Jubilee Church Teesside

  • Author: Podcast
  • Narrator: Podcast
  • Publisher: Podcast
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Audio downloads from Jubilee Church, Teesside. We are part of the Newfrontiers family of churches


  • Guest Speakers: Fruitfulness - Going Over The Wall


    Jeremy Simpkins, 10/05/2020. Jeremy speaks on the prophetic promise given to Joseph by his father, Jacob, in Genesis. Joseph faced many difficulties, yet through them God was working good. In today's circumstances we can be confident of the same.

  • The Fruit of the Spirit: Goodness - The Inner and Outer Life


    Simon Rogalski, 03/05/2020. We almost all recognise that goodness is a quality that is needed in our society, now more than ever. As we look at goodness in the Spirit-filled life we see that it's more than good deeds, it's a consistency of inner and outer life.

  • The Fruit of the Spirit: Kindness - Power To Transform


    Raj Saha, 26/04/2020. To some it can sound a bit vague and boring, but the Bible paints a compelling picture of kindness. Listen as we continue our series on the fruit of the Spirit.

  • The Fruit of the Spirit: The Fruit Of The Spirit: Patience - God's Blueprint


    Gavin Rodgers, 19/04/2020. Have you ever been stuck behind a tractor when you are driving? What about someone walking in front of you extremely slowly when you are in a rush? Patience is something which we certainly need in these situations and sadly something which a lot of people struggle with. As Paul describes patience as one of the fruits of the spirit, we look into what impact this could have on our lives. What examples of patience has God given us throughout the bible? What would it really look like if our patience improved in our day-to-day life?

  • The Fruit of the Spirit: Joy - In Jesus There Is Joy


    Simon Rogalski, 05/04/2020. In the midst of our Coronavirus crisis, joy may feel distant or more complicated. However, we can encounter Christian Joy even in the midst of hardship, difficulty and isolation.

  • The Fruit of the Spirit: Love - Jesus, Lover Of My Soul


    Raj Saha, 29/03/2020. It's no surprise that love is the first kind of fruit mentioned in the Apostle Paul's list. The relationship between God and his people is defined by love. God's amazing love for us, from which our love for him and our love for others springs from. The video mentioned by Raj at the end of this talk can be watched here.

  • The Fruit of the Spirit: The Fruit Of The Spirit - Drawing Closer To God


    Gavin Rodgers, 22/03/2020. As we move to doing church slightly differently over the coming weeks, Gavin introduces our new Sermon Series on the book of Galatians. During the difficulties that we are facing at the moment we are seeing many different responses from people around the world What should our response be as Christians? How do we shine our lights during this time? Most Christians will have some awareness about this passage but what exactly did Paul mean when he talked about the fruit of the Spirit? How does this develop? What is the alternative to a life that produces this fruit?

  • You're Welcome: Join The Revolution - Feeding The Five Thousand


    Raj Saha, 15/03/2020. Far from a 'warm and cosy' picnic, Jesus' miraculous feeding of 5,000 is a vision of what his unexpected kingdom looks like. Raj continues our series on our second value 'We Welcome' and shows that Jesus is welcoming us all into his revolution!

  • You're Welcome: Jesus Welcomes Zacchaeus - Looking Outside The Crowd


    Simon Rogalski, 08/03/2020. There are people in our communities who, just like Zacchaeus, are on the edge and unable to make their way through the crowd to Jesus. How do we welcome people like this into community and ultimately into encountering the power that comes from the life-changing welcome that Jesus offers?

  • You're Welcome: You're Welcome - You Can Be Born Again


    Raj Saha, 01/03/2020. 'Born again' is a phrase that can mean different things in our culture. However, to Jesus it meant a spiritual birthing in our lives that is from God and that changes us forever. Raj explores the impact of Jesus' teaching on how we welcome people and the role of God the Holy Spirit in our lives.

  • You're Welcome: The Lost - Reaching Out To Those Around Us


    Gavin Rodgers, 23/02/2020. As we continue our series looking at what it means to be a welcoming church we come to one of the more well-known passages in the bible where Jesus tells three stories about things being lost: a lost sheep, a lost coin, a lost son. In each of these stories we see different examples of God searching for and welcoming the lost. How will this change our view on those around us?

  • You're Welcome: The Hurting and Sick - Broken Made Whole


    Soroush Sadeghzadeh, 16/02/2020. When we suffer, experience pain or live with an illness, there can be times when it feels as is if God doesn't care for us. However, we see that Jesus welcomes people in the midst of their suffering and sickness.

  • You're Welcome: Jesus Welcomes Us - Come and Find Rest


    Simon Rogalski, 09/02/2020. Simon kicks off our new series, looking at our second value, 'We Welcome'. Before we consider how we can welcome those around us, we need to know that Jesus welcomes us. This is the place from which we can be channels of God's love and welcome to others.

  • Rejoice: Rejoice in Giving - Characteristics of a Good Steward


    Raj Saha, 02/02/2020. Jesus talked regularly about money and possessions. Paul talked about them too yet we can sometimes be embarrassed. In our final talk on Philippians, Raj shows us how rejoicing in God will affect the whole of our lives, including our wallets and our stuff.

  • Rejoice: Rejoice in Heaven - Pressing On


    Soroush Sadeghzadeh, 26/01/2020. Even from prison, the apostle Paul could say that he was 'pressing on' in life and all that Christ had taken hold of him for. Soroush helps us to see from this passage that there is a glorious future for us and we can rejoice in it.

  • The Wise and Foolish Builder - Building on Firm Foundations


    Gavin Rodgers, 19/01/2020. As we celebrate Baby Thanksgivings Gavin challenges us with one of Jesus' most famous parables. In this story, Jesus talks about two different builders, both looking to build something significant and lasting. From the outside, the buildings probably looked very similar. It is only when the storm comes that we see the fundamental difference between things built on firm foundations and things build on sand. What are you building your life on?

  • Rejoice: Rejoice In Humility - The example of Jesus


    Andy Colclough, 12/01/2020. The Bible teacher John Stott once said, 'pride is the greatest enemy and humility our greatest friend'. In this outstanding and challenging passage from the letter to the Philippians, Paul tells the church that they can look to the example of Jesus in order to know what true humility looks like in the Christian life.

  • Rejoice: Rejoice in Friendship - Time Well Spent


    Simon Rogalski, 05/01/2020. It's passages like this that remind us that the New Testament was written by real people in very real-world situations. In the Christian life, friendship is neither an optional extra nor a waste of time. Here we see three friends on a mission together, serving others and knowing Jesus more.

  • Rejoice: Rejoice In Hope - Confident In The God Of Peace


    Lou Watts, 29/12/2019. The letter to the Philippians teaches us to rejoice in hope. Christians have a hope that is outside of themselves, which means we can be even more confident. Lou helps us to see that rejoicing in hope means a personal choice, firm foundations, vision and our thought life.

  • The Greatest Christmas Gift - The Christ of Christmas


    Raj Saha, 22/12/2019. With Christmas Day almost here, Raj looks at what we celebrate during this festive period. In the midst of parties, presents, food and family, the Christmas message is that God came to be with us and made a way to have friendship with him.

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