Cedar Ridge Church



Cedar Ridge Church


  • SSS 2- The Elements - Audio

    16/01/2011 Duration: 2801h00s

    SUN STAND STILL: Does the brand of faith you live by produce the kinds of results in your life that you read about in the biblical stories of men and women of faith? For most of us chances are, not even close. But it doesn't have to stay that way. In this new series, you will be challenged to believe that the audacious faith that we see in the bible, the faith that caused a man to pray and see the sun stand still in the sky, is the same faith we can claim for ourselves today. This is more than just another series. It's a call to all of us to begin living the life of audacity God has created and saved us for. Begin to see what happens when you dare to ask God for the impossible!

  • SSS 1- Prayer That Stops The Sun - Audio

    09/01/2011 Duration: 2948h00s

    SUN STAND STILL: Does the brand of faith you live by produce the kinds of results in your life that you read about in the biblical stories of men and women of faith? For most of us chances are, not even close. But it doesn't have to stay that way. In this new series, you will be challenged to believe that the audacious faith that we see in the bible, the faith that caused a man to pray and see the sun stand still in the sky, is the same faith we can claim for ourselves today. This is more than just another series. It's a call to all of us to begin living the life of audacity God has created and saved us for. Begin to see what happens when you dare to ask God for the impossible!

  • RESOLUTION- A Cry For Real Change - Audio

    02/01/2011 Duration: 2719h00s

    The word RESOLUTION refers to a determination or a solution to a problem. But most of us only think about resolutions in the context of the New Year. That is why we call them New Years Resolutions. They are things in our life we want to change. Whether it is spending more time with family, getting out of debt, or losing weight we all have things in our life we want to see changed. In this message we will be looking at David's fall from grace and his cry for God to change him found in Psalm 51. In Davids story we find out where real life change comes from and learn how we can experience the same kind of change in our own lives!

  • JOY 3- Set Before Us - Audio

    19/12/2010 Duration: 2964h00s

    JOY: TIS THE SEASON? Do you have Joy? Christmas time is supposed to be the season of Joy, but for many of us we will go through the entire season, or even our entire lives, and never really experience true Joy. Why is that? In this 3-part series we will take a look at this thing called JOY that we all so desperately want to experience in life. We will discover what real Joy is, where it can be found, and how to never lose it! This series will be driven by the real life testimonies of the Mouk people, Nick Vujicic, and Garwin Dobbins. So join us this Christmas season and maybe for the first time find true Joy! You can view the actual video testimonies on our Vimeo video page at http://vimeo.com/cedarridgechurch

  • JOY 2- Inexpressible - Audio

    12/12/2010 Duration: 3064h00s

    JOY: Tis The Season? Do you have Joy? Christmas time is supposed to be the season of Joy, but for many of us we will go through the entire season, or even our entire lives, and never really experience true Joy. Why is that? In this 3-part series we will take a look at this thing called JOY that we all so desperately want to experience in life. We will discover what real Joy is, where it can be found, and how to never lose it! This series will be driven by the real life testimonies of the Mouk people, Nick Vujicic, and Garwin Dobbins. So join us this Christmas season and maybe for the first time find true Joy! You can view the actual video testimonies on our Vimeo video page at http://vimeo.com/cedarridgechurch

  • JOY 1- The Source - Audio

    05/12/2010 Duration: 2583h00s

    JOY: Tis The Season? Do you have Joy? Christmas time is supposed to be the season of Joy, but for many of us we will go through the entire season, or even our entire lives, and never really experience true Joy. Why is that? In this 3-part series we will take a look at this thing called JOY that we all so desperately want to experience in life. We will discover what real Joy is, where it can be found, and how to never lose it! This series will be driven by the real life testimonies of the Mouk people, Nick Vujicic, and Garwin Dobbins. So join us this Christmas season and maybe for the first time find true Joy! You can view the actual video testimonies on our Vimeo video page at http://vimeo.com/cedarridgechurch

  • MIND GAMES 4- Renewed - Audio

    28/11/2010 Duration: 2765h00s

    Do you find yourself worrying about everything, always comparing yourself to others, or you can't seem to kick that nagging habit? Is the glass always half empty? What we find most of the time is these struggles are a result of a wrong mindset. During this series MIND GAMES we will learn to how to have our minds renewed and our attitudes changed! Pastor Nate will shares biblical truths on the battlefield of the mind, overcoming strongholds, defeating worry, and understanding the mind of Christ.

  • MIND GAMES 3- Gratitude - Audio

    21/11/2010 Duration: 2862h00s

    Do you find yourself worrying about everything, always comparing yourself to others, or you can't seem to kick that nagging habit? Is the glass always half empty? What we find most of the time is these struggles are a result of a wrong mindset. During this series MIND GAMES we will learn to how to have our minds renewed and our attitudes changed! Pastor Nate will shares biblical truths on the battlefield of the mind, overcoming strongholds, defeating worry, and understanding the mind of Christ.

  • MIND GAMES 2- Strongholds - Audio

    14/11/2010 Duration: 2742h00s

    Do you find yourself worrying about everything, always comparing yourself to others, or you can't seem to kick that nagging habit? Is the glass always half empty? What we find most of the time is these struggles are a result of a wrong mindset. During this series MIND GAMES we will learn to how to have our minds renewed and our attitudes changed! Pastor Nate will shares biblical truths on the battlefield of the mind, overcoming strongholds, defeating worry, and understanding the mind of Christ.

  • MIND GAMES 1- Attitude - Audio

    07/11/2010 Duration: 3008h00s

    Do you find yourself worrying about everything, always comparing yourself to others, or you can't seem to kick that nagging habit? Is the glass always half empty? What we find most of the time is these struggles are a result of a wrong mindset. During this series MIND GAMES we will learn to how to have our minds renewed and our attitudes changed! Pastor Nate will shares biblical truths on the battlefield of the mind, overcoming strongholds, defeating worry, and understanding the mind of Christ.

  • The Lazarus Effect - Audio

    31/10/2010 Duration: 3151h00s

    Galatians 5:1 says, It is for freedom that Christ has set you free, so stand firm and do not be entangled again with a yoke of slavery. Is your life more characterized by Not Being Free than it is Being Free? It's sad how many of us live our lives in bondage, wrapped up in guilt, shame and sinful ways that hurt us and others. But more, the chains of sin that grip our hearts limit us from reaching our created potential in Christ and rob Him of His ultimate glory in our lives. This message just reminds us of the simple invitation of Jesus Christ, who both gives life and leads to freedom.

  • RELIGIOUS DETOX: 3- Follow Me - Audio

    24/10/2010 Duration: 2432h00s

    Religious Detox: Lets face it we could all use a little detoxing. If you find yourself tired, bored, frustrated, or critical of others these may be early warning signs. At the same time a religious detox is not easy. Most of us settle until the pain of our current situation exceeds the pain of recovery. Most of us have enough religion to make us miserable, but not enough to change. Jesus wants to set us free from religion by inviting us into a relationship with him. In this series Pastor Nate will show us how this can happen in our own lives.

  • RELIGIOUS DETOX: 2- A New Way - Audio

    17/10/2010 Duration: 2175h00s

    Religious Detox: Lets face it we could all use a little detoxing. If you find yourself tired, bored, frustrated, or critical of others these may be early warning signs. At the same time a religious detox is not easy. Most of us settle until the pain of our current situation exceeds the pain of recovery. Most of us have enough religion to make us miserable, but not enough to change. Jesus wants to set us free from religion by inviting us into a relationship with him. In this series Pastor Nate will show us how this can happen in our own lives.

  • RELIGIOUS DETOX: 1- The Invitation - Audio

    10/10/2010 Duration: 2727h00s

    Religious Detox: Lets face it we could all use a little detoxing. If you find yourself tired, bored, frustrated, or critical of others these may be early warning signs. At the same time a religious detox is not easy. Most of us settle until the pain of our current situation exceeds the pain of recovery. Most of us have enough religion to make us miserable, but not enough to change. Jesus wants to set us free from religion by inviting us into a relationship with him. In this series Pastor Nate will show us how this can happen in our own lives.

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