Boston College Front Row

  • Author: Podcast
  • Narrator: Podcast
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 271:27:39
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A selection of lectures, interviews, readings, concerts, and performances from Boston College.


  • Breathing with Both Lungs: Growth & Challenge in Orthodox-Catholic Relations Since Vatican II

    10/12/2009 Duration: 54min

    Brian Daley, S.J., the Catherine F. Huisking Professor of Theology at the University of Notre Dame, discusses the restoration of unity among Christian communities. He focuses on sacramental, theological, and spiritual issues that have been the topic of dialogue among Catholic and Orthodox churches.

  • Mary Hughes: The Last Lecture

    10/12/2009 Duration: 41min

    Mary Hughes is an adjunct professor in the Arts & Sciences Honors Program. In this “last lecture” she discusses thoughts prompted by the recent death of her husband. “Grief is a universal experience, and yet, it is intensely private,” she says. “What bridges that gap between the soul's profound solitude on one hand and the human community on the other? That's the question I want to explore.”

  • Algebra Initiative in the Chicago Public Schools

    03/12/2009 Duration: 35min

    Paul Sally '54 MS'56, a mathematics professor at the University of Chicago, describes a program he developed in Chicago to improve the teaching of mathematics in eighth grade. This lecture is part of the Mathematics Education Seminar series, a joint undertaking of Boston College’s mathematics department and the Lynch School of Education. It brings distinguished math educators to campus to provide a forum for discussions of math, education, and math pedagogy.

  • Demanding Dignity: Defending Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights in the 21st Century

    20/11/2009 Duration: 36min

    Larry Cox, the executive director of Amnesty International USA, discusses the importance of human rights activism, the current work of Amnesty, and how to relate the principle of thinking globally and acting locally to our lives.

  • Reading: Say You're One of Them: A Reading by Uwem Akpan, S.J.

    13/11/2009 Duration: 23min

    Uwem Akpan, S.J., author of the <i>New York Times</i> bestseller <i>Say You're One of Them</i>, reads from his book and discusses the intersection in his life between spirituality and art.

  • Reading: Yom Kippur in Amsterdam: A Reading by Maxim Shrayer

    12/11/2009 Duration: 01h07min

    Maxim D. Shrayer, professor of Slavic and Eastern Languages and Literatures at Boston College and the winner of a 2007 National Jewish Book Award, discusses his new collection of short stories <i>Yom Kippur in Amsterdam</i>.

  • Soldiers and Citizens: Military and Civic Culture in America: Session III: Cultural Influences: The Military, Politics, and Society in 21st Century America

    07/11/2009 Duration: 01h19min

    This is the third of three sessions at a symposium titled "Soldiers and Citizens: Military and Civic Culture in America," sponsored by the Massachusetts Foundation for the Humanities and hosted by Boston College. The panelists are Rick Atkinson, a Pulitizer Prize-winning author; Andrew Bacevich, professor of international relations and history at Boston University; and Sarah Sewall, a teacher of international affairs at Harvard's Kennedy School of Government. MSNBC news commentator Rachel Maddow is the moderator.

  • Soldiers and Citizens: Military and Civic Culture in America Session II: United We Serve: The All-Volunteer Force, National Service, and Democracy

    07/11/2009 Duration: 01h14min

    This is the second of three sessions at a symposium titled "Soldiers and Citizens: Military and Civic Culture in America," sponsored by the Massachusetts Foundation for the Humanities and hosted by Boston College. The panelists are Colonel Charles D. Allen (Ret.), a professor at the United States Army War College in Carlisle, Pennsylvania; Lawrence Korb, a senior fellow at the Center for American Progress; Paul Rieckhoff, founder and director of Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America; and Cullen Murphy, moderator, editor-at-large of <i> Vanity Fair</i>.

  • "We Are BC": Ethics and Athletic Excellence on the Heights

    05/11/2009 Duration: 01h01min

    Boston College athletes' graduation rates rank among the national leaders, and the University is home to one of the most competitive athletics programs in the Atlantic Coast Conference. How do the Eagles do it? What are the challenges of upholding such a standard? Director of athletics Gene DeFilippo discusses the success of the Boston College athletics program and the role the University’s Catholic and Jesuit mission plays in it.

  • What America Can Learn from Swiss Health Care

    04/11/2009 Duration: 48min

    Sabina De Geest, professor of nursing and director of the Institute of Nursing Science of the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Basel, Switzerland, discusses the Swiss health care system’s infrastructure, outlines the health benefits reaped by the Swiss population, and takes questions from the audience.

  • Forensic Applications in Anthropology

    04/11/2009 Duration: 01h47min

    Ann Marie Mires teaches at Anna Maria College in Paxton, Massachusetts, and also at Bay Path College in Longmeadow, Massachusetts. She discusses the field of forensics, relating it both to analysis of ancient human remains as well as its application to current crime investigations.

  • The Street Stops Here with Author Patrick McCloskey

    29/10/2009 Duration: 49min

    Author Patrick McCloskey talks with Ben Birnbaum, editor of <i>Boston College Magazine</i>, about his book <i>The Street Stops Here</i> (University of California Press, 2009), a critically acclaimed account of a year at a Catholic high school in Harlem. McCloskey is an accomplished journalist, a senior fellow at the Statistical Assessment Service, and a senior consulting partner at Julius Capital Partners.

  • Reading: Dave Fromm '93

    27/10/2009 Duration: 18min

    David Fromm '93 fondly recalls his undergraduate years at Boston College before reading two selections from <i>Expatriot Games: My Season of Misadventures in Czech Semi-Pro Basketball</i> (Skyhorse, 2008).

  • Lessons Learned from Katrina

    21/10/2009 Duration: 24min

    Liz McCartney '94, co-founder of St. Bernard Project, a not-for-profit organization devoted to rebuilding homes destroyed by Hurricane Katrina, discusses some of the lessons she has learned about effective leadership. For her work in New Orleans' St. Bernard Parish, McCartney was recognized as CNN's 2008 “Hero of the Year” and received the 2009 Ignatian Award from the Boston College Alumni Association.

  • Evangelical Spiritual Warfare and Vodou in Haiti

    16/10/2009 Duration: 42min

    Elizabeth McAlister is an associate professor of religion at Wesleyan University. She discusses the “conceptual and on-the-ground relationship” between U.S. evangelicals and Haitian evangelicals.

  • Maxine Hong Kingston

    14/10/2009 Duration: 52min

    Chinese-American author, feminist, and peace activist Maxine Hong Kingston writes both fiction and nonfiction about the immigrant experience. The Woman Warrior (1976) won the National Book Critics Circle Award for general nonfiction. In this Lowell Humanities Series lecture, she reads from her essay collection Hawaii One Summer (1987).

  • Batterers Who Kill

    06/10/2009 Duration: 01h52min

    David Adams, a co-director of Emerge, an organization in Cambridge, Massachusetts, that provides counseling and education related to domestic violence, discusses his research regarding domestic homicides. The program is sponsored by the Forensic Nursing Program of the William F. Connell School of Nursing.

  • The Evelyn Underhill Lecturein Christian Spirituality: Timothy Radcliffe, OP

    11/07/2009 Duration: 01h23min

    What kind of spirituality can help Christians, particularly Catholics, to reach beyond sectarianism and yet be well identified as something more than just “one of the crowd”? As Catholics emerge from the ghetto—now called “life-style enclaves”—how can they avoid assimilation and maintain a distinctive religious identity? These and other questions are explored in the annual Evelyn Underhill Lecture in Christian Spirituality. Timothy Radcliffe, OP, is a Dominican friar of the English Province, and was a Master of the Order of Preachers from 1992-2001, the only member of the English Province to have held that office since the order’s founding in 1216. He was the 2007 winner of The Michael Ramsey Prize for theological writing for his book <i>What Is the Point of Being A Christian?</i>(Burns and Oates, 2006).

  • Reading: Lectura Dantis: “Paradiso IV”

    11/05/2009 Duration: 58min

    Lectura Dantis, a public reading of Dante's <i>Divine Comedy</i>, presents “Paradiso IV” with Federica Anichini, assistant professor of Italian Language and Literature at Smith College. The discussion of the text is in English; the reading from the <i>Divine Comedy</i> is in Italian. This program is part of an ongoing public reading of the <i>Divine Comedy</i> organized by the Boston College Department of Romance Languages and Literatures and the Center for Italian Culture in Newton, Massachusetts.

  • Author Meets Critics: The Future of Liberalism

    29/04/2009 Duration: 01h28min

    Political science professor Alan Wolfe, director of the Boisi Center for Religion and American Public Life, discusses his most recent book, <i>The Future of Liberalism</i> (Knopf, 2009), which <i>Publishers Weekly</i> described as “a passionate defense of why liberalism—broadly defined—continues to be relevant and essential.” Mary Sarah Bilder, professor of law, and Daniel J. Mahoney, professor of political science at Worcester's Assumption College, offer critiques.

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