My podcast is designed specifically to enlighten, instruct, and educate.
Retired, Unemployed, or Just Recovering From Something episode #327
26/01/2021 Duration: 30minThis short episode involves people who are retired, unemployed, or just recovering from something and have to be home for a while. I know a lot of the latter... Thanks for participating in my weekly show I really appreciate the love. Don't forget to like, share, and comment the algorithm loves that.
I Want To Share A Quick Marketing Story With You # 326
19/01/2021 Duration: 31minI was doing research for this weeks show and I ran across a segment on marketing and I just had to share it with you guys. Once you decide to jump into the entrepreneurial world marketing is going to play a very big part of growing your business. Enjoy and thanks a million for your participation.
Your Online Presence In 2021 episode # 325
12/01/2021 Duration: 16minThis episode I created to do a couple of things first to introduce you to a company I partnered up with beginning the first of the year and second to give you an opportunity to invest in yourself. Feel free to check it out at -->
Let's Start The Show episode #324
05/01/2021 Duration: 32minLet's Start The Show, that's to get you up and moving. The new year has begun and it's time for you to get in the game. Over the holidays I partnered with a company that has some exciting opportunities for you if you're interested simply click the link to go inside.
Will This Be The Year You Do What You Said You Would Do?
29/12/2020 Duration: 32minThis is my last episode for 2020 you guys know I create one episode a week which for the entire year gives me 52 new episode for 2020. As a content creator it's essential that we have systems to increase our visibility on blogs, audio, and video as well. However, my question for you today is simply, "Will this be the year you do what you said you would do?
Preparing For 2021 episode # 322
22/12/2020 Duration: 30minThis episode I'm employing you to consider starting your own online small business in 2021. My company teaches people just like yourself how to set up the foundation of a online business while helping you to become more comfortable speaking about it. This show is basically for those of you who aren't afraid to jump into the entrepreneurial side of life and if that's you let's do 2021 BIG...
Let's Talk Credit episode # 321
15/12/2020 Duration: 30minIn this episode I'm going to cover a few things I've learned studying about credit and the way it works.
Let's Create Your Own Online Presence # 320
08/12/2020 Duration: 31minThanks again for allowing me into your world today I'm sharing with you an easy and simple way to create your own online presence. Consistency is a word that you will know only to well but it will be inline with something you like, something you love, or something that you want to learn about. Plus, I'm sharing with you an opportunity to sign up with my system to set up the foundation of your online presence.
Self Confidence episode # 319
01/12/2020 Duration: 31minSelf Confidence is an attribute that can only be implemented by the person. It's something that should be worked on all your life. When your self confidence gets to low it may cause a person to go into a shell and not want to talk or do anything. So work on who you are and who you want to become, regularly...
Some Basic Stock market Terms episode # 318
24/11/2020 Duration: 31minThis episode I wanted to bring to you some very important terms related to the stock market. The 3 basic areas to grow wealth in the U.S. are Business, Real Estate, and the Stock Market. I recommend you work on getting your hands in all 3 at some point.
Becoming Financially Literate episode # 317
17/11/2020 Duration: 31minAlright the day has come November 16th that's the day I began my 30 day challenge to help millennials better understand financial literacy. But it's not only for millennials it's for whom ever wants to participate. The topic I chose to teach about is not my area of expertise but I wanted to show you just how simple and easy it is to create your own online business or online presence. Once you begin your process if you have any questions feel free to reach out me at and I'll clear up whatever your issue is. Good luck and I look forward to celebrating with you in 30 days.
Do Something That Matters To You episode # 316
10/11/2020 Duration: 31minThis episode I get to share with you how important it is to do something that matters to you.
Marketing and More episode # 315
03/11/2020 Duration: 31minThis episode I get to share with you some of my story telling skills. Story telling is a skill that as an online entrepreneur will help as your journey continues.
How Do You Advertise Your Business episode # 314
27/10/2020 Duration: 31minThis episode I get to share several different ways to advertise your small business online while building your online presence.
Digital Marketing Strategies episode # 312
13/10/2020 Duration: 29minDigital Marketing Strategies episode # 312
Simple Things You Can Do To Turn Your Life Around episode # 311
09/10/2020 Duration: 31minI first want to thank everyone for being patient with me as I've been dealing with food poisoning all week. I normally create one episode on Monday's but I just wasn't feeling it. I do however, have some great tips for you on this episode so I hope you enjoy.
The Fear Of Starting Something New episode # 310
29/09/2020 Duration: 27minThis episode covers a few things that happen to you once you decide to begin something new. Fear, anxiety, overwhelm all those are things you'll experience when you decide to start something new.
What Creating Your Online Presence Looks Like episode # 309
22/09/2020 Duration: 31minI wanted to create this episode to help you understand a couple of things first, just how important it is for you to get started and second, just how simple and inexpensive it is to get started. You have an unlimited number of places to gain knowledge about your chosen niche and as you create content your confidence increases.
The Inbox episode # 308
15/09/2020 Duration: 31minI really had a good time making this episode because every time I get to share something inline with my business I always learn something new.