Health & Wellbeing Podcast



Alison's Health & Wellbeing Podcast: Discussions on various health conditions, health tips and nutrition from a Naturopathic perspective. Sometimes it's just me, sometimes I'm interviewing guests. I hope to share with you information on health and wellbeing with the aim to empower and educate. I am a Clinical Naturopath based in NSW, Australia. Contact me on Facebook or via my website All information is general and not a specific recommendation that replaces consulting with a practitioner. Please talk to your healthcare practitioner before undertaking any changes to your treatment regime.Intro music is Flutter by Jahzzar


  • #13 Naturopathic Approach To A Healthy Pregnancy- Part 2 with Kellie Holland

    08/11/2015 Duration: 37min

    In the second of two sections on a Naturopathic approach to pregnancy, Kellie Holland from Tonik Health and I chat about some more common issues that pregnant women deal with such as fatigue, urinary tract infections, mood swings, constipation, thrush and heartburn. We also answer some questions such as when to stop lying on your back, and how much caffeine you can have. We also discuss some recommendations for labour and birth preparation including positions, books and courses for birth and raspberry leaf. Podcast Breakdown: 0:00 Intro and disclaimer 0:41 Welcome 1:16 Listeria 3:55 Fatigue 5:29 "Eating for two"? 7:57 Urinary tract infections (UTIs) 13:36 Mood swings and stress 15:56 Thyroid issues linked to depression and worsening of menopause symptoms 16:20 Constipation 17:50 Heartburn/reflux 19:05 Thrush/candida 20:24 What to do for coughs and colds in pregnancy? 22:05 Can I drink green tea in pregnancy? (Caffeine) 24:25 When do I have to stop lying on my back during pregnancy? 26:18 Suggestions for prep

  • #12 Naturopathic Approach To A Healthy Pregnancy Part 1 with Kellie Holland

    05/10/2015 Duration: 44min

    Naturopathic Approach to a Healthy Pregnancy: Part 1 Health & Wellbeing Podcast, with guest Kellie Holland (Naturopath) from Tonik Health In the first of two sections on a Naturopathic approach to pregnancy, Australian naturopaths Kellie Holland and Alison Mitchell talk about some of the most common issues that pregnant women deal with including morning sickness, stretch marks, gestational diabetes, pre-eclampsia and fluid retention. We also discuss some things it's important to start doing with as soon as possible during pregnancy, and go into detail about the nutrients we need most during pregnancy. ☆ Podcast Breakdown: ☆ 0:00 Intro and disclaimer 0:59 Meet Kellie, and I talk a bit about what we will cover in these pregnancy episodes 3:10 Morning sickness, nausea in pregnancy and hyperemesis gravidarum. 4:06 Ginger for nausea: doses and the different forms you can take it in 5:15 Vitamin B6 for morning sickness 5:48 Keeping your blood sugar levels stable can help reduce morning sickness 6:59 Other fact

  • Our Favourite Health Foods - Podcast #11 With Guest Laura Burton (plus A GIVEAWAY!)

    11/09/2015 Duration: 44min

    This is a bit of a different style to the previous podcast/videos I’ve done which talk about conditions and naturopathy. In this episode Laura Burton and I talk about our favourite ‘health food’ items and discuss how we use them and what their benefits are. There are links to the items we mentioned in the podcast breakdown below. But the most exciting bit about this video is that there’s a GIVEAWAY! The good folks at Loving Earth and the Gingerbread Folk have been particularly generous in donating some items for the giveaway, and Laura and I have chipped in a few goodies as well. Find the link to enter below. Want to subscribe to get podcasts automatically? You can do that here: PODCAST BREAKDOWN 2.10 Nut Butter on brown rice crackers (Deli Grains with black sesame) 4.00 Pic’s Really Good Peanut Butter 4.20 Seaweed – Sea Shanti Sea Crisps and Sea Flakes 5.46 Bounce Balls 6.55 Miso Soup 8.07 Gluten free ginger bread – Gingerbre

  • How To Lose Weight Without Changing Your Diet (much) #10

    01/09/2015 Duration: 53min

    How to Lose Weight Without Changing your Diet (much) Health & Wellbeing Podcast #10 with guest Lisa Costa Bir In this episode Lisa and I discuss how to reduce emotional and mindless eating to help control your weight by to reducing overeating. Dieting doesn't work long term so to reach a healthy weight you need to address your habits and maintain realistic healthy eating behaviours - it's what you can stick to that will have the biggest impact. Want to subscribe to get podcasts automatically? You can do that here: Lisa is a Naturopath, lecturer and writer as as well as an Ayurvedic Lifestyle Consultant. Lisa has an interest in treating thyroid and adrenal health. Her practice is in Caringbah in South Sydney. You can connect with Lisa via Facebook, Instagram or on her website Podcast Breakdown 1.04 About Lisa 2.15 Changing behaviour and habits around eatings, vs. low carb/low fat diets. Som

  • Keeping Healthy When You Move, Coeliac, Pole -Episode 9 With Guest Ashley Hunt

    23/08/2015 Duration: 55min

    In this episode I am joined with Ashley Hunt, a London based personal trainer and Health Coach. I got to know Ashley when she was living here in Sydney through the health and wellness website Move Eat Heal which Ashley co-founded with a friend. Now Ashley is based in East London and while she still writes for her own blog she is also a personal trainer and wellness coach. We talk about keeping healthy when you move, celiac disease, aerial fitness (pole dancing in particular) and Ashley's personal approach to diet, exercise and lifestyle. Ashley specialises in helping clients build their confidence as well as creating quick and effective workouts that can be done anywhere. Her signature style focuses on high intensity functional bodyweight exercises, incorporating a combination of yoga, pilates, gymnastics and calisthenics. Want to subscribe to get podcasts automatically? You can do that here: Podcast Breakdown 1:20 What Ashley has been getting up to 3:54 Changing your diet when

  • Menopause - Health & Wellbeing Podcast #8 with guest Laura Burton

    15/08/2015 Duration: 42min

    Menopause - Health & Wellbeing Podcast #8 with guest Laura Burton Laura Burton from Burton Health is back and this time we're talking about menopause. We discuss the symptoms and stages of menopause, helpful foods and nutrients for soothing menopausal symptoms and reducing the conditions associated with this time. Apologies the sound quality isn't the best in this episode (especially at the start, it does get better after a few minutes!) but I wanted to share the video anyway and not let the quest for perfection get in the way of me delivering this information to you. Laura is a clinical naturopath practicing in St Leonards and Dural. Her key areas of interest are female hormone disorders, digestive health, stress & adrenal fatigue. Through her clinical experience Laura has identified the prevalence of stress in our everyday lives and sees it as the most common cause or exacerbating factor of her patients health conditions. Laura believes that we need to get back to basics and work on our ability to relea

  • Kid's Immunity - Health & Wellbeing Podcast #7 With Guest Kellie Holland

    08/08/2015 Duration: 01h06min

    Kid’s Immunity – Podcast I’m excited to share with you another video/podcast! In this episode I chat with Kellie Holland from Tonik Health about children’s immunity. We discuss some of the most common infections that children can get such as coughs and colds, molluscum contagiosum, otitis media (also known as glue ear) and glandular fever, and discuss a Naturopathic approach to managing them. We also answer some submitted questions. (Don’t forget to submit any questions you want answered in future podcasts/videos!)

  • Crazy 2 Calm With Melinda King

    29/07/2015 Duration: 01h52s

    In this podcast episode I interview Naturopath Melinda King about her stress management program Crazy 2 Calm, and we chat about her recent New York trip where she explored healthy restaurants, attended a seminar by Gabby Bernstein, Spirit Junkie and generally had a good time. Podcast Breakdown: 0:55 A bit about Melinda and her personal health journey and how she got into Naturopathy. 6:23 What has Melinda been getting up to lately? She discusses her New York trip and her mission to find healthy places to eat while there. 12:18 Melinda talks about her experience attending the Gabby Bernstein - Spirit Junkie seminar. 15:54 How Melinda developed the ideas for her Crazy 2 Calm program with a 'Think Week' in Bali. 18:26 A bit more about the Crazy 2 Calm program 19:44 Step 1- Unwind 20:26 Step 2 - Nourish 20:52 Step 3 - Breathe 21:12 Step 4 - Accept 21:34 Step 5 - Surrender 22:19 Step 6 - Slow 22:45 Step 7 - Refresh 23:03 Step 8 - Connect 23:22 Step 9 - Love 24:00 Step 10 - Create 27:40 Some of the effects stress

  • Ayurvedic Medicine

    20/07/2015 Duration: 42min

    Ayurvedic Medicine - Podcast #5 I interview Naturopath and Ayurvedic lifestyle consultant Lisa Costa-Bir about Ayurvedic medicine and how she incorporates her knowledge from this into her practice as well as her personal life. Podcast Breakdown: 1.18 A bit about Lisa Costa-Bir, her Indian background and her first experience with Ayurveda in treating her skin condition. 3.24 What is Ayurveda/Ayurvedic medicine? 4.00 The origins of the Ayurvedic word: Life Knowledge 4.43 How does Lisa blend her Ayurvedic knowledge into her Naturopathic practice? 5.22 About the Prakruti, or the individual doshas Vata, Pitta and Kapha 6.30 Want to work out your own prakruti? 8.35 Lisa discusses what dosha she is, a Vata-Kapha and talks a bit more about Vata 9.56 Pitta people often love spicy foods even though it’s not so great for them. 10.36 Kapha people usually love ice cream and other dairy, but its often too damp and mucous promoting for them. 11.04 A bit more about Kapha

  • Stress and the Nervous System

    08/07/2015 Duration: 48min

    It’s time for podcast number four, and in this one I talk with fellow naturopath Laura Burton from about stress, neurotransmitter health, adrenal health, ways to deal with and reduce stress via diet and lifestyle techniques. Want to subscribe to get podcasts automatically? You can do that here: Podcast Breakdown: 4:27 What have Laura and I been up to? Laura has been busy with her Tea Club and clinic life, and I have been busy in the clinic as well. I also have the Stress Talk coming up this Saturday at Windsor. 5:50 Stress has a big impact on our everyday life and it can be difficult to recognise stress because it comes in so many different forms. Sneaky stress! 7:00 The impact of over-exercising or the wrong forms of exercise on stress and adrenal health. 8:22 Stress impacts on nervous system balance. 8:54 The sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system. 9:24 Serotonin 10:45 Histamine 12:52

  • Digestion

    30/06/2015 Duration: 50min

    I talk to Naturopath Hayley Stockbridge ( about digestion and answer some questions which cover reflux, constipation, children's stomach pain, bloating and gluten intolerance. Podcast Breakdown 3:57 What is a normal bowel movement? 6:50 Question 1: I've had GORD ever since I can remember, I'm on Nexium and I take metamucil. I still get the occasional bit of reflux but mostly it's controlled with the medication. I don't want to stay on it because I don't want to rely of a medication. I also get diarrhoea every week or so that's watery, explosive and smelly and really urgent and uncomfortable, and I'm frequently bloated. Is any of this connected and what do you suggest I do about it? 9:05 Diet for reflux, food intolerances. 9:40 The importance of easing of PPI medications slowly. 11:00 Reflux often due to a structural/mechanical issue, but this doesn't mean you're doomed. 12:50 Testing and avenues to look at for assessing causes of reflux, most common food triggers of

  • Reasons for Fatigue

    24/06/2015 Duration: 36min

    Today I talk about reasons for fatigue. Energy problems can affect everyone and they come in all different variations - ranging from general sleepiness to chronic fatigue syndrome. A lot of people experience fatigue and don't know why, so I want to go into some different reasons for fatigue and share a bit of information about how I would Podcast breakdown: 2:30 Mitochondria - The powerhouse of your cells, where energy is made. The health and quantity of our mitochrondria determine our ability to make energy, and they can they are susceptible to oxidative damage, and can be depleted by certain nutritional deficiencies. 5:22 Inflammation, particularly chronic inflammation can affect energy and cause other imbalance. 7:40 Andropause, also known as male menopause 8:16 Some tips on reducing chronic inflammation 9:14 Stress is a major cause of fatigue, usually presenting in the form of adrenal exhaustion of HPA Axis dysfunction. 11:28 Thyroid problems are another major cause of fatigue, especially hypothyroid

  • Thyroid Health

    15/06/2015 Duration: 43min

    I talk to Naturopath Lisa Costa-Bir ( about thyroid health. We discuss the prevalence of sub-clinical thyroid problems, some common symptoms you experience with a thyroid disorder, links between thyroid, stress and depression, thyroid and cholesterol and also the way thyroid health can change during and after pregnancy. Podcast breakdown: 1:30 The prevalence of thyroid conditions; sub clinical thyroid problems are frequently going undiagnosed and taking into consideration more factors than just blood test results, the rate of thyroid problems (hypothyroidism in particular) would likely be much higher. TSH alone is not enough. 3:50 TSH can be artificially suppressed. 4:30 Reverse T3 6:15 Causes of elevated thyroid antibodies 7:47 Foods Lisa recommends for people with thyroid disorders 10:45 Wheat and thyroid 12:00 Soy and thyroid 14:14 Nutrients for the thyroid and how thyroid problems can cause reduced absorption of nutrients 16:35 Look the adrenals and stress first 18:

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