Mentors To Executives Worldwide

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
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New podcast every week


  • Even More of Your Questions Answered

    01/02/2017 Duration: 22min

    In the third of our series of “Twenty Questions” Kim and Fulyana once again use their experience and learning to share strategies for management situations. This podcast looks at the following questions: What is the power of H2H? How can you be self aware without being arrogant or self-deprecating? How do you manage interruptions at […]

  • More of Your Questions Answered

    25/01/2017 Duration: 18min

    This week Kim and Fulyana continue answering some of the questions sent in by listeners. This is the second of 3 podcasts where some suggestions will be discussed in brief with a view to longer podcasts on some of the topics at a later date. (Thanks again to everyone who sent in questions!) In this […]

  • Your Questions Answered

    18/01/2017 Duration: 19min

    This week Kim and Fulyana have made a start on answering some of the questions sent in by listeners. This is the first of 3 podcasts where some suggestions will be discussed in brief with a view to longer podcasts on some of the topics at a later date. (Thanks to everyone who sent in […]

  • Case Study – Information Hoarding

    12/01/2017 Duration: 21min

    Why do some organisations foster a culture where information and knowledge is not shared? How does a newcomer get information when it is needed? This week, as a result of a question from a listener, Kim and Fulyana explore options from their experience when you are faced with a need for information that is not […]

  • Do I Really Need Personal Development?

    21/12/2016 Duration: 32min

    Do you make time for personal development? Is it really necessary if I do my job well? This week Kim shares her experience and learning from exposure to some personal development seminars attended recently. Fulyana in turn, gives us her views on what can be gained from personal development…..and whether luck is something we should […]

  • Case Study – Team Leadership Transition

    16/12/2016 Duration: 15min

    What do you do when you take over a team and the previous team leader is now reporting to you? This week Kim and Fulyana discuss the approaches that you can take to ensure the transition of leadership is not derailed and everyone feels they have valuable contributions to make. This is a case study […]

  • Do You Need WorkPlace Health and Safety?

    10/11/2016 Duration: 24min

    This week we continue our talk with Libby Pease about worplace health and safety. Are you thinking about this area for your career? When developing safe work practices is it better to have an outsider or those who do the job? Hear from Libby’s experience and expertise in this interesting area of management.    

  • Is Your Workplace Healthy and Safe?

    03/11/2016 Duration: 18min

    Workplace health and safety (WHS) responsibilities have been with us, regardless of your industry sector, for decades now. Do you get lost in the legislative requirements? Do you need procedures to be certified? This week Kim and Fulyana hear from Libby Pease, an independent WHS consultant, on her experiences and challenges in this field. This […]

  • Are You Happy With Your Presentation Skills?

    27/10/2016 Duration: 24min

    Most senior executives need to have well tuned presentation and public speaking skills. What is the best way to develop these? This week Kim and Fulyana continue their discussion with Anna Mirzayan who talks about the value of developing presentation skills for many areas of executive life – not just the public speaking activities.  

  • Is Your Marketing on Target?

    19/10/2016 Duration: 28min

    Marketing is a vital component of any business. Do you know if your marketing is working as well as it could? How can you keep up with the changes to your target market in an increasingly noisy marketing world? This week Kim and Fulyana speak with Anna Mirzayan about the changes and challenges in the […]

  • Can A Senior Executive Be A Temp?

    09/09/2016 Duration: 22min

    For many the idea of a “temp” relates to employment categories other than senior executives. In these days of dynamic organisations, however, should we be rethinking the idea of who can be a “temp” and what that actually means to various types of organisations and the executives who consider working this way? In this podcast […]

  • Is There a Future for Entrepreneurs?

    12/08/2016 Duration: 15min

    In the third and final part of our discussion with Jamie Wadley, Kim and Fulyana explore ideas of what is to come on the business front. Will we have jobs? What will the average business model be? How much will technology take over? All this plus some insight into the benefits of sailing, reading and […]

  • What Can You Do With Your Great Ideas?

    20/07/2016 Duration: 18min

    Do you have great ideas? Want to make them into a business? How do you get started? These and more questions are discussed this week as Kim and Fulyana continue their session with Jamie Wadley, entrepreneur and marketing coach.    

  • Can You Be An Entrepreneur?

    04/07/2016 Duration: 19min

    Do you dream of being an entrepreneur? Over a series of 3 podcasts, Kim and Fulyana talk with Jamie Wadley, currently a marketing coach but with a background steeped in entrepreneur business activities across a broad range of industries. Do you know how to find your ideal client? Does your office location matter? How do […]

  • Do You Have A Team of High Flyers?

    15/06/2016 Duration: 20min

    Every job has tasks we don’t like, tasks we think should be done by someone else, tasks that don’t fit our idea of what we should be doing in the role we are undertaking. What can you do as a senior manager when you have a new team composed of elite tasks oriented individuals who […]

  • Managing Remotely – Case Study

    08/06/2016 Duration: 19min

    What kind of a CEO do you need to be to successfully manage a team whose members are widespread geographically? What happens when one of the team decides to take on more responsibilities? This week, Kim sets the scene and Fulyana offers some insights into the best management practises for this situation. Can you offer […]

  • Why Doesn’t My Boss Listen To Me?

    01/06/2016 Duration: 18min

    Have you always enjoyed good communication with your boss? Is that changing? This week Kim and Fulyana talk through what might be happening when your boss appears to stop listening to you. Is it a change in communication styles, added business stresses or a result of some outside influence of which you are unaware? What […]

  • Emotional Decision Making – Case Study 2

    25/05/2016 Duration: 17min

    In our second case study around emotional decision making, we explore how meetings can effect our emotions and decisions whether or not we attend these meetings. Kim and Fulyana both talk through examples from their experience to help provide options for you when you are faced with meetings where emotional influence in decision making could […]

  • Case Study 1 – Emotional Decision Making

    18/05/2016 Duration: 19min

    Following on from the discussion about emotional decision making, Kim and Fulyana explore the first of two case studies to see how to manage the over zealous and positive members of teams that are flying high with results. Can a team be too positive? Does the decision making get affected in the same way as […]

  • Do You Keep Emotions Out of Your Decision Making?

    11/05/2016 Duration: 20min

    This week is the first part of a three part series of podcasts based on keeping emotions out of our decision making activities. In this podcast Kim and Fulyana talk through some of the ways they have been able to master this activity. The next two podcasts are devoted to case studies related to emotional […]

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