Hosted By Dr. David Derose



A one-hour weekly talk show focusing on health issues in Indian country, viewed in a holistic way in keeping with traditional Native perspectives, hosted by David DeRose M.D.


  • 01 - 30 - 17 Buck Blodgett

    30/01/2017 Duration: 58min

    Title: "A Message from Jessie" Guest: Dr. Buck Blodgett, chiropractor; author of "A Message from Jessie: The Incredible True Story of Murder and Miracles in the Heartland" Description: Chiropractor Buck Blodgett lost his only child in a grisly murder. Buck's improbably response was "Love is stronger than hate." Learn from his story how to rise above your own tragedies. (Not recommended for younger listeners.) For more Information:; To purchase the book on Amazon:

  • 01 - 23 - 17 Koenig

    23/01/2017 Duration: 58min

    Title: “You are My Beloved. Really?” Guest: Harold G. Koenig, MD, MHSc; Director, Center for Spirituality, Theology and Health at Duke University and author of the new book, “You are My Beloved. Really?” Description: Dr. Harold G. Koenig, one of the world’s leading researchers on the topic of spirituality and health, shares amazing stories from his own life, including his expulsion from medical school as a confused young adult. He shares his own journey that led him to belief in a Creator who loves people from every race and culture—and offers all a greater level of whole-person health. Contact:; For Koenig’s new book:

  • 01 - 16 - 17 Missy Priest

    16/01/2017 Duration: 58min

    Title: “Rising Above Abuse” Guest: Missy Priest, RN, PhD; Critical Care Nurse, author of “Child of the Wilderness” Description: Missy Priest shares how she overcame a horrific childhood of abuse to become a happy and fulfilled wife, mother, and registered nurse (not recommended for younger listeners). For more information contact: Missy Priest at; obtain her book at

  • 01 - 09 - 17 FNX et al

    27/12/2016 Duration: 58min

    Title: Overlooked Educational Opportunities Guests: Shannon Hawkins, Senior Business Administration Major, Haskell Indian Nations University; Frank Blanquet (Maya), Chief Content Manager, First Nations Experience (FNX) Television Channel; and Rodrigo Rodriguez, MD, Medical Director, International BioCare Hospital and Medical Center Description: Indian Country has access to a variety of educational opportunities that are often overlooked. Today’s show highlights Haskell Indian Nations University, FNX (a 24/7 Native American TV network), and a medical doctor describing health-giving ingredients in your own backyard or local grocery store. For more information contact:;; or

  • 01 - 02 - 17 Bellows Et Al

    23/12/2016 Duration: 58min

    Title: Saving Forests, Helping Tribes Guests: Robin Bellows and David Brentlinger for Forest Carbon Partners Description: The California Cap and Trade Market provides an opportunity for U.S.-based tribal nations to generate significant revenue at the same time they preserve forested lands. In today’s show, Forest Carbon Partners give an overview of the benefits to Indian Country. For further information contact: or 1-415-321-3300

  • 12 - 19 - 16 Axolotl and Arkray

    16/12/2016 Duration: 58min

    Title: Cutting Edge Diabetes Technology Guests: Julie Walker, RN, BSN, PHN and Ken Harrison, Arkray USA, Inc.; Philip Larson, President, Bob Maguire, CEO, and Jon Canyon (Navajo), Director of Partnerships, at Axolotl Biologix. Description: Diabetes continues to ravage lives throughout Indian Country and beyond. Learn about new technologies that can help save limbs with chronic ulcers and can make blood sugar testing easier and more affordable. For more information contact: and ==

  • 12 - 12 - 16 Landelius Et Al

    09/12/2016 Duration: 58min

    Title: Impacting Native Communities for Good Guests: Jim Landelius, Native Ministries Coordinating Oklahoma Conference of Seventh-day Adventists; Nicholas Courtney (Makah), Senior Program Associate, The George Washington University Description: A number of simple, low-cost strategies can improve Indian Country’s physical health and political influence. Learn about the fully-funded Native American Political Leadership Program at George Washington University, CREATION Health, and more. For further information contact: (Landelius); and (Courtney)

  • 12 - 05 - 16 TANF etc

    29/11/2016 Duration: 58min

    Title: TANF in Indian Country Description: Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) is a U.S. Government federal assistance program. Learn how, with Native guidance, it is favorably impacting Indian Country—and touching lives of young and old alike. Guests: Elaine Bethel Fink (Mono), Tribal Council Vice-Chairperson, North Fork Rancheria of Mono Indians of California; E.J. Crandell (Pomo), Robinson Rancheria Tribal Chairman; and Mia Magdaleno (Navajo), student For more information contact: Title: TANF in Indian Country Description: Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) is a U.S. Government federal assistance program. Learn how, with Native guidance, it is favorably impacting Indian Country—and touching lives of young and old alike. Guests: Elaine Bethel Fink (Mono), Tribal Council Vice-Chairperson, North Fork Rancheria of Mono Indians of California; E.J. Crandell (Pomo), Robinson Rancheria Tribal Chairman; and Mia Magdaleno (Navajo), student

  • 11 - 28 - 16 Don Carlos et al

    26/11/2016 Duration: 58min

    Title: Financial Health for Tribes Guests: Thomas Steirer, CEO and Founder, Profit Finders, LLC (Tonawanda Seneca Nation member, Turtle Clan); Michelle Don Carlos, Esq., General Counsel, Zenith Utility Consultants; John Doak, Insurance Commissioner, State of Oklahoma Description: A number of relatively simple strategies can pay large financial dividends for tribes. In today’s show you’ll gain insights into owning and running tribal utilities, saving on insurance costs, keeping tribal profits within the tribe, and more. For More Information contact:;; or

  • 11 - 21 - 16 BioCare Microbiome

    19/11/2016 Duration: 58min

    Title: The Microbiome Guest: Rodrigo Rodriguez, MD, Medical Director, International BioCare Hospital and Medical Center Description: Medical science is exploding with insights into the microbiome, the community of microorganisms that inhabit the human body, especially the intestinal tract. In today’s show you’ll learn how these organisms affect our risk of metabolic diseases like high blood pressure and diabetes—and may even affect our risk of dementia. For more information contact:; 1-800-701-7345

  • 10 - 31 - 16 Angie David and Bob Parrish

    31/10/2016 Duration: 58min

    Title: Freedom from Addictions Guests: Angeline David DrPH, MHS, RDN, Director, Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists; Bob Parrish, RN, CARN, MPH (Wiyot) Description: Addictive behaviors impact millions of people in the U.S. independent of race and ethnicity. Gain cutting edge insights from Dr. Angie David and Native American nurse and certified addictions professional, Bob Parrish (Wiyot). For More Information Contact: or 301.680.6733

  • 10 - 24 - 16 Jaynie Smith

    24/10/2016 Duration: 58min

    Title: Prescriptions for a Healthy Business Guest: Jaynie L. Smith, President, Smart Advantage Inc., and author of “Creating Competitive Advantage” and “Relevant Selling” Description: Many businesses fail to achieve their optimal potential because they don’t understand what their customers/clients really want. Jaynie Smith shares practical insights to help businesses of any size thrive in today’s competitive marketplace. Refer Listeners to:

  • 10 - 17 - 16 Steven Meyer

    14/10/2016 Duration: 58min

    Title: The “Intelligent Design” Debate (Encore) Guest: Stephen C. Meyer, PhD; Director, The Discovery Institute’s Center for Science and Culture in Seattle; Author, "Darwin’s Doubt" Description: Native Americans from many tribal backgrounds speak of a Creator. Dr. Stephen Meyer shares amazing, cutting-edge scientific evidence that suggests there was indeed an intelligent designer behind the things we observe in nature. For Further Information Contact:;

  • 10 - 10 - 16 Milano and Sears

    05/10/2016 Duration: 58min

    Title: “Changed Lives Changing Lives” Guests: Shaun Milano, Electrical Engineer; Kevin Sears, Director; NETS Atlantic Union Description: Regardless of your past, you can be a positive change agent in your family, community and tribe. You’ll be inspired by Shaun Milano’s journey from alcoholism to sobriety and Kevin Sears’ story of leaving a life of crime to help communities. For further information contact: 978-368-8333 (Kevin Sears) or

  • 10 - 03 - 16 Prince

    26/09/2016 Duration: 58min

    Title: “The Healing Power of Compassion” Guests: Judy Prince and Arnet Mathers Description: Can compassion improve health outcomes in your tribe? Learn practical lessons from Judy Prince’s amazing experience providing compassion care to AIDs victims in South Africa—and her translating that into action right here in North America. For further information contact:; or

  • 9 - 26 - 16 Umbro and Holland

    26/09/2016 Duration: 58min

    Title: "Education Opens Doors" Guests: Barbara Umbro, Grade School Teacher; and Glenn Holland, Pastor for Community Ministries, Portland, Maine Description: After an initial segment about teaching children health principles, Glenn Holland relates how the "Jobs for Life" community program can help tribal members and community members alike gain work skills-and job opportunities. For further information contact:

  • 9 - 19 - 16 Scott Christiansen

    19/09/2016 Duration: 58min

    Title: “Planet in Distress” Guest: Scott Christiansen; Author of “Planet in Distress” Description: First Nation peoples have been talking about the degradation for of the world’s environment for decades. Learn some of the latest, most chilling data from author Scott Christiansen. For More Information Contact:

  • 9 - 12 - 16 Eddy Travis and Angie David

    06/09/2016 Duration: 58min

    Title: “Journey to Wholeness” Guests: Chef Eddy Travis and Angeline David DrPH, MHS, RDN; Director, Health Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists Description: If you or your loved ones are dealing with addictions, there is hope and help for you through the “Journey to Wholeness.” Chef Eddy Travis shares his own journey of transformation as he explains this new program for your community. For More Information Contact: or 301.680.6733

  • 11 - 02 - 15 Body, Mind, And Spirit

    10/07/2016 Duration: 58min

    Title: “Body, Mind, and Spirit” (Encore) Guests: Manuel Alva, MD, Gastroenterologist; Melvin Brazil-Geyshick (Ojibwe), Outreach Coordinator; Neil Nedley, MD, President, Nedley Health Solutions Description: Today’s show deals with physical health from a gastroenterologist, spiritual health presented by a First Nations outreach coordinator and mental health conveyed by Neil Nedley MD, founder of a community-based mental health program. Refer listeners to: Melvin Brazil-Geyshick at or 208-568-0824; Dr. Neil Nedley at or 580-226-8007.

  • 11 - 09 - 15 More Than Our Genes

    10/07/2016 Duration: 58min

    Title: "More Than Our Genes" Guests: Risë Rafferty, Health Educator, Robert Hunsaker, MD, Cardiac Anesthesiologist; Ernestine Finley, Author and Speaker. Description: Although many Native Americans may be genetically predisposed to diseases like diabetes, a growing body of scientific evidence indicates we can change how our genes express themselves. This point is eloquently illustrated by Dr. DeRose's three guests on this week's show. Refer listeners to:, 541-988-3333, or (Risë); (Finley’s Natural Lifestyle Cooking book)

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