Speakwithlarrys Podcast

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 200:46:01
  • More information



My podcast is designed specifically to enlighten, instruct, and educate.


  • Larry Speaking 28 -B

    10/12/2014 Duration: 14min

    Welcome, welcome, this is a piggyback on the episode I created earlier, as you listen, it will make sense, thanks for listening to Speakwithlarrys Podcast.

  • Somethings you may not know about yourself.

    02/12/2014 Duration: 14min

    Self-Esteem is of major importance when it come to succeeding today. The world we live in today has so much negativity that in order to overcome much of it you have to remain positive. I've included a few ways to shift your esteem from low to high, practice whenever you can.

  • Identifying your Ideal Client

    25/11/2014 Duration: 17min

    There is such a person, you actually create this person by identifying a series of qualities that he or she would have in regards to your product or service. When you think about how old your client would be, where they would live, the car they would drive and other questions that you'll want answers to you get to create a real person, one who wants and needs what you're selling.

  • People will seek you out.

    17/11/2014 Duration: 17min

    As you grow your business there will come a point where people will seek you out. People buy from those they know, like and trust, and as you become identified as one of those, people will seek you out.

  • Business, Speaking, and Author terms.

    10/11/2014 Duration: 20min

    In order to get good at something one of the first things that must take place is your ability to understand certain terms within your niche. Another way to view it is, you can't speak the language if you don't know the language. So I put together a short list of business, speaking, and author terms for you to add to the things you already know about. Enjoy...

  • Phase 3, the 3 Keys to your businesses success.

    03/11/2014 Duration: 14min

    Alright now you know my secret, the three steps to starting and successfully running your own online business. So a quick recap, set up the foundation, create your products and services, and market, brand and re-invest. Phase one, two, and three.

  • Phase two creating your Products and Services.

    27/10/2014 Duration: 14min

    Once you've created the foundation of your business, the next phase is to create your products and services, that's what will be the vehicle to your companys growth.

  • 3 Things that cause most new business owners to stumble.

    20/10/2014 Duration: 15min

    Starting a new business is rough, and it requires time and understanding of the business you want to start. Anything that you do for the first time you're not going to be good at, but if you continue and don't stop, you'll get better. That's the way it works, but if you allow mistakes and mishaps to cause you to get frustrated and quit you'll never achieve the success you seek.

  • Some of the things I've learned in my first 20 episodes.

    13/10/2014 Duration: 12min

    Four months ago I didn't even have a podcast, didn't know how to put one together, didn't understand Audacity, now, today I created my 20th episode and uploaded it to podcatchers that reach millions of listeners, WOW, it's absolutely amazing. Whether you're familiar with podcasts or not, you will become very familiar with them because they are quickly becoming the platform of choice to market to millions.

  • The road to deciding what you want to be, do, and have.

    07/10/2014 Duration: 11min

    Having the ability to be, do, and have anything you want has never easier than it is today. With the creation of the Internet you can now be, do, and have anything that you're willing to work hard for.

  • How to Quickly and Effectively Brand yourself.

    29/09/2014 Duration: 13min

    Many new entrepreneurs miss out time after time on opportunities to brand themselves simply because they can't really recognize how easy it really is. You can make almost any event an opportunity to market and brand yourself. As you listen to my clip just think of all the times you've had already that you didn't take advantage of.

  • Your Dream, the more you believe it, the more others will believe it.

    22/09/2014 Duration: 12min

    When you think of the word dream you don't normally think of hard work, sacrifices, commitment, and those types of terms. You normally think of success, accomplishments, making it. Well the best way to accomplish your dream is to identify your gifts ot talents and create a business around those.

  • Structuring your Business

    15/09/2014 Duration: 11min

    Creating systems are part of structuring your business and as you create those systems as your business grows you'll be able to outsource those skills to what's known as Virtual Assistants. Doing that allows you to free up some very valuable time, that you can do other things with like travel, play, spend time with your family, and the list goes on.

  • Preparing for the Opportunity

    08/09/2014 Duration: 12min

    Many times when an opportunity comes your way, you're not prepared to take advantage of it. Unfortunately, most times it's not because you can't, it's because you're afraid. Lack of knowledge about something will cause you to stay in what you label as a safe place. Again, unfortunately, there's no growth in a safe place.

  • Why you need to work on Speaking in Public.

    01/09/2014 Duration: 13min

    When you mention speaking in public to most people their mind shuts down to the possibility. Not because they can't do it, but because of the fear they have of it. I for one must admit, I had that fear, didn't like it, didn't want it, and what I wanted to become required that I go through getting comfortable with speaking to succeed at what I wanted to do. So what did I do? Take a listen...

  • Why put Videos in your Website

    25/08/2014 Duration: 12min

    The internet business is a very powerful vehicle for many people who wouldn't have normally had the opportunity to become successful in business. One of the things necessary to become successful is being able to market and brand yourself and your company. The best way, bar none to do that is with videos, videos that you can create very inexpensively and regularly. This episode gives you a number of other reasons to include videos in your mix, also.

  • Setting up your Office.

    19/08/2014 Duration: 12min

    Many time we tend to over look the small things involved when setting up our online business. Things like pens, paper, ink, etc.. Even though when you begin, it's full speed and your mind is more focused one the big things and it should be. But when your're basically a one man show you have to stay mindful of the small stuff as well.

  • Keeping Success

    11/08/2014 Duration: 13min

    This episode I created to shine a light on the fact that many times we get a large amount of money, (a windfall) if you will and because of our inability to understand money we go right back to being broke again.

  • Decisions and Emotions

    05/08/2014 Duration: 13min

    As a new online business owner you'll experience many challenges from the beginning, many you will chalk up to mistakes or experiences. Some however, will be attributed to making emotional decisions when you should be making knowledgable decisions.

  • Creating your first product.

    28/07/2014 Duration: 11min

    Once you decide to start your online business it's important to realize that one of the fastest ways to generate a profit is to create products. You have the option to market other people's products as well, called affiliate marketing, however by far the best way is to create your own products and get 100% of the commissions.

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