The How to Start Living Show, hosted by Jeff Steinmann, features insights and interviews with people like you who have achieved more than just success in the traditional way; they've discovered how to live in a way that makes them feel good every day. (Formerly called the How to Quit Working Show)
71: Three tips to Quit Working (and How to Get a Free Book)
20/06/2014 Duration: 36minIf you want to quit working, you have to try new things and do soem things differently. On this episode of the How to Quit Working Show, Jeff Steinmann give you three simple things you can do to quit working. He also tells you about some upcoming changes and how you can get a free copy of How to Quit Working.
70: How to Be an Entrepreneur with Cody McLain
18/06/2014 Duration: 49minCody McLain couldn't find a group of kids that he fit in with in high school. Instead of moping and whining about it, he figured out how to be an entrepreneur. At the age of 16, he was running a successful web hosting company. He used his breaks in school to handle customer support! Cody is now 24 years old, and has started and sold multiple six-figure producing businesses. He overcame his fears, logistics of being and underage business owner, and anxiety issues.
69: What Happens After a Business Failure With Alex Klokus
16/06/2014 Duration: 38minBusiness failure - the fear of it - stops aspiring entrepreneurs from starting a business. But it didn't stop Alex. He was raised to pursue things that interest him. When the opportunity came along to be part of a startup online seminar company, he jumped at the chance. Now we'll skip to the end -- it failed. Alex is not only alive, but doing very well and excited to tell you what happens after a failed startup. It will surprise you.
50: Jim Palmer -- When is the Right Time to Start a Business?
14/06/2014 Duration: 34minJim Palmer has created several successful businesses. After getting laid off from his job, he decided he was going to start a business and a life that would let him live the lifestyle he wants and contribute to others in a meaningful way. Jim believes that too many people are waiting for the economy to improve, to save up money or some other circumstance to make it easier. Jim says the problem is this: it will never get easier. On this episode of the How to Quit Working Show, Jim will tell you about his journey and how to start a business now, instead of waiting for it to get easier.
67: Karin Hurt on Quitting Your Job to Start a Business
11/06/2014 Duration: 34minKarin Hurt had a successful executive career with a major wireless company. Her passion for being a great leader and growing great leaders not only helped her to excel in her corporate career, but also prompted her to start a blog called Let’s Grow Leaders on the side. Eventually, her desire to have a greater impact in the field of leadership caused her to leave Verizon and start a company that develops leaders. Karin will discuss her journey and lessons you apply on your journey to starting your own business. - See more at:
66: Craig Wolfe on How to Run a Business
09/06/2014 Duration: 44minCraig Wolfe has created several businesses. And they are all very unique, interesting and cool. That's because he's always built business around things that interested him. Celebriducks went from a simple idea that a friend (who'd had a few drinks) mentioned. Now he has sold over a million ducks that look like celebrities.
65: Starting Your Own Business with founder Matt Toone
06/06/2014 Duration: 34minMatt Toone had and idea. He hated running to the store for his wife to buy her feminine hygiene products. His idea was to create a company that would deliver them right to women's door, so no woman (or her husband or boyfriend) had to go on that embarrassing, annoying trip to the store for tampons or pads. On this episode of the How to Quit Working Show, Matt explains how he started, but most importantly, how he figured out if it was a good idea BEFORE he started it.
64: Combine Multiple Passions to do Something You Love
04/06/2014 Duration: 58minDavid Brower has done all kinds of interesting things throughout his career. He has worked a variety of jobs around his passions, but finally stirred all of them up into exactly the right mix that has has allowed him to create an amazing business he loves "Jump in that dingy and row to your dream island."
63: Finding Your Niche, Live Coaching with Jeff and Laurel Staples
02/06/2014 Duration: 42minOne of the most important and sometimes challenging parts of starting a business is figuring out who your customer or niche is. On this show we talk with Kary Dunham, who has left behind a careers in teaching and instructional design to launch a business that she loves and lets her live her passions and do it her way. Jeff and Laurel Staples of Go Fire Yourself will coach Kary through through creating her business and deciding her niche.
62: Perfection is the Enemy of Good
29/05/2014 Duration: 30minAspiring entrepreneurs strive for perfection in their business. This approach blocks success. Here are the two reasons for this and how to overcome them.
61: How to Start a Business that Feeds Your Passions with Ryan Moran
26/05/2014 Duration: 41minRyan Moran started his entrepreneurial career by selling crayon drawings for a penny each. He's moved on to slightly larger things. On this episode of the How to Quit Working Show, Ryan will share his strategy for creating businesses that support his lifestyle and will explain how to strategically manage the profits from those businesses to build a better future lifestyle for yourself.
60: How Successful Entrepreneurs Think About Starting a Business
22/05/2014 Duration: 29minCommon conceptions portrayed by the media about business and money are not only wrong, but they are keeping you working a job for someone else instead of starting your own business and living the life of freedom you deserve. Jeff Steinmann dispels this false information and explains how successful entrepreneurs look at business instead.
59: How to Travel the World without worrying about a job with Janak and Nalisha Patel
19/05/2014 Duration: 24minJanak and Nalisha Patel made some big changes in their life, and fortunately, they had their bucket list to guide them. They've been together since they were 17 and 20 years old. Like anyone that age, they had big dreams; they wanted to travel, have nice cars, a huge house and live by the beach. They wanted it all.
58: How to Resign from a Job with Laurel Staples
12/05/2014 Duration: 39minIs the corporate life working for you? Is it giving you everything – I mean all the things you want out of life? If not, you'll want to listen to this episode of the How to Quit Working Show with Laurel Staples. She will explain how she left her corporate engineering job (designing printer parts) to start first a retail store and then Go Fire Yourself. Laurel is going to share with us the ways she has had to change the way she thinks, acts and how she views the world to become a successful entrepreneur.
57: How to Run a Business Consciously with JV Crum III
05/05/2014 Duration: 01h04minJV is the Best-selling Author of Conscious Millionaire: Grow Your Business by Making a Difference. An Entrepreneur, attorney, speaker, and strategy coach, he mentors conscious entrepreneurs, small business owners, and startups who want to combine achieving a higher purpose with making high profits and do sowithout being an unethical sleazebag.
56: Use what you Know for a Lifestyle of Purpose with Carol Griesmeyer
28/04/2014 Duration: 31minCarol Griesmeyer has a passion for helping people understand the benefits of Oriental Medicine. She also has a passion for living life her way. She owns a successful Acupuncture practice and loves what she does. The problem is that her practice requires her to be in the office treating patients. One patient per hour. Not only that, but getting paid is a pain. Insurance billing is time consuming and unreliable. After reading How to Quit Working and going through the How to Quit Working NOW! coaching, Carol realized there was another way. She realized that it was possible to make money and help people without being in her office treating them one-on-one. On this episode of the How to Quit Working Show, Carol is going to tell you how she's doing that as well as: • How she discovered the information that she is now monetizing. • One simple thing that stressed and overwhelmed parents can do to feel more calm and peaceful.
55: Quit Your Job to Pursue Your Passion with Steve Belanger
21/04/2014 Duration: 55minWhen I came across the article titled: Why I Quit My 6-Figure Job on Men's Health Magazine, I knew I had to talk to the author. I emailed Steve Belanger and he said, “Sure, but we'll have to do it on a day when my kids aren't home with me.” Steve is a lifestyle fanatic – spending time with his kids, which is in his Living circle, comes first. Steve had a successful career with Penthouse Magazine (that's not a magazine about luxury apartments) and Time, Inc as an accountant. Pretty exciting, right? No, not really. Not at all. Steve tolerated it, but the whole time he was looking for an escape route. He finally found one. On this episode of the How to Quit Working Show, Steve is going to tell you how he found that escape route as well as: How he got really creative (and opportunistic) with his career while still “inside” the corporate walls. His best advice for anyone who wants to quit their job and create a lifestyle of freedom. On this episode of the show, I have a special guest host, How to Quit Working Sh
54: Getting Past the Fear of Quitting Your Job with Rhonda Britton
14/04/2014 Duration: 52minWhen she was only 14 years old, Rhonda Britton experienced a tragedy that would be difficult for most to even comprehend. She turned to alcohol, attempted suicide three times and spent 20 years in complete misery. She had every excuse to quit. To give up and not even try. But she didn't. She decided her life was worthwhile and she was going to enjoy it. Today Rhonda is America's Number One Life Coach, an Emmy Award Winner and has been a guest on Oprah multiple times. On this episode of the How to Quit Working Show, Rhonda will tell you her powerful story as well as: How to know when fear may be holding you back, but you don't realize it. How she turned a tragedy into fuel for her entrepreneurial fire. A simple exercise to help you get past obstacles that may be holding you back. You can get more information about Fearless Living on her website at and you can get her book on
53: How to Follow Your Dreams with Colin Wright of Exile Lifestyle
07/04/2014 Duration: 43min“People tell me that they really want to quit their job, travel, or whatever it happens to be, but we've all got the same 24 hours. It's not like those of us who are making it happen are super-human. If you decide you want to do something, just make it happen.” Colin will share how he's done it all and how his business has grown over the past year as well as: How he has built relationships with a powerful network of influencers. What a year of focused business building (while traveling your ass off) will do for you. The biggest lesson he learned in his business this year. You can get more information about Colin on his website at and his personal projects at His publishing company is
52: How to Start a Online Business with Travis Sherry of Extra Pack of Peanuts
31/03/2014 Duration: 57minOne year ago, I started a little Podcast called the How to Quit Working Show. 52 amazing guests later, I invited Travis Sherry, my first guest ever back on the show. When I first talked to Travis one year ago (link to first show), he had a lot going on. He had left his teaching job because as a high-school history teacher, he **only** got three months off each year. That wasn't enough for him. He had already started Extra Pack of Peanuts and had built a substantial following and was traveling the world. But what happens when you Quit Working to start a business and then work your ass off on it for a year? On this episode of the How to Quit Working Show, Travis will what he's done and how his business has grown over the past year as well as: • How he has built relationships with a powerful network of influencers. • What a year of focused business building (while traveling your ass off) will do for you • The biggest lesson he learned in his business this year You can get more information about Travis and Ext