Concordia Adult Bible Class

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 527:23:45
  • More information



Dig deeper into God's Word with Concordia Lutheran Church in San Antonio, TX.


  • Tough Joy: A Series on Philippians: Pain and Suffering

    06/11/2011 Duration: 57min

    In a dispute, a plaintiff will sometimes try to sue a defendant for “pain and suffering.” In these instances, the plaintiff is seeking to recoup some sort of reimbursement for the anguish the defendant has allegedly caused him. Paul opens his letter with an honest admission of his situation: he is in great pain and suffering. He is “in chains for Christ” (verse 13). Yet, rather than suing, Paul rejoices, for he know that what has happened to him “has really served to advance the gospel” (verse 12). Do we see circumstances that cause us pain and suffering as opportunities to advance Christ’s gospel? What are some ways we can better learn to see the gospel even in our most difficult moments?

  • More Blessed: Bigger Than Our National Debt

    23/10/2011 Duration: 58min

    Though our national debt is big, it is not nearly as big as the debt of our sin, for the debt of our sin is incalculable. When Jesus encounters a sinful woman who anoints His feet with perfume, He knows that she loves Him much because she has been forgiven by God for a debt of sin that baffles her. On Reformation Day, we celebrate God’s extravagant love – a love so great that it would cover our sins. We respond by loving and serving our Lord for His marvelous gift.

  • More Blessed: Sturdier Than Prudential

    16/10/2011 Duration: 57min

    Prudential built its reputation on providing their clients with steady financial returns on their investments. That’s why their logo is a rock. It indicates steadiness and sureness. Stewardship, likewise, begins with a rock-solid promise: “I the LORD do not change” (verse 6). This means if God has been generous to us in our past, we can count on Him to be generous to us in our future! How have you seen God’s generosity in your past? Do you steward your money generously as a sign of faith that you trust His generosity for your future?

  • The Me I Want To Be: Lust to Zeal

    09/10/2011 Duration: 59min

    The enticement to lust is everywhere in our culture. What we see on TV, the internet, in video games, and in many other places can tempt us to lust after someone who is not ours. Paul’s pronouncement on lust is unequivocal: We ought to flee it (verse 18)! Why? Because we are temples of God’s Spirit. Thus, we live our lives with zeal for him rather than a lust for sin, as Paul says in Romans 12:11: “Never be lacking in zeal, but keep your spiritual fervor, serving the Lord.”

  • The Me I Want To Be: Idleness Intentionality

    02/10/2011 Duration: 56min

    Idleness is inexcusable! Because we were created to work, we will find work to do one way or another. But the work born out of idleness is sinful work, like being a busybody. Thus, it is important that we are intentional and faithful in the work we do so that we glorify God in our work.

  • The Me I Want To Be: Anger to Rejoicing

    25/09/2011 Duration: 01h01s

    When facing injustice, a person can respond in one of two ways: anger or rejoicing. The apostles could have responded with anger at the Sadducees because the Sadducees were unfairly persecuting them. Instead, they were “rejoicing because they had been counted worthy suffering disgrace for the Name” (verse 41). How do we respond to adversity?

  • The Me I Wan to Be: Falsehood to Purity

    18/09/2011 Duration: 56min

    Our world is full of lies. The most dangerous lies are those told about God. This is why John encourages the children of the true God to stay way from idols (cf. verse 21) and remain in him who is true (cf. verse 20). In this message, we will discuss how to stand up for purity and truth in a world full of wickedness and lies.

  • The Me I Wan to Be: Why We FAIL

    11/09/2011 Duration: 59min

    In Ephesians 4 and 5, Paul outlines four sins that cause us to FAIL: Falsehood, Anger, Idleness, and Lust. What is the solution to overcoming such enticing sins? Should we strive harder? No! Paul says we should “Put on the new self, created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness” (verse 24). We should put on Christ. For when we do, we receive the PRIZE he has for us: Rather than lies, we receive God’s Purity; rather than anger, we live with Rejoicing; rather than sitting around idle, we live with Intentionality; rather than lusting after others, we live with Zeal toward God, and, finally, Christ ushers us into Eternity. Over the next five weeks, we will unpack each of these items and discover how Christ’s power overcomes our sinfulness with his righteousness!

  • Wise Up! Lessons from Proverbs: Better with Age

    04/09/2011 Duration: 56min

    Next Sunday is Grandparents’ Day. One week early, as we wrap up our series on Proverbs, we take a look at how age and wisdom often go hand in hand. In a culture obsessed with youth, the Biblical writers find great value in age. Age develops patience, knowledge, trust, and wisdom!

  • Wise Up! Lessons from Proverbs: Ain't Too Proud

    28/08/2011 Duration: 54min

    To trust in ourselves rather than God is the root of pride…and the root of folly. Pride is perhaps the single biggest inhibitor to wisdom because it causes in us an un-teachable spirit. Do you humble yourself in God’s sight and in the sight of others?

  • Witnessing to Mormons

    14/08/2011 Duration: 59min
  • Wise Up! Lessons from Proverbs: Bite Your Tongue

    31/07/2011 Duration: 57min

    James warns, “The tongue also is a fire, a world of evil among the parts of the body. It corrupts the whole person, sets the whole course of his life on fire, and is itself set on fire by hell” (James 3:6). How we speak about others and God counts. Our words can hurt more than many of us realize or understand. How do you use your tongue? To curse men or to praise God (cf. James 3:9)?

  • Wise Up! Lessons from Proverbs: Beyond Facebook Friends

    24/07/2011 Duration: 01h54s

    We were created to be in relationship with one another. Friendships, therefore, are important. Friendships, however, involve more than just good times and goofing off. They also involve honesty and transparency. Do you have friends with whom you can be honest and who are honest with you, even when the truth hurts?

  • Wise Up! Lessons from Proverbs: Reckless Generosity

    17/07/2011 Duration: 58min

    The simple message of Proverbs concerning riches is this: riches are not to be trusted. Money is good for many things. It can be saved (21:20) and it can be shared (11:24). Either way, it does not provide the security we desire. Only God can provide that.

  • Wise Up! Lessons from Proverbs: Elbow Grease

    10/07/2011 Duration: 01h00s

    Studies show that the average person wastes approximately two hours per day at work socializing, surfing the internet, and running personal errands. During the summer months, we are keenly aware that rest is good! Laziness, however, is not. Do we work hard, knowing that our efforts form our character and serve the needs of others?

  • Wise Up! Lessons from Proverbs: Be Afraid

    03/07/2011 Duration: 52min

    Wisdom does not begin with what a person knows, but with who a person knows. To fear the Lord and to trust his Word is to have wisdom. Notice that Solomon says that it is the “beginning of knowledge” (verse 7). Hence, wisdom is a journey. We have only begun to become wise. There is always room for growth. This series is devoted to helping us grow in wisdom.

  • All in the Family: Help! I Need Somebody, Help!

    15/05/2011 Duration: 58min

    Adam was not meant to be alone. He needed a “helper” (verse 18). The title “helper” is not meant to be derogatory toward Eve, relegating her to Adam’s slave, as this same moniker is used of God Himself: “The LORD is with me; He is my helper” (Psalm 118:7). This title is instead meant to describe the special gifting a wife has as her husband’s helpmate, helping him as God helps His people. In this message, we discuss the woman’s role as a helpmate and talk about the temptation that women face to nag their husbands bitterly rather than to support them joyfully.

  • All in the Family: Fierce Females

    08/05/2011 Duration: 01h03min

    Esther was a strong woman. As the favorite female of the king, she could have lived out her days in ease and luxury. Instead, she chose to work fiercely and fearlessly to save her people, the Jews. And God, though He is never explicitly named in this book, is there the whole time, giving Ester the strength she needs for the daunting tasks in front of her. On Mother’s Day, we give thanks for the moms who work fiercely and fearlessly, knowing that they, like Esther, need God’s strength.

  • All in the Family: Family Feud

    01/05/2011 Duration: 53min

    What a strange way to begin a series on how God views the family! Jesus here talks about dividing the family and causing feuds, not uniting the family and fostering love. And yet, here we find a fundamental truth concerning the family: unless our families are rooted and founded in following Christ, they will ultimately fail. Christ comes first. He is the one who blesses and keeps our families. Our families must rally around Him and be united by Him.

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