Spark Cast

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 380:28:54
  • More information



The podcast of Spark.Church in Palo Alto, CA


  • M25 | You? Me? These. [Kevin Neuner]

    03/09/2023 Duration: 40min

    Service. Fealty. Loyalty. These are the characteristics of subjects to a king. And even though this common code looks different in social, religious, and political arenas, the idea is essentially the same. The top of the hierarchy demands allegiance, and proper honor to a “master” requires it. In Matthew 25, Jesus teaches that while faithfulness to God requires the same level of commitment, the purpose and focus are radically different.

  • M25 | Sheep & Goats [Danielle Parish]

    27/08/2023 Duration: 24min

    Matthew 25 uses the sheep and goats to describe Jesus' calling. And which one we are, Jesus teaches, is determined by how we treat others.

  • Love The Lord Your God With All Your Heart [Danielle Parish & Kevin Neuner]

    20/08/2023 Duration: 46min

    Every Sunday, we recite the number one commandment Jesus gave us: "Love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul and all your might, and love your neighbor as yourself." (Mark 12) What does it truly mean to love God with "all" and why do we so easily separate our faith into different aspects?

  • Peter—A Living Hope | A Life Forever Changed [Danielle Parish]

    13/08/2023 Duration: 43min

    We conclude our series on Peter, reflecting on what we've discovered through our study and considering what it means to live a life forever changed by Jesus.

  • Peter—A Living Hope | Because Love Covers A Multitude of Sins [Omair Akhtar]

    06/08/2023 Duration: 39min

    Jesus offers Peter a (naive? impractical? optional?) vision of a kingdom through which God defeats violence without violence. And it’s hard to see ourselves as violent anyway…maybe because our privileges allow many of us to distance ourselves from the people and processes that do our violence for us (see: what you ate for dinner last night). Peter’s audacious allegation, learned the hard way, is that our love is solely and sufficiently able to end evil, perhaps one of the most offensive things ever taught.

  • Peter—A Living Hope | Slaves Submit To Your Masters? Really? [Tom Arrington]

    29/07/2023 Duration: 37min

    One of the most challenging verses in the Bible is where Peter tells his readers that slaves are to submit to their masters. We'll navigate the historical context of slavery and biblical teachings, seeking a deeper understanding of how we can approach problematic passages while upholding modern ethical values. Ultimately, we will explore three questions: What does the Bible say about slavery?, What does the Bible say about racism?, What does this mean for you and for us? Together we will take this opportunity to grapple with the complexities of ancient texts and their impact on our lives today.

  • Peter—A Living Hope | Fiercely Faithful, part III, Teleology [Kevin Neuner]

    26/07/2023 Duration: 40min

    Christian identity and fidelity culminates in a critical question. “Now what?” How do we live out this kind of life—a life of love, grace, mercy, and salvation—in an overwhelmingly powerful culture that mocks Christianity, and a political complex that murdered the founder of this faith? How shall we now live when there is slavery, economic disparity, social inequality, corrupt government, and more? The secret, no surprise, is found in the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus. Far from “blind faith,” however, this Way empowers a sense of agency and autonomy. No matter how challenging the systems of power are, nothing can strip you of the ability to have meaning and purpose. This kind of spirituality uses the end goal (the “telos”) as a means of transforming the world, beginning with us.

  • Peter—A Living Hope | Fiercely Faithful, part II, Fidelity [Kevin Neuner]

    16/07/2023 Duration: 45min

    To be a follower of Jesus in a foreign land is to be part of a long history of people staying true in attitude, actions, behaviors, and beliefs. This kind of devotion is spoken of by the prophets and modeled by Jesus. And the metaphor used to illustrate this kind of life is the image of “living stones being built into a spiritual house.” Just as rocks were memorials to God’s power and action, so too shall we be living reminders in our current communities.

  • Peter—A Living Hope | Fiercely Faithful, part I, Identity [Kevin Neuner]

    09/07/2023 Duration: 45min

    The letters of Peter to the scattered Christians in Asia Minor are a shepherd’s encouragement and exhortation to remain fiercely faithful to Jesus while living in a foreign land. The social, political, and economic realities that cause suffering and tragedy will continue to be harsh and difficult. Nevertheless, followers of Jesus can and should embrace a “living hope” that is found in the identity, fidelity, and teleology of the people of God. (Don't worry. We'll explain it all!) To understand this, we must be reminded of the context of these early Christians and the identities that so transformed their worldview.

  • Stewards of Eden: What the Bible Says About Creation Care w/Sandra Richter

    04/07/2023 Duration: 01h19s

    Our worsening ecological crisis is wreaking havoc all over the world and is increasingly threatening the viability of life on this planet. But while this continued degradation of pollution and extraction is advanced through political policies and social practices, the root problem is truly a philosophical and spiritual deficiency. For many Christians, at the core are the beliefs that humans are separate from nature, that we are to have “dominion” over the world, that we are to subdue nature to our will and control, that the elements of this planet are a commodity to be used for all that we think that it’s worth, and that the ultimate focus of spiritual faith is the afterlife, the destination of heaven, and the salvation of our souls. What is profoundly tragic is that this view of faith is antithetical to what is actually taught in the biblical texts. From Genesis through Revelation, the Bible asserts that the redemption of all of creation is central to its good news, and that teaching is woven through the na

  • Peter—A Living Hope | Dream Bigger [Omair Akhtar]

    03/07/2023 Duration: 41min

    While Peter is waiting for lunch, he receives a deeply puzzling vision about “clean” and “unclean” foods. Then he immediately gets pulled into traveling to a Gentile’s house to preach the gospel. While Peter is talking with them about Jesus, he witnesses something in them that forces him to rethink his theology. What Peter experienced suggest that our experiences, too, shape how big or small we imagine God’s love to be.

  • Peter—A Living Hope | A Shepherd In Jerusalem [Danielle Parish]

    25/06/2023 Duration: 50min

    The Book of Acts records Peter's (and the early disciples') first foray into spreading the good news of Jesus and they begin in Jerusalem.

  • Peter—A Living Hope | Fish, Rooster, Sheep, Oh My! [Danielle Parish]

    18/06/2023 Duration: 33min

    An exploring of Peter's failings, calling, and the grace of Jesus.

  • Peter—A Living Hope | Who Is Jesus?

    11/06/2023 Duration: 40min

    Peter declares to Jesus, "You are the Messiah." Understanding where and why this confession happens is critical to its meaning, that the anointed one will come and establish a rule and reign of peace and justice for all.

  • Peter—A Living Hope | Who Is Peter? [Danielle Parish]

    04/06/2023 Duration: 42min

    A brief biographical sketch of Peter, and what his story tells us about Jesus.

  • Peter—A Living Hope | Pentecost (Danielle Parish)

    28/05/2023 Duration: 52min

    Experience a taste of what the first Pentecost would have sounded like. Then discover the historical and cultural context of this particular celebration of Shavuot (Feast of Weeks) found in Acts 2.

  • Between Heaven & Earth Bible Conference 6 | Conversational Interview Q&R [Cyndi, Anna, Danielle]

    22/05/2023 Duration: 31min

    Where do we find hope in an uncertain world? Is God only found in times of prosperity and order or is God also present in times of difficulty and chaos? The grand narrative of the Bible is a powerful exploration of the human condition. In times of confusion, uncertainty, and exile, the Torah, the prophets, and Jesus speak of hope, justice, love and redemption. What is their reason for this hope? And what might they say to us today, as we find ourselves in uncertain times, disillusioned, questioning, and curious?

  • Between Heaven & Earth Bible Conference 5 | On The Road To Emmaus [Danielle Parish]

    22/05/2023 Duration: 27min

    Where do we find hope in an uncertain world? Is God only found in times of prosperity and order or is God also present in times of difficulty and chaos? The grand narrative of the Bible is a powerful exploration of the human condition. In times of confusion, uncertainty, and exile, the Torah, the prophets, and Jesus speak of hope, justice, love and redemption. What is their reason for this hope? And what might they say to us today, as we find ourselves in uncertain times, disillusioned, questioning, and curious?

  • Between Heaven & Earth Bible Conference 4 | In Chaos, Hope [Cyndi Parker, Anna Sieges-Beal]

    22/05/2023 Duration: 36min

    Where do we find hope in an uncertain world? Is God only found in times of prosperity and order or is God also present in times of difficulty and chaos? The grand narrative of the Bible is a powerful exploration of the human condition. In times of confusion, uncertainty, and exile, the Torah, the prophets, and Jesus speak of hope, justice, love and redemption. What is their reason for this hope? And what might they say to us today, as we find ourselves in uncertain times, disillusioned, questioning, and curious?

  • Between Heaven & Earth Bible Conference 3 | Conversational Interview Q&R [Cyndi, Anna, Danielle]

    21/05/2023 Duration: 56min

    Where do we find hope in an uncertain world? Is God only found in times of prosperity and order or is God also present in times of difficulty and chaos? The grand narrative of the Bible is a powerful exploration of the human condition. In times of confusion, uncertainty, and exile, the Torah, the prophets, and Jesus speak of hope, justice, love and redemption. What is their reason for this hope? And what might they say to us today, as we find ourselves in uncertain times, disillusioned, questioning, and curious?

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