Rule Of A Holy Life (being Conversations and Letters of Brother Lawrence) G’day! Welcome to Partakers! Today we continue our Sunday series, where we are reading from a book by Brother Lawrence “The Practice of the Presence of God”… This book is available for you to freely download at various websites! Letters - Letter 3 For a soldier friend whom he encourages to trust in God. WE have a GOD who is infinitely gracious, and knows all our wants. I always thought that He would reduce you to extremity. He will come in His own time, and when you least expect it. Hope in Him more than ever: thank Him with me for the favours He does you, particularly for the fortitude and patience which He gives you in your afflictions: it is a plain mark of the care He takes of you; comfort yourself then with Him, and give thanks for all. I admire also the fortitude and bravery of M. GOD has given him a good disposition, and a good will; but there is i

  • The Practice Of The Presence Of God - Brother Lawrence Part 6

    19/06/2024 Duration: 10min

    The Practice Of The Presence Of God: The Best Rule Of A Holy Life (being Conversations and Letters of Brother Lawrence) G’day! Welcome to Partakers! Today we continue our Sunday series, where we are reading from a book by Brother Lawrence “The Practice of the Presence of God”… This book is available for you to freely download at various websites! Letters - Letter 2 Difference between himself and others. Faith alone consistently and persistently. Deprecates this state being considered a delusion. Not finding my manner of life in books, although I have no difficulty about it, yet, for greater security, I shall be glad to know your thoughts concerning it. In a conversation some days since with a person of piety, he told me the spiritual life was a life of grace, which begins with servile fear, which is increased by hope of eternal life, and which is consummated by pure love; that each of these states had its different stages, by which one arrives at last at that blessed cons

  • The Practice Of The Presence Of God - Brother Lawrence Part 5

    18/06/2024 Duration: 04min

    The Practice Of The Presence Of God: The Best Rule Of A Holy Life (being Conversations and Letters of Brother Lawrence) G’day! Welcome to Partakers! Today we continue our Sunday series, where we are reading from a book by Brother Lawrence “The Practice of the Presence of God”… This book is available for you to freely download at various websites! Letters - Letter 1 Since you desire so earnestly that I should communicate to you the method by which I arrived at that habitual sense of GOD's Presence, which our LORD, of His mercy, has been pleased to vouchsafe to me; I must tell you, that it is with great difficulty that I am prevailed on by your importunities; and now I do it only upon the terms, that you show my letter to nobody. If I knew that you would let it be seen, all the desire that I have for your advancement would not be able to determine me to it. The account I can give you is: Having found in many books different methods of going to GOD, and divers practices of the

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