Mindful Medicine

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
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Articulate, passionate and humorous, Dr. Holly Lucille breaks down the myths and misconceptions about health and health related topics.


  • Turn Off Your Job and Turn On Your Life


    So often in our hyper-connected society, we become so immersed in work that we struggle to come up for air. We’re no longer driven individuals but rather people being drawn by outside factors, and we lose control over our lives. Dr. Bryan E. Robinson, a licensed psychotherapist and Professor Emeritus at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte, equates this lifestyle to driving a car with no gas and no brakes. He shares advice for finding a balance between home and work in order to live life on your own terms. By taking time each day to stop, check in with yourself and meditate, you’ll actually become happier and more productive than if you rush through the day with your foot on the gas.Listen as Dr. Robinson joins Dr. Holly Lucille to discuss the difference between being driven and being drawn when it comes to work/life balance.

  • Essential Oils for Hormonal Imbalance


    Many women try to be everything to everyone, and self-care becomes an afterthought. They fall into a pattern of constantly living in survival mode, where hormone and stress levels are elevated. The result is reduced cognitive function, poor memory, low energy, irregular periods and disrupted sleep. Essential oils offer a safe, natural way to disrupt the survival response and balance your body’s hormones. Essential oils can lower cortisol levels in your brain, which improves memory and cognitive functions and lowers stress levels. It also lowers your blood pressure and gives your body a boost of natural energy.  Listen as Dr. Mariza Snyder joins Dr. Holly Lucille to discuss how essential oils can balance your hormones, improve cognitive function, curb cravings and even eliminate morning sickness and hot flashes.

  • Balancing Modern Healthcare with Patient Needs


    A treatment plan or protocol should equate to the provider being an integral part of the patient’s life. There is a covenant of trust between patient and provider. The trick is that the healthcare system has become so complex, despite the miraculous advancements with technology and treatments. Patients and families need dependability, affordability and quality. Listen as Dr. Jack Cochran joins Dr. Holly Lucille to discuss the importance of closing the gap between utilizing new treatments and finding satisfaction in caring for individual patients.

  • Dealing with Headaches


    Headaches are a bear. Proper diagnosis and individualized treatment improves life for headache sufferers.Do you feel overwhelmed and anxious from time to time? Then try AnxioCalm a supplement from Terry Naturally Vitamins. Click on this link to save $7.00 off your first order, use code "stress" at checkout. - sponsor Conventional Western medicine often focuses on addressing the symptoms. Not all patients respond to anti-inflammatory medications. Implementing other techniques can help these patients find relief. Tension headaches are the most common kind of headache. Stress or muscle strain can bring on a tension headache. Eliminating known sources of stress and improving conditions that cause strain can help prevent future tension headaches. A migraine has multiple neurological symptoms beyond the headache. Nausea and light sensitivity accompany the migraine condition. Certain foods may trigger migraines for individuals. Listen as Dr. Ravinder Singh joins Dr. Holly Lucille to discuss headaches and their treat

  • Mastering Your Metabolism


    The volume of information available on nutrition, dieting and weight loss can be paralyzing. It’s tough to stick to a plan when there’s so much to know.Do you feel overwhelmed and anxious from time to time? Then try AnxioCalm a supplement from Terry Naturally Vitamins. Click on this link to save $7.00 off your first order, use code "stress" at checkout. - sponsor Eat Wisely It helps to know the macros and micros when planning your daily nutrition. Macros are macronutrients, the three main sources in all foods. Proteins, fats and carbohydrates are macronutrients. Micronutrients include vitamins, minerals and water content. Weight Loss vs. Fat Loss When you watch a weight loss competition show, you witness contestants dropping several pounds per episode. However, you don’t know what they’re actually losing to drop the weight. The body has lean mass, consisting of muscle tissue, bone, organs and water weight. It also has fat storage. Weight loss should target losing body fat. The lean mass drives metabolism, so

  • Working Through Betrayal


    When you trust someone, you believe you can be vulnerable with them, that you are loved, protected, valued and safe. The expectation is that they have the same values, beliefs and integrity as you.Do you feel overwhelmed and anxious from time to time? Then try AnxioCalm a supplement from Terry Naturally Vitamins. Click on this link to save $7.00 off your first order, use code "stress" at checkout. - sponsor But, sometimes the person you trust violates that agreement. It’s powerful and painful. You’re never betrayed by someone you don’t know. Betrayal is intentional, with someone putting their needs above others’ while deviating from your expectations. You have to go through the trauma to transform. Listen as Dr. Debi Silber joins Dr. Holly Lucille to discuss how to heal after betrayal.Sponsor: Do you feel overwhelmed and anxious from time to time? Then try AnxioCalm a supplement from Terry Naturally Vitamins. Click on this link to save $7.00 off your first order, use code "stress" at checkout. - sponsor

  • Preparing for Goodbye: Legal & Care Planning


    Ideally, you’ll plan for the end of life before care is needed. What steps are necessary to fulfill one’s wishes?Do you feel overwhelmed and anxious from time to time? Then try AnxioCalm a supplement from Terry Naturally Vitamins. Click on this link to save $7.00 off your first order, use code "stress" at checkout. - sponsor Consider what you’ll do in future if you get sick. You may have a retirement account and a will prepared, but determine what you want done if you lose your health. Advanced care planning lays out how much care you want, what kinds of treatment you prefer, and what your wishes are if treatment doesn’t pan out. A living will is useful in case of accident or terminal disease. Power of attorney determines who you prefer to make decisions when you cannot make them for yourself. Listen as Dr. Adil Akhtar joins Dr. Holly Lucille to discuss legal and care planning for end of life.Sponsor: Do you feel overwhelmed and anxious from time to time? Then try AnxioCalm a supplement from Terry Naturally V

  • Reversing Autoimmune Disease


    Why does the immune system attack itself? And, can autoimmune diseases be reversed?Do you feel overwhelmed and anxious from time to time? Then try AnxioCalm a supplement from Terry Naturally Vitamins. Click on this link to save $7.00 off your first order, use code "stress" at checkout. - sponsor You may be reduced to your diagnosis, not tapping into your body’s innate ability to heal. You can take steps to reduce your autoimmune disorder. Nutrition plays a significant role in recovery. Take baby steps to make the changes your body needs to improve your overall wellness. Listen as Maryam Henein joins Dr. Holly Lucille to discuss her personal journey addressing her autoimmune diagnosis.Sponsor: Do you feel overwhelmed and anxious from time to time? Then try AnxioCalm a supplement from Terry Naturally Vitamins. Click on this link to save $7.00 off your first order, use code "stress" at checkout. - sponsor

  • Managing Holiday Feasts


    The holidays seem like a marathon of food temptation. With weight loss as a goal for many people, holiday feasts make it difficult.Do you feel overwhelmed and anxious from time to time? Then try AnxioCalm a supplement from Terry Naturally Vitamins. Click on this link to save $7.00 off your first order, use code "stress" at checkout. - sponsor Tips for Holidays Consider how you eat on a regular basis. Eat mostly plant based. Eat for health, not just weight loss. Physical activity is just as important as the food you eat. Sleep and stress affect your desire for fats, carbs and sugars. Make sure you’re getting plenty of sleep and managing stress. Listen as Dr. Felicia Stoler joins Dr. Holly Lucille to help you navigate the holiday smorgasbords.Sponsor: Do you feel overwhelmed and anxious from time to time? Then try AnxioCalm a supplement from Terry Naturally Vitamins. Click on this link to save $7.00 off your first order, use code "stress" at checkout. - sponsor

  • Feminology: An Approach to Women's Health


    Feminology is the art and science of female hormones. Hormones not only affect reproductive health, but also several other systems in the body.Do you feel overwhelmed and anxious from time to time? Then try AnxioCalm a supplement from Terry Naturally Vitamins. Click on this link to save $7.00 off your first order, use code "stress" at checkout. - sponsor Women are expected to be superhuman, keeping up with everything and achieving all the recommended health markers. Women need advocacy to get the right diagnosis and treatment for many conditions. Listen as Dr. Ginger Nash joins Dr. Holly Lucille to discuss feminine health.Sponsor:Do you feel overwhelmed and anxious from time to time? Then try AnxioCalm a supplement from Terry Naturally Vitamins. Click on this link to save $7.00 off your first order, use code "stress" at checkout. - sponsor

  • Informed Consent: Know Your Rights


    Patients must consent to treatment, which is how informed consent works.A health gut (flora) makes life a lot easier. The good news is: there is something you can do about that! Try Kaya Biotics – as a treat for your gut. Click on this link to save 25% off your first order, use code "mindful" at checkout. - sponsor Patients have to consent to participation in medical research. Risks and benefits should be explained so patients can decide to participate or not. Personal benefits from new medications or procedures and healthcare improvements for others can prompt one to join a trial. Listen as Dr. David Sklar joins Dr. Holly Lucille to share his personal experience with consent.Sponsor:A health gut (flora) makes life a lot easier. The good news is: there is something you can do about that! Try Kaya Biotics – as a treat for your gut. Click on this link to save 25% off your first order, use code "mindful" at checkout.

  • Listen to Your Body: Attuned Eating


    Food is foundational to health. It can be causative or curative, depending on the foods you eat and how your body reacts to them. Our culture can mix up our eating habits and reasons for eating.A health gut (flora) makes life a lot easier. The good news is: there is something you can do about that! Try Kaya Biotics – as a treat for your gut. Click on this link to save 25% off your first order, use code "mindful" at checkout. - sponsor Attuned eating is consuming based on comfort, fullness, nutrition, food quality and pleasure. In essence, it’s listening to your body and its food needs. If you’re really listening, your body isn’t telling you to eat gummy bears all day every day.Do you feel overwhelmed and anxious from time to time? Then try AnxioCalm a supplement from Terry Naturally Vitamins. Click on this link to save $7.00 off your first order, use code "stress" at checkout. - sponsor Tips for Attuned Eating Check your hunger against a fullness scale throughout the day. Make sure you aren’t skipping meals o

  • Finding Success with Middle-Aged Weight Loss


    Women “of a certain age” often have difficulty losing weight. Hormonal changes don’t aid weight loss. Neither does stress.A health gut (flora) makes life a lot easier. The good news is: there is something you can do about that! Try Kaya Biotics – as a treat for your gut. Click on this link to save 25% off your first order, use code "mindful" at checkout. - sponsor Fitness success helps. Find a form of fitness you enjoy. As you see your body change, you might alter how you eat to support that success. You also have to face reality. The images you see on billboards and in magazines are airbrushed. Accept your body the way it is, because it will never be perfect to you. Plan your meals for a busy schedule. Bagged vegetables, grilled chicken slices, and frozen vegetables can be combined for a quick dinner. Prepared deli soups are handy for lunch. Listen as Mary Prenon joins Dr. Holly Lucille to discuss how she finally found success with her own weight loss.Sponsor:A health gut (flora) makes life a lot easier. T

  • Let Go of Emotional Overeating


    Nutrition is a foundation of optimal health. One of the difficulties with making dietary improvements is emotional overeating.A health gut (flora) makes life a lot easier. The good news is: there is something you can do about that! Try Kaya Biotics – as a treat for your gut. Click on this link to save 25% off your first order, use code "mindful" at checkout. - sponsor Emotional overeating is eating neither for enjoyment or hunger, but instead to deal with painful emotions. If you haven’t had success with a restrictive diet, the diet has failed you. You haven’t failed the diet. Relax. Love your food. Savor it. Eat just to the point of satisfaction. Don’t consider certain foods as good or bad. You can enjoy small portions of treats from time to time. Listen as Arlene Englander joins Dr. Holly Lucille to share how to overcome emotional overeating.Sponsor:A health gut (flora) makes life a lot easier. The good news is: there is something you can do about that! Try Kaya Biotics – as a treat for your gut. Click on

  • Encore Episode: Helping Girls Move Beyond Impossible Standards


    Today’s girls are trying to be everything to everyone. Conflicting values and external demands take their toll on them. These young women become anxious, depressed and sleep deprived. Overthinking is a huge issue for teen girls. It peaks in young adulthood. Talk to girls about their concerns to help with overthinking. The young woman of today is told to be a scholar, athlete, and model. These demanding expectations are stressful. Parents need to reflect on their own challenges before teaching things to their kids. Your kids are still watching you when you make mistakes. Beware the negative self talk. Examine what success means to you. Talk to your girls about how they view success after considering your own values. Help your children find purpose instead of passion. Listen as Rachel Simmons joins Dr. Holly Lucille to share how to be a better friend to the young ladies in your life.

  • Encore Episode: How to Behave During Arguments


    When your blood is boiling and you’re not going to take it any more, it’s tough to keep your behavior in check. Arguments knock all that common sense out the window.A few guidelines can help you improve your behavior during disagreements. It’s so important to take a moment before running off at the mouth. Stop, breathe and stay calm. You have to focus on what you hope to accomplish and why you’re disagreeing. How can you be most effective in resolving this argument? You must be willing to listen. Don’t focus on just making the other person wrong. Process what he or she is saying instead of thinking about what you’re going to say next. It’s easy to get defensive and be offensive. Listening is key. Think before you speak. Will your words come across as an attack? Be sure you speak with compassion. Validate the other person’s feelings to show you’ve listened. Be sure he or she knows you care. Then, you can address any misunderstandings. Are you fighting over insignificant things like burned toast? There are buil

  • Encore Episode: Pets: Fur Your Health


    Pets are amazing companions that can provide numerous health benefits. Kids who are raised in a household with pets tend to have fewer allergies and less incidence of asthma. Their immune systems are constantly being stimulated by pets, making their immune systems stronger. Pets are natural mood enhancers. Petting an animal lowers your blood pressure. Calmness and relaxation encompasses you. They even have the ability to reduce depression. Knowing you get to come home to a loving critter can carry you through rough days. The responsibility associated with a pet gives you purpose. Feeding, walking, playtime and training keep you engaged and mindful. Fifteen percent of surviving spouses live longer if they have a pet. There’s still someone to share life with after the loss. Dogs are fantastic service animals. They can detect a drop in blood sugar immediately. They can also detect seizures. Know someone who is afraid of having a pet? It’s best to introduce them to small animals like puppies and kittens. You may

  • Autoimmune Disease Awareness


    The incidence of autoimmune diseases has been on the rise. By increasing awareness, diagnosis and treatment can save lives. Producer and actress Kellie Martin lost her younger sister to an undiagnosed autoimmune disorder. A virus, stress and undiagnosed lupus created the perfect storm, ending Heather’s young life. Symptoms are seemingly unrelated. They may come and go. Keeping a journal of symptoms will help your doctor with a diagnosis. Be your own advocate. As the American Autoimmune Related Diseases Association (AARDA) Spokesperson, Kellie advocates for taking preventative measures. A healthy gut, regular exercise and a smart diet can improve your health and reduce potential for developing an autoimmune disease. Listen as Kellie joins Dr. Holly Lucille to share more about autoimmune disease awareness.

  • Train Your Brain to Be Your Own Therapist


    There are many tough things facing us in today’s world. You can train your brain to be a little gentler on yourself, easing one of the pressures you can control. Allow yourself some flexibility. Allow yourself to be a little happier. Examine your thoughts and actions. See what you can change and what is out of your control. Work on becoming more self-aware and insightful. Be kind to yourself. Treat yourself as you would treat a loved one. While pondering negative future outcomes can be useful, it’s often quite overwhelming and creates more stress. Set a goal and take baby steps to reach that goal. Listen as Dr. Mike Dow joins Dr. Holly Lucille to share how you can condition your brain to help you find the happiness and peace you deserve.

  • Helping in a Mental Health Emergency


    Mental health concerns everyone. We all deal with mental health crises, but we aren’t always equipped to address the needs of the moment. When the mind and body are disconnected, there may be a mental health emergency. You don’t have to be a trained professional to aid someone in crisis. Ways to Help Be there for someone in need. Listen. Don’t make assumptions about what the other person is facing.  Take your time and acknowledge what they say. Listen as Michele Hart, LCSW, joins Dr. Holly Lucille to discuss mental health emergencies.

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