Autoimmune Hour On Life Interrupted Radio With Sharon Sayler

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 401:24:56
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Empowering you to thrive after an autoimmune diagnosis with courageous success stories and expert tips and solutions.


  • Tools and Tips for Having Tough Talks about Antiracism, Anti-Ableism... (and All Other ‘ism(s)...) with Roxy Manning Ph.D.

    22/09/2023 Duration: 51min

    It’s crucial to push through discomfort and speak up when topics like antiracism, anti-ableism, and ‘ism(s) in general arise. And having those tough conversations can feel intimidating. We are excited to have Roxy Manning, Ph.D., join us in this episode. She is the author of “How to Have Antiracist Conversations” and is deeply committed to nonviolent social justice through her academic research and personal experiences.Roxy shares her approach to having honest and meaningful conversations, prioritizing human connection, even with those whose words and actions differ from ours. Her framework encourages us to stay true to ourselves during challenging conversations.Share this link with your family and friends: learned long ago that it's essential to know how to push through our discomfort and speak up. Roxy shares the latest research, personal stories, valuable insights, and:• How to approach the conversation with an open mind and artfully listen to others • Examples fo

  • Breaking Free: Understanding Codependency and Narcissistic Abuse In Autoimmune Recovery with Pi Venus Winslow

    15/09/2023 Duration: 48min

    Codependency and narcissistic abuse can be incredibly damaging to one’s physical, mental, and emotional well-being. By understanding how behavior patterns develop and why they are so harmful, we can break free and begin to recover.Our guest expert, a survivor to thriver, Pi Venus Winslow, is the author of Mother Medusa – Weaving Myth, Ritual, and Magic into Healing from a Narcissistic Upbringing and a transformational life coach, assures us that while it takes time and effort, it’s worth it to reclaim your sense of self and build a life free from fear and negative influences. She also shares • Tips to unravel the intertwined layers of codependency and narcissistic abuse• How codependency’s hyper-awareness harms your health • What’s keeping you from healing from your narcissistic upbringing• Setting boundaries and building resilience against codependency and narcissistic abuse• Techniques to trust yourself and find your true selfPlus so much more...More About Our Guest: Pi Venus Winslow is a published author,

  • A Survivor to Thriver Story…Finding Your Voice While Losing It: A Personal Journey & The Lessons Learned

    08/09/2023 Duration: 56min

    Would you recognize a slow deterioration of your involuntary movements? What if, one day, you noticed you couldn't close your eyes? A month later, your tongue didn't seem to work correctly... That's just some of the slow-moving, difficult-to-diagnose 'odd things' that tonight's guest Roberta Tachi went through before she heard, "You have Myasthenia Gravis.” Roberta shares with us what she learned as a new mom in a new country, needing to navigate a 'new' medical system, and what it took to get a diagnosis for her breakdown in communication between nerves and muscles, including weakness in the arms and legs, vision problems, and difficulties with speech and swallowing... She also shares• The one question she used repeatedly to encourage herself to get better?• How to advocate for yourself and why that is a skill everyone needs. • Why it is essential to honor your uniqueness even when others don't.Plus, a peek into her upcoming virtual Summit, The Real Story of Autoimmune Disease 2.0More about our Guest: Robert

  • From Eco-Anxiety to Action: Ten+ Ways to Cope with Wildfire Smoke When You Have An Autoimmune Disease with Dr. Jenny Tufenkian, ND.

    25/08/2023 Duration: 48min

    We welcome back Dr. Jenny Tufenkian, ND, to chat about Eco-Anxiety, especially our reaction to rapid changes like wildfire smoke.Eco-anxiety seems self-explanatory, yet that was a word I was unfamiliar with until I read Dr. Jenny’s recent newsletter where she, to quote her, said, “My PTSD got triggered this weekend. [wildfire smoke] I realized my subconscious mind went down the ‘uh-oh’ it's back ...” and as she shared with us had to implement her own tips and tools to keep from 'awfulizing' it!Environmental crises can trigger powerful emotions and physical stressors, even when we are far away and safe. Dr. Jenny shares ways to cope and create resilience, plus • Practical tips to reduce your exposure to environmental toxins,• How to overcome the feeling of helplessness and take positive action, • Helpful ways to calm your nervous system when you're caught off guard,• The impact of smoke on physical and mental health plus so much more...More about our Guest: Dr. Jenny Tufenkian, lovingly called 'Dr. Jenny' by h

  • Health and Antiracism: Finding and Caring for Our Activist Selves with Sarah Peyton

    18/08/2023 Duration: 52min

    Join us for an enlightening conversation with Sarah Peyton as she shares her latest work, The Antiracist Heart: A Self-Compassion and Activism Handbook, co-authored with Roxy Manning, Ph.D. Throughout my years of hosting The Autoimmune Hour, we've emphasized the importance of self-agency and self-advocacy, yet we've never really talked about how to be of service to those who may face obstacles due to systemic issues like racism and ableism. According to Pew Research, "Less access to quality medical care is the top reason Black Americans see contributing to generally worse health outcomes for Black people in the U.S." (link below). It's crucial to acknowledge that everyone deserves equal care and respect, regardless of race, ethnicity, culture, ability, or life choices. In this episode, we discuss how to become more aware of • our implicit bias and unconscious tendencies, • how to accompany our self-discovery with self-compassion, • discovering ‘Do no harm’ vows and releasing unconscious contracts, • recognizi

  • Why You Need To Know Your Perception Style Now with Lynda-Ross Vega and Gary Jordan

    21/07/2023 Duration: 52min

    Did you know that you are probably being misunderstood by 84% of the people you encounter... including your healthcare professionals... Maybe you’ve said more than once, “I just wished I could get them to understand, get them to listen...”This episode’s guests ask us to consider that, most likely, they are listening; it’s a mismatch of perception styles that keeps you from being understood. Understanding the six perception styles and how perception works can ease miscommunication and help you recognize your and their innate strengths.Our guests, Clinical Psychologist Gary Jordan and Coach Lynda-Ross Vega, authors of the new book ‘Unlock the Power of Your Perception: Claim Your Natural Strengths, Reframe Your Weaknesses, Reshape Your Most Important Relationships’ share with us loads of easy communication and relationship 'hacks.'Just some of the great 'hacks' and questions answered by Lynda-Ross and Gary answered are• What are the common misconceptions about perception styles?• Is there a link between percepti

  • An Easy Guide to Pursuing Your Dreams with Bev Martin

    14/07/2023 Duration: 52min

    Pursuing your dreams when dealing with a diagnosis can be challenging, yet you're so much more than your illness. Get ready to discover the power of dreaming as we welcome back Intuitive Coach Bev Martin. Bev shares her insights on living your fullest life despite obstacles. As a gifted intuitive, and skilled professional coach, Bev's remarkable gift for accessing divine wisdom and communicating it in a clear, practical way guides us to harness the power of dreaming for our emotional, psychological, and physical well-being.We also chat about --• Why getting your dreams often 'takes a village.' • What is a 'pain pit,' and why dreaming isn't always easy yet always worth it.• Simple ways to reframe our past and current situation for better outcomes.• How to utilize your dreams for creativity, self-reflection, and self-knowledge.• The steps to clarifying your dreams through self-talk, deep listening, and much more…About our Guest: Bev Martin is a natural and trained intuitive, a certified Professional Coach (PCC)

  • The Importance of Eye Care When You Have An Autoimmune with Ophthalmic Surgeon Dr. Jovi Bopari

    30/06/2023 Duration: 43min

    So my attention was piqued when I was asked recently, “We brush our teeth and moisturize our skin daily, but what do we do for our eyes?” I had to be honest and say I hadn’t really thought about it... I do know that Rheumatoid Arthritis and Lupus are just two autoimmune diseases that can affect your eyesight and lead to vision loss if left unchecked... so I asked my thought-provoking questioner to sit down with us and chat about eye care and autoimmune—'that questioner’ being the co-founder of and ophthalmic surgeon Dr. Jovi Bopari.Dr. Jovi shares simple changes that relieved him from his struggle with eye problems. And we cover a lot of eye care tips in our time together, including Dry Eye Disease and the importance of eye care even as we sleep—especially when you have an autoimmune condition. He also gives us the answers to...• When it’s just’ seasonal’ dry eye, Dry Eye Disease, or autoimmune-driven dry eyes? • Do the blue-light-blocker glasses work, and how about sunglasses? • How body inf

  • Why Am I Talkin' To Myself Like That? with the founder of the Compassion Code Academy, Laura Jack

    23/06/2023 Duration: 56min

    In this episode, we welcome Laura Jack, the founder of the Compassion Code Academy and author of the international bestseller The Compassion Code: How To Say The Right Thing When The Wrong Thing Happens. I know I used to ruminate on how I could've done better all the time... It's hard to heal if you are always beating yourself up... Studies have shown that practicing self-compassion can lead to improved health, increased happiness, and stronger relationships. In our time together, Laura shares techniques for treating ourselves with the same kindness and support we would show a dear friend. She also shares great ways to recover from years of negative self-talk, including • How to create healthy boundaries using our own internal 'mental bouncer'• Ways to cultivate soothing self-talk instead of critical talk• The importance of personal expression and play• Why it's important to quiet the constant mental chatter and more... More About Our Guest: Laura Jack, the founder of the Compassion Code Academy, is a leading

  • Does It All Start With Your Heart? 

    09/06/2023 Duration: 49min

    It’s no secret that a healthy heart is essential. Yet, maybe because it’s always been there, I didn’t think much about my heart. I know, my bad... Did you know it may also be a key player in preventing other health issues? In this fascinating chat with Michael Garko, Ph.D., a credentialed practicing nutritionist and the host-producer of Let’s Talk Nutrition, I realized how little I had thought about my heart and vascular system. I found myself saying, “Wow, I didn’t know that” a lot as he shared his insights and tips on how to keep our hearts healthy, including • Ways to reduce your risk of chronic disease through having a healthy heart • How to naturally lower your cholesterol levels • What researchers say is a possible link between autoimmune disorders and heart disease• Why even small steps like eating a balanced diet, getting regular exercise, and managing stress, can significantly reduce your risk, plus much more…More About Our Guest: Dr. Michael Garko, Ph.D., is a credentialed and practicing nutritioni

  • Unwinding Resistance to Awakening the Miracle Zone: Clear and Balance ‘Stuck’ Energy

    02/06/2023 Duration: 53min

    Please share this link to our chat with family and friends: welcome Jaya Sarada, master energy healer, educator, and co-founder of Luminous Soul Center, a Gleneden Beach, Oregon yoga and energy wellness center. In this episode, Jaya shares her insights and meditations on our energy fields and effective ways to feel more balanced and grounded. She also reads from a ‘legacy’ book she helped finish (after 70 years) and bring to the world, “Transformation The Light of Krishnamurti” by Dr. Hugh Keller, her stepfather. He originally wrote ‘Transformation’ in the 1940s when he worked with Jiddu Krishnamurti.Jaya shares that we are “multi-dimensional, energy bodies.” Too often, we only identify with our first three, physical and emotional, mental...Together, we explore energy, healing, and wellness, including: • What are ‘parts’ identifications, and how to avoid victim consciousness• How to tap into the Miracle Zone• Why releasing resistance and self-identification into

  • How Improving Your Sleep Habits Can Improve Your Health

    19/05/2023 Duration: 46min

    We uncover (pun intended) simple tips and easy hacks to improve our sleep with this week’s guest, Seth Davis, a Certified Adult Sleep Coach and the founder of Sleepably. Sleepably is a Denver-based team of sleep coaches who help adults and children sleep better. After chatting with Seth, I was surprised to hear how extensively disrupted sleep, even moderately interrupted sleep, can affect our health. Seth shares with us how getting enough sleep and maintaining a consistent sleep schedule can improve our mood, boost our immune system, and even help with weight loss.He also shares:• How to create a sleep sanctuary, a relaxing sleep environment,• The new way(s) to have a sleep study and what sleep apnea and restless leg syndrome are,• Why we need sunlight every morning and what to do if you have shift work,• How poor sleep habits can increase the risk of autoimmune issues, depression, anxiety, heart disease, and more…More About Our Guest Seth Davis, a recovered insomniac, Certified Adult Sleep Coach, and the fou

  • How Ruth Found Her Life Again By Learning To ‘Live from the Inside Out’

    12/05/2023 Duration: 49min

    We welcome Ruth Littler, an accredited counselor, certified health coach, and Heart Math Trainer. She is the author of the new Amazon bestseller ‘Live from the Inside Out.’On this episode of The Autoimmune Hour, Ruth shares her journey of discovering her true self. She shares how she realized the importance of advocating for herself and how it led to her reclaiming her health after ten years of being chronically ill; even as a long-time Registered Nurse, she was surprised by what she uncovered that was stopping her from recovering.As Ruth studied, she was surprised at how much ‘stuff she’d been holding on to,’ including resentment, grief, and shame she had been holding on to… with her newfound insight, she decided to share what she had learned with others, she shares with us:• How courage, resilience, and bravery get stronger with use,• How taking the first step was the hardest in releasing accumulated emotions that no longer served her,• How changing how you think will change both your inner and outer world,

  • You Are What You Eat When It Comes To Autoimmune Issues

    05/05/2023 Duration: 50min

    After 25 years of suffering from multiple autoimmune conditions that affected your guest's energy, skin, hair, and joints, VJ Hamilton's finally found her answer(s) and her calling. First diagnosed with alopecia areata in childhood, VJ endured many years of very visible autoimmune conditions, including alopecia, psoriasis, and eczema. After decades of enduring various symptoms and ill health, she was diagnosed with fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue—another 'problem' to add to the growing list. Determined not to let the ongoing multiple health problems become her 'fate' in life, VJ did an intense study into immunology and trained as a Nutritionist.She finally uncovered the root cause of her issues and transformed her health — now living free of symptoms. She shares with us more of her own survivor-to-thriver story, plus she explains: • How we have to think beyond food groups and look at the nutrients we need,• Why and how food can trigger symptoms, including multiple skin issues,• Why (in most cases) we don't n

  • A Cheat Sheet for Disabled Travelers (from two seasoned travelers…)

    28/04/2023 Duration: 53min

    I love to travel, thank goodness, because I have to travel for work... And after about three years off the travel treadmill, the world of going out and about, both for vaca and business, is open again. I was surprised at how every plane, bus, or train I was on recently was packed! And, even as a seasoned traveler, my recent trip was one surprise after another.This week, I’m doing something a bit different… My friend Liberty Forrest and I are chatting about our recent experiences traveling with long-term conditions. Now, we can’t cover all the folly and foibles of traveling while ‘disabled.’ (I hate the term ‘disabled,’ yet that’s the label the travel industry seems to like to use.) But Liberty and I are giving it a go!Listen in to our travel adventures and misadventures and the lessons we’ve learned, and I invite you to share your learnings and lessons of travel with an invisible illness with us in the comments section. 
In our time together, Liberty and I share about why my cane is now “not a cane” and how m

  • The Surprising Benefits of Having Difficult Conversations with Sarah Peyton

    21/04/2023 Duration: 52min

    Do you struggle to get your family, friends, or perhaps your medical professionals to listen? Do you cringe when you want to say no or discuss a volatile topic? And what about the conversations that feel polarized?The majority of us sometimes relate to the above questions, I know I sure do. So I invited one of our most popular guests, Sarah Peyton, back on the show to talk about having difficult conversations—whether you have to deliver bad news, talk about complex topics, or are unsure what’s safe to talk about or not, Sarah’s gives us insights, including• The skills and strength to say no, even when it is hard,• Let go of expectations of what might have been,• Ways to support yourself and others with the fascinating skill of “insistent with kindness,”• How to be okay and connected with someone going through a tough time, plus so much more... More About Our Guest: Sarah Peyton is the author of W.W. Norton’s Your Resonant Self, Your Resonant Self Workbook and Affirmations for Turbulent Times.And she has a new

  • What (Really) Goes Into Forgiveness That Works with expert Dr. Shawne Duperon

    14/04/2023 Duration: 56min

    WOWZA! I was blown away by where my chat with Dr. Shawne Duperon, the founder of Project Forgive and one of the world’s leading experts on forgiveness went. That’s right! Blown away… And I am thrilled to welcome to The Autoimmune Hour my friend Dr. Shawne. In addition to Project Forgive, she founded ShawneTV; she is a winner of Six EMMY® awards, 28 EMMY® nominations, and her conflict resolution tool, The Apology (You’ll Never Receive)TM garnered the honor of a Nobel Peace Prize Nomination. 
Why the topic of forgiveness? Current studies have linked past traumas to playing a part in specific immune dysfunction. It is an accepted standard that too much stress adds to inflammation—a common component in autoimmune diagnoses. And general population research shows prolonged anger, hostility, and bitterness are linked to health risks like depression and heart disease.So, in our time together, Dr. Shawne shares many “juicy” thought-provoking truths and ideas, including • Why forgiveness isn’t what most people think, a

  • Can I Have a Healthy Baby When I Have An Autoimmune?

    07/04/2023 Duration: 54min

    In my health journey, I've learned there are multiple things we can do to increase our odds of a positive outcome. That's why we are happy to welcome back Nikki Burnett, MS CNTP MNT, a Functional Nutritionist and Founder of Taste Life Nutrition, to discuss a topic we have yet to chat about... We call Nikki Burnett our 'Health Detective' because Nikki has been on both sides: in practice for seven years as a Functional Nutritionist and over 20 years of study, Nikki is a thriver too. After suffering a 2-year headache that affected every part of her life and dealing with the frustration of feeling helpless with no answers, she decided to take her health into her own hands. Over time and with consistent research into many health modalities, Nikki found the answers she needed to heal. Now Nikki is helping her clients regain their health, and along the way, she has discovered a passion for helping those struggling with infertility. In this episode, Nikki shares with us
• How even small changes in your nutrition can

  • Great Ways To Reinvigorate to a Life Full of Fun And Flow with Dr. Valerie René Sheppard

    31/03/2023 Duration: 52min

    After a near-death experience, catastrophic-stroke survivor Dr. Valerie René Sheppard has created an inspiring life full of fun and flow. And, as the author of the multi-award-winning, #1 international best-seller, "Living Happy to Be ME!," a Certified Master Trainer and a Ph.D. in Consciousness and Human Potential, she shares with us how to create unstoppable momentum regardless of your diagnosis.Dr. Valerie’s irresistible life-loving insights and lessons learned throughout her life, including her remarkable recovery, are inspirational and educational. Our chat is not to be missed! Dr. Valerie shares multiple ‘A-ha! Moments!’ that include: • How to make peace with the present moment,• From “so what, now what” to resourceful and resilient,• What it means to be in a flow state,• What to do when the ‘old’ no longer works and life feels like a void,• How to “test your way to success" plus so much more…More About Our Guest: Dr. Valerie René Sheppard is a catastrophic-stroke survivor, self-mastery expert, and CEO

  • What Is Healthy For Me? How to Quickly Improve Your Outlook

    24/03/2023 Duration: 52min

    Sometimes our mind runs away with us when ‘everything hurts.’ And it’s easy to get discouraged when you don’t see your desired wellness results. This week’s guest, Eileen Laird, is a writer, podcast host, and autoimmune warrior, living a vital life with rheumatoid arthritis. She’s reached millions through her popular website and podcast, Phoenix Helix, where she shares information and inspiration for autoimmune health. In this episode, she shares from her immediately useful 'roadmap' book, called 'Healing Mindset: A Guide to the Mind-Body Connection for People with Autoimmune Disease,' including:• How to successfully redefine your life after an autoimmune diagnosis. • The one simple mindset-taming question that can change outcomes, • How the mind-body connection works with wellness,• Surprising ways our thoughts and feelings can impact our physical healthplus so much more… More About Our Guest: Reflecting on her diagnosis in 2012, Eileen Laird shares, “rheumatoid arthritis hit my life like a wrecking ball. I

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