All-Star Video's podcast is bringing insight into films that may otherwise be ignored, misunderstood, or forgotten. It is also about bringing attention to those that are bringing it to you through interviews with directors, distributors and innovators.
Interview with TED PRIOR
28/10/2013 Duration: 01h17sThis week, I interview Ted Prior. Ted is the charismatic, dramatic face of the Prior brothers. We talk about his time as an exotic dancer, sleeping under the Santa Monica pier, working with his brother, growing up in show business, Sledgehammer, Night Wars, The Lost Platoon, Deadly Prey, Deadliest Prey and so much more.
20/10/2013 Duration: 10minHere is an audio review on David A. Prior's Cold War satire, THE FINAL SANCTION
NIGHT WARS audio commentary
14/10/2013 Duration: 01h31minThis week we bumble through NIGHT WARS while ranting about Grizzly Adams' cocaine addiction. ENJOY!
04/10/2013 Duration: 01h09sFor the beginning of David A. Prior Month, we discuss Prior's debut film, SLEDGEHAMMER, his career in general, and how his little film brought us together.
DRACULA (1931 Spanish Language Version)
30/09/2013This week's episode is a special two-parter for our screening of the 1931 George Melford Spanish Language Dracula. I talk with the Friends of the Cemetery about the Pioneers and Soldiers Cemetery where we will be doing the screening and then I discuss the movie with's Michael Popham.
Interview with Michael Popham
27/09/2013 Duration: 01h03minThis week, I interview Michael Popham. Michael curates and writes the Horror Incorporated blog at His knowledge of classic horror is astounding, and our conversation veers from video stores to Frankenstein Conquers the World to growing up watching movies on tv.
Interview with Theresa Kay
16/09/2013 Duration: 24minTheresa is the mind behind Trash Film Debauchery. As TFD reaches it's ten year Anniversary, Theresa and I talk about how it all got started, the green burial movement, where TFD goes from here and the idea of trash film.
Interview with Tom Letness
13/09/2013 Duration: 31minTom Letness is the owner of the beautiful Heights Theater on the border of Columbia Heights and Minneapolis. The Heights has been restored to it's original grand vision, and Tom does a wonderful job programming some of the best classic repertory cinema in the country. This is our discussion about acquiring the Heights, renovating it, programming and the future of film.
13/09/2013 Duration: 57minThis week we discuss the movies that shaped us into the weirdos that we've become.
09/09/2013 Duration: 46minThis week we discuss the incredible MIAMI CONNECTION. This 1987 Tae Kwon Do band ninja biker gang movie is the cure for all that ails you.
Nick Millard podcast
21/08/2013 Duration: 39minThis week, we discuss Nick Millard's films, padding, capitalism and more.
Interview with Joseph Larsen
20/08/2013 Duration: 18minJoe Larsen is a filmmaker, programmer, VHS enthusiast, theater manager and friend. This is our conversation about how he got into movies, what he's up to now, and what he has planned for the future.