Breadbox Media



Breadbox Media ...something's bigger here.


  • Good News Reflection for Tuesday June 11, 2024

    06/06/2024 Duration: 04min

    No one is superior or inferior -- we're just different. All are made in the image of God, who is the only Superior One.   For more on the topic of this podcast, see GNM’s WordByte called: “Divine Purpose” @    The text of this podcast can be found on our website @         Subscribe to receive the Good News Reflections delivered to your email inbox or texted to your phone @  

  • Good News Reflection for Monday June 10, 2024

    06/06/2024 Duration: 04min

    God comforts us and supports us in our efforts to detach from the world and become more like him.   To help you reflect on this topic, meditate with GNM’s Bible Study: “Holy Living: The Sermon on the Mount” @    The text of this podcast can be found on our website @     Subscribe to receive the Good News Reflections delivered to your email inbox or texted to your phone @   

  • Good News Reflection for Sunday June 9, 2024

    06/06/2024 Duration: 04min

    The Holy Spirit, the Spirit of Truth, is with us to help us overcome every lie.   For more on the topic of this issue, use GNM’s WordByte: “Knowing the Truth” @    The text of this podcast can be found on our website @     Subscribe to receive the Good News Reflections delivered to your email inbox or texted to your phone @  

  • Reality Reflections - Oh No I Forgot

    06/06/2024 Duration: 25min

    I totally forgot the past few days the Novena to The Sacred Heart of Jesus! Let also learn what the First Friday Devotion is all about!   Join my Soul, Mind and Body Group!   Trouble signing up? Watch this 90 second video   Need help with prayer, let's do it together with my VIDEO prayer course   Curious about my story? Check out my book would love to come speak at your event!   Want more intimacy and 1:1 Coaching?    We can walk daily on my Reality Reflections podcast!

  • Reality Reflections - When God Sends You A Miraculous Message

    05/06/2024 Duration: 19min

    This was a true miracle, I am so grateful!   Join my Soul, Mind and Body Group!   Trouble signing up? Watch this 90 second video   Need help with prayer, let's do it together with my VIDEO prayer course   Curious about my story? Check out my book would love to come speak at your event!   Want more intimacy and 1:1 Coaching?    We can walk daily on my Reality Reflections podcast!    

  • The Gary Zimak Show - The Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ

    31/05/2024 Duration: 28min

    Join Gary Zimak as he reads and discusses the Mass Readings for the Solemnity of Corpus Christi.

  • Reflexión de las Buenas Nuevas del viernes 7 de junio, 2024

    31/05/2024 Duration: 04min

    Fuiste elegido por Dios para ser amado y para amar a los demás en Su nombre.   El texto de este audio puedes encontrarlo en nuestra web en   Suscríbete para recibir las Reflexiones de las Buenas Nuevas por correo electrónico o por mensaje de texto a tu celular en    

  • Reflexión de las Buenas Nuevas del jueves 6 de junio, 2024

    31/05/2024 Duration: 05min

    Nuestra fe verdadera se revela cuando perseveramos en la verdad.   El texto de este audio puedes encontrarlo en nuestra web en   Suscríbete para recibir las Reflexiones de las Buenas Nuevas por correo electrónico o por mensaje de texto a tu celular en    

  • Reflexión de las Buenas Nuevas del miércoles 5 de junio, 2024

    31/05/2024 Duration: 03min

    Dios nos dio todo lo necesario para cumplir los propósitos para los cuales nos creó.   El texto de este audio puedes encontrarlo en nuestra web en   Suscríbete para recibir las Reflexiones de las Buenas Nuevas por correo electrónico o por mensaje de texto a tu celular en    

  • Reflexión de las Buenas Nuevas del martes 4 de junio, 2024

    31/05/2024 Duration: 04min

    La Gracia nos da fuerza sobrenatural para resistir al pecado.   El texto de este audio puedes encontrarlo en nuestra web en Suscríbete para recibir las Reflexiones de las Buenas Nuevas por correo electrónico o por mensaje de texto a tu celular en

  • Reflexión de las Buenas Nuevas del lunes 3 de junio, 2024

    31/05/2024 Duration: 04min

    No hay mayor amor que dar nuestra vida para atraer a otros hacia el amor salvador de Cristo.   El texto de este audio puedes encontrarlo en nuestra web en   Suscríbete para recibir las Reflexiones de las Buenas Nuevas por correo electrónico o por mensaje de texto a tu celular en    

  • Reflexión de las Buenas Nuevas del domingo 2 de junio, 2024

    31/05/2024 Duration: 03min

    El Santísimo Cuerpo y Sangre de Jesucristo tienen el poder para "transubstanciarnos" a su semejanza.   El texto de este audio puedes encontrarlo en nuestra web en Suscríbete para recibir las Reflexiones de las Buenas Nuevas por correo electrónico o por mensaje de texto a tu celular en

  • Good News Reflection for Friday June 7, 2024

    31/05/2024 Duration: 04min

    You were chosen by God to be loved and to love others on His behalf.   Reflect more on the topic of this podcast use GNM’s Faith Booster: "You are important to the Body of Christ" @    The text of this podcast can be found on our website at     Subscribe to receive the Good News Reflections delivered to your email inbox or texted to your phone @  

  • Good News Reflection for Thursday June 6, 2024

    30/05/2024 Duration: 05min

    Our true faith is revealed when we persevere in the truth.   For more on the topic of this podcast, use GNM’s WordByte called: "Is low self-esteem preventing you from loving others?" @    The text of this podcast can be found on our website @        Subscribe to receive the Good News Reflections delivered to your email inbox or texted to your phone @   

  • Good News Reflection for Wednesday June 5, 2024

    30/05/2024 Duration: 03min

    God gave us everything necessary to fulfill the purposes for which He created us.   For more on the topic of this podcast, use GNM’s WordByte called: “How can you be sure what is God’s will?” @   The text of this podcast can be found on our website @   Subscribe to receive the Good News Reflections delivered to your email inbox or texted to your phone @   

  • Good News Reflection for Tuesday June 4, 2024

    30/05/2024 Duration: 04min

    Grace gives us supernatural strength to resist sin.   For more on the topic of this podcast, see GNM’s WordByte called: "Moving on Currents of Grace" @    The text of this podcast can be found on our website @         Subscribe to receive the Good News Reflections delivered to your email inbox or texted to your phone @  

  • Good News Reflection for Monday June 3, 2024

    30/05/2024 Duration: 05min

    There is no greater love than to lay down our lives to bring to others the saving love of Christ.   To help you reflect on this topic, meditate with GNM’s WordByte: "Reading the Signs of Times" @    The text of this podcast can be found on our website @     Subscribe to receive the Good News Reflections delivered to your email inbox or texted to your phone @   

  • Good News Reflection for Sunday June 2, 2024

    30/05/2024 Duration: 03min

     The Body and Blood of Jesus have the power to "transubstantiate" us into his likeness.   For more on the topic of this issue, use GNM’s podcast "The Eucharistic Pregnancy" @     The text of this podcast can be found on our website @     Subscribe to receive the Good News Reflections delivered to your email inbox or texted to your phone @  

  • Reality Reflections - Let Go and Let God

    30/05/2024 Duration: 17min

    We should always do this, but sometimes we forget!   Join my Soul, Mind and Body Group!   Trouble signing up? Watch this 90 second video   Need help with prayer, let's do it together with my VIDEO prayer course   Curious about my story? Check out my book would love to come speak at your event!   Want more intimacy and 1:1 Coaching?    We can walk daily on my Reality Reflections podcast!    

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