Jubilee Church Teesside

  • Author: Podcast
  • Narrator: Podcast
  • Publisher: Podcast
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Audio downloads from Jubilee Church, Teesside. We are part of the Newfrontiers family of churches


  • Jubilee: Bringing The Joy News Of Jesus - To Everyone Everywhere


    Raj Saha, 04/10/2020. The first of three talks as Raj sets out what it means to be a church that is 'bringing the joy-news of Jesus to everyone, everywhere'.

  • Pause: The Love of God - Encountering The Greatest Love


    Soroush Sadeghzadeh, 27/09/2020. It is possible to know about the love of God and yet not to have encountered it personally. As we come to the end of our Pause series, Soroush explores how the Bible shows us that we can know and encounter this love and how it leads us to love those around us.

  • Pause: The Wisdom of God - Trusting The One Who Is In Control


    Simon Rogalski, 20/09/2020. Wisdom is not simply cleverness or intelligence. The New Testament tells us that Jesus has become to us 'wisdom from God' and it is as we learn to walk with him that we encounter true wisdom.

  • Pause: The Power Of Vision - God's Revelation To Us


    Raj Saha, 13/09/2020. Sometimes we can get carried away with what the business world says about vision, or try to impose 'straplines' on our churches. In the second of our Pause series, Raj explores what biblical vision is: God's revelation to us!

  • Pause: HD Living - Hearing and Doing


    Gavin Rodgers, 09/09/2020. In the first talk of our Pause series Gavin looks at what it means to live HD lives. Giving an overview of the book of James he explores the importance of hearing God's word especially in terms of our identity. What does God say about us? What is our identity in Christ? In order to live truly fruitful lives we need to grasp our God given identity. James also says that hearing isn't enough and a true walk with God will also involve doing, Gavin looks at what this can look like in our context and how we can serve those around us. Are you living a HD life?

  • Heroes: Long Range Faith - Something Better For Us


    Ben Watts, 23/08/2020. What does it mean to look forward to our hope and future as followers of Jesus? Ben finishes our Heroes series by showing us how the faith of the Hebrews 11 heroes leads us to confidence in God for a glorious future with him!

  • Heroes: Persecuted Faith - Stand With The Suffering


    Mahvash Sheibanian, 16/08/2020. We can sometimes think that if we have enough faith, God will spare us from suffering and persecution. However, Mahvash helps us to see from Hebrews 11 that we're to have faith in the midst of these things. This talk is in Farsi, so if you're looking for an English version, head over to our Youtube channel where you can watch and hear Mahvash with sub-titles!

  • Heroes: Victorious Faith - We Can Be Heroes


    Lou Watts, 09/08/2020. Can we be heroes of faith too? It seems that the writer of Hebrews wants us to know that faith heroes aren't super-special people that we could never be. In fact, many of them go unnoticed. Lou continues our series with a verse that begins 'And what more shall I say?' Quite a lot apparently!

  • Heroes: Welcoming Faith - Rahab and Joshua - Boldness In Obedience


    Gavin Rodgers, 02/08/2020. As we come to our next two heroes, Gavin looks into the faith shown by Rahab in welcoming in the spies and what that can teach us about providing a welcome to those around us. In the second part of this talk, we look at Joshua's obedience in following God's specific instructions about the walls of Jericho. What would it look like if we showed the same obedience in our day-to-day lives?

  • Heroes: Moses - Defining Moments


    Harold Wilmshurst, 26/07/2020. At a time of great hardship, God raised up Moses. However, He would show him that it was going to be a faith journey from start to finish. The same is true for us!

  • Heroes: Joseph - Egypt and Exodus


    Soroush Sadeghzadeh, 19/07/2020. Joseph's life took him from being the favourite son to a slave, a prisoner and then to a powerful Egyptian official. Even as he neared death, he knew that his God was faithful and would fulfil promises for His people.

  • Heroes: Isaac and Jacob - The Blessing That Counts


    Simon Rogalski, 12/07/2020. In a way, we're all looking for future blessing and we'll try to achieve it in all sorts of ways. What do the accounts of Isaac and Jacob's blessings to the next generation tell us about the blessing we're searching for?

  • Heroes: Sarah - Miraculous Faith


    John Hosier, 05/07/2020. The promise of a son is so far-fetched to Sarah that she seems to laugh it off. However, she comes to realise that nothing is impossible for God. Guest speaker John Hosier, from Gateway Church Poole, helps us to see that the account of Sarah has much to teach us about faithfully believing for all Jesus wants to do in our lives today.

  • Heroes: Abraham - The Father of Faith


    Raj Saha, 28/06/2020. What does it take to do radical things for God? Abraham and his family encountered this living God who changed their lives. By faith, they came to an increasing understanding of who it was that was asking them to move into the unknown. With eyes on a 'greater city', they set forth on one of the greatest adventures ever!

  • Heroes: Noah - Faith Built On Holy Fear


    Gavin Rodgers, 21/06/2020. As we continue our series on biblical Heroes we come to one of the most famous characters in the Old Testament - Noah. The story is well known by children across the world as a Sunday school classic but what can this Hero teach us about faith? As Hebrews 11 suggests, Noah's faith was built on Holy Fear - a correct understanding of who God is which leads to reverence. As we look to be faith-filled people, let's start by looking to God with reverence and awe.

  • Heroes: Abel and Enoch - Faith That Pleases God


    Simon Rogalski, 14/06/2020. Why are Abel and Enoch highlighted for their faith and how did they please God? Faith is not the things we think we can do to win over God, but a trust in who He is and His great promises.

  • Heroes: Let's Hear It For The Heroes - An Introduction To Hebrews 11


    Raj Saha, 07/06/2020. Hero stories inspire us, calm our fears and give us strength in the midst of difficulty. Raj introduces our new series on Hebrews 11. Who are these heroes of faith and who is the great Hero they all point to?

  • The Fruit of the Spirit: Self Control - A Beautiful Blessing


    Soroush Sadeghzadeh, 31/05/2020. As we conclude our series on the fruit of the Spirit, Soroush speaks on self-control. Why do we so often see it as a burden, rather than the blessing and route to freedom that it is?

  • The Fruit of the Spirit: Gentleness - Strength Under Control


    Raj Saha, 24/05/2020. Gentleness is not usually one of those qualities that society cries out for. Yet when we understand its true meaning, we see that it is a gentle people that our world really needs.

  • The Fruit of the Spirit: The Fruit Of THe Spirit: Faithfulness - Cultivating Faith


    Gavin Rodgers, 17/05/2020. It is one of our 'go to' lines as Christians - Have Faith! What does it mean to be faithful though? A true understanding of faithfulness comes from grasping how God is faithful to his people. In this talk, Gavin looks at what the Bible says about God' s faithfulness to us and how that affects our lives. He also looks at different ways of growing in the area of faithfulness, prayer, worship and God's word.

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