Redeemer is a Southern Baptist Church in the Champaign-Urbana area committed to seeing redemption lived out in every area of life. Please feel free to a browse through our website,, to learn about Redeemer, why we are here in CU, what we believe, what we value, and ways to connect with Redeemer
The Great Commission and the Church
03/08/2014 Duration: 01h10minThe mission of the church is to make disciples of all nations.
The Mutual Encouragement of Our Union with Christ
27/07/2014 Duration: 52minThose who are united in Christ earnestly seek to care for and bless each other.
The Armor of God: Communications
20/07/2014 Duration: 56minOur mission is fulfilled through the Word, prayer, and proclamation.
The Armor of God: The Mission and Munitions
13/07/2014 Duration: 57minStand firm in the full armor of God.
The Armor of God: The Battle
06/07/2014 Duration: 58minWe are at war. So stand in the strength and armor of the Lord.
Christian Households: Servants and Masters
29/06/2014 Duration: 01h10minServants and masters display the glories of Christ by faithfully fulfilling their duties as to the Lord.
God's Heart for Holiness
22/06/2014 Duration: 43minHoliness can only be pursued as part of our relationship with God.
Foundations for Family Ministry
15/06/2014 Duration: 55minFamily ministry happens when parents know the Lord rightly, love the Lord wholly, and teach His ways diligently.
08/06/2014 Duration: 51minGod's response to our unbelievable guilt is unbelievable grace.
Christian Households: Parents
01/06/2014 Duration: 01h33sParents display the glories of Christ by faithfully discipling their children. (Sorry for the poor audio quality).
Christian Households: Children
25/05/2014 Duration: 51minChildren display the glories of Christ by faithfully obeying their parents.
Christian Households: Marriage
18/05/2014 Duration: 53minMarriages display the glories of Christ through faithfulness to the true purpose of their union. (Sorry for the poor audio quality).
What Is Biblical Counseling
11/05/2014 Duration: 40minBiblical counseling is caring for another’s soul by bringing Christ into the heat of life.
Christian Households: Husbands
04/05/2014 Duration: 52minHusbands display the glories of Christ through faithfully loving their wives.
Christian Households: Wives
27/04/2014 Duration: 57minWives display the glories of Christ through faithful submission to their husbands.
The Effect of Easter in Ephesians
20/04/2014 Duration: 49minWe have new life because Christ was raised to life.
Faith in All Circumstances
13/04/2014 Duration: 39minIn every circumstance we are compelled to be faithful in Christ.
From Darkness to Light: Be Filled with the Spirit
06/04/2014 Duration: 01h09minSpirit filled Christians 1) grow in assurance and maturity, 2) sing from their hearts to God and to each other, 3) give thanks constantly and for everything, and 4) submit to Christ and his church.
From Darkness to Light: Walk in Wisdom
30/03/2014 Duration: 56minWatch carefully how you walk by being wise, by redeeming the time, and by understanding the will of the Lord.
Responding to God in Corporate Worship
23/03/2014 Duration: 46minCorporate worship is the gathered people of God responding in delightful obedience to the revealed Word of God.