The How to Start Living Show, hosted by Jeff Steinmann, features insights and interviews with people like you who have achieved more than just success in the traditional way; they've discovered how to live in a way that makes them feel good every day. (Formerly called the How to Quit Working Show)
172: Start a Business Buying and Selling Land
11/02/2015 Duration: 29minMark Podolsky had a successful career in finance. He was analyzing companies for return on investment. When one of his coworkers showed him how to make better returns than even the best companies he analyzed, he had to give it a shot. It took some time to convince his wife, but now Mark has a successful business buying and selling raw land without any of the normal hassles of real estate. On this episode of the How to Quit Working Show, Mark tells us how he did it and how you can too.
171: Two Young Guys Disrupting an Industry
09/02/2015 Duration: 36minKevin Petrovic and Rujul Zapard saw something they thought was an opportunity. They saw that airport parking lots were full of unused cars parked in long-term parking. They decided there had to be a way to leverage that asset. Along came FlightCar. On this episode of the How to Quit Working Show, Kevin shares how two guys who aren't even old enough to rent a car (much less drink alcohol) are disrupting an entire industry.
170: Enough Isn't Enough
07/02/2015 Duration: 31minWhen the bills are paid, you have a roof over your head, and nobody is hungry, you have enough. But is enough really enough? Or do you deserve more? Jeff talks about raising your expectations and Heather discusses passion and whether it's enough to carry you through to success on this episode of the How to Quit Working Show.
169: Busting Myths About Real Estate and Business
04/02/2015 Duration: 30minHow often do you say, "I could never do that."? Many of us look at big, seemingly expensive things and don't believe they are within our reach. Not Joe Fairless. He wanted to invest in large apartment complexes, but he didn't have the cash to buy them and no bank would lend him money after he quit his high-paying New York job. On this episode of the How to Quit Working Show, Joe tells us how he was able to achieve his dream of investing in real estate without cash or banks.
168: Advantages of a Franchise with Brian Scudamore
02/02/2015 Duration: 32minWhile in the drive-through at McDonalds, Brian Scudamore had an idea for a business. 25 years later, it is a multi-million dollar company and Brian has applied what he learned to two new companies, Wow 1 Day Painting and You Move Me. On this episode of the How to Quit Working show, Brian talks about his story of founding 1-800-GOT-JUNK and the advantages of a franchise.
167: Focus on the Fundamentals and Avoid Information Overload
30/01/2015 Duration: 37minYou are bombarded with information constantly and it's hard to know what's right, what's wrong, what you should do and what you shouldn't listen to. On this episode of the How to Quit Working Show, Jeff talks about focusing on the fundamentals of business and Heather talks about dealing with information overload.
166: What You REALLY Need to Quit Your Job
29/01/2015 Duration: 26minJeff discusses the misconception about what it REALLY takes to start a business successfully and the difference between what most aspiring entrepreneurs think they need versus what they really need. Jeff also talks to Felena Hansen, founder of Herra Hub about how her company supports women entrepreneurs on this episode of the How to Quit Working Show.
165: Opening a Franchise
26/01/2015 Duration: 28minOwner of the Tampa franchise for Two Maids and a Mop, Jamie Kulaga isn't passionate about cleaning, but she is passionate about helping people to find balance in their life by getting someone else to clean their house. After some difficulty getting her cleaning business off the ground on her own, she decided that a Franchise was the way to go. Jamie shares her advice about opening a franchise on this episode of the How to Quit Working Show.
164: The Importance of Taking Action
24/01/2015 Duration: 36minNothing moves a business forward more than simply doing things -- taking action! Too often we let the voices in our head tell us to wait because we're not good enough, it needs to be perfect and other lies stop us from taking the action that will move the business forward. Discover how to quit procrastinating, quiet those voices in your head and take action on this episode of the How to Quit Working Show.
163: Candyman David Klein on Entrepreneurship (Part 2)
21/01/2015 Duration: 46minDavid Klein has a passion for candy. It goes all the way back to grade school. Not only does he love candy, he also loves business. David invented the world-famous Jelly Belly Jelly bean and countless other fun and crazy sweet creations. On this episode of the How to Quit Working, one of the kindest and most generous people shares his secrets to success in business and life.
161: How to Make the SHIFT
19/01/2015 Duration: 53minMaking the SHIFT from being an employee to an entrepreneur is hard. It requires changing the way you think, the way you act, and most importantly, the people you hang around with. On this special episode of the How to Quit Working Show, Jeff and Heather talk about how How to Quit Working can help you quit your job and start a business.
161: How to Deal With Fear
17/01/2015 Duration: 31minThe single biggest thing that stops people from starting successful businesses and succeeding in life is fear. When you can get past fear, you can do amazing things. Heather and Jeff give advice on getting past fear on this episode of the How to Quit Working Show.
160: Candyman David Klein on Entrepreneurship (Part 1)
15/01/2015 Duration: 36minDavid Klein has a passion for candy. It goes all the way back to grade school. Not only does he love candy, he also loves business. David invented the world-famous Jelly Belly Jelly bean and countless other fun and crazy sweet creations. On this episode of the How to Quit Working, one of the kindest and most generous people shares his secrets to success in business and life.
159: Turn Your Job Into a Business with Bobbi Linkemer
13/01/2015 Duration: 49minBobbi Linkemer didn't care much for working in corporate. When she was fired from her job in the 1980's, as she was looking for another, she found out that people wanted to hire her directly as a freelancer. A business was born. But it didn't last all this time by luck. Bobbie explains how she started a successful business long before the Internet, podcasts or social media on this episode of the How to Quit Working Show.
158: Create a Business That Helps Lots of People
09/01/2015 Duration: 47minA business can't be successful unless it offers a product or service that helps people. But the most successful businesses help not only their customers, but their employees, franchisees, communities and numerous other parties. Heather discusses the difference between expenses and investments and their importance to a successful business.
157: Multi-Million Dollar Business with Teri Gault
07/01/2015 Duration: 33minThe wildly successful "Grocery Game" started out with a free website that was created by a technophobe. It has grown into a multi-million dollar franchised business that helps people around the country save money on their groceries. Founder Terri Gault explains how she created this business and shares her advice on creating and building a successful business.
156: Start a Million-Dollar Software Business
06/01/2015 Duration: 30minBrandon Checketts' parents helped him start a computer repair shop when he was in high school. That was Brandon's first introduction to entrepreneurship and he was hooked. Brandon has started multiple software companies and has plans for many more. On this episode of the How to Quit Working Show, Brandon discusses how he started his companies and what you need to know if you want to start a software company.
155: The How to Quit Working Movement and Getting Started
03/01/2015 Duration: 47minThe way we've been doing things for the past few generations is broken. Generation Y and a small number of the older generations are realizing there is a better way to do life and it doesn't require working a full-time job you don't like. On this episode of the How to Quit Working Show, Jeff talks about the How to Quit Working Movement and Heather talks about the most important part of starting a business -- getting started.
154: REPLAY - Business Lessons from Video Professor Founder John Scherer
31/12/2014 Duration: 47minHow to Quit Working is about putting what’s important to you at the center of your life and thats what we’re doing by taking a break around the holidays, so we can enjoy our holiday and come back refreshed and ready for some amazing shows in 2015. During the break, we’re going to replay some of the best, most inspirational and informative episodes of the How to Quit Working show. So, enjoy this best of How to Quit Working show and we’ll see you in 2015.
153: REPLAY - Scottie Hobbs on starting a beachbody business
29/12/2014 Duration: 48minHow to Quit Working is about putting what’s important to you at the center of your life and thats what we’re doing by taking a break around the holidays, so we can enjoy our holiday and come back refreshed and ready for some amazing shows in 2015. During the break, we’re going to replay some of the best, most inspirational and informative episodes of the How to Quit Working show. So, enjoy this best of How to Quit Working show and we’ll see you in 2015.