Aletheia Church Tampa Sermons



The official podcast of Aletheia Church in Tampa, FL.For more info, visit or download the Aletheia Tampa app for your iPhone, Android or Windows Phone.


  • Through a Promise


    When it comes to Jesus’ mission, one thing is for sure: We don’t have to do it alone! In other words, we have help. This help, Jesus tells us, comes through a “promise”. This promise is full of power and comes through the third member of the Trinity.

  • Through Leadership


    Jesus’ mission is very clear: Serve, Seek out, and Save the lost. This is to happen in and through the local church. And Jesus has called specific people to lead His church on His mission. Scripture makes this very clear.

  • Through the Holy Spirit


    In order to truly understand the God of the Bible we must become better acquainted with the Holy Spirit. Even further, we must explore the depths of what it looks like to be in a personal/interactive relationship with Him daily.

  • This Is God's Greatest Gift


    We believe that God’s greatest gift to mankind isn’t religion, an idea, a philosophy, a destination, or even a way of life. We believe that God’s greatest gift to mankind is a person: Jesus!

  • This Is God's Kingdom


    We believe that the Kingdom of God is anywhere that Christ has established His rule and reign as King; where He redeems sinners who in turn worship Him as Lord; where He brings justice; and where He will one day bring order by making all things new. God’s Kingdom is something that has arrived but has not yet been fully realized.

  • This Is God's Sanctification


    We believe the gospel along with justifying sinners, sanctifies us through the gracious and continuous operation of the Holy Spirit (our comforter), by which we are delivered from the pollution of sin, being renewed and conformed into the image of Christ, enabling us to perform good works.

  • This Is God's Justification


    We believe that God declares sinners righteous through the obedient, sacrificial, and substitutionary death of Christ, which satisfied the just demands of God’s wrath and the payment for our sins, by grace through faith in Christ alone.

  • These Are God's Sacraments


    We believe that Jesus Christ has ordained certain sacraments (sacred signs with spiritual effects) to be performed within the context of the local church, which symbolize both the entrance into God’s covenant community and the ongoing grace that Jesus continues to bestow upon His church.

  • This Is God's Atonement


    We believe that Jesus Christ is God’s substitute sin offering through His death on the cross, thus making it possible for sinners to be reconciled to God through grace with forgiveness and salvation.

  • This Is God's Gospel


    We believe in one true gospel that is found only in and through Jesus Christ and His death, burial, and resurrection. It is not merely the good news of salvation, but the power of God for salvation. It is the lens from which all of Christianity must be seen.

  • This Is God's Covenant


    We believe that before the foundations of the world, God made a plan to save sinners by grace. This was specifically carried out through a covenant that God established; a covenant founded, planned, and executed in love.

  • This Is God's Creation (Imago Dei)


    We believe that the origin of the earth, mankind and everything else is something from which we can derive a whole lot about the nature of God and His desire to extend His love and grace outside of Himself. This is God’s creation.

  • This Is God Revealed (Specifically)


    We believe that to know God is to know specifically that He sent His son to earth, to become a man, and die on the cross in our place for our sins. There is a way that God has communicated this to us.

  • This Is God Revealed (Generally)


    We believe that in a general way, God has chosen to reveal Himself to mankind in three ways: creation, common grace, and conscience.

  • This Is God


    We believe in one God and understand that nothing in the history of the world has created more polarizing emotions in the hearts and minds of humankind than the idea of God. Needless to say, exploring who God is might be a good place to begin. Maybe He can tell us.

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