My podcast is designed specifically to enlighten, instruct, and educate.
Success is not Accidental
20/06/2016 Duration: 50minIn order to become successful on any level requires you to make specific plans and follow through on them. In other words it doesn't just happen.
Off the Cuff episode # 107
13/06/2016 Duration: 43minThis episode is designed to help me practice speaking Off the Cuff...
Business Tips - episode # 106
06/06/2016 Duration: 37minThese are some tips I wanted to share with you I learned from SCORE, at an event I attended in Dallas Texas.
Positioning yourself to be an Entrepreneur, eposide # 105
30/05/2016 Duration: 41minThis is an episode I created to give you more incite into the world of starting an online business.
Setting up your Website episode # 104
23/05/2016 Duration: 34minThese are tools and techniques for setting up your website for success.
Let's talk about some of the Universal Laws.
16/05/2016 Duration: 42minThis is an introduction to some of the Laws of the Universe that govern us on a daily basis. Many know them but just as many are not aware of them at all.
Stop looking at the person next to you.
09/05/2016 Duration: 33minYou have to watch your inner conversation. Are you living your dreams or your fears? and Do you expect to be successful?
What do you know that you could teach? # 101
02/05/2016 Duration: 36minThis is a question I pose to you right now.
Episode #100...A milestone...
25/04/2016 Duration: 41minThis is my milestone episode that's right number 100...enough said...
People in your life- episode # 99
18/04/2016 Duration: 41minThis episode talks briefly about people in your life, those around you, those you meet at an event, and those you need to cut out of your life.
Setting up a Business- episode # 98
11/04/2016 Duration: 31minSetting up your online business today has never been easier but with the assistance of a coach now that really moves the needle.
Episode #97- 21st Century Business
04/04/2016 Duration: 25minThis episode is designed to share with you some of the differences between the 20th century model of doing business verses the 21st century.
My New 1 on 1 Coaching Program episode # 96
28/03/2016 Duration: 35minI am beginning a new journey into the one on one coaching world I am very excited about it and look forward to the experiences that it will bring. I employ you to take it with me...
My Get Away, the first quarter of 2016 episode # 95.
22/03/2016 Duration: 45minI did a 3 state get away as a vacation in the first quarter of 2016 and it went something like this...
Episode # 94 Universal Laws
21/03/2016 Duration: 26minCertain things do what the do whether we are aware of them of not, the Universal Laws are some of those things, therefore I wanted to share with you what a few of them do.
Relationship Perspectives episode # 93
07/03/2016 Duration: 37minThis is a new segment I've decided to put into my show from time to time. I've always liked the dynamics of relationships, but more than that I like the perspectives that people have about relationships. ENJOY...
Laws of the Universe # 92
29/02/2016 Duration: 42minKnowing and understanding these laws will increase your chance of achieving anything in life that you seek.
Questions, episode # 91
22/02/2016 Duration: 36minQuestions, last year I researched over 800 questions and I came up with 50 I decided to ask people I interviewed. Today I wanted to share with you some of those questions in an effort to show you how you can turn processes into other tools and techniques. Listen to the flow of the questions and ask yourself if you could incorporate this platform into your business?
The Ground Work episode # 90
16/02/2016 Duration: 32minSetting up the ground work for your business, to write your book, create your CD, or whatever endeavor you take part in is absolutely necessary.
Scripts and Speaking Opportunities
08/02/2016 Duration: 30minMy research this week took me to understand and explain a few things about practicing scripts and getting booked to speak.