Mindful Medicine

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Articulate, passionate and humorous, Dr. Holly Lucille breaks down the myths and misconceptions about health and health related topics.


  • Encore Episode: Stem Cell Therapy for Pain Management


    Stem cell therapy involves taking your own material (fat or bone marrow) and injecting it back into your own pained areas. Stem cells have the potential to become a specific type of body cell, based on where in the body they're injected. For instance, they can recreate cartilage and ligaments.This burgeoning therapy is a potential alternative to surgical remedies in some cases.Regenerative therapy isn’t for everyone. There may be better options based on what you’re hoping to heal, so make sure to speak to your doctor before heading down this path.Listen as Dr. Harris Bram joins Dr. Holly Lucille to discuss how stem cell therapy works.

  • Encore Episode: CBD for People & Pets


    Cannabadiol (CBD) is one of 113 active cannabinoids active in cannabis. In short, it’s plant medicine. CBD contains the anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving qualities that make a cannabis plant so special in healing. It’s been used in small doses in clinical trials. With the opiod addiction epidemic, an alternate treatment for pain is needed.Organifi. Save 20% NOW!Use code MINDFUL. Click here to order. Congress has to write law for CBD to become more widely available for human consumption. All mammals have an endocannabanoid system. It can help with anxiety and pain in pets. You can see results right away after dosing your pet with CBD. Tips for CBD Anything that comes from outside the U.S. needs to be attached to a certified farm in Europe or Canada. Any product treated above 170 degrees has damaged CBD quality. Make sure you get a certificate of analysis (COA) on any products you buy. Listen as CBD expert Todd Davis joins Dr. Holly Lucille to discuss how CBD is changing the face of pain treatment in peop

  • Why Doctors Are Pushing Narcotics that Don’t Work


    The opioid crisis that has plagued our country is due to a lot of factors, including a broken patient care system. As medicine become corporatized, doctors have less time to spend with patients and therefore aren’t able to properly diagnose the root issue causing chronic pain. Physicians are only able to offer treatments covered by insurance and opioids are over-prescribed. Dr. David Hanscom, a retired board-certified orthopedic surgeon, notes that medical professionals are throwing random, simplistic procedures and prescriptions at complex problems. In this episode, he explains the neurological phenomena that cause chronic pain and anxiety and why mainstream medicine isn’t providing an appropriate solution.  Listen as Dr. Hanscom joins Dr. Holly Lucille to discuss how mainstream medicine needs to alter its approach to treating chronic pain.

  • Easy Sugar Breakup


    The word hypnosis causes some people to feel uneasy, because they associate hypnosis with losing control. However, we are hypnotized everyday by media, advertising and politicians. In fact, Rena Greenberg, CEO of Wellness Seminars, Inc., describes hypnosis as a very natural state of deep relaxation and focused concentration. She equates it to the state your mind is in right before you fall asleep or wake up—where you are conscious, but incredibly relaxed. It’s in this state that the mind is most available for suggestion, making hypnosis a great tool for weight loss. Through her gastric bypass hypnosis program, Rena has helped clients lose up to 180 pounds by training the mind to make healthier choices long-term.Listen as Rena joins Dr. Holly Lucille to discuss how hypnosis can help people lose weight and form healthier habits. 

  • Encore Episode: 6 Facts About Vitamin B12 Deficiency


    There is a lot of misinformation and confusion about supplements. Vitamins are found in the nutrients in our food. If we don’t get enough of something for proper function, we need to replenish the deficiency. Get your greens without the mess, Organifi Green Juice. Use code “mindful” at checkout and save 20%. - sponsor Vitamin B12 helps keep your nervous system and blood cells healthy. Low B12 causes symptoms right away. Tingling of fingers and toes, fatigue, anxiety and depression are common. Your B12 level may check out on your lab tests. That doesn’t prove that your cells are absorbing the vitamin. It’s a good idea to take a B12 supplement. It’s water soluble so your body can easily eliminate any excess. Your gut health may need to be improved in order to break down B12 in your digestive tract. A sublingual tablet absorbs directly into your body. Six Facts About Vitamin B12 Deficiency There aren’t many natural B12-rich foods. Vegetarians and vegans are at greater risk for B12 deficiency. Your body doesn’t s

  • Using Mindfulness to Battle Lyme Disease


    The time between when symptoms emerge and when a diagnosis of Lyme disease is pronounced can be anywhere from two to 20 years. The disease is incredibly difficult to recognize, and there are very few practitioners that specialize in Lyme disease diagnosis and treatment. Meditation specialist and Lyme disease sufferer Shona Curley learned firsthand that the path to diagnosis can be long and the symptoms of Lyme disease—like GI issues and panic attacks—can be difficult to live with. However, she shares how changing her diet and bringing meditation and brain training into her life helped relieve these symptoms. Shona shares visualization and meditation techniques she uses to help her body function harmoniously while battling this complex disease. Listen as Shona joins Dr. Holly Lucille to discuss how meditation can be incorporated into your treatment of Lyme disease.

  • 9 Essentials to Whole-Hearted Healing


    Those who have suffered from chronic illness need not only physical healing, but emotional healing as well. Dr. Brenda Walding, a Holistic Wellness & Empowerment Coach, suffered from chronic illness and was then diagnosed with breast cancer. But, it was through this journey that she learned how to heal her body from the inside out with natural substances. Her book, Sick of Being Sick, covers nine Whole-Hearted Healing Essentials that she used to help with spiritual and emotional healing, as well as making healthy lifestyle changes to heal her body. They include:#1- Taking Responsibility for Your Health#2- Creating a Vision--Harnessing Your Power to Heal#3- Thoughts & Beliefs#4- Feel Your Feelings #5- Live to Thrive (Key Lifestyle Factors)#6 - Eat, Drink, Detox#7- Connection & Relationships#8- Love Yourself#9- Trust & SurrenderListen as Brenda joins Dr. Holly Lucille to discuss how to better trust that you’re capable of healing. And download a free copy of Brenda's book, "Sick of Being Sick."

  • Encore Episode: Better Posture for Better Health


    Posture is the interpretation of external sensory stimuli on the body’s musculature. Your body can misinterpret stimuli and create faulty motor skills. This generates bad posture and can cause chronic pain. Excessive stress and compression affects your joints, organ function and general health. Childhood InfluenceNot all women have pelvic bones that are well-aligned. This leads to difficulty in the delivery room, which can cause misalignment in babies. It’s best to let your child improve sensory input by allowing freedom of mobility. Avoid putting him in shoes (when possible) until the age of three. Recognizing Poor PostureIf you’ve seen more than one professional for back, joint or neck pain, your posture needs improvement. Head tilting is another compensation for bad posture. Your shoes or pants may not wear out evenly, indicating you may have a postural disequilibrium. Fixing Your PostureRepetitive motion like walking is built on movement patterns. Your body is used to moving this way, and your brain needs

  • Is Stress from Work Dragging into the Bedroom?


    With 24-hour connectivity to phones and work, people are more stressed than ever before. And, stress oftentimes shuts down your ability to have healthy relationships. It creates conflict with your partner and can make individuals crave isolation. When stressed, everything in your body tightens, your blood pressure raises, and you feel overwhelmed and drained, which makes intimacy a challenge. Psychotherapist Mary Jo Rapini reminds couples that they have control over stress and their sex life. She offers tips on how to remove stress from the bedroom, re-establish intimacy and improve communication inside and outside the bedroom. Listen as Mary Jo joins Dr. Holly Lucille to discuss how to keep stress from work out of your relationship and the bedroom.

  • Feed Your Soul: Understanding the Connection Between Your Mind and Weight Loss


    According to the Centers for Disease Control, approximately 91 percent of women are unhappy with their bodies and resort to dieting to achieve their ideal body shape. More than 70 percent of women over the age of 20 are considered overweight or obese.While most fad diets focus on what to eat—or avoid eating—Carly Pollack challenges women to look inside themselves to understand why they’re ignoring common sense and choosing to eat foods they know are bad for them.She reminds us that our plate is a reflection of our inner state. We need to change our thoughts and beliefs that drive our behavior, instead of getting caught in the diet chaos.Listen as Carly joins Dr. Holly Lucille to discuss how to redefine the word diet and find lasting solutions to eating healthy.

  • Encore Episode: Environmental Influence on Chronic Illness


    The average person encounters environmental toxins in every day life. It’s impossible to completely avoid them. Our bodies are enzyme machines. We need vitamins and minerals for the enzymes to work properly. The nutritional quality of our food supply has decreased in the past 50 years due to modern agricultural procedures. Toxins poison the body’s enzymes so they don’t function properly. There is a correlation between chronic illnesses and toxin exposure. The majority of the population has been exposed to enough toxins to double the chance for disease. Seventy percent of our toxic load comes from food. Some toxins come from the food production process. Other toxins come from the packaging process. Consider how toxins can accumulate in your body over time. Try to reduce your toxic exposure. Stick with organic foods and grow as much food as you can. Look for foods packaged in glass. Avoid fragrances in health and beauty aids. Listen as Dr. Joe Pizzorno joins Dr. Holly Lucille to discuss environmental toxins.

  • Tips for Helping Kids Cope with Grief


    ?When it comes to the loss of a loved one, the grieving process can be all-consuming and long-lasting. That process becomes more complicated when your child is experiencing grief with you. Drawing from decades of experience as a therapist, Edy Nathan has compiled a list of the top “do’s and don’ts” for parents trying to understand their child’s grieving process. She explains how children grieve differently than adults and shares signs to be watchful for in a grieving child. Edy explains that during the grieving process, parents need to focus on THEM: Truth: Be honest with your child and avoid euphemisms.  Honor: Respect the time your child needs to heal. Emotion: Allow your child to feel full range of emotions. Memory: Work to keep your loved one’s memory alive. Listen as Edy joins Dr. Holly Lucille to discuss how to help kids cope with grief.

  • 10 Ways to End Bad Habits During Times of Stress


    It’s not uncommon to develop negative habits as a way to cope with daily stress and disappointments. Some women drown their sorrows in food or alcohol. Others numb themselves in front of the television or complain endlessly to friends without making any effort to change their situation. Willpower alone is not enough to change deeply entrenched habits. We must learn how to change habits by stopping to breathe, taking care of our bodies, remaining present, and celebrating little successes. Rosemary Lombardy shares her experience with marital abuse and tactics she used to break bad habits, find self-worth and replace every bad habit with a good one.Listen as Rosemary joins Dr. Holly Lucille to discuss breaking bad habits with mindfulness.

  • Encore Episode: Epigenetics & Nutrigenomics: Choose Your Own Health Path


    Epigenetics is the study of how lifestyle and environment can influence the expression of genes. The choices you make today can affect your own health and the health of future generations. You can’t change your natural hair color, height and foot size. Epigenetics focuses on the things you CAN change, like being overweight, anxiety and chronic health conditions. You may carry a genetic code that predisposes you to a condition. You have the power to prevent those conditions from expressing themselves. Nutrigenomics is the science of the relationship between genetic expression, nutrition and health. It’s a personalized approach to your diet. The Internet is a wonderful resource for more information on these topics, but make sure you examine resources that are evidence-based and research-based. Don’t just base your diet off a Facebook post your friend shared. Listen as Melanie Bivens joins Dr. Holly Lucille to discuss how epigenetics and nutrigenomics can help guide your individual health.

  • Encore Episode: Metabolic Approach to Cancer


    It’s important to empower cancer patients with ways to improve their own health. In fact, nutritional techniques can be applied to any chronic illness. Diet and lifestyle can impact resilience and recovery. Your TerrainYour body must have some damage that made it susceptible to cancer or chronic illness. Looking at the terrain of your life can help find areas to heal. Epigenetics determine your genetic qualities before you are born. It is the blueprint for the “tree” you become in life. You can manipulate parts of your blueprint. The microbiome is like the soil for your tree. It helps your tree grow so you need to feed it well. The mental and emotional aspects compose your trunk.  The trunk connects you to the soil. Traumas and adverse childhood events can impact your health in adulthood. Branches are comprised of blood sugar, metabolism, hormones, circulation, toxic exposure, circadian rhythm, stress response and overall immune function. Ketogenic Diet The ketogenic diet is high in fat and low in carbohydr

  • Encore Episode: Fight or Flight: Improve Your Responses to Stress


    Stress used to be a survival response to danger.  Our modern pressures have redefined the term. Stress now comes from demands on our resources. The demand versus personal capacity is the issue. We have to manage the proportions so we feel less pressure. Stress is a stimulus for change.Organifi. Save 20% NOW!Use code MINDFUL. Click here to order. Consider your stress at three levels: Tame stress comes from the nervous tension of doing something you can easily tackle. Maybe you get nervous before giving a speech, but you know exactly what you’re doing. You have the resources you need to deal with the stress. It could be reclassified as excitement. Tolerable stress is more uncomfortable, but you still have the resources to bounce back. It’s not the kind of pressure you want to experience, but you can deal with it. Tolerable stress can provide you with valuable life lessons. Toxic stress comes from being in the fight or flight response too often, or the body freezes because the stress hormones are overstimulated

  • Treating Chronic Pain with Non-Invasive Therapy


    Finding proper treatment for chronic pain sufferers is a challenge. The recent opioid crisis has proven that pharmaceuticals aren’t an option for long-term pain management and there are few therapies that prove successful. P. Brendon Lundberg, a former chronic pain sufferer, has taken a technology-driven approach to treating chronic pain. While many in the pain management industry treat the tissues surrounding the pain, he understands that pain is a phenomenon of the brain and has started treatment there. He along with David Farley, MD, a Harvard-MIT trained physician, has developed technology that acts as an artificial nerve, sending signals to the brain to relax. The result is pain relief that lasts several weeks, months, and sometimes, indefinitely. Listen as P. Brendon Lundberg joins Dr. Holly Lucille to discuss how to use this new technology to treat chronic pain.

  • Living with Chronic Pain


    So often, people living with chronic pain are given two options: treat the pain with pharmaceuticals or put up with the pain. In 2007, Sarah Anne Shockley suffered a work-related injury that resulted in chronic pain. Trying various therapies and treatments, nothing quieted the pain or allowed her to return to her normal life.Frustrated by what was happening in her body, Sarah looked inside for a solution. The unique approach to healing that she devised works with awareness, active imagination, and shifting our relationship to pain itself.Listen as Sarah Anne Shockley joins Dr. Holly Lucille to discuss how to reframe the idea of chronic pain and find peace.

  • The Psychology Behind Overeating & Binge Eating


    Many Americans struggle with overeating or binge eating, which leads to obesity and a plethora of health problems. Dr. Glenn Livingston, a former food-obsessed binge eater and psychologist, shares his story of breaking the cycle of emotional and binge eating. He analyzes the emotional causes of binge eating and encourages patients to identify binge eating triggers and the food they reach for when triggered. In his book, Never Binge Again: Reprogram Yourself to Think Like a Permanently Thin Person, he also empowers overeaters to name the voice that prompts them to overeat and pinpoint the lies that voice tells them when cravings kick in. By making eating decisions in advance, Dr. Livingston claims that you’ll have more willpower to resist cravings and make healthy eating choices.  Listen as Dr. Livingston joins Dr. Holly Lucille to discuss how to end the cycle of overeating.

  • The Setpoint Diet


    Whether it’s the keto diet, the paleo diet or Whole30, fad diets inevitably lead to short-term results and yo-yo dieting. The only way to permanently shed weight is to focus on the foods you choose to eat—rather than the amount of food you eat.Jonathan Bailor’s SANE plan is the only program endorsed by top doctors at The Harvard Medical School, Johns Hopkins, the Mayo Clinic, the Cleveland Clinic, and UCLA. It has been proven clinically, through more than 100,000 success stories, to “unclog” your hormones, brain, and digestion. The result is permanent weight loss and diabetes defense.Bailor explains that changing or limiting the number of calories you eat or exerting extra energy during workouts is a pointless endeavor. Rather, he instructs individuals through his book, The Setpoint Diet, to maintain a healthy weight by working with your body’s natural setpoint.Listen as Bailor joins Dr. Holly Lucille to discuss how the diet works and how you can lose weight permanently.

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