Branches. Sunday.



listen to messages from branches in spokane, wa.


  • the water is already within you.


    Mike talks about the seasons, the Jewish harvest Festival and living water.

  • finding strength in the body.


    Some announcements about exciting things happening. A heartfelt update and ask for prayer from the Brewer family. And a message about finding strength in the body from Meredith.

  • what's so great about alexander?


    Aaron gives an exciting announcement regarding the pastorship of Branches. Rob Douglas, pastor of Lightshine Church in the LA area, talks about the last being first.

  • wealth, shower gel and soul minimalism.


    Mike addresses the recent demeaning of human story that has been coming from people in our government. Janeen talks about wealth, shower gel and soul minimalism.

  • vines, branches and riverteeth.


    Ali announces the revitalization of the together team. Mike talks about John 15 and where a vine and branch intersect - the rivertooth.

  • forum 002. begin again.


    The first Sunday in our new home on Broadway! It featured a call to worship from Kent and a panel featuring three Branches community members telling their story about what it means to begin again.

  • farewell mead.


    Our last sunday up north in Mead was hosted by Kent and Aaron. They shared some thoughts and then opened the morning up to others sharing their memories of the space and what it has meant.

  • all about identity.


    Podcast quality is still a bit goofy, but we talk about identity and get a little board update.

  • panel with the porch.


    We met at our new location for the first time! We chatted with members from the porch, the church that we will be sharing the space with.

  • lightness and darkness.


    Tyler talks about learning to encounter the good and the bad, the light and the dark.

  • movement. growth. newness.


    Aaron and other members of the board field questions on the upcoming move. Mike talks about migratory patterns and the importance of movement in life.

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