Youth Ministry In Motion



The podcast to keep youth workers motivated and their youth ministries moving forward.


  • Ministering To Stressed Out Teens

    08/03/2019 Duration: 07min

    The pressure on teens today is enormous. They're just trying to make it through the school day without freaking out. In this episode I offer a few ideas about ministering to teens during exams and a way to walk with a teen during an emotional upheaval. Ministry In Motion Facebook Group Hey To Help Teens Weather Their Emotional Storms

  • Equipping Teens To Study The Bible

    28/02/2019 Duration: 13min

    Hey! Welcome back ! Thanks for returning or check out the podcast if this is your first time. One the next few weeks I'll be answering a bout a dozen questions I received over my hiatus and in shorter, snack-able episodes. Today I offer a few ways to help you help teens study their Bible alone with a few resources below. Thanks again for your attention and please feel free to send your questions to Youtube Channel Youth Ministry In Motion Facebook Group Stoked by Chase Snyder S.O.A.P Sheet PDF Come Clean Lent Journal (using the S.O.A.P Bible method) Summer S.O.A.P 14 Studies on the Power and Provision of God Follow 5: The Five Core Values of A Disciple (using the S.O.A.P study method)

  • How To Have The Best Year In Youth Ministry, Ever!

    12/12/2018 Duration: 11min

    I know I said I was taking a few weeks off, but I created something that could give you the best year in youth ministry you have ever had. The new year is coming and you might be thinking of being a planner, but don't. You don't need a planner, you need a playbook! Planners are great if you want to write dates down, but can a planner show you the right questions you should be asking and at what time of year you should be asking them? The answer is no, at least not for your youth ministry, that's why I created one for you. The playbook is filled with articles, calendars, fill in the blank assessment sheets, a teaching calendar and much more. To check out the video I made where you can actually see the planner, head over here To buy the physical planner, go here To buy the pdf, go here I am still in flux as to what do about the podcast next year. First, I'd appreciate your prayers. If I am meeting a need, I certainly

  • Help! My Youth Ministry Is Stuck!

    19/11/2018 Duration: 14min

    You know that time your car got stuck in the mud? Who did you call How did they get you out? They probably brought a big rope or chain, tied it to your car, hit the gas and yanked you out. That's exactly what this episode is, a friend with a rope to pull your stuck youth ministry out of the mud. If you're interested in the Seth Godin article I took this idea from, here it is If you want to get unstuck and stay unstuck, try a coaching mastermind group in 2019.

  • 11 Essentials Of A Great Camp Speaker

    11/11/2018 Duration: 15min

    Greetings all. I hope you had a fantastic week! If you're thinking about youth camp already, you are in the right head space. You have to book speakers, plan dates, etc, and today's podcast is what I think makes a great camp speaker. I have been speaking at the same camp for the past 15 years. I have also been the one who has had to book the camp speaker or band, etc. It's not that I think I am the greatest camp speaker, but what I think makes a great speaker and trying to embody these things. If you're interested in having a conversation about how I can help you impact students at your next camp or retreat, send me a message here If you are interested in catching my liveThursday broadcasts over on Youtube you can go to and subscribe. Don't forget, if you enjoy the podcast be sure to head over to iTunes and leave a review and some stars.

  • Dealing With The Difficult Parent

    17/10/2018 Duration: 26min

    It has happened. is happening or will happen. That parent is not going to like something you are doing and you are going to have to deal with it. In this episode I share a few thoughts on being empathetic towards parents while maintaining the vision of the youth ministry.

  • Develping Small Group Leaders Who Care

    07/09/2018 Duration: 53min

    If you have small groups, you have small group leaders. Do the small groups leaders you have care? They may care enough to show up and teach a lesson, but how do you get them to care beyond that? That's what my friend, Chad Higgins, from Youth Ministry Booster came to chat about today.

  • How To Handle Adversity In Ministry

    31/08/2018 Duration: 25min

    Adversity is not a fad but a fact of life. We all have it at some time or another, but do we run into it or run away from it? If you're going through something right now, this episode may change the way you think about how it might benefit from it instead of letting it steamroll you. You can read the notes over at

  • Ideas For Launching A Young Adult Ministry

    24/08/2018 Duration: 28min

    It's the beginning of a new quarter and you might be thinking, "What am I going to do with these young adults?" This episode throws out some ideas that are worth thinking through and could be the solution to your dilemma. I have your show notes right here (as well as my Youtube video) You can grab my new five week sermon series Masterpiece here Don't forget to leave some stars and a review

  • How To Get The Youth Ministry Job You Want

    20/07/2018 Duration: 29min

    What keeps us from having the youth ministry job we really want? I say it's desperation and gullibility. We take job because we need them or we talk them without really doing our homework. In this episode I read over, what I consider, an insane youth ministry job ad. I Look at the good points too, but there are a ton of red flags. You can read the show notes here You can pick up my new book here Hang out in out in our YMIM Facebook Group

  • 10 Important Youth Ministry Practices That Could Prevent A Suicide

    15/06/2018 Duration: 34min

    Suicide among teens happens far too often, but, as youth workers, we can set up speed bumps to slow down that slow walk to despair until help arrives. If you want the free Discipleship Dilemma chapter, from my new book, Show Notes

  • I Resigned, Now What?

    18/05/2018 Duration: 28min

    No, this isn't clickbait, I have actually resigned my position after eight years. I go in-depth as to why I made this decision (nothing bad)and what's next. Join me. New Resource: Psalm 119 Volume 1 and 2 Would you like to support my new mission? Buy something (or a lot of things) from my store Book me for your next event. Head to and hit the support page and donate what you can.

  • Losing Students Without Losing Yourself

    20/04/2018 Duration: 25min

    This episode was inspired, in part, by the Walking Dead character Morgan. He is the loner in the group who does not cope well with loss. Many of us do not cope well with loss. If we lose student, we brood for a time, but any longer and we might be entering a phase that's not healthy for us. Today I talk about healthy ways to cope when a student leaves out ministry. If you are needing more youth ministry resources, please visit my website If you are interested in my upcoming book, The Disciple Project: Stop The Meeting Start The Movement drop me a note at

  • Six Simple Truths of Communication Every Youth Pastor Should Practice

    13/04/2018 Duration: 22min

    Youth Pastors, and pastors in general, do a lot of communicating. We often have to share hard truths, but we do not have to share them harshly. Let me offer six tips for communication that I learned from one of my favorite actors, Alan Alda, about using the rules of improve to have a good communication. You can check out my new favorite podcast Everything Happens with Kate Bowler here You can watch the video broadcast of the podcast on the Youth Ministry in Motion Facebook Page Check out my thoughts on Youth Ministry and Improv here

  • Working With The Fatherless In Youth Minstry

    30/03/2018 Duration: 34min

    As one who grew up without a father, I appreciated having this conversation but even if you had a dad, I hope this conversation encourages and equips you to reach those who do not. Today I interview Sean Teis, the founder of life His own journey of fatherlessness has led him to create valuable resources to churches to help minister to others. You can find more information about the Sean's ministry at

  • Do We All Have To Preach Like Steven Furtick?

    16/03/2018 Duration: 55min

    Have you every felt the pressure to preach like someone else? To meet some unattainable oratory level of perfection? This interview wiht Lane Sebring of preachingdonkey,com is about to set you free from the chains of preaching conformity. We cover What should a youth workers mindset be when approaching the weekly message? Preaching or Teaching? Both? What’s the difference? Pick one or mix it up? How do you avoid the trap of impersonation? Check out Lane's article on Creating A Sermon Prep Schedule Here

  • What To Do In A Crisis with Jim Hancock

    23/02/2018 Duration: 01h15min

    They say you are either going into, are in, or coming out of a crisis, and in youth ministry the spaces between those seem very short. That’s why I have my new friend Jim Hancock on the show with me today, Jim is the co-author of The Youth Worker's Guide to Helping Teenagers in Crisis, The Parent's Guide to Helping Teenagers in Crisis and a few other youth ministry resources. He provides creative services —developing + delivering original content through digital movies, live events, books + learning designs On his website which we will be telling you more about a little later.

  • Ministering To "Weird" Kids

    18/02/2018 Duration: 30min

    Let me start by saying, I am a weird kid. I was that kid who was "fairly normal" but leaned "weird". We all have our definitions of weird based on our own experiences, but we can't allow out biases to keep us from ministering to the "weird" kids who may be hurting in our youth ministries. Today, I share a few thoughts on how I minister to the "weird" kids in my group. You can share your thoughts over at our Facebook Group Check out my store for more resources Here is the full article from the Washington Post

  • Helping Students Develop A Dynamic Devotion Life

    26/01/2018 Duration: 43min

    My friend Chase Snyder stops by to talk about how he gets his kids stoked to read their Bibles. If you're looking for ideas to connect your kids to Jesus through daily devotions, you've come to the right place. Check out Chase's new devotion book Stoked: 6 Questions To Fuel Your Fire For Jesus. It's a great resource to get your kids fired up to do their devotions. Click the link below to grab it. Read Chase's Blog @ You can also follow chase on Twitter @ChaseSnyder12

  • Are You A Leader or A Chaperone?

    24/01/2018 Duration: 10min

    This is the last episode in my five part series of The 5 Questions You Should Ask Your Volunteers. I hope you've enjoyed it. Let me know what you think of the series style or the shorter lengths, by sending an e-mail to Don't forget to sign up for the notes for this series at

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