Jim Duke Perspective

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 295:52:20
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Jim Duke Perspective is a weekly show discussing Conspiracy Theories and Exposing the New World Order agenda. We also analyze Alternative News related to a conspiratorial perspective, from a Christian view. We discuss Secret Societies, the Illuminati, Secret Government projects, the Supernatural and occult, End Times prophecy, Signs of the Times, and share biblical insight. Features special guests periodically. Information going beyond the mainstream and your Sunday morning sermon. Airs LIVE Sundays at 7pm EST.


  • Northern Lights a HAARP Spectacular Event?

    21/05/2024 Duration: 15min

    As many witnessed the Aurora Borealis of Northern Lights, a spectacular event of nature, others suspect it was HAARP responsibile for the light show. We discuss our view and experiences with the display of strange glowing colored lights in the night sky.

  • The Wealthy Are Communists, The Modern Nazi Regime

    15/05/2024 Duration: 38min

    The wealthy Capitalists do not oppose Communism. As a matter of fact Capitalists and Communists are allies. The wealthy believe the Communist system grants them the most power to become extreme. Has Naziism gone away? No it just morphed into a modern form.

  • Attack on Free Speech With New Bill In the Name of Hate, Civil War in the Making

    08/05/2024 Duration: 32min

    A new bill H.R. 6090 attempts to make it a hate crime to oppose Jews, Israel, Zionism, or the cause in the Middle East. You can't have an opinion on whether you don't support Israel and your free speech will be milited by this bill that just went to the Senate for a vote.I make the point that Zionism is a political movement for the establishment of Israel as a State. Christian Zionists support this Israel in which practices Kabbalahm stands for Judaism, Talmudic law, Noahide Law that loathe Jesus. Just making a point.We are not discriminatory - or antisemitic - against Jews, We don't like the actions of israel and the political cause.Here is bill H.R. 6090The Lew Rockwell article Israel Relocates to Washington DC

  • Extra: Illuminati Day, May 1

    01/05/2024 Duration: 09min

    May 1 is the anniversary of the infamous Illuminati. Of course this refers to one leg of it known as the Bavarian Illuminati that had an influence on modern society. Ancient fertility rituals also recognize this date.

  • Sexual Abuse Accusations Against P Diddy, Nick, and Disney

    01/05/2024 Duration: 19min

    More sex scandals appear to be revealed. We have to wonder if this is a sign of top Elite operations actually crumbling, or if it is just a way to throw away some useless players for the benefit of the whole to keep them guarded. We discuss the alleged accusations against P Diddy, Dan Scheider, and others in the news. Some of these cases are still pending so we aren't making accusations, only sharing the alleged claims against the individuals as an example of a toxic environment of the entertainment industry.

  • Russell Brand Baptized As A Christian, Kanye Declared As God

    30/04/2024 Duration: 30min

    These celebrities leave a peculiar life. One day they are accused of sexual abuse, then next they claim to be reborn as a Christian. At least that is the case in Russell Brand's life. He got happy for being baptized to "cleanse him of his past." Does that now make him a believer in Jesus? Then we have Kanye who confessed being a believer in Jesus Christ, now says Jesus didn't come through for him and he declared himself God. In addition to his newfound diefied self, he has started a sex studio (I can't mention the actual word or may get flagged). We examine the alleged claims of enlightenment.

  • Cyber Attack Blackout Coming?

    24/04/2024 Duration: 36min

    We have been getting warnings of an imminant cyber attack from China or Russiaa or who knows where. They claim the grid will go down reulting in a major blackout and millions will die.Now I don't know if its that dramatic, or how legit the threat of a cyber attack is, but even the government admit their system infrastructure needs updating and has weak points. We examine the reports and claims.Reports from:https://edition.cnn.com/2024/01/31/politics/china-hacking-infrascture-fbi-director-christopher-wray/index.htmlhttps://www.forbes.com/sites/jimmagill/2021/07/24/experts-say-cyberattacks-likely-to-result-in-blackouts-in-us/?sh=338fc4b4372dhttps://www.forbes.com/sites/jimmagill/2021/07/23/congress-takes-action-to-guard-against-cybersecurity-threats/?sh=2e4fd91c3734

  • Short: P Diddy Allegation

    23/04/2024 Duration: 06min

    P Diddy has been in the spotlight with alleged accusations against him for sexual abuse of women. We don't know the details, just briefing on the story that we are aware of it, yet haven't looked deep, or made any "conspiracy theory" conclusions.https://www.cosmopolitan.com/uk/reports/a60327475/p-diddy-sexual-abuse-timeline/

  • What is this Red Heifer?

    17/04/2024 Duration: 34min

    We keep hearing about the expectation of this red heifer. What is this red heifer and where does it come from? It is in one place in scripture, but connected with the end time sacrificial system supposed to revise. What sacrificial system? From God? Most of our modern eschatology comes from the Scofield footnotes after the Zionists got to him. But I now question those conclusions and feel it supports an agenda. Could I be wrong? Possibly. Give a listen see what you think. Ill present my case against the red heifer, Third Temple, sacrificial system revision, and dispensational view. Maybe you don't agree.

  • Rational Conspiracies, What is intended in the new season

    16/04/2024 Duration: 27min

    We start a new season with our renewal with the host so I share my thoughts about our approach. We explain rational conspiracy analysis and how we will look into the sources for facts while presenting to you the conspiracy theories.

  • What Happened with the Eclipse Predictions? and Occult Rituals

    09/04/2024 Duration: 43min

    After the eclipse we thought we'd tell you we all survived. The hysteria of the event fell flat and predictions of supposed suspicions had faded. We had a little fun after the fact.Also we discuss a little about occult rituals that some fear as well.

  • The Eclipse Indicating The End

    03/04/2024 Duration: 31min

    This eclipse April 8 has caused many to run in fear. Some warning it is a judgment of God. Some say a warning to repent. Others that it will launch us into Rapture and Tribulation time. Others speculate it will give excuse for chaos by the Elite to change the system. Whatever we speculate, it is a natural passing of the moon in front of the sun that does happen periodically in various regions. This one just happens from texas to the upper northeast. So will this be the end?Featured in this episode is an original song by Jim Duke Project called "Eclipse Blues."

  • Special Edition: Baltimore Bridge Collision

    02/04/2024 Duration: 17min

    The Francis Scott Key Bridge in Baltimore was hit by a large cargo ship. Speculations claim the collision was suspect. The ship was owned by a Singapore company, so some wonder if this was a retaliation from China. We discuss some of the theories offered from this accident.

  • What's In the 2024 Congressional Budget?

    27/03/2024 Duration: 39min

    The Budget was passed along with its funds for many things we don't agree with. Our tax dollars has to pay for the bloated $1.2 trillion dollar expense that funds LGBTQrst causes, transgender clothing, and abortion. As well as finances given to other nations. Who voted this? Well it passed a majority Republican House so that tells you something.

  • TikTok Ban, Conspiracy Theories censored

    20/03/2024 Duration: 32min

    The House has voted favorable to a TikTok ban. The forum has caused a stir that it is owned by the Chinese who only want to collect data on Americans. Yet all other platforms do the same, including marketing, so what are they really afraid of?

  • Bank Crisis Facade

    13/03/2024 Duration: 49min

    In this episode we pull back the curtain on the banking system and expose the wizard for what he is. We hear threats of an economic collapse. They tell us there is a banking crisis. Is any of that true?We will reveal the truth of the banking crisis and how it is a facade that keeps you compliance.Here is the article Darrin mentioned on your individuality in the State.

  • Texas Fires Started by DEWs

    06/03/2024 Duration: 30min

    The Texas fires like all others are suspicious. Some assume it to be DEWs (Directed Energy Weapons) as the culprit. Do we have any proof of that? Perhaps not, but the characteristics seem to follow a certain pattern. They tend to overlook houses with blue roofs when DEWs are suspected . Something about the way the lazer reflects the light. Joe Biden made a comment that he said of 20 houses in an area one in the middle would be untouched because it had the "RIGHT KIND OF ROOF." Is he referring to the blue roofs that are untouched by these DEWs?Biden hints about the roofBlue roof explained on Bitchute

  • Hydrogel Used For a Biological ID

    28/02/2024 Duration: 32min

    We know the vaccines have been deployed using hydrogel in the injection. Hydrogel is a water-based polymer that releases in the bloodstream. It has been suspected of causing clots. Now we find it even in unvaccinated. Suspicion is it will be used for a biological ID in which can send data to interface information from you.This is the article referencedHere is the video played for the audioLink to the MIT report on HydrogelHow To Remove Graphene Oxide From Your Body

  • Have You Been Black Pilled?

    21/02/2024 Duration: 29min

    Some have been so fired up that they attack, accuse, and shame rather than inform. They become cold, bitter, cynical. Who am I talking about?Some even in the Truther Community have become so upset or fearful it made them violant. Their words are filled with smoke and fire and they spew out all who don't see what they see. These are the BLACK PILLED.We will discuss how people should be made aware before just accusing them of not knowing.How far do you go to warn before it becomes fear?What happens if we become cynical?How much intensity do we urge before we are becoming aggitated?Some of us have become inneffective when we are trying to reach people.Has Black Pilled been caused for controlling the opposition?

  • Disease X to Scare You Into Vaccines

    14/02/2024 Duration: 34min

    COVID was a beta test to see how we would react to a virus threat if labeled a pandemic. The vaccine was developed and pushed into society quickly without any valid testing. yet it contained hrmful elements that still some question as causing Adverse Effects... er I mean Events as the CDC terms it. Now Bill Gates warns Pandemic 2 as we are threatened with Disease X, whatever that is. We play an audio from a podcast interview from Fritz Springmeier who predicted this would come since the Ebola scare didn't push people into vaccines.Fritz on Free Zone podcastBangkok Post articleDisease X engineeredGain-of-Function experiment at Boston University - Forbes

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