Chi Alpha Uni - Sermon Audio

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 185:58:16
  • More information



Chi Alpha UNI is a campus ministry at the University of Northern Iowa. We exist to give every student at UNI an opportunity to grow in relationship with Jesus and others. On this podcast, we feature teachings from our Tuesday night gatherings.


  • It's A Love Story - Part 1 - Once Upon A Time (Derek Quinby)

    18/02/2021 Duration: 45min

    This week, Pastor Derek took us through Psalm 37 where we learned that we must wait patiently throughout our love story no matter where we are at in it. Pastor Derek gave us a few practical ways to wait patiently in our life whether that be in our relationships or in other areas of life.

  • New Year. New You. Same God. - Part 3 - The Self-Existence Of God (Katie Boldy)

    10/02/2021 Duration: 39min

    This week, Pastor Katie took us through Exodus 3 where God called Moses to lead the people of Israel out of Egypt. We learned that God does not need us to do anything, but He wants us. Pastor Katie taught us that God does not depend on anything or anyone, but we must depend on God. God is the only One that we can depend on because He will never fail us.

  • New Year. New You. Same God. - Part 2 - Mercy Of God (Derek Quinby)

    03/02/2021 Duration: 45min

    This week, Pastor Derek continued in the series New Year. New You. Same God. He took us through Matthew 18 where we see Jesus tell Peter to forgive seventy-seven times. Pastor Derek talked about the importance of forgiving the people we are frustrated with. He reminded us that our bitterness towards someone isn't hurting them, but it's hurting our own relationship with God.

  • New Year. New You. Same God. - Part 1 - Immutability of God (Derek Quinby)

    28/01/2021 Duration: 42min

    This week, we started off a new series: New Year. New You. Same God. Pastor Derek started off the new year teaching about the Immutability of God. He took us through Luke 22 with the story of Peter denying Jesus. We learned that God never changes, but we can.

  • More Power - Part 2 - Power Of Worship (Katie Boldy)

    11/11/2020 Duration: 37min

    This week, Pastor Katie took us through Acts 16 where it tells the story of Paul and Silas in prison. Paul and Silas were praying and singing to the Lord and an earthquake had opened all of the doors in the jail and all their bonds were loosened. We learned that we must worship even when we don't feel like it because the Lord moves when He hears our praises.

  • More Power - Part 1 - Power Of The Holy Spirit (Derek Quinby)

    04/11/2020 Duration: 48min

    This week, Pastor Derek walked us through several chapters of Acts where it teaches us about the Baptism in the Holy Spirit. Derek showed us several stories of the Bible where believers are Baptized in the Holy Spirit. We learned that we have access to the promise and the power of the Holy Spirit. We also learned four ways that the Holy Spirit helps us!

  • More Calling - Part 4 - Called To The World (Daniel Quinby)

    30/10/2020 Duration: 50min

    This week, Pastor Daniel walked us through Matthew 24 where it teaches us that we must take responsibility for establishing God's rule throughout the earth. Pastor Daniel taught us the importance of each of us proclaiming the gospel to the whole world. We learned that we need to spread the name of the Lord on our campus, in our city, and to our world until every tribe and nation hears the name of Jesus.

  • More Calling - Part 3 - Call To Feed & Fight (Derek Quinby)

    21/10/2020 Duration: 47min

    This week, Pastor Derek took us through 2 Timothy 2:2 where it teaches us to be faithful, available, and teachable. We learned that we are called to be faithful, available, and teachable so that we can find, feed, and fight for the lost because we cannot let the line of discipleship die with us.

  • More Calling - Part 2 - Call To FInd (KC Griffin)

    14/10/2020 Duration: 37min

    This week, Pastor KC took us through Mark 2 where it teaches us that Jesus calls the sinners, not the righteous. We learned that we are each called to find those who are far from Jesus, and bring Him. Pastor KC challenged us to be willing to be uncomfortable and to be rejected when we talk to our friends about Jesus who may not know Him.

  • More Calling Week - Part 1 - Call To Discipleship (Derek Quinby)

    14/10/2020 Duration: 41min

    This week, Pastor Derek talked took us through Matthew 28 where it tells us to "Go and make disciples of all nations". We learned that we need to find, feed, and fight for our friends that don't know Jesus. Pastor Derek taught us that we are called to go out and make disciples.

  • More Together - Part 3 - Welcoming Community (Derek Quinby)

    30/09/2020 Duration: 46min

    This week, Pastor Derek took us through Luke 14 where we are shown how important it is to invite the poor, the crippled, the lame, and the blind. We learned that we can be blessed by inviting people to come alongside us who we wouldn't normally invite. Pastor Derek taught us that we need to welcome and love the outsider so that they can become an insider. We need to welcome, love, and serve the outsiders.

  • More Together - Part 2 - Real Community (Jon Griffin)

    23/09/2020 Duration: 41min

    This week, Pastor Jon took us through James 5 where it tells us to confess our sins to one another and to pray for one another. Pastor Jon taught us the importance of having close friendships with people that you can be vulnerable with. We learned the difference between transparency and vulnerability and to be a good community member we need to be vulnerable, seek Jesus in prayer, and pray for people when we're with them.

  • More Together - Part 1 - Essential Community (Derek Quinby)

    16/09/2020 Duration: 42min

    This week, Pastor Derek took us through 1 Corinthians where we learn how we are all an important part of the body of God. Pastor Derek taught on the importance of Real Community and how each of us play a very important part in Chi Alpha, and especially in small groups. We learned that we all need community, and the community needs each of us.

  • Ready For More: More Jesus - Part 4 - More With Your Life (Derek Quinby)

    09/09/2020 Duration: 40min

    This week, Pastor Derek took us through Luke 5 where we find the story of the fishermen who toiled all night and caught no fish. Pastor Derek taught on how we were each created on purpose and for a purpose. That purpose is to glorify His name and to become fishers of men. We learned that we must obey when it may not make sense to us but the Lord is calling us to do so.

  • Ready For More: More Jesus Part 3 - More With Him (Derek Quinby)

    06/09/2020 Duration: 46min

    This week, Pastor Derek took us through Luke 10 where we can find the story of Mary and Martha. Pastor Derek taught on what Real Devotion is and how we must try to be like Mary and abide with Jesus and not fall into the trap of being like Martha. We learned that if we want more, we must be with Jesus.

  • Ready For More: More Jesus Part 2 - More Freedom (Derek Quinby)

    06/09/2020 Duration: 44min

    This week, Pastor Derek continued our Ready For More: More of Jesus series by taking us through a story in John 8 about the woman caught in adultery. Pastor Derek exhorted us to turn to Jesus because Jesus sets us free so we can pursue Him and as we do that chains will be broken off of our lives.

  • Ready For More: More Jesus Part 1 - More In Your Life (Derek Quinby)

    06/09/2020 Duration: 45min

    This week, we started off our series Ready For More: More of Jesus. Pastor Derek started off our year in Luke 15 with the story of the two sons. Pastor Derek dove into the idea of how following Jesus isn't about earning His love, but enjoying His grace.

  • New Lands Part 3 - Life of Faith (Daniel Quinby)

    02/06/2020 Duration: 52min

    Pastor Daniel gives his final message as the Director of Chi Alpha where he dives into Genesis 12 and the story of Abraham. Pastor Daniel shares his heart that we must live a life of faith and that we must lay it all on the line for Jesus as we contend for revival in the Cedar Valley. We are so grateful for Pastor Daniel's ministry to Chi Alpha and we are so excited to see him step into his new calling as the Lead Pastor of Sent Church coming in the Fall of 2020 to the Cedar Valley.

  • New Lands Part 2 - Follow (Derek Quinby)

    02/06/2020 Duration: 37min

    Pastor Derek explores the stories of the disciples and their following of Jesus as he casts vision for the next season of Chi Alpha. He jumps into Matthew the Tax Collector and how he had to leave his tax collecting booth and leave all else behind to follow Jesus. Pastor Derek casts the vision that we must leave our old nets behind and forsake all to follow Jesus, no matter the cost.

  • New Lands Part 1 - The Priority of His Presence (Daniel Quinby)

    02/05/2020 Duration: 40min

    New Lands Part 1 - The Priority of His Presence (Daniel Quinby) by Chi Alpha UNI - Derek Quinby

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