Inspired Choices ~ With Christine Mciver, Possibilities Coach

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
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Inspired Choices Network Inspired Choices with Possibilities Coach Christine McIver The Universe is always supporting you and wanting to give to you. Are you using your awareness to receive all that is possible for you? We often go through life with little awareness of the magnitude of possibilities available to us from within. Possibilities Coach Christine McIver, will use her talents to guide you and give you direction moving through challenges and much more. Inspired Choices Inc.


  • Following Your Best & Truest Destiny ! with Guest Penny Alalouf


    Transforming your life is not always easy. Do you know that other possibilities are available? Do you see other's following what is true for them and you wonder how to do so? Your future is availab le and ready for you to create. Join Christine McIver, Possibilities Coach this week with her Guest Penny Alalouf, as they discuss following your knowing on your journey.

  • Consciousness Not Just for Women Anymore! with Guest Connor Hill


    Consciousness Not Just for Women Anymore! Consciousness typically refers to the idea of a being who is self-aware. Has the world of consciousness included men in our reality to-date? Where do men fit into the equation? What is their role and how can women encourage, nurture and create more with men? Join Christine McIver, Possibilities Coach this week with her Guest Connor Hill, a man of Consciousness, as they lead you through a discussion to explore new possibilities with men & consciousness.

  • Having Honour and Regard for You! with Christine McIver


    Having Honour and Regard for You...what a concept. Where in your life do you leave you behind? Who or what have you decided is more important then your desires? What if you didn't have to feel bad about anything you desire? Are you ready to move into the potency of your choices? Join Christine McIver, Possibilities Coach this week for a lively discussion filled with tools, tips and clearings to put you in the first position of your life!

  • Denying the Magic with Guest Gary Douglas


    What have you been denying yourself that if you didn't could create more magic than you've ever imagined? Do you know that you were created with magic in your being? Are you ready to know the truth of the possibilities for you? Join Christine McIver, Possibilities Coach this week as she interviews the Founder of Access Consciousness®, Gary Douglas. Gary has written a book on much fun will this radio show be for you to connect directly with Gary and ask him questions about the magic that is available to you?

  • What is this ACCESS thing?


    What is ACCESS CONSCIOUSNESS? What is all the buzz about? Where in the world can I find it? How can it really change my life? BARS? CLEARINGS? QUESTIONS? Join Christine McIver, Possibilities Coach this week as she has live testimonials, experiences shared and life changing stories read. Will you be the contribution to Consciousness through this show? Would this be a contribution to you?

  • Rip Off Your Mask & See Who You TRULY Be


    How many places in your life, how many roles in your life are you putting on a mask for? What if you began to truly begin to show up as who you truly be? What might that begin to create? Fresh off an Access Consciousness Level 2/3 training in Vancouver Christine is fired up to share much more! Join Christine McIver, Possibilities Coach as she challenges and invites you to step into being who you truly be even if you have no idea who that is.

  • Refusing Creation and Possibilities?


    Are you refusing the creation the Universe created from your request of expansion? Have you been asking for more possibilities to show up in your life and living? What would it take for you to step out of your own limitation and be the being you truly be? Join Christine McIver, Possibilities Coach as she stirs up the truth around how we all put blinders on and refuse to see the creations and possibilities in front of us. She we share tools and tips on how you can begin immediately to change this...if you choose.

  • Beyond Boundaries Celebrate Your Difference! with Guest Kass Thomas


    What boundary have you set to keep yourself safe that has now become a limit ? What will it take to lift these boundaries and celebrate who you are in the world? What difference about you have you made wrong? How much more can you express in the world if you chose to be more of who you are? Can you transform your boundaries to become springboards to expanding beyond what you can imagine? Join Christine McIver, Possibilities Coach this week with her Guest Kass Thomas as they lead you through a discussion to explore new possibilities. See your world in a new open way that will allow you to invite experiences that are more beautiful than you can imagine. Tickle, invite and cajole the universe to bring you experiences that bring you joy!!!

  • Unlock Your Secrets and Speak! with Guest Melissa May


    Are you tired of hiding? Are you tired of hiding and apologizing for who you truly are in the world? What if you no longer had to hide behind your secrets or the rules put upon you in this reality...could that create the world for you to unlock your secrets. Your voice is required to change the world. And it is very much welcome. Are you willing to see yourself as the gift you truly be? Join Christine McIver, Possibilities Coach this week with her Guest Melissa May. Melissa May is a colourful being who will have you take notice.

  • Bad-ass of Kindness with Guest Rhonda Burns


    Is the world feeling viscous, mean and downright nasty to you? Do you know that something else is truly possible? Have you always been incredibly kind to others and not received the same in return? If you are ready to step into your Bad-ass Suit of Kindness no matter what it takes to change the world join Christine with her special guest Rhonda Burns this week where they will empower you on a fresh path of kindness. Bad-Assers Unite!!! You can find out more about Rhonda at Christine can be found at

  • Cousin’s in Consciousness with my Guest Rachael O’Brien


    Cousin’s in Consciousness with my Guest Rachael O’Brien Is change not happening fast enough for you? Are you frustrated that you want more and other’s are not choosing fast enough. Do you hear yourself saying...”If they would only hurry up then we could finally be happy!” Are your relationships lagging because it seems like the others are in another country with their speed of change? Join Christine McIver this week for a VERY lively expansive conversation with her cousin in consciousness all the from Ireland, Rachael O’Brien as we crack (craic...the Irish version) open limitations around change and the expectations with relationships. Find Christine: Find Rachael: on Facebook or through Access Consciousness

  • Drop The Excuses! Create the Life You Desire NOW!


    Have you wanted more in your life and wonder why it's not coming? Are you finding yourself repeating excuses about why you don't have what you desire? What if you were to drop the excuses today....what could you create? Join me this week as I share my thoughts, personal experiences and clearings to change through choices.  

  • Illusions, Delusions and Conclusions – Leading your life from total freedom with Guest Sharon Lewis


    Do you ever feel stuck or trapped in your life where nothing you do seems to create the freedom you desire? Do you ever have grand visions about how things might turn out and your life never seems to live up to that? Are you ever surprised by what people choose and feel that they let you down by their choices? Join me this week for a vibrant conversation with my Guest the brilliant Sharon Lewis as we unravel Illusions, Delusions and Conclusions that are limiting your freedom.

  • The Secret Life of Affirmations and Why They Don’t Work with Guest Co-Host Carol Glover


    "I am thin, I am rich, I am in a loving relationship" Affirmations are everywhere we look and yet there are still a large number of people using them faithfully with little or no change. Join Christine McIver and her guest co-host Carol Glover, Energy of Business Founder as they have a lively discussion on Affirmations and Why They Don't Work!

  • Opening the Creative Energy in You with Guest Cheri L. R. Taylor


    Have you ever thought that you were not a creative person? Have you ever wondered how you could use creative energy to improve almost any experience in your life? What if living inside you is a painter, sculptor, writer, jewelry maker, designer just waiting to get out? Join me as I talk with writer, writing and creativity coach, Cheri L. R. Taylor, to explore how you can tap into your creative energies and make them sing! Join Christine McIver, Possibilities Coach and her special guest Cheri L. R. Taylor as they discuss creatvity.

  • Are You Buying the Lie of Sadness?


    Looking around our world we can discover many amazing things in nature and animals. When we begin to look at people we discover a great deal of anger, violence, hunger, poverty. A common reaction ..."That's sad!" What if sadness is a lie, what if we are buying it over and over again which is creating even more? Join Christine McIver this week for a lively discussion on Buying the Lie of Sadness!

  • Increase your money flows by doing what you love! Guest Simone Milasas


    Have you been limiting your money flows by doing from necessity and having no fun? What if you were able to create more by doing what you love? What if that looks totally different to what you imagined? Join me as I talk with Simone Milasas (author of “Joy of Business”) and lets see what else is possible? www. Joy of Business Book: Free Gifts

  • Parenting Beyond Judgment with Guest Anne Maxwell


    As a parent to you ever judge yourself, judge your kids because that's what you were taught would 'make' them change and or judge the system that it doesn't work for us? What if it were possible to create a completely different way of being with your child, with your family and with yourself, regardless of what you were taught, despite what other people have said to you and about you, and no matter what your experiences have been? What if you know more than anyone else does about what works for you and for your child, even if it flies in the face of everything you've been told? Join Christine McIver, Possibilities Coach and her special guest Anne Maxwell as they discuss parenting in a whole new way.

  • Clearing The Illusions That May Be Clouding Your Life with Guest Christine Klaus Noble


    How do you define Success? What is your definition of success isn't true? What if your definition is based on what your ancestors told you it was, what if your idea of success is based on what society and the media told you and what if…… none of it was true? What if what you believe about money, careers, childbirth, aging, parenting, diet, health, marriage and relationships are illusions that are holding you back from living the life you desire? One of the first steps of unplugging from the illusions is acknowledgement that what you believe may not be true. Christine Klaus Noble, Hypnotherapist and Wellness Practitioner, Children's Author and Story Teller will share stories and insights about unplugging from the illusions that may be clouding your life. Join Christine McIver and her special guest – Christine Klaus Noble, as they discuss success and illusions.  

  • To Hell with Resolutions let’s just Play! with Guest Co-Host Carol Glover


    With 90% of all resolutions failing why do we keep doing it? We all instinctively desire greater happiness and improved areas of our lives. But doing it from the place of pushing, focus and fear creates results of disappointment and judgment...slipping us farther away from any marked change, expansion or joy. Join me, Christine McIver with my guest co-host Carol Glover, founder of Firehorse as we expand the possibilities of creating from the space of play!

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