New podcast every week
Taking Individual Responsibility
15/08/2024 Duration: 12minWhilst waiting for a guest to arrive, Kim and Fulyana had a discussion about “wearing a mistake”. Both had examples of how much there is to gain by taking individual responsibility to ensure a customer/client negative experience can be turned around. When the guest failed to appear they decided to record their thoughts to share […]
Dalmo Cirne Part 3
05/08/2024 Duration: 17minIn the final part of our conversation with Dalmo Cirne, Kim and Fulyana hear about the options for developing new leaders, whether they are new to the workforce or subject matter experts that are now taking on a management role. We also hear why a someone with such a mathematical mind would pursue the often […]
Dalmo Cirne Part 2
29/07/2024 Duration: 19minIn Part 2 of our discussion with Dalmo Cirne, Kim and Fulyana explore the source of “management streams”, the importance of team core values and the impact of AI as a change agent.
Dalmo Cirne Part 1
23/07/2024 Duration: 16minThis week we begin a three part discussion with Dalmo Cirne about management streams. Do you know the essential roles needed for any team? Can you, as an individual, fill more than one role with your skillset?
Case Study – Unprofessional Peer Behaviour
17/07/2024 Duration: 21minThis week we have a case study submitted by a listener who asks for suggestions on managing a work situation where he feels a peer is exhibiting “unprofessional” behaviour. Kim and Fulyana discuss the particular case study as well as other areas that might be considered “unprofessional” amongst peers in the workplace.
Switching Off Work
08/07/2024 Duration: 13minIn another of our “review” questions from 2017, Kim and Fulyana look at the perennial question of how to “switch off” from thinking about work. Do you really need to? Fulyana’s responses might surprise you!
Working With A Negative Team After Lockdowns
02/07/2024 Duration: 16minAs a follow on from last week’s Case Study and as part of our review series from the 20 questions of 2017, Kim and Fulyana look at how to manage a team that has been brought back in to an office environment. There are so many factors contributing to a cohesive team, if you actually […]
Case Study – Working With A Demotivated Team
25/06/2024 Duration: 12minIn another case study from a listener, Kim and Fulyana look at ways a leader new to a team and an organisation can address the management of that team which appears to be demotivated by constant change and demanding deadlines.
Managing Interruptions
18/06/2024 Duration: 18minWe begin a series of “review” podcasts this week by looking back at some questions from 2017 that we promised to revisit…..and haven’t done so! Today is about managing interruptions, whether they are considered good or bad. Can you clearly identify what an interruption is for you?
Case Study – Why Is My Boss Ignoring Me Now?
11/06/2024This week we have a case study from a listener who is concerned that his relationship with his boss has changed – he is feeling “ignored” in the sense of a marked lessening of interaction. Kim and Fulyana look at not just how this can be addressed but why it might be happening and whether […]
John Pabon Part 3 – 2024
04/06/2024In the final part of our conversation, Kim and Fulyana hear about the value of “material analysis” across the whole of an organisation and how that can incorporate sustainability, in business terms, in areas such as gender/pay equality, transport, logistics and resourcing. We also get a sneak preview of the next book…..
John Pabon Part 2 – 2024
28/05/2024We continue our conversation with John Pabon about sustainability, this week looking at the topic we didn’t have time for in our 2023 discussion – stakeholders. Kim and Fulyana learn about the three rings of stakeholders and why taking time, lots of time, to listen to them, is vital for all areas of business.
John Pabon Part 1 – 2024
20/05/2024 Duration: 16minJohn Pabon returns for another series of 3 podcasts to answer listeners’ questions and talk about sustainability, greenwashing, greenscamming and more. This week Kim and Fulyana present one of the more interesting scenarios sent in by a listener.
John Tarnoff Part 3
22/04/2024 Duration: 16minIn the final part of our discussion with John Tarnoff we learn how to identify our own “superpower” in terms of our careers. Jamie shares his journey to realise his “superpower” and we end by understanding that we are not human “beings” but rather human “becomings”!
John Tarnoff Part 2
15/04/2024 Duration: 19minWe continue our discussion with John Tarnoff and guest host, Jamie Wadley, this week looking at how to plan a career transition later in your working life. There is also talk about whether this transition/change needs to be dramatic, in the sense of a completely new path, or whether it can be a refinement of […]
John Tarnoff Part 1
09/04/2024 Duration: 15minThis week we begin a 3 part discussion with John Tarnoff about career transitioning. Kim is joined by former guest, Jamie Wadley, as a “case study”, given that he has transitioned careers regularly and thrives with each new focus. John Tarnoff is an executive and career transition coach, speaker, and author who helps mid-career professionals […]
Dr Terry Lyles and Steven Bowen Part 3
25/03/2024 Duration: 29minIn the final part of our discussion, Dr Terry Lyles and Steven Bowen look at ways to use their book rather than have it on the shelf as well as sharing stories to show the meaning of being “invaluable”.
Dr Terry Lyles and Steven Bowen – Part 2
18/03/2024 Duration: 23minThis week we begin to explore “Invaluable” and what that means for you. Drawing from a wealth of experience across many varied industries, we hear how the concepts in the book can be implemented in our own work lives as well as recognising what we can achieve by knowing our self worth.
Dr Terry Lyles and Steven Bowen Part 1
12/03/2024 Duration: 05minThis week we have an introduction to our guests, Terry Lyles and Steven Bowen, who will, over the next two weeks, talk about being “Invaluable” which is the title of their recently released book. In this session, they talk about what the word actually means and how it will become important for your transformation and […]
Physical Safety and Communication Challenges
12/02/2024 Duration: 15minAs we continue to wait for approval to air the original recordings of our discussion with a recent guest, Fulyana and Kim have both provided some reflection on the conversation. This time it centres on how physical safety concerns may manifest in other behaviours that you need to manage as well as communication generally within […]