Purpose Rockstar tells inspirational stories of people who have found purpose in their careers, 5 days a week. We interview guests from every type of job. Bring out your inner rockstar and be inspired to create the career you have always wanted.
137: Tess O'Brien, Clean Power Perks - Cool to be Clean
02/10/2014 Duration: 25minTess O'Brien created Clean Power Perks make it cool to use clean power. We chat about how she is teaming with brands to provide 'perks' to people who sign up for clean power. Episode sponsored by Perfect Fuel Chocolate. Use "Rockstar" for 10% off
136: Bonnie Burgett, Sourced Capital - Crowd Funding Real Estate
01/10/2014 Duration: 34minBonnie Burgett is changing real estate with fancy math and crowd funding. We chat about her company Sourced Capital and its potential to change everything. Special guest: Tim the intern Save 10% on your order with "Rockstar" at Perfect Fuel Chocolate
135: Jin Ho Kim, Cool Human - Stress Making You Sick
30/09/2014 Duration: 44minJin Ho Kim got so sick from stress he could not get out of bed for 1 year. We chat about how the stress of performing creating an autoimmune condition that almost crippled him. Sponsored by Perfect Fuel Chocolate. Use "Rockstar" for 10% off your order
134: Valerie Groth, Life Coach - Build People Build Schools
29/09/2014 Duration: 27minValerie Groth is a Life Coach and former school counselor. We chat about the student who inspired her to create a boarding school in Chicago.Sponsored by Perfect Fuel Chocolate. Use "Rockstar" for 10% off
Special ROCK Series - O is for what you have to offer
27/09/2014 Duration: 11minThis edition of the ROCK series is about what you have to offer professionally. We go into detail about how to find out what you have to offer your clients or colleagues. Sponsor for this show is Perfect Fuel Chocolate. Use code "Rockstar" for 10% off.
Special ROCK Series - R is for Recognize personality drives profession
26/09/2014 Duration: 14minThe ROCK series breaks down how to sell and talk about yourself effectively. R is for Recognize your unique personality and how to make it a professional asset. Sponsor: Perfect Fuel Chocolate. Use "Rockstar" at checkout for 10% off
Special Episode: Getting Help - Mentors and Interns
25/09/2014 Duration: 11minIn this special episode, we chat about how to find mentors and interns for entrepreneurs starting out. This episode is sponsored by Perfect Fuel Chocolate, organic fuel for workouts and your work day. Use "Rockstar" at Checkout for 10% off.
Special Episode: Career Break is not Career Suicide
24/09/2014 Duration: 11minIn this special episode, we chat about taking a career break. Is it career suicide? Listen to the show and let me know. This podcast is sponsored by Perfect Fuel Chocolate. Use "Rockstar" at Checkout for 10% off your order.
Special Episode: What to do in your career
23/09/2014 Duration: 07minIn this special episode, Derrick talk about how to figure what to do in your career. We go down memory lane where he talks about dead end jobs and how to get out of them. Sponsored by Perfect Fuel Chocolate. Promo code Rockstar for 10% off your order
Bonus Update - Amazon Gift Card Contest, Music, New Sponsor
22/09/2014 Duration: 04minIn this special bonus episode, Derrick talks about some changes to the podcast. We chat about contest for Purpose Rockstars, musical change, and a brand new sponsor. Excitement awaits.
133: Kacy Karlen, Founder, Height of Style - 6'4 Fashionista
19/09/2014 Duration: 45minKacy Karlen started the Height of Style because it was difficult to find a great fashion resource for tall women and men.We chat about life as a 6'4 woman trying to be stylish, growing a writing team, and coolness of dorkdorm :)
132: Taylor White, International Real Estate Investor - Rum, Cigars, Property around the world
18/09/2014 Duration: 33minTaylor White decided to start investing in real estate just after Sept 11, 2001. In a down economy, he was able to invest in real estate throughout the world, travel, and learn a lot along the way. We chat about rum, Buenos Aires, and how he made it.
131: Jonny Nastor, Entrepreneur - Canadian Punk Rock Business Star
17/09/2014 Duration: 44minJonny Nastor grew up booking punk rock shows and running offline business. When it came to online business though, he took a long hard road. We chat about why he loves online now, how he got unstuck, and being in his daughter's shadow.
130: Monica RW, Host, Independent Underground - Passionate Independent
16/09/2014 Duration: 38minMonica RW was 'Ms Corporate' working her way up the ladder until she got sick and tired. Now she hosts Independent Underground podcast. We chat about their rise from 0 to 147,000 listeners per month + three quick family deaths that changed everything.
129: Ani Alexander, Author + Writing Coach - Native English Writer from Armenia
15/09/2014 Duration: 41minAni Alexander left a job that was taking her away from her family to pursue writing. We chat about how she found success as a self-published author, why she coaches writers, and her newest book. Derrick's mic had some issues. Enjoy this anyway :)
128: Angela Gibson, Intuitive Counselor - More than Spiritual Woo Woo
11/09/2014 Duration: 38minAngela Gibson is a transpersonal intuitive counselor. Translation: she helps gain insight into the spiritual world arous us. We chat abour her journey from scientist to spiritual counselor, clearing a house of spirits, and her upcoming tv show.
127: Sheeri Cabral, Mozilla MySQL Community Manager
10/09/2014 Duration: 44minSheeri Cabral makes MySQL databases cool and brings people together. We chat about how databases affect our every day lives and how she went from neuroscience to computer science. Let's get dangerous!
126: Sherry Penney, College President - A Leadership Pioneer
09/09/2014 Duration: 23minSherry Penney rose to become the first female president of the University of Massachusetts system. Before then she was told she could not get a job as a professor. We talk about all the difficult steps of her rise to leadership.
125: Latoya Burton, Interior Deisgner, Twelve-22 - On a Walkabout through life
08/09/2014 Duration: 35minLatoya Burton is a San Francisco who found purpose in interior design and home in Australia. We chat about her journey and the walkabout that lead her to creating Twelve-22. It's just two old friends catching up.
124: Scott Herman - MTV Real World to Youtube fitness star
05/09/2014 Duration: 37minScott Herman went from the cast of MTV Real World Brooklyn to Youtube fitness star. Years earlier he was bullied then turned to the gym for release. We chat about that and how he developed a community of 50,000 people.Continue reading→