No Meat Athlete Radio



The Official Podcast of


  • How to Get Back Into a Fitness Routine

    10/06/2021 Duration: 01h52s

    Ready to gain fitness after a long stretch off? After months of trying new techniques, Matt and Doug have learned a few lessons. Here's what's working (and what isn't) as they work towards maintaining long-term fitness.

  • The Imposter Syndrome, the Perils of Ego, and How We've Fought Back

    03/06/2021 Duration: 01h01min

    Just about everyone deals with imposter syndrome at one time or another. And we've all experienced the frustration that results from comparing ourselves to others. As speakers, authors, and social media personalities, Matt Frazier and Robert Cheeke have experienced both the imposter syndrome and the challenges of ego, so much so that they've each had to take some pretty dramatic steps to cope and keep going. In this episode, Matt and Robert open up and share their stories of how each suffered and eventually found ways to overcome these two destructive forces.

  • NMA Chats: The Role of Nutrition for Primary Care Doctors with Dr. Scott Harrington, DO

    31/05/2021 Duration: 39min

    For your Primary Care doctor, when should nutrition become part of their guidance? In today's episode, Matt Tullman chats with Dr. Scott Harrington of Vegan Primary Care about how he helps patients achieve optimal health.

  • How to Eat Healthy When You Really Don't Have Time

    27/05/2021 Duration: 49min

    Matt and Doug have gone through a lot of life changes recently, all of which have resulted in less time in the kitchen. Here's a fresh look at how to tackle healthy eating habits when time isn't on your side.

  • Matt's Warrior Diet

    20/05/2021 Duration: 53min

    Matt is testing out a new diet and seeing immediate results... In today's episode, he explains the Warrior Diet and how diet challenges can have a lasting impact on your health. Plus, Doug's social media update and the movie list to end all movie lists.

  • NMA Chats: On Being a Vegan Activist in the Black Community with Jasmine C. Leyva

    13/05/2021 Duration: 43min

    Today we sit down with Jasmine C. Leyva, a filmmaker, actress, and activist on a mission to spread the benefits of a plant-based diet to the black community.

  • A Closer Look at "The Plant-Based Athlete" by Matt Frazier and Robert Cheeke

    07/05/2021 Duration: 46min

    In their new book, The Plant-Based Athlete, Matt Frazier and Robert Cheeke share how the world's top performers achieve optimal results on a vegan diet. In today's episode, they break down the biggest takeaways from the book and how you can apply them to your fitness goals and lifestyle. | About the book: The Plant-Based Athlete is the only research-based guide for connecting a plant-based diet with long-term strength, endurance, and peak athletic performance — featuring interviews with professional athletes who’ve made the switch from meat to plants. The Plant-Based Athlete offers a persuasive body of evidence for adopting a plant-based lifestyle to achieve endurance, flexibility, sport, training, or lifting goals. Featuring more than 60 recipes, insights from famous plant-based athletes, and explosive scientific research, it is the ultimate invitation for joining the growing community of athletes (from elites to weekend warriors) who use plants to power their workouts and their every day. Here are just

  • Can a Plant-Based Diet Reverse Type 2 Diabetes?

    29/04/2021 Duration: 47min

    How much of an impact can your diet have on preventing or reversing type 2 diabetes? In today's episode, we sit down with Jose and Diana of Reversing 2TD to find out.

  • The Edgy Veg on Building a Vegan Business and Dominating the Kitchen

    22/04/2021 Duration: 45min

    With hundreds of thousands of followers and countless viral videos, Candice Hutchings' unique style has had a massive impact on vegan cooking, activism, and lifestyle. In today's episode, we chat with The Edgy Veg about the growth of her business and how to gain confidence in the kitchen.

  • How to Be Happy with Sid Garza-Hillman

    15/04/2021 Duration: 01h02min

    Need a no-nonsense approach to living a happier life? For author and nutritionist Sid Garza-Hillman, it boils down to these 6 simple truths.

  • How Robert Cheeke Gained 100 Pounds on a Plant-Based Diet

    08/04/2021 Duration: 55min

    Few people have been better ambassadors to the plant-based movement than Robert Cheeke. A legendary vegan bodybuilder and spokesperson for the movement, Robert has accomplished a lot. In today's episode, he talks about motivation, longevity, and how he gained more than 100 pounds (of mostly muscle) on a plant-based diet.

  • Doug's Social Media Challenge

    01/04/2021 Duration: 42min

    Think you can give up social media for 30 days? Doug's going to give it a try and wants you to join in. Here's a breakdown of why and how Doug is taking on a 30-day no social media challenge.

  • NMA Chats: Eating a Cheap Lazy Vegan Diet with Rose Lee

    25/03/2021 Duration: 42min

    Are you a cheap lazy vegan? In today's episode, we chat with YouTuber and Instagrammer Rose Lee about how to thrive on an inexpensive plant-based diet.

  • Workout Nutrition Q&A

    18/03/2021 Duration: 48min

    We asked for workout nutrition questions, and you delivered! In today's episode, Izzy and Doug share insights into how they fuel everything from a weekday run to an Ironman.

  • Are minimalist exercise routines the key to long-term fitness success?

    11/03/2021 Duration: 56min

    Workouts look a lot different these days for Matt and Doug, but the results are very positive. Here's a look at how they're approaching fitness, and what it could mean for their long-term success.

  • What's the deal with fiber? (And why you probably need more of it.)

    25/02/2021 Duration: 49min

    Fiber... the nutrient nobody likes to talk about. But did you know fiber is one of the most important nutrients for your long and short-term health, and that you're probably not getting enough? In today's episode, we sit down with Dr. Pamela Fergusson, RD, PhD to get the dish on fiber.

  • 6 Race-Day Lessons from 16 Years of Ultramarathon and Triathlon Training

    18/02/2021 Duration: 38min

    So you're gearing up for a big race now? Here are 6 critical lessons we've learned from years of ultramarathon and triathlon training and racing.

  • How to Raise Healthy Vegan Kids with the Plant-Based Juniors

    11/02/2021 Duration: 01h01min

    Anytime you do something "unconventional" with your kids, it can cause anxiety, and raising a plant-based child is no exception. In today's episode, we interview Registered Dietitian Nutritionists Whitney English and Alex Caspero of the Plant-Based Juniors on taking a complete approach to your kid's nutrition.

  • When Being Vegan Isn't Enough to Make You Healthy

    04/02/2021 Duration: 49min

    Is the vegan diet a magic cure-all? In today's episode, Matt shares his recent blood test results, and what it means for his diet and lifestyle choices.

  • Dr. T. Colin Campbell on the Future of Nutrition

    28/01/2021 Duration: 55min

    Matt sits down with Dr. T. Colin Campbell, a key figure in the plant-based movement, to talk about how he sees the future of nutrition progressing. Dr. Campbell shares his take on plant-based meats, nutrition in politics, and a whole lot more.

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