Inspired Choices ~ With Christine Mciver, Possibilities Coach

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
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Inspired Choices Network Inspired Choices with Possibilities Coach Christine McIver The Universe is always supporting you and wanting to give to you. Are you using your awareness to receive all that is possible for you? We often go through life with little awareness of the magnitude of possibilities available to us from within. Possibilities Coach Christine McIver, will use her talents to guide you and give you direction moving through challenges and much more. Inspired Choices Inc.


  • Change The Course of Your Success ~ Christine McIver


    Inspired Choices with Christine McIver  Change the course of your success or continue to be at the affect of your environment.  Do you actually make choices or are you reacting to those around you?  Do you create from a strategic plan or jump on the treadmill of creation hoping to hit the jackpot one day? You are a powerful being with more awareness than you have likely been acknowledging.  During this show Christine McIver, Strategic Business Coach, will guide you in solid steps to set the course, not just walk it.  Join live to ask questions and be present for your future. *Listen now on the Inspired Choices Network app! Strategic Business Package ~ More About Inspired Choices with Christine McIver ~  Christine McIver is a Business Strategist Coach, Inspirational Speaker, TV & Radio Personality, and the Founder & Owner of Inspired Choices Network. Christine is highly successful at inspiring individuals and busin

  • Cultivating Loyalty in Your Business ~ Christine McIver


    Inspired Choices with Christine McIver  Business challenges continue to weigh you down?  What if you were cultivating business loyalty between you and your clients?  Loyalty is more than sales and it's more than being popular.  Many of the most successful companies in the world built their reputation first through the vital steps of loyalty.  Image having clients and customers who think of you and your organization when it comes to your area of expertise? Join Christine McIver, Business Strategist, in a deep dive discussion about the do's and don'ts of building your client loyalty and the amazing impact it can have for all involved. *Listen now on the Inspired Choices Network app! Strategic Business Package ~ More About Inspired Choices with Christine McIver ~  Christine McIver is a Business Strategist Coach, Inspirational Speaker, TV & Radio Personality, and the Founder & Owner of Inspired Choices Network. Christ

  • What’s Your Lack of Attention to Detail Costing You?


    Inspired Choices with Christine McIver  Each detail is the glue that holds your projects, ideas, business and yes even relationships together.  When you are rushing over tasks to get to the one's that are more fun or even putting off for when you have time, it is costing you money and clients.   Join Christine McIver, Strategic Business Coach on this show where she will show the cost of so many ways we skip details and how you can get out of that challenging behaviour.  *Listen now on the Inspired Choices Network app! Strategic Business Package ~ More About Inspired Choices with Christine McIver ~  Christine McIver is a Business Strategist Coach, Inspirational Speaker, TV & Radio Personality, and the Founder & Owner of Inspired Choices Network. Christine is highly successful at inspiring individuals and businesses to make choices that will bring them increased success, greater joy, self-confidence and remarkable i

  • How To Have Clients Choose You Over The Competition ~ Christine McIver


    Inspired Choices with Christine McIver  Do you have a challenge getting clients to choose you?  Is there competition in your industry that is actually thriving when you are barely paying the bills?  To have clients choose you is much easier than you realize.   Join Christine McIver, Strategic Business Coach as she shares the top most important items you as a business owner must do to have the clients not only find you, but choose you again and again.  Have questions?  Be sure to join her live where she will take your calls and questions and answer them live on the air. *Listen now on the Inspired Choices Network app! Strategic Business Package ~ More About Inspired Choices with Christine McIver ~  Christine McIver is a Business Strategist Coach, Inspirational Speaker, TV & Radio Personality, and the Founder & Owner of Inspired Choices Network. Christine is highly successful at inspiring individuals and businesses

  • Courageous Conversations With Your Team ~ Christine McIver


    Inspired Choices with Christine McIver  What if it could be a huge gift to be able to have courageous conversations with your team?  To learn to have courageous conversations does take courage and it also takes the willingness to have ease when most will expect to only have upset and anger. During this episode Christine McIver will share tangible experiences of having courageous conversations with team members as well as how to move through the challenges as you learn. *Listen now on the Inspired Choices Network app! Strategic Business Package ~ More About Inspired Choices with Christine McIver ~  Christine McIver is a Business Strategist Coach, Inspirational Speaker, TV & Radio Personality, and the Founder & Owner of Inspired Choices Network. Christine is highly successful at inspiring individuals and businesses to make choices that will bring them increased success, greater joy, self-confidence and remarkable in

  • Courageous Conversations With Clients & Customers ~ Christine McIver


    Inspired Choices with Christine McIver  Courageous Conversations... do you avoid these conversations with your clients or customers?  Do you try to wish them away, avoid them like crazy, confront them and hope it doesn't backfire?  To have courage is to have your own back and the back of others. On this episode of Inspired Choices with Strategic Business Coach Christine McIver she will discuss not only how to have courageous conversations with customers and clients but also why it is so important for you, the business and those you offer services to. *Listen now on the Inspired Choices Network app! Strategic Business Package ~ More About Inspired Choices with Christine McIver ~  Christine McIver is a Business Strategist Coach, Inspirational Speaker, TV & Radio Personality, and the Founder & Owner of Inspired Choices Network. Christine is highly successful at inspiring individuals and businesses to make choices tha

  • Courageous Conversations About Money ~ Christine McIver


    Inspired Choices with Christine McIver  Money... We either love it or hate it.  We're either confused about it or possessed by it.  All the while wanting more and not having a clue exactly how to make it happen.  The world of money in our lives is ever present and a challenge, to most, to even understand. Let's have a courageous conversation about money.  During this show Christine McIver, Strategic Business Coach will bring up the things we don't want to admit, reveal and avoid all about money.  If you're ready to come clean about your relationship with money and what's holding you back from ease with money, this show will set you on fire. *Listen now on the Inspired Choices Network app! Strategic Business Package ~ More About Inspired Choices with Christine McIver ~  Christine McIver is a Business Strategist Coach, Inspirational Speaker, TV & Radio Personality, and the Founder & Owner of Inspired Choices Network

  • How To Develop Business Ideas ~ Christine McIver


    Inspired Choices with Christine McIver  You get a great what?  There are so many steps how can I possibly know where to begin.  The process for nurturing an idea and bring it to fruition can be exciting or overwhelming.  What if you could learn the steps to actually developing your business ideas AND enjoying the process? Join Christine McIver, Strategic Business Coach in this show where the steps will be laid out and the process made fun. *Listen now on the Inspired Choices Network app! Strategic Business Package ~ More About Inspired Choices with Christine McIver ~  Christine McIver is a Business Strategist Coach, Inspirational Speaker, TV & Radio Personality, and the Founder & Owner of Inspired Choices Network. Christine is highly successful at inspiring individuals and businesses to make choices that will bring them increased success, greater joy, self-confidence and remarkable inspiring change.  Al

  • Stop Waiting For Your Business To Go Back to “Normal”


    Inspired Choices with Christine McIver  Has the world challenges hit you and your business hard?  Are you holding your breathe waiting for everything to go back to normal so your business will go back to normal?  STOP IT...change is constant and normal.  If you as a business are not changing with times, you will be impacting your business in a very negative way. Join Christine McIver, Strategic Business Coach, as she shows you the keys to moving through change with your business. *Listen now on the Inspired Choices Network app! Strategic Business Package ~ More About Inspired Choices with Christine McIver ~  Christine McIver is a Business Strategist Coach, Inspirational Speaker, TV & Radio Personality, and the Founder & Owner of Inspired Choices Network. Christine is highly successful at inspiring individuals and businesses to make choices that will bring them increased success, greater joy, self-confidence and re

  • The Cost of NOT Celebrating Others’ Successes ~ Christine McIver


    Inspired Choices with Christine McIver  One of the most important stages of creation and most definitely continued creation, is celebration.  Have you ever considered what impact or cost it is to  your business if you are NOT celebrating other people's success?  The cost is much greater than most people can imagine.  In a world where all things are energy, what you are choosing when other's are celebrating and you are not joining them can have a critical blow to  your own successes. Join Christine McIver, Strategic Business Coach in this show where she will layout the truth about success and your energetic input or lack thereof as it relates to the success of those around you. *Listen now on the Inspired Choices Network app! Strategic Business Package ~ More About Inspired Choices with Christine McIver ~  Christine McIver is a Business Strategist Coach, Inspirational Speaker, TV & Radio Personality, and the Founde

  • Thinking Big But Acting Small ~ Christine McIver


    Inspired Choices with Christine McIver  Thinking big but acting small is like wishing to win the lottery but never buying a ticket.  You can't win if  you don't buy and you can't grow if you don't take action.  Your big ideas and dreams require you to step up and take the action AND you have the ability to do it.  What's stopping you from creating the big life  you desire?  Where are you buying the small life and when your heart desires so much more? If  you are ready to change this limiting pattern and truly take steps now to creating and actualize your big thinking, join Christine McIver, Strategic Business Coach and CEO of Inspired Choices Network on this episode.  Your dreams are real and possible! *Listen now on the Inspired Choices Network app! Strategic Business Package ~ More About Inspired Choices with Christine McIver ~  Christine McIver is a Business Strategist Coach, Inspirational Speaker, TV & Radio P

  • Moving Through Burnout in Business ~ Christine McIver


    Inspired Choices with Christine McIver  Do you experience burnout?  Are you an entrepreneur and burnout is real for you?  As an entrepreneur and often a solopreneur there is no one else that does the majority of the work in your business and when burnout hits, it is no laughing matter.  You can't just take a week off and hope the business will continue because  you are the business.  So what  you do to continue the business and move beyond burnout is key! Join Christine McIver in this show to learn real life tips and business strategies to take care of both you and your business. *Listen now on the Inspired Choices Network app! Strategic Business Package ~ More About Inspired Choices with Christine McIver ~  Christine McIver is a Business Strategist Coach, Inspirational Speaker, TV & Radio Personality, and the Founder & Owner of Inspired Choices Network. Christine is highly successful at inspiring individuals and

  • Are You Willing To Succeed In Your Business? ~ Christine McIver


    Inspired Choices with Christine McIver  Success in business, who doesn't want that right?  Well we may want it but are we willing to actually succeed is another story.  The willingness may seem easy and it maybe the very thing holding you back from succeeding. What if you are the main block and  your willingness or lack there of, that is diminishing your success in business? Strategic business coach Christine McIver will bring more awareness to the success factor and what is slowing it down in your business. *Listen now on the Inspired Choices Network app! Strategic Business Package ~ More About Inspired Choices with Christine McIver ~  Christine McIver is a Business Strategist Coach, Inspirational Speaker, TV & Radio Personality, and the Founder & Owner of Inspired Choices Network. Christine is highly successful at inspiring individuals and businesses to make choices that will bring them increased success, greate

  • How To Grow Your Business NOW! ~ Christine McIver


    Inspired Choices with Christine McIver  Struggling with your business to grow is real and often paralyzing.  You as an entrepreneur will have your own story as to when and how business growth happened or didn't for you.  Either way you can grow your business now!  There are several reasons why your business struggles and many opportunities to grow your business more easily. Strategic Business Coach Christine McIver speaks to many ways that you can immediately grow your business and have more pleasure doing it.  No more excuses, no more focusing on what is not working.  Make your next business day one of more joy, more pleasure and way more ease. The choice is yours!  Join/listen to this week's show and make the choice your business is waiting on. *Listen now on the Inspired Choices Network app! Strategic Business Package ~ More About Inspired Choices with Christine McIver ~  Christine McIver is a Business Strategi

  • What Do You Need To Say For Your Business? ~ Christine McIver


    Inspired Choices with Christine McIver  Do you hesitate speaking up in your business?  What do you need to say for and with your business?  Your business has needs and requires you to use your you hold back speaking?  How many times do you know what is required to change or contribute to another person or business but you hold back which in turn holds your business back? Ready to grow your business and ready to step out of the worry of anyone hearing what you know?  Join Christine McIver, Strategic Business Coach, in a show that will challenge and inspire you to speak out now! *Listen now on the Inspired Choices Network app! Strategic Business Package ~ More About Inspired Choices with Christine McIver ~  Christine McIver is a Business Strategist Coach, Inspirational Speaker, TV & Radio Personality, and the Founder & Owner of Inspired Choices Network. Christine is highly successful at inspiring individu

  • Are You Holding Your Business Back? ~ Christine McIver


    Inspired Choices with Christine McIver  The success of your business has way more to do with you than you probably know.  So many people are holding their businesses back unnecessarily.  Are you willing to be real with yourself and look at the truth with complete vulnerability?  What you choose today can make all the difference in your business. This show with Strategic Business Coach Christine McIver will challenge you, inspire you and certainly kick you in the rear so stop holding your business back! *Listen now on the Inspired Choices Network app! Strategic Business Package Bust Doubt Out: UpYourAsk 2.0: ~ More About Inspired Choices with Christine McIver ~  Christine McIver is a Business Strategist Coach, Inspirational Speaker, TV & Radio Personality, and the Founder & Owner of Inspired Choices Network. Christine i

  • Which Body Image Is Real?~ Special Guest Donnielle Carter


    Inspired Choices with Christine McIver  Is the way you see yourself really what you look like? So often we are our harshest critic. Not only in our heads but also in the mirror. Can what you think and say about yourself change how you see yourself in the mirror or photos? What you say creates. Join host Christine McIver as she speaks with Donnielle Carter about this very sensitive and important topic, Body Image.  This conversation will be intriguing and one you will not want to miss if you have ever struggled with your body and your body image. Donnielle Carter is on a mission to assist people to change how they interact, view and be with their bodies.  She spent most of her life ignoring and judging her body despite her unique background of TV & Radio and being educated in nutrition and holistic approaches to healing and changing bodies.  Donnielle is an international speaker and the spokesperson for Access Consciousness’ Right Body for You™ and a major contributor to the Best-Selling book, Right Body for Y

  • You Are A Vibration Away From Success ~ Christine McIver


    Inspired Choices with Christine McIver  What if  you are a vibration away from success?  If you knew that deep down into the depths of your soul, what would change in your world?  Your vibration is in YOUR hands and knowing this WILL change it all. This week Christine McIver, Strategic Business Coach is going to be preaching her knowing about all things vibration and choice!  Do not miss this show if on any level you desire greater happiness. *Listen now on the Inspired Choices Network app! Strategic Business Package Bust Doubt Out: UpYourAsk 2.0: ~ More About Inspired Choices with Christine McIver ~  Christine McIver is a Business Strategist Coach, Inspirational Speaker, TV & Radio Personality, and the Founder & Owner of Inspired Choices Network. Christine is highly successful at inspiring individuals and businesses t

  • What Have You Decided About Your Business? ~ Christine McIver


    Inspired Choices with Christine McIver  Have you made a decision about what your business is or is not?  Are your decisions about your business impacted by your doubts and fears?  How much of your judgements of your business actually stopping your desires from being creating? This week, Strategic Business Coach Christine McIver will bring the truth of decisions and the impact of what can and often does, happen to your business.  *Listen now on the Inspired Choices Network app! Strategic Business Package Bust Doubt Out: UpYourAsk 2.0: ~ More About Inspired Choices with Christine McIver ~  Christine McIver is a Business Strategist Coach, Inspirational Speaker, TV & Radio Personality, and the Founder & Owner of Inspired Choices Network. Christine is highly successful at inspiring individuals and businesses to make choices

  • Do You Know Your Ripple? ~ Christine McIver


    Inspired Choices with Christine McIver  Going through our lives looking for what to do, what our purpose is and how to create a prosperous life is great.  What about the ripple?  When you miss the review, when you do not pause and celebrate your accomplishments and most importantly your ripple, you actually create a harder journey. On this weeks show of Inspired Choices, Strategic Business Coach Christine McIver will share her ripple and how that has changed her life and business as well has how it can change yours as well. *Listen now on the Inspired Choices Network app! Strategic Business Package Bust Doubt Out: UpYourAsk 2.0: ~ More About Inspired Choices with Christine McIver ~  Christine McIver is a Business Strategist Coach, Inspirational Speaker, TV & Radio Personality, and the Founder & Owner of Inspired Choice

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