Overeaters Anonymous members share their experience, strength and hope during the annual OA Birthday Party held in the Los Angeles area.
Workshop:%20Writing%20for%20the%20Spirit - 01/05/2020
05/04/2020 Duration: 01h19minWorkshop:%20Writing%20for%20the%20Spirit has been in OA since 0000. Recorded at the 2020 OA Birthday Party Overeaters Anonymous meeting in Los Angeles, CA
Workshop:%20Practice%20Sober%20Eating - 01/05/2020
05/04/2020 Duration: 01h17minWorkshop:%20Practice%20Sober%20Eating has been in OA since 0000. Recorded at the 2020 OA Birthday Party Overeaters Anonymous meeting in Los Angeles, CA
Workshop:%20Out%20of%20Relapse,%20Healing%20Trauma - 01/05/2020
05/04/2020 Duration: 01h14minWorkshop:%20Out%20of%20Relapse,%20Healing%20Trauma has been in OA since 0000. Recorded at the 2020 OA Birthday Party Overeaters Anonymous meeting in Los Angeles, CA
Workshop:%20Living%20in%20Steps%2010,%2011,%20and%2012 - 01/05/2020
05/04/2020 Duration: 01h10minWorkshop:%20Living%20in%20Steps%2010,%2011,%20and%2012 has been in OA since 0000. Recorded at the 2020 OA Birthday Party Overeaters Anonymous meeting in Los Angeles, CA
Workshop:%20A%20Loving%20Body%20Image - 01/05/2020
05/04/2020 Duration: 59minWorkshop:%20A%20Loving%20Body%20Image has been in OA since 0000. Recorded at the 2020 OA Birthday Party Overeaters Anonymous meeting in Los Angeles, CA
Workshop:%20The%20Fruits%20of%20Meditation%20-%202 - 01/05/2020
05/04/2020 Duration: 01h19minWorkshop:%20The%20Fruits%20of%20Meditation%20-%202 has been in OA since 0000. Recorded at the 2020 OA Birthday Party Overeaters Anonymous meeting in Los Angeles, CA
Workshop:%20The%20Fruits%20of%20Meditation%20-%201 - 01/05/2020
05/04/2020 Duration: 01h19minWorkshop:%20The%20Fruits%20of%20Meditation%20-%201 has been in OA since 0000. Recorded at the 2020 OA Birthday Party Overeaters Anonymous meeting in Los Angeles, CA
Big%20Book%20Workshop%20-%20Sunday%20morning - 01/05/2020
05/04/2020 Duration: 01h18minBig%20Book%20Workshop%20-%20Sunday%20morning has been in OA since 0000. Recorded at the 2020 OA Birthday Party Overeaters Anonymous meeting in Los Angeles, CA
Big%20Book%20Workshop%20-%20Saturday%20afternoon - 01/05/2020
05/04/2020 Duration: 01h19minBig%20Book%20Workshop%20-%20Saturday%20afternoon has been in OA since 0000. Recorded at the 2020 OA Birthday Party Overeaters Anonymous meeting in Los Angeles, CA
Big%20Book%20Workshop%20-%20Saturday%20morning - 01/05/2020
05/04/2020 Duration: 01h07minBig%20Book%20Workshop%20-%20Saturday%20morning has been in OA since 0000. Recorded at the 2020 OA Birthday Party Overeaters Anonymous meeting in Los Angeles, CA
Big%20Book%20Workshop%20-%20Friday%20afternoon - 01/05/2020
05/04/2020 Duration: 01h05minBig%20Book%20Workshop%20-%20Friday%20afternoon has been in OA since 0000. Recorded at the 2020 OA Birthday Party Overeaters Anonymous meeting in Los Angeles, CA
Closing%20Speaker%20on%20Sunday - 01/05/2020
05/04/2020 Duration: 42minClosing%20Speaker%20on%20Sunday has been in OA since 0000. Recorded at the 2020 OA Birthday Party Overeaters Anonymous meeting in Los Angeles, CA
Luncheon%20Speaker%20on%20Saturday%20Afternoon - 01/05/2020
05/04/2020 Duration: 31minLuncheon%20Speaker%20on%20Saturday%20Afternoon has been in OA since 0000. Recorded at the 2020 OA Birthday Party Overeaters Anonymous meeting in Los Angeles, CA
Workshop:%20Sober%20Eating%20Part%202 - 01/17/2016
17/01/2016 Duration: 25minWorkshop:%20Sober%20Eating%20Part%202 has been in OA since 0000. Recorded at the 2016 OA Birthday Party Overeaters Anonymous meeting in Los Angeles, CA
Workshop:%20Sober%20Eating%20Part%201 - 01/17/2016
17/01/2016 Duration: 01h14minWorkshop:%20Sober%20Eating%20Part%201 has been in OA since 0000. Recorded at the 2016 OA Birthday Party Overeaters Anonymous meeting in Los Angeles, CA
Panel:%20Long%20Timers%20Part%202 - 01/17/2016
17/01/2016 Duration: 01h16minPanel:%20Long%20Timers%20Part%202 has been in OA since 0000. Recorded at the 2016 OA Birthday Party Overeaters Anonymous meeting in Los Angeles, CA
Panel:%20How%20to%2012th%20Step%20Those%20Still%20Suffering - 01/17/2016
17/01/2016 Duration: 01h11minPanel:%20How%20to%2012th%20Step%20Those%20Still%20Suffering has been in OA since 0000. Recorded at the 2016 OA Birthday Party Overeaters Anonymous meeting in Los Angeles, CA
Panel:%20Recovery%20from%20Relapse - 01/17/2016
17/01/2016 Duration: 01h14minPanel:%20Recovery%20from%20Relapse has been in OA since 0000. Recorded at the 2016 OA Birthday Party Overeaters Anonymous meeting in Los Angeles, CA
Panel:%20Anorexic%20and%20Bulimic%20Recovery - 01/17/2016
17/01/2016 Duration: 01h18minPanel:%20Anorexic%20and%20Bulimic%20Recovery has been in OA since 0000. Recorded at the 2016 OA Birthday Party Overeaters Anonymous meeting in Los Angeles, CA
Panel:%20100%20Pound%20Recovery - 01/17/2016
17/01/2016 Duration: 01h14minPanel:%20100%20Pound%20Recovery has been in OA since 0000. Recorded at the 2016 OA Birthday Party Overeaters Anonymous meeting in Los Angeles, CA