St. Albert Alliance Church

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 333:32:22
  • More information



St. Albert Alliance Church podcasts.


  • A Tale of 3 Kings: Zero to Hero

    31/07/2018 Duration: 41min

    The Rise of King David.  How did David move from a Zero to a Hero?  What shaped David’s childhood life that would later gain him the title, “A man after God’s own heart?”  We will be learning about God's planned  purpose for David’s life and God's planned purpose for you. 

  • A Tale of Three Kings: I Am Who God Says I Am

    23/07/2018 Duration: 38min

    There are many different places we can receive identity from. Knowing and living out of our true identity, the one given to us by God, is where abundant life is found. Living out of any other identity can lead to pain and compromise. Come and hear Pastor Lisa share how we see this play out in the life of King Saul.

  • A Tale of Three Kings: When Leadership Finds You

    15/07/2018 Duration: 33min

    When Leadership Finds You Has there ever been a time in your life where you have taken a moment to look back and wondered how did I end up here?  Sometimes those moments are good, other times not so much.  This Sunday we are taking a look at the early interactions with the life of Saul and how the role of leadership actually found him and set him on a course to the throne as King of Israel.

  • A Tale of Three Kings: Ageless Leadership

    09/07/2018 Duration: 39min

    Ageless Leadership How often as a child did you hear the statement, “When you get older?”  There are many things in life that we can only do once we reach a certain age.  These can be as exciting as getting on the big rides at the amusement park or as important as voting.  It is a general consensus that as we get older we have probably grown in our mental capacity and ability to make wise decisions and choices.  Yet in doing so we have sometimes missed out on the value and importance of young voices and ideas.  Join us Sunday as we look at the life of Samuel and the role his young voice plays in shaping the leadership of God’s people.

  • The Jesus Manifesto: Foundation for Living

    02/07/2018 Duration: 49min

    Foundation for Living This week we conclude our study on the greatest talk ever given, the Sermon on the Mount, in our Jesus Manifesto series.  In Jesus’ final words to us, he makes two statements: 1) Everyone builds a life, and  2) Everyone faces a storm.  The question is, when the storms of life inevitably come, what foundation will you have built your life upon?  Join us on Sunday as we consider the call of Jesus to listen to, trust and obey Him as His apprentices and to build our lives on Him, the solid rock!

  • The Jesus Manifesto: True or False?

    27/06/2018 Duration: 33min

    True or false? How is a person to know the difference? In a time that the words "fake news" gets thrown around, it is hard to know where to look or how to discern truth from fiction. This week as we continue our Jesus Manifesto series we are going to look at what Jesus had to say about how we can tell the difference between the two.

  • The Jesus Manifesto: Is Christianity Narrow-Minded?

    18/06/2018 Duration: 41min

    As we continue our study of Jesus’ most provocative teaching found in the Sermon on the Mount, this week we’ll be considering what is one of the most troubling passages for many people in our day. In Matthew 7:12-14, Jesus talks about the ‘narrow gate that only a few find.’ The deep concern that a lot of thoughtful people have about Christianity is that it calls certain beliefs wrong and calls certain behaviours immoral and therefore the concern is that it impinges upon human freedom by telling people what they must think and how they must live. How are we to understand Jesus’ claims and what should our response be? Portion of this sermon by John Ortberg. Used by permission by Menlo Church To see the full John Ortberg sermon – click here:

  • The Jesus Manifesto: Ask for anything?

    11/06/2018 Duration: 36min

    Ask for anything?  Have you ever asked for something and never got what you wanted? Has that diminished your hope, caused you to wonder if you would ever get what you hoped for? Join us this Sunday as we look at what Jesus has to say about asking and the response we can expect from him.

  • The Jesus Manifesto: Do Not Judge

    04/06/2018 Duration: 41min

    This week we dive back into our Sermon Series looking at the Sermon on the Mount, The Jesus Manifesto. We are in the last chapter of the Sermon on the Mount, Matthew 7:1-6. Once again, Jesus is speaking into real time issues that we all face. Though it’s unlikely any of us think of ourselves as judgmental or condescending, Jesus once again has a way of exposing our true hearts, helping us see things we might have missed and offering us a better way forward.

  • Balanced: Developing a Plan

    28/05/2018 Duration: 41min

    We all need an overall plan when it comes to staying balanced financially – an overarching framework within which we seek to wisely manage and prioritize our financial resources in a way that honours God and leads to a flourishing life. Though there are constant corrections required in order to stay balanced, it all begins by aligning our priorities with intentionality and forethought.  This week Pastor Jeremy concludes our sermon series Balanced (originally developed and preached by Andy Stanley).  

  • Balanced Series: Managing Your Expenses

    22/05/2018 Duration: 35min

    We have been built with a natural tendency to compare and it often starts as a kid when we compare who’s got the best lunch at school, or who’s dad is stronger.  When we get older the things that we compare often tend to be a little more costly. The comparison often fuels an appetite in us to get the next, latest, greatest or best and all of that comes at a cost.  Listen now as Pastor Mike teaches what it looks like to navigate the draw to compare and the appetite that it grows in us.  This sermon is apart of the Balanced series- developed  by Andy Stanley (North Point Ministries) 

  • Balanced: Creating a New Line Item

    14/05/2018 Duration: 37min

    We are continuing in our “Balanced” sermon series on personal finance (originally developed by Andy Stanley).  One of the laws of balance is that you need to make constant corrections, and in personal finance, there are several areas where this is required.  This week Pastor Jeremy will address the second constant correction we need to make in order to stay balanced in our personal finances, exploring one of Jesus’ parables about a very wealthy man who was trying to figure out what to do with all his ‘extra’ money. 

  • Balanced: Back in the Black

    07/05/2018 Duration: 42min

    We live in a time where with just one click, one tap or signature we can get just about anything we want.  For many of us those purchases have been made on credit - money that we do not have and yet we are assuming responsibility for.  Join us this week as we take a look at what the scriptures have to say about the wise use of money and debt as we try to live the clear objective of honouring God with all that we have.

  • Balanced: Reading the Fine Print

    30/04/2018 Duration: 42min

    We are continuing in our “Balanced” sermon series on personal finance (originally developed by Andy Stanley).  One of the laws of balance is that you need to know what your basic overall objective is when it comes to money – in other words, what are we trying to accomplish?  This week Pastor Jeremy will explore this question by looking at the life of King David and how he shows us that everything we have belongs to God.

  • Balanced: Opening the Books

    23/04/2018 Duration: 40min

    This week we begin a new series on personal finance called “Balanced” (originally developed by Andy Stanley). Over the next 6 weeks, we’ll be looking at the ‘Laws of Balance’ and how to move toward financial health and Kingdom generosity. This first week, Pastor Jeremy explores the concept of balance in our personal finances and what Jesus identifies as our starting reference point for financial health.

  • You Are The Light Of Your Neighbourhood

    16/04/2018 Duration: 30min

    If you were invited to sit with a group of friends and re-write the culture of your neighbourhood, what would that look like? What changes would you like to make? Re-shaping a neighbourhood may be easier than you think. This Sunday we will be hearing about how God can use you, to make your neighbourhood a better place to live.

  • All Things New

    02/04/2018 Duration: 44min

    The resurrection of Jesus has enormous implications for the kind of resurrected life that is to be the hope of all who have trusted in Him.  On Easter Sunday we will be invited into an exciting vision of the life that awaits us at the "renewal of all things" (Matthew 19:28-29), as part of our inheritance as sons and daughters of God.

  • Living as Apprentices of Jesus

    26/03/2018 Duration: 48min

    As a church family, we have been orienting ourselves around the vision of “Living together as Apprentices of Jesus in the now-available Kingdom of God.”  The question is – what does that mean?  What are the implications?  Why have we oriented ourselves around this pursuit?  In anticipation of our AGM on Monday night, Pastor Jeremy will be reminding us who we are seeking to become as a church family.

  • The Jesus Manifesto - Do Not Worry: Belief Called to Account

    19/03/2018 Duration: 22min

    In keeping with his incisive unpacking of the human heart in light of the news of God's now-available kingdom, Jesus continues on to address one of the most universal of human experiences - worry (aka fear aka anxiety).  This teaching confronts our professed 'beliefs' in some pretty serious ways.  Do we actually believe God is sovereign?  Do we actually believe that he loves us?  Do we actually trust that he can/will care for us?

  • The Jesus Manifesto: For the Love of...

    12/03/2018 Duration: 40min

    It is often the thing that causes the greatest disagreement in a marriage.  When you don’t have it you are trying to figure out how to get it.  When you do have it you are always trying to figure out how to get just a little bit more.  Some even go so far as saying it is the root of all evil.  So why does money carry such a bad reputation?  Isn’t having money a good thing?  Join us Sunday as Pastor Mike unpacks what Jesus has to say about our hearts and how those things we treasure impact it.

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