Dad. Husband. Writer. Multimedia Design Student. Occasional podcaster. Raised by apes. Founder, 100 Stories for Haiti & 50 Stories for Pakistan.
My daughter starts school in August.
12/07/2012 Duration: 11minIt hit me that this is a real turning point for our little family.
Been a bit quiet lately cc @dt90st @Omaniblog
12/07/2012 Duration: 01minThanks guys. I'll sort out how I'm recording boos ASAP.
Write less and take your time.
10/07/2012 Duration: 10minJust a few thoughts as I write an article about switching from Mac OS X to Linux, Ubuntu.
Rough translation. And I mean, rough ;-)
09/07/2012 Duration: 02min@documentally:
What I got from a #45conversation with @boydjane (re-visited)
07/07/2012 Duration: 19minJust revisiting the thoughts I had from my #45conversations experience with @boydjane
What I got from a #45conversation with @boydjane
06/07/2012 Duration: 19minJust a few thoughts about taking my exam project and developing it further
Translate this for #soundof100
02/07/2012 Duration: 27sA challenge for the #soundof100 community ;-)