J.s. Park - The Way Everlasting Podcast



Welcome to The Way Everlasting Podcast.Messages from J.S. Park.Find me at facebook.com/pastorjspark or jsparkblog.com or jspark3000.tumblr.com


  • The Life of David, Part 2 - How the Weapon of Grace Conquered Goliath

    09/01/2015 Duration: 37min

    1 Samuel 17. Series: Life of David. Part 2. Human Warfare versus Weapons of Grace. "Why everyone loves the underdog, Ip Man multi-punches Goliath, your natural instinctual reaction when someone slaps you in the face, the way we assume the life of a homeless guy, and the Real Giant in this story (it's not Goliath)." 1-19-14

  • The Life of David, Part 1 - Everything Great In You Is God In You

    05/01/2015 Duration: 39min

    1 Samuel 16:7. Series: Life of David. Part 1. You might feel like a nobody: and that's a good thing. "If you were to grade yourself on a scale of 1 to 100, how three judges at a beauty pageant can destroy the dreams of women, an awkward interview with the young King David, trying to show up your high school bullies at a talk show, and the beautiful sound of a really terrible praise team." 1-12-14

  • Before The L-Word, Let's Talk About The F-Word: Love, Faith, and Purpose

    13/10/2014 Duration: 41min

    2 Timothy 2:22. Preached at Refuge Full Gospel. About dating, relationships, and matters more important. "Before the dating talk: a prayer for Ferguson and Iraq and Israel and Robin Williams; the mistake we make when we focus on the methods & techniques of Christian dating, the way we hyper-romanticize mission trips and marriage, important questions to ask before pursuing our feelings and emotions, theological wisdom from Taylor Swift, how to share oxygen when you're drowning underwater, and going after the absolute greatest adventure of our lives together." 8-15-14

  • Leah, The Unloved: Breaking The Prison of People-Pleasing & Codependency

    04/08/2014 Duration: 40min

    Genesis 29. Series: Snapshots: Men & Women of the Bible. Part 6. Freedom from the fear of people. "The uncomfortable story about that one Thanksgiving dinner where my entire family fist-fought each other and moved out, lessons from the somewhat unethical Solomon Asch Conformity Experiment, the two toxic ways we're trapped by people-pleasing, when churches uphold a triumphalist self-affirming theology of 'hate-the-haters,' when a child gives you a cute drawing but it's terrible, and the only who's ever got your back for all time." 7-27-14

  • Mary Magdalene: The First Most Least Qualified Christian

    08/07/2014 Duration: 28min

    John 20. Series: Snapshots: Men & Women of the Bible. Part 4. Acceptance of the unfit misfit. "My 72 hours inside a mental institution, the two opposite and equally false judgments we make about everyone in the room, that moment when you imitate the guy you don't like with the crazy evil villain voice, if the Gospel of Jesus were re-written as an Epic Greek Myth with rippling muscles, and loving enough to find those cockroaches in your friend's bed." 7-6-14

  • How I Met My Savior: Zacchaeus and Jesus and The Labels That Squeeze Us

    15/06/2014 Duration: 30min

    Luke 19:1-10. Series: Snapshots: Men & Women of the Bible. Part 3. Freedom from the labels that enslave us. "The Permanent Time-Stamped Label when you grow up in the same town long enough, your reaction when a five year old calls himself stupid, that time I got the embarrassing price check for hemorrhoid cream on the intercom, treating a prostitute like a lady for one night, eating pasta so good that it ruins all pasta, and pushing back the flurry of voices to grab God's one true calling for you." 6-8-14

  • Mary Vs. Martha: Distracted, Detached, and Itching For Intimacy

    03/06/2014 Duration: 30min

    Luke 10:38-42. Series: Snapshots: Men & Women of the Bible. Part 2. Breaking through constant distractions. "When your brain goes off on a bizarre obscure thought-train, writing term papers before the existence of Wikipedia, four studies on the mind-warping effects of social media, the dehumanizing psychology behind flirtation, the secret competition of elaborate marriage proposals to get the most views on YouTube, and the simplicity of getting to know someone for who they are." 6-1-14

  • The Names of God, Part 2 - The Unexpected Friendship With The Maker of Everything

    10/03/2014 Duration: 38min

    John 15. Series: The Names of God. Part 2. The unthinkable truth that God is your friend. "How to pick groomsmen for your wedding, when your friend sees you flip out and melt down and all your slobbery mess, bringing a big dude to a schoolyard fight to get your back, who Jesus would sit next to at church, how to destroy your enemies (spoiler: turn them into friends), that brave moment when you try to make a joke in a crowd and it falls dead, and good news for the awkward introverted shy kid in all of us." 3-9-14

  • The Names of God, Part 1 - The Prodigal Father And His Prodigal Kids

    03/03/2014 Duration: 33min

    Luke 15. Series: The Names of God. Part 1. God our Father wants His kids to get along. "My dramatic shift from wild rebellious living to judgmental critical religion, how our God is an awesome dad in Heaven who enjoys His kids, that moment at 3am when you wonder how you ever got into this, the Only Two Types of People in the world divided right down the middle, and that time my dad pulled a Jedi and rescued my brother from drowning." 3-2-14

  • Mark, Part 9 - What God Should've Done Instead of the Cross

    23/12/2013 Duration: 38min

    Mark 15. Series: Mark the Cosmic Journey. Part 9. The last 12 hours of Jesus's life. "That explosive ugly moment on the reality show when the celebrity flips out, that time Jesus did a Jedi force push on the Roman soldiers, committing adultery against God, the pasta that ruins all other pasta, and how God punches tragedy in the face." 12-15-13

  • Mark, Part 8 - Compassion Is Cute Until It Costs You Everything

    02/12/2013 Duration: 41min

    Mark 12:41-44. Series: Mark the Cosmic Journey. Part 8. Real love will cost you. "How children responded to the question: What is love?, the false Hollywood hormonal emotional pseudo-romance, when a baby congratulates his parents, how church is like a rough rock tumbler, when an entire Hillsong audience walks past a homeless guy, and how to give away $10,000." 12-1-13

  • Mark, Part 7 - God Is A God of Wrath, Justice, and Holiness: Because He Loves Us

    18/11/2013 Duration: 31min

    Mark 12:1-12. Series: Mark, the Cosmic Journey. Part 7. The wrath of God and your last day on earth. "Where we'll be a million years from now, when you use a toilet brush to brush your teeth, that time I dodged a bullet to my stomach, the most hardcore quote by Francis Chan ever, and writing your will every day." 11-17-13

  • Mark, Part 6 - The God Who Is The Same In The Valley As He Is On The Mountaintop

    11/11/2013 Duration: 35min

    Mark 8-9. Series: Mark, the Cosmic Journey. Part 6. For strugglers and dry seasons, there is grace. "All the crazy intense work that goes into the Wedding Day, the false spiritually high emotionalism of self-topping church, Jesus shoots lightning out his face, those Israelites who screamed the whole way through the Red Sea, and struggling faith-weaklings like me." 11-10-13

  • Mark, Part 5 - The Double-Minded Disciple: Some Days Simon, Some Days Peter

    04/11/2013 Duration: 34min

    Mark 14. Series: Mark, the Cosmic Journey. Part 5. The life of Peter, and how a guy like him gives hope for us. "That late night regret-twitch before you go to sleep, managing the crazy person inside you that jumps out and messes up everything, the consistently inconsistent spiritual walk, Peter goes nuts and cuts a dude, how grace is like $20, and breaking the labels that you've been raised with." 11-3-13

  • Mark, Part 4 - Jesus Drops the Mic on Religion

    28/10/2013 Duration: 28min

    Mark 7. Series: Mark, the Cosmic Journey. Part 4. Faith vs. Religion. "That one time my mama whipped me for redecorating everything with gray paint, the forbidden ice cream in the freezer, the crushing moral paradigm of Good Advice, when you tell cancer patients to just 'think positive,' and Straight A Jesus." 10-27-13

  • Mark, Part 3 - Bible Throwdown: Jesus Versus The Many-Headed Demon Called Legion

    14/10/2013 Duration: 43min

    Mark 5:1-20. Series: Mark, The Cosmic Journey. Part 3. "When the Bible becomes a horror movie soap opera, the truth behind demon possession and spinning heads, Jesus versus Breaking Bad, that moment after an insane argument in your home when you have to start apologizing to closed doors, and that time I called all my ex-girlfriends to say I was wrong about everything." 10-13-13

  • Mark, Part 2 - The God Who Calls The Desperate Beatdown Busted Up Sinner

    07/10/2013 Duration: 38min

    Mark 2:13-17. Series: Mark, The Cosmic Journey. Part 2. Jesus calls the not-good-enough. "The day I saw a pastor at the strip club, the life and times of Matthew Levi the hardcore playboy, that awkward moment at the club when the houselights turn on, Jesus versus the Pharisees in a Freestyle Battle Throwdown, and the first step in leaving behind the slavery of sin." 10-6-13

  • Mark, Part 1 - The God Who Walks In the Dirt of The Earth

    29/09/2013 Duration: 36min

    Mark 1. Series: Mark, the Cosmic Journey. Part 1. Why we can believe, even amidst intense doubts. "That moment when you think all this church-faith-Bible stuff is just a crazy lie, what we would look like if our words were weapons, the day God punched the stars and ripped a hole in the sky, 17 reasons why I still like you, and long-distance phone calls with God." 9-29-13

  • Faith Struggle, Part 6 - Wrecked By Breathtaking Glory

    24/09/2013 Duration: 38min

    John 3:25-30. Faith Struggle. Part 6. What it means to glorify God. "Sixth grade heartbreak by bullies and boyhood crushes, the art of story-topping and joke-killing, when athletes thank God in an interview, falling off the Grand Canyon, and Jesus at the end of the world." 9-22-13

  • Faith Struggle, Part 5 - Truly Living For Something Worth Truly Living For

    16/09/2013 Duration: 44min

    John 4. Faith Struggle. Part 5. What you're really about. "That time my dad (a 9th degree black belt) put a sword to a dude's throat, black holes and wormholes and time travel, using self-pity as a permission slip for craziness, finally asking why we ever need to do homework, and a Spoken Word performance." 9-15-13

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