Tj Morris Et Radio

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 615:39:00
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347-945-7207 - .RETURN JANUARY 2018. Catch the Cosmos Connection on Saturday 6-8 E on on Studio B. Skype me at TJMorrisET. We are updating our equipment to doa live stream and larger audience for 2018. TJ Morris ET Radio Show with Theresa J Morris Ministries. Spirituality about Universal Life Topics. TJ began the ACO for trusted friends interested in spiritual science, metaphysics, truth, research, mysteries, history, cosmos connection, Life, frienship, book authors, video makers, and webmasters. ACO is about US and alien civilizations exist .Share peer review journals as we learn about each other in radio. Donations welcome to become a part of our listener supported radio shows. magazine. ACE American Communications Online Information on Self-Help. Spiritual Path Journeys, Life & Death, Open Mind Exploration, Super Natural Unexplained Phenomena, Consciousness, Phenomenology,Metaphysics, paranormal, near-death experience, climate change,cosmology, quantum physics, remote viewing, hauntings, contactees,extraterrestrials, psychics, ESP, remote reading, metaphysics, world religions, cultures, habits, conspiracies. Area 51, crop circles, cryptozoology, magic to mysteries, UFOS. Ancient Cultures Origin (, Earth hypothesis, science fiction literature, integrative medicine. Archaeology, Astronaut Clues & Views, Ascension Age, ERA COP, Time Travel, Time, TV Shows - Star Trek, Doctor Who, Marvel, Culture, Education Entertainment, Expanse Alternative ET Realities,Dimensions. Quantum Metaphysics, Mystic Minds Matrix, Authors, Researcher Theresa J Morris,,,, Call 850-738-5136 to book an interview .Spiritual Educational Entertainment Supporters.


  • The Opened Walk -Bill M Tracer, Theresa J Morris, Ken Johnston Sr

    16/12/2018 Duration: 02h07min

    We as Authors share information.  What will lead to the opened walk?' Bill has written the book on this and we are sharing this with our Ascension Center Club and Authors Book Club. We share information that our ACO Members are sharing in our Social Media Groups. We share how to open various subjects as what we may remember through our filters, and cultural heritage. Are world religions still important or will they soon fade away as electronic data? Will the internet achieve sentience? What is the Mandela Effect? Will we live to see more history evolve as conspiracy theories? What is fake news and do corporations and lobbiest control the governments of the world? What would we do if there actually is proof that we are all having to learn about how to be whole brained and learning of our full potential? What if going to space is really a 3D conscious thought with memories? What if contact has to deal with knowing about ascension and disclosure of aliens and ufos? Share what unidentified aerial phenomena really

  • About Travelling with Extraterrestrials with Ken Johnston Sr & Theresa J Morris

    15/12/2018 Duration: 02h01min

    Ken became a pilot in the US MARINES in 1962 and took his Honorable Discharged in 1966.  He joined 3 other pilots working on the Apollo Lunar Module at NASA Houston, Texas where he logged over 3,000 hours as a test pilot of the LM.  In addition to testing the LM they helped train the NASA Astronauts how to fly it and land on the Moon. After Apollo 11 landed, Ken went to work at the Lunar Receiving Laboratory as the Director of the Data and Photo Control Department which gave him access to all the original photos taken on the moon missions.  During all this time, Ken continued his education and received 3 BS Degrees and 2 Doctorate Degrees. Theresa also known as TJ Morris dba ACIR is an American who has had Close Encounters her entire life..TJ has since changed how she believes in extraterrestrials based on UFO Sightings and ET Encounters and is now sharing her story with those who join her in her TJ Morris ACO Social Service Club. Alien UFO Story by TJ. Besides joining the US Navy working as a government cont

  • UFO Secret Space Command, topics. levels, time lines, metaphysics

    14/12/2018 Duration: 02h04min

    American Communications Online will sponsor TJ Morris ET Radio Shows topics and panel discussions. Thursdays we will begin an open dialog panel discussion with Ken Johnston II a former trained astronaut, Janet Kira Lessin, the stargate to the cosmos event producer. We are going to begin an Authors Book Club with Theresa J Morris Author, Janet Kira Lessin Author, and Ken Johnston Author. How they met and where their interests has brought them to the same place in space to become authors and to discuss time lines,the mandela effect on global populace criticall mass mind. How we deal with Ufology, Alienology, Avatars, New Age, Metaphysics, and Ascension Age. How we will deal with mental health in the world while changing how the world feels about the subjects of paranormal, psychology, historians, education, space, engineering, and story tellers. We may discuss some experiencers and tracks dealing with UFO Secret Space and Disclosure and the Exopolitics and why UFO Conferences and Disclosure Conferences are begi

  • Bill M Tracer and Theresa J Morris, The Opened Walk

    09/12/2018 Duration: 02h03min

    Theresa J Morris returns with Author of Will the Internet Achieve Sentience, Bill M. Tracer, the rogue philosopher returns with:The Opened Walk:Blending Science With Our Spiritual Quests.In The Opened Walk we find that science and religion or spirituality need not be at odds with one another, and when working together in harmony, their collaboration can bring greater clarity to our understandings. Seekers find themselves on their own personal spiritual quests, than ever before in human history. Increasingly, the traditional religious paths challenge our postmodern sensitivities, leaving us dissatisfied; asking ourselves isn’t there something more?

  • Living in the moment? Really? What about tomorrow? Everyone one

    02/12/2018 Duration: 02h01min

         Mankind is running a race hoping they will win. Except not one of them knows what they will really win. They are being giving the idea the future is going to be incredible and on top of that they will be spiritual. Now on that what about spiritual is important? How many people can say what that even means? People talking about 4,5 6 th dimention. Who is telling us that God, aliens or Lucifer? How about someone that had a bad dream.      Dreams are good and bad. What one gets from is usually limited to one's true awareness. If you have fifty dreams a night how many do you think are good? How much information are they really dealing with? In your dream are you in the moment? Maybe you are outside time in your dream space but is what you perceive inside it. That meaning really important to life.    In the programmed idea living in the moment- really means what? Enjoy dinner? Enjoy taking a shower. Or what most men will wish for having sex. How long do you want the moment to last? Forever? any experience w

  • Living your Truth with or without God.

    28/11/2018 Duration: 02h03min

       People always say " their truth". Try asking them what that really means. Most people cannot say much. if they do it will be the programmed idea of what life is about. You only hear what everyone is told is important. But is it?  How do we  help each other to do what? Save someone from what? How about how you are hear to help the world.  Sadly everything I hear is because of no understanding of God or even a belief of one.. Many have the programmed idea of the perfect God that cares about everyone. Let's start with a simple form of meditation for only a few minutes. Facing your God.  Can you? Are you afraid. I am not talking about meeting your angel or angels.    A child starts connecting with spirit the second soul becomes a live in the body. Just because the baby starts breathing inside the womb doesn't mean soul is there. It stay close to the baby until it is close to birth then it can step inside. Two souls do not occupy the same body one has to stay right outiside the body.     When a child starts h

  • Do we need another SUPER HERO?

    25/11/2018 Duration: 01h43min

    We are living in a time which is so far out of control. The wrong inventions came at the wrong time. We think we are living in the 21th century or maybe the 22 th. While we are living like we are in the dark ages.     Funny most people are looking and waiting for a super person, a being or alien to come and save the planet. When I was young it was the adults feeding the chlldren about super heroes. Make believe super characters were in breaded into children, but they were good and bad. Programming by your own parents. Then when a child gets older they try to remove all the ideas from them.       Guess for most it started as Superman. Even he commited suicide. The second one was disabled for the rest of his life. I watched just about every monster movie , demon movie and creature movie. Most of the time the good man  wins. I did notice the karma that goes with that kind of acting   Then the creating of the knight in shining armor. A idea of of hope for a world falling apart. But it is nothing new. All throu

  • Understanding life, dying and death.

    22/11/2018 Duration: 02h01min

        We will go inot the reasons behind everything, life and death and everything in between. Do you understand why you are really here? Really? Who told you that? Why do people except anything anyone else says? You realize the fist few thing parents teach their children are lies and many stupid words. While they also so learn many bad words. Like the word stupid and dumb.    Most people live in the idea of getting as much as they can out of life before they die. Most people never think about death except to make sure they funeral is paid for.     Their understanding of death is void of any  truth. They have programmed ideas of what is going to happen and what they think will happen. That is they are going to heaven, a man made word.  That idea consists of being with your family that past over. How many people really want to spend infinity with their family and why? Then ask yourself which one.  Do you really think without this body it is going to be the same? Go to work - or be a beggar. Do you think you ca

  • Are you afraid of death or dying?

    18/11/2018 Duration: 02h02min

       Most people live in the idea of getting as much as they can out of life before they die. Most people never think about death except to make sure they funeral is paid for. Their understanding of death is void of any  truth. They have programmed ideas of what is going to happen. That is they are going to heaven, a man made word.  That idea consists of being with your family that past over.   How many people really want to spend infinity with their family and why? Do you really think without this body it is going to be the same. Go to work - or be a beggar. Do you think you can just sit around and talk for ever? About what? What kind of clothes you need to buy. Or maybe you think what ever you want you can have.     There are many ideas but are any of them right? Do you think food is important? Now, that you are there where is it really? Let's start with naming it. It is called the astral plane. The plane that all souls go if they leave this world. Some souls do not. We will get into that. Now that you made

  • Does the Bible describe God or Jesus in any real way?

    14/11/2018 Duration: 02h26min

      The Bible is the the number one best seller on the planet. While many new agers are attacking anything about it. Saying God doesn't exist. Saying Jesus did not exist. Now many are saying Jesus was an alien. At the same time anything pertaining to God is being removed from everything.  I was on grand Jury last year. I found out they stop using the Bible in any real court of law. Now it is based on your word. I DO.      I am worried about the human race as a species because the lack of morals they have now. (none).  Man wants to think he has total freedom. I hate to tell you that is impossible. The world would be in the worst condition if they did. What kind of boundaries would exist between people. There would be no boundaries for animals as well. Killing would just keep going us as well as all crime would.     Our children are protected more in the US then other coutnries and still the amount of abuse is horrible. Considering there are 2.5 Billion Christians and 2.0 billion Muslums not one can speak of Go

  • Exorcisms now more then ever.

    11/11/2018 Duration: 02h01min

      I am having a very special guest coming on. I consider one ot the Top exorcists in the US and maybe in the world. Just for the fact of the kind of person he is. He is a Incredible person. If you listened to me over the years you know what kind of person I am, and  usually have very littel good to say about the so-called spiritual people outthere selling their ego.     When the movie The Exorcist came out in 1973 most people had no clue to what it was. Never mind how much fear if brought to people. Then to find out it was based on a true story most people stuck that idea in their closet. It change the idea of scary moives into a new cheap thrill  for people.  The first movie that created a new understanding of Lucifer. IN 1968 Rosemary's Baby which really started it all into the idea of real fear of the darkness and not just turning off the lghts.      If you want to know the real world of exorcisem and how it is a big part of what is happening in the world today that most people run from, listen in. Do yo

  • Story or legend real or not- The White Buffalo woman

    07/11/2018 Duration: 02h03min

      I am going to tell a true story. It will take in a legend. That legend  will be of the White Buffalo. That only happens  in 1-out 10 million births.  It changed color 4 times in it's short life. Started as black then red then yellow then finally white.  The Native people believe that it brings purifaction to the planet when it comes.  It has brown eys and it is not an albino usually red eyes.    Sadly it died a few years later. Then another one was born. The second was was killed by pochers and hung on a fence.  White man's defence against their twisted truth.     My life became important to me when I had my first spiritual expereince at the age six.  As a child I could not watch cowboy and indians movies without crying. I always dressed as a Native when I could when I was little. But at that time trying to understand angles, demons and aliens. It only grew more important the more experiences I had ,      As a human race we need to look for the truth behind any legend. Is there any and its it important.

  • 1 -Opening to the highest level of love, two who taught what spiritual means?

    05/11/2018 Duration: 02h04min

    Let's start at the beginning.     Is Love related to being spiritual ? Yes, Can you have one without the other. yes. Who did man learn about being spiritual from? It is not what you think. It is not what everyone says it is.  Just because one says  they are spiritual -doesn't make then spiritual. For one to  be they would have to know - about death, soul, spirit, angels, deiites more then just reading a book about them. They would need actual experience in them.  Oh did I forget the word GOD. Sadly most people do.       I started Wednesday but did not get to far into it. I did bring up many so-called spiritual people. I only say that because the Internet says so. Look up the top five spiritual people on the Internet.    As a child, love is one of the things a child can feel from the start. It grows greater as long as there is no abuse involved. Then a Child starts learning programmed ideas from their parents. When a child come near a person they can feel energy which either make them feel good or it makes

  • Compassion, Prejudice or Judgment where do you stand ?

    31/10/2018 Duration: 02h00s

         I will tell you - everyone out there is a Hypocrite. The word Prejudice is within everyone of you. it means = a preconceived opinion that is not based on reason or actual experience. BUT What if it is Based on an actual experiences? Is it still prejudice? I will prove what a lie it all is. Then the other word people are so afraid of is called Judgment. Being afraid to judge someone that you consider different. If you cannot you are a fool stuck in the world of control. The same as you judge everything you do, you can say by choice - making a decision on which you think is better. You can break anything down to smell, taste, looks and feelings. That can be applied to food, jobs and even friends.   Even if you compare something to something else that is not even there.     Man loves to lie to himself. He justifies just about everything he does. He is proud to be called a man. He lives life to keep his name alive. That has never changed in thousands of years.      To move into a spiritual age we have to r

  • Are you Searching for God or Love?

    28/10/2018 Duration: 02h04min

      We have a serious problem growing now. Are people looking for love or sex, God or love? Guess many people will say all of that. . I have been listening to motivating speakers. They sound good. They make people feel good. Well for awhile at least. The real  problem no one is dealing with is are they searching for Love or God or maybe both. You will find love if you find God. It will not be like EARTH's love is. There are no real kisses, no real sex, no food, no holding hands,no baby sitting, no partying and no drugs. There is the highest truth, the highest love, the highest wisdom and Knowledge that cannot  be found any where else.      So the fight is between learning who you are and what you want. Then what do you really want and what were you told you want. Yes it is always money first, then happiness. then sex. Are they really important if you are on a spiritual quest? Please when someoe tell you that you are the best you have ever been and are important, your brain is being programmed to except man's s

  • How important is your truth? WHY? Woman are you ready for the next step?

    25/10/2018 Duration: 02h02min

    We are in the year 2018 and whether you know it not you have been here a very long time already. Many lifetimes have come and gone. You are just a little more aware then you were 10,000 years ago. How's that? What's wrong? Do you even know your angels or guides? Do you know how many lifetimes you were reincarnated to get here and now?       In your truth is there any real truth? Do you know how many more times you will need to come back and why? Do you know what you are going to do when your present body dies? How much do you know about the astral plane? Do you know anything about a real God? Do you really think you are one with God. Really?     Lets start there. What is your God if you believe one? One that  allows people to think they can do anything they want? Destroy anything, hurt anything and think they are right about telling themselves that is OK. Killing people is OK, abuse is OK. You can make a billion dollars and go out and buy drugs with it and then buy a town and then sit back and call yoursel

  • God, Aliens and Superheroes , why?

    21/10/2018 Duration: 02h03min

      THE RIDE IS GOING TO GET CRAZY.  Man has almost given up with finding the truth. So they are now looking in all the wrong places. There is nothing for children to do is play sports but they would rather be on the computer. or be on the computer.  Ever wonder why so many adults are going to see movies like Batman, Superman and Wonderwoman? You even have adults on the computer playing games. Where does abuse start and end.     Man willl deal with anything for money an fame. But even more then that anyhing wrong they will blame God. They will curse God and Jesus fro just about anything .    Life to many people is really so bad they resort to drinking and Drugs. Thing that either take a perso into dream land  or reate more anger and fear. They become weaker and weaker and need more and more things to keep them going. Relationships seem to be not as important as one starts going inot the depression which is growing inside many people . That is why the greatest speakers that have to lie have many more follower

  • Numbers -a danger to creating a real world

    18/10/2018 Duration: 02h04min

    Numbers are the dangers of life. They determine everything. How old we are to do something. How young we are to do something. It determines what we are going to except as far as laws. Who we have to believe. It show patters of every action we make. How many times we breath and blink out eyes. Then by number we decide if it is good or bad, right or wrong.  Like our heart beat.     Numbers determine if you are crazy. Crazy meaning you do not agree with the larger percentage of people's ideas whether right or wrong. Usually they are set by the rich people. Always wrong.     Churches set numbers for donations even. Then amounts paid to their own church from its own preachers. I went through that and that is why I did not become a preacher when I was younger. A number says when you are an adult or a child. Really. A number says when you can legally drink or smoke . Really? No number should say you can drink. Now, drugs can be given to any age. How's that? Now numbers determine if a doctor has the right to

  • Conversation with a Rock instead of God. Why?

    17/10/2018 Duration: 02h03min

    Let's start at the beginning. That happens somewhere around conception soul start getting ready to come into this world in a new temorary body. That body has a lifespan of 1 to 125 years. MAX.     I will compare many things to a rock for a reason. A  rock's life span is hundred times longer in many cases. Something man will learn over time is the physical world is the most hardest dense  vibration.  The more solid the harder the vibration.     Does man have any truth about the difference from Mind and Soul? So I will ask a rock.  What do you THINK rock? Many people say they can communicate with them. Based on the idea we are connected. Now after 26 years studying with the first Medicine woman in the US that was the first to really teach about crystals.  I admit Crystals have an incredible energy. I also so learned Meteorites have incredible energy as well. But do all rocks have the same energy NO.     As people talk and tell stories how many know the truth? I want to talk about the most important  word wel

  • The War of 34 with special guest Sargel18- (2034)

    14/10/2018 Duration: 02h03min

    We have many people making predictions. How mnay can really make a very important one and it happens? Well Sargel18 made many that came true. Even one on my birthday about something falling from the sky.  Which it did. They still cannot admit to what it was.    He also  predicted about 911.       He has spent many years with me taking more Pictures of strange things from UFO. aliens and strange creatures. We where the first to go public filming Orbs. We also brought people out with us at night and they all shot Orbs as well.  He lectured around the US. People were not ready for that much truth then. Not sure how much they can really deal with now.     We did much of the work together at most dangerous vortex in the US. Many people went crazy there and even commited suicide there. It was Government property. Tesla worked with Dupont for a few years until they flooded the city.  Dring that time I was a foot away from a Bigfoot. I saw the Hershey Monkey?    The day before I saw bigfoot.  Funny, not really but

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