Dad. Husband. Writer. Multimedia Design Student. Occasional podcaster. Raised by apes. Founder, 100 Stories for Haiti & 50 Stories for Pakistan.
I doubt my sanity.
27/05/2012More oddness from recording my audio doc, Transmedia for the rest of us.
Glad I can amuse myself at least.
27/05/2012I am in the mad last few days of finishing my final exam assignment.
This is what happens when you think you've pressed the stop recording button.
25/05/2012Just recorded another episode of, Transmedia for the rest of us. #podcast
Odd things you hear when editing interviews.
24/05/2012And this does not sound like the person from the interview. And it's not me!
Marc Prensky - Digital Natives (@marcprensky)
18/05/2012 Duration: 02minMarc is an other of several books, including "Teaching Digital Natives" and "From Digital Natives to Digital Wisdom"